def plotZMPdifferences(cs_ref_iters, cs_iters, dt):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(cs_ref_iters), 2)
    fig.canvas.set_window_title("Difference between the ZMP trajectories")
    plt.suptitle("Difference between the ZMP trajectories from the centroidal solver and the wholebody after iterations of the dynamic filter.")
    labels = ["X", "Y"]
    colors = ['r', 'g', 'b']
    max_values = [0, 0] # store the maximal value for each axis, used to set the y_axis range
    min_values = [0, 0]
    for i, cs in enumerate(cs_iters):
        ref, timeline = discretizeCurve(cs_ref_iters[i].concatenateZMPtrajectories(), dt)
        zmp = discretizeCurve(cs.concatenateZMPtrajectories(), dt)[0]
        diff = zmp - ref
        for j in range(2):
            ax_sub = ax[i, j]
            ax_sub.plot(timeline.T, diff[j,:], color = colors[j])
            ax_sub.set_xlabel('time (s)')
            ax_sub.set_ylabel(labels[j]+" values for iter " + str(i))
            max_values[j] = max(np.amax(diff[j,:]), max_values[j])
            min_values[j] = min(np.amin(diff[j,:]), min_values[j])
            addVerticalLineContactSwitch(cs, ax_sub)
    # set the ranges of each subplot
    for i in range(len(cs_iters)):
        for j in range(2):
            ax_sub = ax[i, j]
            ax_sub.set_ylim([min_values[j]*1.1, max_values[j]*1.1])
def plotZMP(cs_ref_iters, cs_iters, dt, circle_radius = 0.):
    fig = plt.figure("ZMP(xy)")
    ax = fig.gca()
    plt.suptitle("ZMP(xy); dashed = ZMP reference ; lines = ZMP from wholebody ; green = feet placements")
    ZMPs_t = []
    ZMPs_ref = []
    for cs in cs_iters:
        ZMPs_t += [discretizeCurve(cs.concatenateZMPtrajectories(), dt)[0]]
    for cs_ref in cs_ref_iters:
        ZMPs_ref += [discretizeCurve(cs_ref.concatenateZMPtrajectories(), dt)[0]]

    colors = ['b', 'g','r', 'c', 'm', 'y']
    for k, ZMP_t in enumerate(ZMPs_t):
        plt.plot(ZMP_t[0, :].T, ZMP_t[1, :].T, color=colors[k], label="iter "+str(k))
    for k, ZMP_ref in enumerate(ZMPs_ref):
        plt.plot(ZMP_ref[0, :].T, ZMP_ref[1, :].T, color=colors[k], linestyle='dashed')
    plt.xlabel("x position (m)")
    plt.ylabel("y position (m)")
    colors_circles = ['g', 'r', 'b', 'y']
    effector_list = cs.getAllEffectorsInContact()
    for p in cs.contactPhases:
        # plot x for the center of the feets contact,
        # and a circle of 1cm of radius around it (size of the flexibility) :
        for eeName in p.effectorsInContact():
            pos = p.contactPatch(eeName).placement.translation
            color = colors_circles[effector_list.index(eeName)]
            plt.plot(pos[0], pos[1], marker="x", markersize=20, color=color)
            circle_r = plt.Circle((pos[0], pos[1]), circle_radius, color='g', fill=False)
def plotZMP_t(cs_ref_iters, cs_iters, dt):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(cs_ref_iters), 2)
    fig.canvas.set_window_title("Comparison between the ZMP trajectories")
    plt.suptitle("Comparison between the ZMP trajectories after iterations of the dynamic filter. Dashed =  from the centroidal solver ; line = from the wholebody")
    labels = ["X", "Y"]
    colors = ['r', 'g', 'b']
    max_values = [0, 0] # store the maximal value for each axis, used to set the y_axis range
    min_values = [0, 0]
    for i, cs in enumerate(cs_iters):
        ref, timeline = discretizeCurve(cs_ref_iters[i].concatenateZMPtrajectories(), dt)
        zmp = discretizeCurve(cs.concatenateZMPtrajectories(), dt)[0]
        for j in range(2):
            if len(cs_ref_iters) > 1:
                ax_sub = ax[i, j]
                ax_sub = ax[j]
            ax_sub.plot(timeline.T, zmp[j,:], color = colors[j])
            ax_sub.plot(timeline.T, ref[j,:], linestyle=':', color = colors[j])
            ax_sub.set_xlabel('time (s)')
            ax_sub.set_ylabel(labels[j]+" values for iter " + str(i))
            max_value = max(np.amax(zmp[j,:]), np.amax(ref[j,:]))
            max_values[j] = max(max_value, max_values[j])
            min_value = min(np.amin(zmp[j,:]), np.amin(ref[j,:]))
            min_values[j] = min(min_value, min_values[j])
            addVerticalLineContactSwitch(cs, ax_sub)
    # set the ranges of each subplot
    for i in range(len(cs_iters)):
        for j in range(2):
            if len(cs_ref_iters) > 1:
                ax_sub = ax[i, j]
                ax_sub = ax[j]
            ax_sub.set_ylim([min_values[j]*1.1, max_values[j]*1.1])
def plotAMTrajChanges(cs0, cs1, dt):
    labels = ["x", "y", "z", "dx", "dy", "dz"]
    colors = ['r', 'g', 'b']
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 3)
    fig.canvas.set_window_title("Comparison of AM trajectories")
        "Comparison of AM trajectories.  dashed: before dynamic filter, line: after",
    L0_t, timeline = discretizeCurve(cs0.concatenateLtrajectories(), dt)
    dL0_t = discretizeCurve(cs0.concatenateDLtrajectories(), dt)[0]
    values0 = np.vstack([L0_t, dL0_t])
    L1_t = discretizeCurve(cs1.concatenateLtrajectories(), dt)[0]
    dL1_t = discretizeCurve(cs1.concatenateDLtrajectories(), dt)[0]
    values1 = np.vstack([L1_t, dL1_t])
    for i in range(2):  # line = L,dL
        for j in range(3):  # col = x,y,z
            ax_sub = ax[i, j]
                        values0[i * 3 + j, :].T,
            ax_sub.plot(timeline.T, values1[i * 3 + j, :].T, color=colors[j])
            ax_sub.set_xlabel('time (s)')
            ax_sub.set_ylabel(labels[i * 3 + j])
            addVerticalLineContactSwitch(cs0, ax_sub)
def plotAMTrajWithReferences(cs_ref, cs, dt):
    labels = ["x", "y", "z", "dx", "dy", "dz"]
    colors = ['r', 'g', 'b']
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 3)
    fig.canvas.set_window_title("AM trajectory (dashed = reference)")
    fig.suptitle("AM trajectory (dashed = reference)", fontsize=20)
    L_t, timeline = discretizeCurve(cs.concatenateLtrajectories(), dt)
    dL_t = discretizeCurve(cs.concatenateDLtrajectories(), dt)[0]
    L_ref = discretizeCurve(cs_ref.concatenateLtrajectories(), dt)[0]
    dL_ref = discretizeCurve(cs_ref.concatenateDLtrajectories(), dt)[0]
    values = np.vstack([L_t, dL_t])
    values_ref = np.vstack([L_ref, dL_ref])

    for i in range(2):  # line = L,dL
        for j in range(3):  # col = x,y,z
            ax_sub = ax[i, j]
            ax_sub.plot(timeline.T, values[i * 3 + j, :].T, color=colors[j])
                        values_ref[i * 3 + j, :].T,
            ax_sub.set_xlabel('time (s)')
            ax_sub.set_ylabel(labels[i * 3 + j])
            addVerticalLineContactSwitch(cs, ax_sub)
Exemplo n.º 6
def plotZMPdifferences(cs_ref_iters, cs_iters, dt):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(cs_ref_iters), 2)
    fig.canvas.set_window_title("Difference between the ZMP trajectories")
        "Difference between the ZMP trajectories from the centroidal solver and the wholebody after iterations of the dynamic filter."
    labels = ["X", "Y"]
    for i, cs in enumerate(cs_iters):
        ref, timeline = discretizeCurve(
            cs_ref_iters[i].concatenateZMPtrajectories(), dt)
        zmp = discretizeCurve(cs.concatenateZMPtrajectories(), dt)[0]
        diff = zmp - ref
        for j in range(2):
            ax_sub = ax[i, j]
            ax_sub.plot(timeline.T, diff[j, :])
            ax_sub.set_xlabel('time (s)')
            ax_sub.set_ylabel(labels[j] + " values for iter " + str(i))
def plotAMTraj(cs, dt, name_suffixe = ""):
    labels = ["x", "y", "z", "dx", "dy", "dz"]
    colors = ['r', 'g', 'b']
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 3)
    fig.canvas.set_window_title("AM trajectory"+name_suffixe)
    fig.suptitle("AM trajectory"+name_suffixe, fontsize=20)
    L_t, timeline = discretizeCurve(cs.concatenateLtrajectories(), dt)
    dL_t = discretizeCurve(cs.concatenateDLtrajectories(), dt)[0]
    values = np.vstack([L_t, dL_t])

    for i in range(2):  # line = L,dL
        for j in range(3):  # col = x,y,z
            ax_sub = ax[i, j]
            ax_sub.plot(timeline.T, values[i * 3 + j, :].T, color=colors[j])
            ax_sub.set_xlabel('time (s)')
            ax_sub.set_ylabel(labels[i * 3 + j])
            addVerticalLineContactSwitch(cs, ax_sub)
def plotAMdifference(cs_ref, cs, dt, name):
    labels = ["x", "y", "z"]
    colors = ['r', 'g', 'b']
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 1)
    fig.suptitle(name, fontsize=20)
    traj = cs.concatenateLtrajectories()
    traj_ref = cs_ref.concatenateLtrajectories()
    pos, timeline = discretizeCurve(traj, dt)
    pos_ref = discretizeCurve(traj_ref, dt)[0]
    error = pos - pos_ref
    for i in range(3):  # line = x,y,z
        ax_sub = ax[i]
        ax_sub.plot(timeline.T, error[i, :].T, color=colors[i])
        ax_sub.set_xlabel('time (s)')
        addVerticalLineContactSwitch(cs, ax_sub)
def plotCOMTraj(cs, dt, name_suffixe = ""):
    labels = [
        "x (m)", "y (m)", "z (m)", "dx (m/s)", "dy (m/s)", "dz (m/s)", "ddx (m/s^2)", "ddy (m/s^2)", "ddz (m/s^2)"
    colors = ['r', 'g', 'b']
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 3)
    fig.canvas.set_window_title("COM trajectory"+name_suffixe)
    fig.suptitle("COM trajectory"+name_suffixe, fontsize=20)
    c_t, timeline = discretizeCurve(cs.concatenateCtrajectories(), dt)
    dc_t = discretizeCurve(cs.concatenateDCtrajectories(), dt)[0]
    ddc_t = discretizeCurve(cs.concatenateDDCtrajectories(), dt)[0]
    values = np.vstack([c_t, dc_t, ddc_t])

    for i in range(3):  # line = pos,vel,acc
        for j in range(3):  # col = x,y,z
            ax_sub = ax[i, j]
            ax_sub.plot(timeline.T, values[i * 3 + j, :].T, color=colors[j])
            ax_sub.set_xlabel('time (s)')
            ax_sub.set_ylabel(labels[i * 3 + j])
            addVerticalLineContactSwitch(cs, ax_sub)
def plotCOMTrajChanges(cs0, cs1, dt):
    labels = [
        "x (m)", "y (m)", "z (m)", "dx (m/s)", "dy (m/s)", "dz (m/s)", "ddx (m/s^2)", "ddy (m/s^2)", "ddz (m/s^2)"
    colors = ['r', 'g', 'b']
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 3)
    fig.canvas.set_window_title("Comparison of CoM trajectories")
    fig.suptitle("Comparison of CoM trajectories. dashed: before dynamic filter, line: after", fontsize=20)
    c0_t, timeline = discretizeCurve(cs0.concatenateCtrajectories(), dt)
    dc0_t = discretizeCurve(cs0.concatenateDCtrajectories(), dt)[0]
    ddc0_t = discretizeCurve(cs0.concatenateDDCtrajectories(), dt)[0]
    values0 = np.vstack([c0_t, dc0_t, ddc0_t])
    c1_t = discretizeCurve(cs1.concatenateCtrajectories(), dt)[0]
    dc1_t = discretizeCurve(cs1.concatenateDCtrajectories(), dt)[0]
    ddc1_t = discretizeCurve(cs1.concatenateDDCtrajectories(), dt)[0]
    values1 = np.vstack([c1_t, dc1_t, ddc1_t])

    for i in range(3):  # line = pos,vel,acc
        for j in range(3):  # col = x,y,z
            ax_sub = ax[i, j]
            ax_sub.plot(timeline.T, values0[i * 3 + j, :].T, color=colors[j], linestyle="dashed")
            ax_sub.plot(timeline.T, values1[i * 3 + j, :].T, color=colors[j])
            ax_sub.set_xlabel('time (s)')
            ax_sub.set_ylabel(labels[i * 3 + j])
            addVerticalLineContactSwitch(cs0, ax_sub)
def displayCOMTrajForPhase(phase, gui, name, name_group, color, dt):
    Display a curve representing the CoM 3D position stored in the given phase
    :param phase: the ContactPhase object storing the CoM trajectory
    :param gui: a gepetto.corbaserver.GraphicalInterface instance
    :param name: the node name of the graphical object
    :param name_group: the name of the group where the new node will be added
    :param color: the color of the trajectory (R, G, B, A)
    :param dt: the time step used to discretize the CoM trajectory
    c = numpy2DToList(discretizeCurve(phase.c_t, dt)[0])
    gui.addCurve(name, c, color)
    gui.addToGroup(name, name_group)
def plotKneeTorque(cs, dt, kneeIds, offset):
    colors = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'y']
    fig = plt.figure("Knee torque")
    plt.suptitle("Knee torque")
    ax = fig.gca()
    ax.set_xlabel('time (s)')
    tau, timeline = discretizeCurve(cs.concatenateTauTrajectories(), dt)
    for k, name in enumerate(kneeIds.keys()):
        ax.plot(timeline.T, tau[kneeIds[name] - offset, :].T, color=colors[k], label=name)
        # - 1 because it's the index in the configuration space, and here we are in the velocity space
    addVerticalLineContactSwitch(cs, ax)
def plotContactForces(cs, dt):
    colors = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'y']
    fig = plt.figure("Contact normal force")
    plt.suptitle("Contact normal force")
    ax = fig.gca()
    ax.set_xlabel('time (s)')
    ax.set_ylabel("Contact normal force (N)")
    sum_f = None
    for i, eeName in enumerate(cs.getAllEffectorsInContact()):
        force, timeline = discretizeCurve(cs.concatenateNormalForceTrajectories(eeName), dt)
        ax.plot(timeline.T, force.T, color=colors[i], label=eeName)
        if sum_f is None:
            sum_f = force
            sum_f += force
    ax.plot(timeline.T, sum_f.T, color="k", label="sum")
    addVerticalLineContactSwitch(cs, ax)
def generateLimbRRTPath(q_init, q_end, phase_previous, phase, phase_next,
    assert fullBody and "Cannot use limb-rrt method as fullBody object is not defined."
    extraDof = int(fullBody.client.robot.getDimensionExtraConfigSpace())
    q_init = q_init.tolist() + [0] * extraDof
    q_end = q_end.tolist() + [0] * extraDof
    # create nex states in fullBody corresponding to given configuration and set of contacts
    s0 = createStateFromPhase(fullBody, phase_previous, q_init)
    s1 = createStateFromPhase(fullBody, phase_next, q_end)
    if not fullBody.isConfigValid(q_init)[0]:
        logger.error("q_init invalid in limb-rrt : %s", q_init)
        raise ValueError("init config is invalid in limb-rrt.")
    if not fullBody.isConfigValid(q_end)[0]:
        logger.error("q_end invalid in limb-rrt : %s", q_end)
        raise ValueError("goal config is invalid in limb-rrt.")

    logger.debug("New state added, q_init = %s", q_init)
    logger.debug("New state added, q_end = %s", q_end)
    if logger.getEffectiveLevel() >= logging.DEBUG:
        contacts = fullBody.getAllLimbsInContact(s0)
        logger.debug("contact at init state : %s", contacts)
        for contact in contacts:
            effName = fullBody.dict_limb_joint[contact]
            logger.debug("contact position for joint %s = %s", effName,
        contacts = fullBody.getAllLimbsInContact(s1)
        logger.debug("contact at end  state : %s", contacts)
        for contact in contacts:
            effName = fullBody.dict_limb_joint[contact]
            logger.debug("contact position for joint %s = %s", effName,

    # create a path in hpp corresponding to the discretized trajectory in phase :
    dt = HPP_DT
    c_t = discretizeCurve(phase.c_t, dt)[0]
    v_t = discretizeCurve(phase.dc_t, dt)[0][:, :-1]
    a_t = discretizeCurve(phase.ddc_t, dt)[0][:, :-1]
    logger.debug("c shape : %s", c_t.shape)
    logger.debug("v shape : %s", v_t.shape)
    logger.debug("a shape : %s", a_t.shape)
    logger.debug("c_t = %s", c_t.T.tolist())
    logger.debug("dc_t = %s", v_t.T.tolist())
    logger.debug("ddc_t = %s", a_t.T.tolist())

    com0_fb = fullBody.getCenterOfMass()
    com1_fb = fullBody.getCenterOfMass()

    ## TEST, FIXME (force com path to start/end in the com position found from q_init and q_end. :
    c_t[:, 0] = np.array(com0_fb)
    c_t[:, -1] = np.array(com1_fb)
    com0 = c_t[:, 0].tolist()
    com1 = c_t[:, -1].tolist()
    logger.debug("init com : %s", com0_fb)
    logger.debug("init ref : %s", com0)
    logger.debug("end  com : %s", com1_fb)
    logger.debug("end  ref : %s", com1)

    path_com_id = fullBody.generateComTraj(c_t.T.tolist(), v_t.T.tolist(),
                                           a_t.T.tolist(), dt)"add com reference as hpp path with id : %d", path_com_id)

    # project this states to the new COM position in phase :
    assert successProj and "Error during projection of state"+str(s0)+" to com position : "+str(com0)
    assert successProj and "Error during projection of state"+str(s1)+" to com position : "+str(com1)
    q_init = fullBody.getConfigAtState(s0)
    q_end = fullBody.getConfigAtState(s1)
    if extraDof: 
        q_init[-extraDof:] = [0]*extraDof #TODO : fix this in the projection method
        q_end[-extraDof:] = [0]*extraDof

    # run limb-rrt in hpp :"start limb-rrt ... ")
    paths_rrt_ids = fullBody.comRRTOnePhase(s0, s1, path_com_id, 1)"Limb-rrt returned path(s) : %s", paths_rrt_ids)
    path_rrt_id = int(paths_rrt_ids[0])

    return path_rrt_id
def FromContactSequenceWB(cs_ref, cs, dt):
    p0 = cs.contactPhases[0]
    nq = p0.q_t.dim()
    nv = p0.dq_t.dim()
    nu = p0.tau_t.dim()
    eeNames = cs.getAllEffectorsInContact()
    t_begin = p0.timeInitial
    res = Result(nq, nv, dt, eeNames, cs=cs, t_begin=t_begin, nu=nu)
    # fill all the array with discretization of the curves
    res.q_t = discretizeCurve(cs.concatenateQtrajectories(), dt)[0]
    res.dq_t = discretizeCurve(cs.concatenateDQtrajectories(), dt)[0]
    res.ddq_t = discretizeCurve(cs.concatenateDDQtrajectories(), dt)[0]
    res.tau_t = discretizeCurve(cs.concatenateTauTrajectories(), dt)[0]
    res.c_t = discretizeCurve(cs.concatenateCtrajectories(), dt)[0]
    res.dc_t = discretizeCurve(cs.concatenateDCtrajectories(), dt)[0]
    res.ddc_t = discretizeCurve(cs.concatenateDDCtrajectories(), dt)[0]
    res.L_t = discretizeCurve(cs.concatenateLtrajectories(), dt)[0]
    res.dL_t = discretizeCurve(cs.concatenateDLtrajectories(), dt)[0]
    res.c_reference = discretizeCurve(cs_ref.concatenateCtrajectories(), dt)[0]
    res.dc_reference = discretizeCurve(cs_ref.concatenateDCtrajectories(),
    res.ddc_reference = discretizeCurve(cs_ref.concatenateDDCtrajectories(),
    res.L_reference = discretizeCurve(cs_ref.concatenateLtrajectories(), dt)[0]
    res.dL_reference = discretizeCurve(cs_ref.concatenateDLtrajectories(),
    res.zmp_t = discretizeCurve(cs.concatenateZMPtrajectories(), dt)[0]
    res.wrench_t = discretizeCurve(cs.concatenateWrenchTrajectories(), dt)[0]
    res.zmp_reference = discretizeCurve(cs_ref.concatenateZMPtrajectories(),
    res.wrench_reference = discretizeCurve(
        cs_ref.concatenateWrenchTrajectories(), dt)[0]
    root_t = cs_ref.concatenateRootTrajectories()
    res.waist_orientation_reference = discretizeSE3CurveQuaternion(root_t,
    res.d_waist_orientation_reference = discretizeDerivateCurve(root_t, dt,
                                                                1)[0][3:, :]
    res.dd_waist_orientation_reference = discretizeDerivateCurve(
        root_t, dt, 2)[0][3:, :]
    for ee in eeNames:
        res.contact_forces[ee] = discretizeCurve(
            cs.concatenateContactForceTrajectories(ee), dt)[0]
        res.contact_normal_force[ee] = discretizeCurve(
            cs.concatenateNormalForceTrajectories(ee), dt)[0]
        eff = cs.concatenateEffectorTrajectories(ee)
        # append init/end constant trajectorie if required :
        if eff.min() < t_begin:
            eff_begin = constantSE3curve(eff.evaluateAsSE3(eff.min()), t_begin,
            eff_mid = eff
            eff = piecewise_SE3(eff_begin)
        if eff.max() < cs.contactPhases[-1].timeFinal:
            eff_end = constantSE3curve(eff.evaluateAsSE3(eff.max()), eff.max(),
        res.effector_trajectories[ee] = discretizeSE3CurveToVec(eff, dt)[0]
        res.d_effector_trajectories[ee] = discretizeDerivateCurve(eff, dt,
        res.dd_effector_trajectories[ee] = discretizeDerivateCurve(eff, dt,
        eff = cs_ref.concatenateEffectorTrajectories(ee)
        # append init/end constant trajectorie if required :
        if eff.min() < t_begin:
            eff_begin = constantSE3curve(eff.evaluateAsSE3(eff.min()), t_begin,
            eff_mid = eff
            eff = piecewise_SE3(eff_begin)
        if eff.max() < cs.contactPhases[-1].timeFinal:
            eff_end = constantSE3curve(eff.evaluateAsSE3(eff.max()), eff.max(),
        res.effector_references[ee] = discretizeSE3CurveToVec(eff, dt)[0]
        res.d_effector_references[ee] = discretizeDerivateCurve(eff, dt, 1)[0]
        res.dd_effector_references[ee] = discretizeDerivateCurve(eff, dt, 2)[0]

    return res
Exemplo n.º 16
def displayCOMTrajForPhase(phase, gui, name, name_group, color, dt):
    c = numpy2DToList(discretizeCurve(phase.c_t, dt)[0])
    gui.addCurve(name, c, color)
    gui.addToGroup(name, name_group)