def generate_contact_sequence_sl1m(cfg):
    #RF,root_init,pb, coms, footpos, allfeetpos, res = runLPScript(cfg)
    RF, root_init, root_end, pb, coms, footpos, allfeetpos, res = runLPFromGuideScript(cfg)
    # load scene and robot
    fb, v = initScene(cfg.Robot, cfg.ENV_NAME, True)
    q_init = cfg.IK_REFERENCE_CONFIG.tolist() + [0] * 6
    q_init[0:7] = root_init
    if cfg.SL1M_USE_MIP:
        # if MIP is used, allfeetpos contains a list of all position and not just the new position
        feet_height_init = allfeetpos[0][0][2]
        feet_height_init = allfeetpos[0][2]"feet height initial = %s", feet_height_init)
    #q_init[2] = feet_height_init + cfg.IK_REFERENCE_CONFIG[2]
    #q_init[2] += EPS_Z
    #q_init[2] = fb.referenceConfig[2] # 0.98 is in the _path script
    if v:

    cs = build_cs_from_sl1m(cfg.SL1M_USE_MIP, fb, cfg.IK_REFERENCE_CONFIG, root_end, pb, RF, allfeetpos,
                                cfg.SL1M_USE_ORIENTATION, cfg.SL1M_USE_INTERPOLATED_ORIENTATION, q_init=q_init)

        displaySteppingStones(cs, v.client.gui, v.sceneName, fb)

    return cs, fb, v
def create_stairs_cs():
    ENV_NAME = "multicontact/bauzil_stairs"

    fb, v = display_tools.initScene(Robot, ENV_NAME, False)
    cs = ContactSequence(0)

    # Create an initial contact phase :
    q_ref = fb.referenceConfig[::] + [0] * 6
    q_ref[0:2] = [0.07, 1.2]
    addPhaseFromConfig(fb, cs, q_ref, [fb.rLegId, fb.lLegId])

    step_height = 0.1
    step_width = 0.3
    displacement = SE3.Identity()
    displacement.translation = array([step_width, 0, step_height])
    cs.moveEffectorOf(fb.rfoot, displacement)
    cs.moveEffectorOf(fb.lfoot, displacement)

    q_end = q_ref[::]
    q_end[0] += step_width
    q_end[2] += step_height
    com = fb.getCenterOfMass()
    setFinalState(cs, array(com), q=q_end)
    return cs
Exemplo n.º 3
def generate_contact_sequence_load(cfg):
    fb, v = display_tools.initScene(cfg.Robot, cfg.ENV_NAME)
    cs = ContactSequence(0)
    print("Import contact sequence binary file : ", cfg.CS_FILENAME)
    display_tools.displayWBconfig(v, cs.contactPhases[0].q_init)
    return cs, fb, v
def generateContactSequence():
    fb, v = display_tools.initScene(cfg.Robot, cfg.ENV_NAME)
    cs = ContactSequenceHumanoid(0)
    filename = cfg.CONTACT_SEQUENCE_PATH + "/" + cfg.DEMO_NAME + ".cs"
    print "Import contact sequence binary file : ", filename
        v, cs.contact_phases[0].reference_configurations[0])
    return cs, fb, v
from mlp.utils.cs_tools import addPhaseFromConfig, setFinalState
import multicontact_api
from multicontact_api import ContactSequence, ContactPatch
import mlp.viewer.display_tools as display_tools
from pinocchio import SE3
from numpy import array

from talos_rbprm.talos import Robot  # change robot here

ENV_NAME = "multicontact/ground"

# Build the robot object and the viewer
fb, v = display_tools.initScene(Robot, ENV_NAME, False)
gui = v.client.gui
sceneName = v.sceneName
# display the origin and x,y,z axis in the viewer :
v.addLandmark(sceneName, 1)
#initialize an empty contact sequence
cs = ContactSequence(0)

# start from the reference configuration of the robot :
q_ref = fb.referenceConfig[::] + [0] * 6
#q_ref[0:2] = [ , ] # change the x,y position of the base as needed
# q_ref[2] +=  # the z position of the base already correspond to a floor at z=0, change it accordingly to the environment
# q_ref[3:7] =   # quaternion (x,y,z) of the base

# display the configuration
com = array(fb.getCenterOfMass())
Exemplo n.º 6
 def generateContactSequence():
     fb, v = initScene(cfg.Robot, cfg.ENV_NAME)
     return None, fb, v
Exemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self, cfg):
     # Disable most of the automatic display that could not be updated automatically when motion is replanned
     cfg.DISPLAY_CS = False
     cfg.DISPLAY_CS_STONES = True
     cfg.DISPLAY_SL1M_SURFACES = False
     cfg.DISPLAY_WP_COST = False
     cfg.DISPLAY_COM_TRAJ = False
     cfg.DISPLAY_FEET_TRAJ = False
     cfg.DISPLAY_ALL_FEET_TRAJ = False
     cfg.DISPLAY_WB_MOTION = False
     cfg.IK_SHOW_PROGRESS = False
     cfg.centroidal_initGuess_method = "none"  # not supported by this class yet
     cfg.ITER_DYNAMIC_FILTER = 0  # not supported by this class yet
     cfg.CHECK_FINAL_MOTION = False
     # Disable computation of additionnal data to speed up the wholebody computation time
     cfg.IK_store_centroidal = False  # c,dc,ddc,L,dL (of the computed wholebody motion)
     cfg.IK_store_zmp = False
     cfg.IK_store_effector = False
     cfg.IK_store_contact_forces = False
     cfg.IK_store_joints_derivatives = True
     cfg.IK_store_joints_torque = False
     cfg.EFF_CHECK_COLLISION = False  # WIP: disable limb-rrt
     cfg.contact_generation_method = "sl1m"  # Reactive planning class is specific to SL1M for now
     # Store the specific settings for connecting the initial/goal points as they may be changed
     cfg.Robot.DEFAULT_COM_HEIGHT += cfg.COM_SHIFT_Z
     self.previous_com_shift_z = cfg.COM_SHIFT_Z
     self.previous_time_shift_com = cfg.TIME_SHIFT_COM
     cfg.COM_SHIFT_Z = 0.
     cfg.TIME_SHIFT_COM = 0.
     self.previous_connect_goal = cfg.DURATION_CONNECT_GOAL
     # Get the centroidal and wholebody methods selected in the configuraton file
     self.generate_centroidal, self.CentroidalInputs, self.CentroidalOutputs = self.cfg.get_centroidal_method()
     self.generate_effector_trajectories, self.EffectorInputs, self.EffectorOutputs = \
     self.generate_wholebody, self.WholebodyInputs, self.WholebodyOutputs = self.cfg.get_wholebody_method()
     # define members that will stores processes and queues
     self.process_compute_cs = None
     self.process_centroidal = None
     self.process_wholebody = None
     self.process_viewer = None
     self.process_gepetto_gui = None
     self.pipe_cs_in = None
     self.pipe_cs_out = None
     self.pipe_cs_com_in = None
     self.pipe_cs_com_out = None
     self.queue_qt = None
     self.viewer_lock = Lock()  # lock to access gepetto-gui API
     self.loop_viewer_lock = Lock()  # lock to guarantee that only one loop_viewer is executed at any given time
     self.last_phase_lock = Lock()  # lock to read/write last_phase data
     self.last_phase_pickled = Array(c_ubyte,
                                     MAX_PICKLE_SIZE)  # will contain the last contact phase send to the viewer
     self.last_phase = None
     self.stop_motion_flag = Value(c_bool)  # true if a stop is requested
     self.last_phase_flag = Value(c_bool)  # true if the last phase have changed
     self.cfg.Robot.minDist = 0.7  # See bezier-com-traj doc,
     # minimal distance between the CoM and the contact points along the Z axis
     # initialize the guide planner class:
     self.client_hpp = None
     self.robot = None
     self.gui = None
     self.pyb_sim = None
     self.guide_planner = self.init_guide_planner()
     # initialize a fullBody rbprm object
     self.fullBody, _ = initScene(cfg.Robot, cfg.ENV_NAME, context="fullbody")
     self.fullBody.setCurrentConfig(cfg.IK_REFERENCE_CONFIG.tolist() + [0] * 6)
     self.current_root_goal = []
     self.current_guide_id = 0
     # Set up gepetto gui and a pinocchio robotWrapper with display
     # Set up a pybullet environment:
     if USE_PYB:
Exemplo n.º 8
def generateContactSequence():
    RF, root_init, pb, coms, footpos, allfeetpos, res = runLPScript()

    # load scene and robot
    fb, v = initScene(cfg.Robot, cfg.ENV_NAME, False)
    q_init = fb.referenceConfig[::] + [0] * 6
    q_init[0:7] = root_init
    #q_init[2] += fb.referenceConfig[2] - 0.98 # 0.98 is in the _path script

    # init contact sequence with first phase : q_ref move at the right root pose and with both feet in contact
    # FIXME : allow to customize that first phase
    cs = ContactSequenceHumanoid(0)
    addPhaseFromConfig(fb, v, cs, q_init, [fb.rLegId, fb.lLegId])

    # loop over all phases of pb and add them to the cs :
    for pId in range(
            2, len(pb["phaseData"])
    ):  # start at 2 because the first two ones are already done in the q_init
        prev_contactPhase = cs.contact_phases[-1]
        #n = normal(pb["phaseData"][pId])
        phase = pb["phaseData"][pId]
        moving = phase["moving"]
        movingID = fb.lfoot
        if moving == RF:
            movingID = fb.rfoot
        pos = allfeetpos[pId]  # array, desired position for the feet movingID
        pos[2] += 0.005  # FIXME it shouldn't be required !!
        # compute desired foot rotation :
            if pId < len(pb["phaseData"]) - 1:
                quat0 = Quaternion(pb["phaseData"][pId]["rootOrientation"])
                quat1 = Quaternion(pb["phaseData"][pId + 1]["rootOrientation"])
                rot = quat0.slerp(0.5, quat1)
                # check if feets do not cross :
                if moving == RF:
                    qr = rot
                    ql = Quaternion(
                    ql = rot
                    qr = Quaternion(
                rpy = matrixToRpy((qr * (ql.inverse())).matrix(
                ))  # rotation from the left foot pose to the right one
                if rpy[2, 0] > 0:  # yaw positive, feet are crossing
                    rot = Quaternion(phase["rootOrientation"]
                                     )  # rotation of the root, from the guide
                rot = Quaternion(phase["rootOrientation"]
                                 )  # rotation of the root, from the guide
            rot = Quaternion.Identity()
        placement = SE3()
        placement.translation = np.matrix(pos).T
        placement.rotation = rot.matrix()
    # final phase :
    # fixme : assume root is in the middle of the last 2 feet pos ...
    q_end = fb.referenceConfig[::] + [0] * 6
    p_end = (allfeetpos[-1] + allfeetpos[-2]) / 2.
    for i in range(3):
        q_end[i] += p_end[i]
    setFinalState(cs, q=q_end)

    displaySteppingStones(cs, v.client.gui, v.sceneName, fb)

    return cs, fb, v
def generateContactSequence():
    #RF,root_init,pb, coms, footpos, allfeetpos, res = runLPScript()
    RF, root_init, root_end, pb, coms, footpos, allfeetpos, res = runLPFromGuideScript(
    # load scene and robot
    fb, v = initScene(cfg.Robot, cfg.ENV_NAME, True)
    q_init = cfg.IK_REFERENCE_CONFIG.tolist() + [0] * 6
    q_init[0:7] = root_init
    feet_height_init = allfeetpos[0][2]
    print("feet height initial = ", feet_height_init)
    q_init[2] = feet_height_init + cfg.IK_REFERENCE_CONFIG[2]
    q_init[2] += EPS_Z
    #q_init[2] = fb.referenceConfig[2] # 0.98 is in the _path script
    if v:

    # init contact sequence with first phase : q_ref move at the right root pose and with both feet in contact
    # FIXME : allow to customize that first phase
    cs = ContactSequence(0)
    addPhaseFromConfig(fb, cs, q_init, [fb.rLegId, fb.lLegId])

    # loop over all phases of pb and add them to the cs :
    for pId in range(
            2, len(pb["phaseData"])
    ):  # start at 2 because the first two ones are already done in the q_init
        prev_contactPhase = cs.contactPhases[-1]
        #n = normal(pb["phaseData"][pId])
        phase = pb["phaseData"][pId]
        moving = phase["moving"]
        movingID = fb.lfoot
        if moving == RF:
            movingID = fb.rfoot
        pos = allfeetpos[pId]  # array, desired position for the feet movingID
        pos[2] += EPS_Z  # FIXME it shouldn't be required !!
        # compute desired foot rotation :
        if cfg.SL1M_USE_ORIENTATION:
            quat0 = Quaternion(pb["phaseData"][pId]["rootOrientation"])
            if pId < len(pb["phaseData"]) - 1:
                quat1 = Quaternion(pb["phaseData"][pId + 1]["rootOrientation"])
                quat1 = Quaternion(pb["phaseData"][pId]["rootOrientation"])
                rot = quat0.slerp(0.5, quat1)
                # check if feets do not cross :
                if moving == RF:
                    qr = rot
                    ql = Quaternion(
                    ql = rot
                    qr = Quaternion(
                rpy = matrixToRpy((qr * (ql.inverse())).matrix(
                ))  # rotation from the left foot pose to the right one
                if rpy[2, 0] > 0:  # yaw positive, feet are crossing
                    rot = quat0  # rotation of the root, from the guide
                rot = quat0  # rotation of the root, from the guide
            rot = Quaternion.Identity()
        placement = SE3()
        placement.translation = np.array(pos).T
        placement.rotation = rot.matrix()
        cs.moveEffectorToPlacement(movingID, placement)

    # final phase :
    # fixme : assume root is in the middle of the last 2 feet pos ...
    q_end = cfg.IK_REFERENCE_CONFIG.tolist() + [0] * 6
    #p_end = (allfeetpos[-1] + allfeetpos[-2]) / 2.
    #for i in range(3):
    #    q_end[i] += p_end[i]
    q_end[0:7] = root_end
    feet_height_end = allfeetpos[-1][2]
    print("feet height final = ", feet_height_end)
    q_end[2] = feet_height_end + cfg.IK_REFERENCE_CONFIG[2]
    q_end[2] += EPS_Z
    com = fb.getCenterOfMass()
    setFinalState(cs, com, q=q_end)
        displaySteppingStones(cs, v.client.gui, v.sceneName, fb)

    return cs, fb, v