Exemplo n.º 1
 def retarget(self,source_joint_angles):
    '''returns the retargeted target joint angles given the source joint
    angles. '''
    angles_matrix = np.matrix(source_joint_angles)
    self.source = mlab.setJointAngles(self.source, angles_matrix)
    self.target = mlab.easy_retarget(self.source, self.target) 
    return self.target.joints.angles
Exemplo n.º 2
def build_chain(chain_file):
   ''' builds and returns a matlab chain object according to the specifications
   in the file.'''
   f = open(chain_file, 'ro')
   lengths = eval(f.readline())
   lengths = np.matrix(lengths)
   chain =  mlab.easy_chain_builder(lengths)
   z = lengths*0  #zero matrix of same dimension as lengths 
   chain = mlab.setJointAngles(chain,z)
   return chain
Exemplo n.º 3
# human24(lengths) returns a 2-link, 4-dof chain similar to a human arm.  the
# lengths vector specifies link lengths.
# Degrees of freedom:
#     [shoulder_roll, shoulder_yaw, shoulder_pitch, elbow_pitch]
#     note:  don't use the roll dof, it doesn't work (sorry!)
lengths = np.matrix([L/2, L/2])  # Note that we must use numpy data structures.
human = mlab.human24(lengths)

# ----------------------------------------------------------- #
# Manipulating and Visualizing Chains: 
# ----------------------------------------------------------- #

#  Manipulate chain pose with setJointAngles(chain, angles)
pr2_initial_angles = np.matrix([0,0,0,0])
pr2 = mlab.setJointAngles(pr2, pr2_initial_angles)

human_initial_angles = np.matrix([0,-110,40,-60])
human = mlab.setJointAngles(human, human_initial_angles)

#  Visualize chains with the draw() function.

mlab.headSphere() #creates a dummy head that provides context.


# ----------------------------------------------------------- #
# Retargeting Chains: