Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_allocate_mcos():
        Test the estimates of the optimal allocation using the Monte Carlo optimization selection

        nco = NCO()

        # Covariance matrix, mean vector and other variables for the method
        mu_vec = np.array([0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
        cov_mat = np.array([[1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3], [0.1, 1, 0.1, 0.2],
                            [0.2, 0.1, 1, 0.1], [0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 1]])
        num_obs = 100
        num_sims = 2
        kde_bwidth = 0.25
        min_var_portf = True
        lw_shrinkage = False

        # Alternative set of values
        min_var_portf_alt = False
        kde_bwidth_alt = 0

        # Expected weights for minimum variance allocation
        w_cvo_expected = pd.DataFrame(
            [[0.249287, 0.256002, 0.242593, 0.252118],
             [0.257547, 0.265450, 0.242453, 0.234551]])

        w_nco_expected = pd.DataFrame(
            [[0.248396, 0.243172, 0.250751, 0.257680],
             [0.257547, 0.265450, 0.242453, 0.234551]])

        # Expected weights for maximum Sharpe ratio allocation
        w_cvo_sr_expected = pd.DataFrame(
            [[-1.081719, 1.810936, 1.218067, 3.978880],
             [-2.431651, 0.594868, -0.210175, 5.117628]])

        w_nco_sr_expected = pd.DataFrame(
            [[-1.060835, 1.910503, 1.315026, 3.908128],
             [-0.937168, 1.886158, -0.389275, 4.884809]])

        # Finding the optimal weights for minimum variance
        w_cvo, w_nco = nco.allocate_mcos(mu_vec, cov_mat, num_obs, num_sims,
                                         kde_bwidth, min_var_portf,

        # Finding the optimal weights for maximum Sharpe ratio
        w_cvo_sr, w_nco_sr = nco.allocate_mcos(mu_vec, cov_mat, num_obs,
                                               num_sims, kde_bwidth_alt,
                                               min_var_portf_alt, lw_shrinkage)

        # Testing if the optimal allocation simulations are right

Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_allocate_mcos():
        Test the estimates of the optimal allocation using the Monte Carlo optimization selection

        nco = NCO()

        # Covariance matrix, mean vector and other variables for the method
        mu_vec = np.array([0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
        cov_mat = np.array([[1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3],
                            [0.1, 1, 0.1, 0.2],
                            [0.2, 0.1, 1, 0.1],
                            [0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 1]])
        num_obs = 100
        num_sims = 2
        kde_bwidth = 0.25
        min_var_portf = True
        lw_shrinkage = False

        # Alternative set of values
        min_var_portf_alt = False
        kde_bwidth_alt = 0

        # Expected weights for minimum variance allocation
        # Second line in the below test was changed after v.0.11.3 from [0.257547, 0.265450, 0.242453, 0.234551]
        #                                                          to   [0.303161, 0.256327, 0.177548, 0.262963]
        # due to scikit-learn changing np.random outputs
        w_cvo_expected = pd.DataFrame([[0.249287, 0.256002, 0.242593, 0.252118],
                                       [0.303161, 0.256327, 0.177548, 0.262963]])

        # Second line in the below test was changed after v.0.11.3 from [0.257547, 0.265450, 0.242453, 0.234551]
        #                                                          to   [0.301132, 0.247042, 0.198597, 0.25323]
        # due to scikit-learn changing np.random outputs
        w_nco_expected = pd.DataFrame([[0.248396, 0.243172, 0.250751, 0.257680],
                                       [0.301132, 0.247042, 0.198597, 0.25323]])

        # Expected weights for maximum Sharpe ratio allocation
        # Values in the below test was changed after v.0.11.3 from [[-1.081719, 1.810936, 1.218067, 3.978880]
        #                                                           [-2.431651, 0.594868, -0.210175, 5.117628]]
        #                                                     to   [[-0.128849, -0.326671,  0.870183,  2.020053]
        #                                                           [-2.095454, -0.7403, 2.390951, 1.793756]]
        # due to scikit-learn changing np.random outputs
        w_cvo_sr_expected = pd.DataFrame([[-0.128849, -0.326671, 0.870183, 2.020053],
                                          [-2.095454, -0.7403, 2.390951, 1.793756]])

        # Values in the below test was changed after v.0.11.3 from [[-1.060835, 1.910503, 1.315026, 3.908128]
        #                                                           [-0.937168, 1.886158, -0.389275, 4.884809]]
        #                                                     to   [[-0.204089, -0.050088,  0.912494,  1.983382]
        #                                                           [-2.036145, -0.769203, 2.677561, 1.347365]]
        # due to scikit-learn changing np.random outputs
        w_nco_sr_expected = pd.DataFrame([[-0.204089, -0.050088, 0.912494, 1.983382],
                                          [-2.036145, -0.769203, 2.677561, 1.347365]])

        # Finding the optimal weights for minimum variance
        w_cvo, w_nco = nco.allocate_mcos(mu_vec, cov_mat, num_obs, num_sims, kde_bwidth, min_var_portf, lw_shrinkage)

        # Finding the optimal weights for maximum Sharpe ratio
        w_cvo_sr, w_nco_sr = nco.allocate_mcos(mu_vec, cov_mat, num_obs, num_sims, kde_bwidth_alt, min_var_portf_alt, lw_shrinkage)

        # Testing if the optimal allocation simulations are right
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.array(w_cvo), np.array(w_cvo_expected), decimal=6)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.array(w_nco), np.array(w_nco_expected), decimal=6)

        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.array(w_cvo_sr), np.array(w_cvo_sr_expected), decimal=6)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.array(w_nco_sr), np.array(w_nco_sr_expected), decimal=6)