Exemplo n.º 1
def http_request(hostname, endpoint, retries=3, retry_interval=3, **kwargs):
    Makes an HTTP request with the specified method to the specified hostname/endpoint. Retries
    up to `retries` times if a request fails with a server error (e.g. error code 500), waiting
    `retry_interval` seconds between successive retries. Parses the API response (assumed to be
    JSON) into a Python object and returns it.

    :param headers: Request headers to use when making the HTTP request
    :param req_body_json: Dictionary containing the request body
    :param params: Query parameters for the request
    :return: Parsed API response
    cleaned_hostname = strip_suffix(hostname, '/')
    url = "%s%s" % (cleaned_hostname, endpoint)
    for i in range(retries):
        response = requests.request(url=url, **kwargs)
        if response.status_code >= 200 and response.status_code < 500:
            return response
                "API request to %s failed with code %s != 200, retrying up to %s more times. "
                "API response body: %s" %
                (url, response.status_code, retries - i - 1, response.text))
    raise Exception(
        "API request to %s failed to return code 200 after %s tries" %
        (url, retries))
Exemplo n.º 2
def http_request(host_creds, endpoint, retries=3, retry_interval=3,
                 max_rate_limit_interval=60, **kwargs):
    Makes an HTTP request with the specified method to the specified hostname/endpoint. Ratelimit
    error code (429) will be retried with an exponential back off (1, 2, 4, ... seconds) for at most
    `max_rate_limit_interval` seconds.  Internal errors (500s) will be retried up to `retries` times
    , waiting `retry_interval` seconds between successive retries. Parses the API response
    (assumed to be JSON) into a Python object and returns it.

    :param host_creds: A :py:class:`mlflow.rest_utils.MlflowHostCreds` object containing
        hostname and optional authentication.
    :return: Parsed API response
    hostname = host_creds.host
    auth_str = None
    if host_creds.username and host_creds.password:
        basic_auth_str = ("%s:%s" % (host_creds.username, host_creds.password)).encode("utf-8")
        auth_str = "Basic " + base64.standard_b64encode(basic_auth_str).decode("utf-8")
    elif host_creds.token:
        auth_str = "Bearer %s" % host_creds.token

    headers = dict(_DEFAULT_HEADERS)
    if auth_str:
        headers['Authorization'] = auth_str

    verify = not host_creds.ignore_tls_verification

    def request_with_ratelimit_retries(max_rate_limit_interval, **kwargs):
        response = requests.request(**kwargs)
        time_left = max_rate_limit_interval
        sleep = 1
        while response.status_code == 429 and time_left > 0:
                "API request to {path} returned status code 429 (Rate limit exceeded). "
                "Retrying in %d seconds. "
                "Will continue to retry 429s for up to %d seconds.",
                sleep, time_left)
            time_left -= sleep
            response = requests.request(**kwargs)
            sleep = min(time_left, sleep*2)  # sleep for 1, 2, 4, ... seconds;
        return response

    cleaned_hostname = strip_suffix(hostname, '/')
    url = "%s%s" % (cleaned_hostname, endpoint)
    for i in range(retries):
        response = request_with_ratelimit_retries(max_rate_limit_interval,
                                                  url=url, headers=headers, verify=verify, **kwargs)
        if response.status_code >= 200 and response.status_code < 500:
            return response
                "API request to %s failed with code %s != 200, retrying up to %s more times. "
                "API response body: %s",
                url, response.status_code, retries - i - 1, response.text)
    raise MlflowException("API request to %s failed to return code 200 after %s tries" %
                          (url, retries))
Exemplo n.º 3
def http_request(host_creds, endpoint, retries=3, retry_interval=3, **kwargs):
    Makes an HTTP request with the specified method to the specified hostname/endpoint. Retries
    up to `retries` times if a request fails with a server error (e.g. error code 500), waiting
    `retry_interval` seconds between successive retries. Parses the API response (assumed to be
    JSON) into a Python object and returns it.

    :param host_creds: A :py:class:`mlflow.rest_utils.MlflowHostCreds` object containing
        hostname and optional authentication.
    :return: Parsed API response
    hostname = host_creds.host
    auth_str = None
    if host_creds.username and host_creds.password:
        basic_auth_str = (
            "%s:%s" %
            (host_creds.username, host_creds.password)).encode("utf-8")
        auth_str = "Basic " + base64.standard_b64encode(basic_auth_str).decode(
    elif host_creds.token:
        auth_str = "Bearer %s" % host_creds.token

    headers = {}
    if auth_str:
        headers['Authorization'] = auth_str

    verify = not host_creds.ignore_tls_verification

    cleaned_hostname = strip_suffix(hostname, '/')
    url = "%s%s" % (cleaned_hostname, endpoint)
    for i in range(retries):
        response = requests.request(url=url,
        if response.status_code >= 200 and response.status_code < 500:
            return response
                "API request to %s failed with code %s != 200, retrying up to %s more times. "
                "API response body: %s" %
                (url, response.status_code, retries - i - 1, response.text))
    raise MlflowException(
        "API request to %s failed to return code 200 after %s tries" %
        (url, retries))
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_strip_suffix(original, suffix, expected):
    assert strip_suffix(original, suffix) == expected
Exemplo n.º 5
def http_request(
    Makes an HTTP request with the specified method to the specified hostname/endpoint. Transient
    errors such as Rate-limited (429), service unavailable (503) and internal error (500) are
    retried with an exponential back off with backoff_factor * (1, 2, 4, ... seconds).
    The function parses the API response (assumed to be JSON) into a Python object and returns it.

    :param host_creds: A :py:class:`mlflow.rest_utils.MlflowHostCreds` object containing
        hostname and optional authentication.
    :param endpoint: a string for service endpoint, e.g. "/path/to/object".
    :param method: a string indicating the method to use, e.g. "GET", "POST", "PUT".
    :param max_retries: maximum number of retries before throwing an exception.
    :param backoff_factor: a time factor for exponential backoff. e.g. value 5 means the HTTP
      request will be retried with interval 5, 10, 20... seconds. A value of 0 turns off the
      exponential backoff.
    :param retry_codes: a list of HTTP response error codes that qualifies for retry.
    :param timeout: wait for timeout seconds for response from remote server for connect and
      read request.
    :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to `requests.Session.request()`

    :return: requests.Response object.
    hostname = host_creds.host
    auth_str = None
    if host_creds.username and host_creds.password:
        basic_auth_str = (
            "%s:%s" %
            (host_creds.username, host_creds.password)).encode("utf-8")
        auth_str = "Basic " + base64.standard_b64encode(basic_auth_str).decode(
    elif host_creds.token:
        auth_str = "Bearer %s" % host_creds.token

    from mlflow.tracking.request_header.registry import resolve_request_headers

    headers = dict({**_DEFAULT_HEADERS, **resolve_request_headers()})
    if auth_str:
        headers["Authorization"] = auth_str

    if host_creds.server_cert_path is None:
        verify = not host_creds.ignore_tls_verification
        verify = host_creds.server_cert_path

    if host_creds.client_cert_path is not None:
        kwargs["cert"] = host_creds.client_cert_path

    cleaned_hostname = strip_suffix(hostname, "/")
    url = "%s%s" % (cleaned_hostname, endpoint)
        return _get_http_response_with_retries(
    except Exception as e:
        raise MlflowException("API request to %s failed with exception %s" %
                              (url, e))