Exemplo n.º 1
    def _do_sync(self, address, posA, posB, r0, t0A, t0B, r1, t1A, t1B):
        # find or create clock pair
        k = (r0, r1)
        pairing = self.clock_pairs.get(k)
        if pairing is None:
            self.clock_pairs[k] = pairing = clocksync.ClockPairing(r0, r1)

        # propagation delays, in clock units
        delay0A = geodesy.ecef_distance(
            posA, r0.position) * r0.clock.freq / constants.Cair
        delay0B = geodesy.ecef_distance(
            posB, r0.position) * r0.clock.freq / constants.Cair
        delay1A = geodesy.ecef_distance(
            posA, r1.position) * r1.clock.freq / constants.Cair
        delay1B = geodesy.ecef_distance(
            posB, r1.position) * r1.clock.freq / constants.Cair

        # compute intervals, adjusted for transmitter motion
        i0 = (t0B - delay0B) - (t0A - delay0A)
        i1 = (t1B - delay1B) - (t1A - delay1A)

        if not pairing.is_new(t0B - delay0B):
            return True  # timestamp is in the past or duplicated, don't use this

        # do the update
        return pairing.update(address, t0B - delay0B, t1B - delay1B, i0, i1)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _do_sync(self, address, now, r0, td0B, i0, r1, td1B, i1):
        # find or create clock pair
        k = (r0, r1)
        pairing = self.clock_pairs.get(k)
        if pairing is None:
            distance = r0.distance[r1]
            if distance < 1e3:
                return False
            if (r0.sync_peers + r1.sync_peers > 1.5 * config.MAX_PEERS
                    and r0.sync_peers > 10 and r1.sync_peers > 10
                    and distance > config.MAX_PEERS_MIN_DISTANCE):
                return False
            r0.sync_peers += 1
            r1.sync_peers += 1
            self.clock_pairs[k] = pairing = clocksync.ClockPairing(r0, r1)

        if pairing.n > 15 and now < pairing.updated + 0.5:
            return False

        if not pairing.is_new(td0B):
            return True  # timestamp is in the past or duplicated, don't use this

        # do the update
        return pairing.update(address, td0B, td1B, i0, i1, now)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _do_sync(self, address, now, r0, td0B, i0, r1, td1B, i1):
        # find or create clock pair
        k = (r0, r1)
        pairing = self.clock_pairs.get(k)

        rejectPairing = False
        distance = r0.distance[r1]
        if r0.bad_syncs > 1 or r1.bad_syncs > 1:
            if r0.sync_peers > 0.5 * config.MIN_PEERS and 0.5 * r1.sync_peers > config.MIN_PEERS:
                rejectPairing = True
        if r0.sync_peers > config.MIN_PEERS and r1.sync_peers > config.MIN_PEERS and distance > config.MAX_PEERS_MIN_DISTANCE:
            if r0.sync_peers > config.MAX_PEERS or r1.sync_peers > config.MAX_PEERS:
                rejectPairing = True

        if pairing is None:

            if rejectPairing:
                return False

            r0.sync_peers += 1
            r1.sync_peers += 1
            self.clock_pairs[k] = pairing = clocksync.ClockPairing(r0, r1)

        if rejectPairing and r0.sync_peers > 1.25 * config.MIN_PEERS and r1.sync_peers > 1.25 * config.MIN_PEERS:
            k[0].sync_peers -= 1
            k[1].sync_peers -= 1
            del self.clock_pairs[k]

        if pairing.n > 20 and now < pairing.updated + 0.8:
            return False

        if not pairing.is_new(td0B):
            return True  # timestamp is in the past or duplicated, don't use this

        # do the update
        return pairing.update(address, td0B, td1B, i0, i1, now)