Exemplo n.º 1
 def __call__(self, t):
     if t < 0.:
         print("Trajectory called with negative time.")
         t = 0.
     elif t > self._length:
         print("Trajectory called after final time.")
         t = self._length
     return effectorPositionFromHPPPath(self._fb, self._problem,
                                        self._eeName, self._pid, t)
def computeDistanceCostMatrices(fb, pathId, pData, T, eeName, numPoints=50):
    problem = fb.client.problem
    # build a matrice 3xnumPoints by sampling the given path :
    step = problem.pathLength(pathId) / (numPoints - 1)
    pts = np.zeros([3, numPoints])
    for i in range(numPoints):
        p = effectorPositionFromHPPPath(fb, problem, eeName, pathId, float(step * i))
        pts[:, i] = p
    return bezier_com.computeEndEffectorDistanceCost(pData, T, numPoints, pts)