Exemplo n.º 1
 def getDelta(self, v, W, b):
     # Set _W and _b to be 1 with the shape of W and b
     _W = tf.constant(1.0, shape=W.get_shape())
     _b = tf.constant(1.0, shape=b.get_shape())
     # Compute hidden neurons in the convolutional layer
     h = tf.add(tf.nn.conv2d(v, _W, strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME'),
     # Get the max value of hidden neurons
     max = tf.reduce_max(h)
     # Normalization so that h will satisfy the Riemann integrable condition on [−1, 1]
     h = h / max
     # Approxiate hidden neurons by using Chebyshev Polinomial Approximations
     Chebyshev_h = tf.clip_by_value(EncLayer.Chebyshev(self=self, x=h), 0.0,
     # Compute the global sensitivity Delta
     Delta = 2.0 * tf.reduce_max(
         tf.abs(tf.reduce_sum(Chebyshev_h, axis=[1, 2])))
     # Compute max(v_terms)
     v_shape = v.get_shape().as_list()
     if (len(v_shape) > 2):
         Delta += 2.0 * tf.reduce_max(tf.abs(tf.reduce_sum(v, axis=[1, 2])))
         Delta += 2.0 * tf.reduce_max(tf.abs(tf.reduce_sum(v, axis=[1])))
     return Delta
def train(cifar10_data, epochs, L, learning_rate, scale3, Delta2, epsilon2,
          eps2_ratio, alpha, perturbFM, fgsm_eps, total_eps, logfile):
    logfile.write("fgsm_eps \t %g, LR \t %g, alpha \t %d , epsilon \t %d \n" %
                  (fgsm_eps, learning_rate, alpha, total_eps))
    """Train CIFAR-10 for a number of steps."""
    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)

        eps_benign = 1 / (1 + eps2_ratio) * (epsilon2)
        eps_adv = eps2_ratio / (1 + eps2_ratio) * (epsilon2)

        # Parameters Declarification
        #with tf.variable_scope('conv1') as scope:
        kernel1 = _variable_with_weight_decay(
            shape=[4, 4, 3, 128],
            stddev=np.sqrt(2.0 / (5 * 5 * 256)) / math.ceil(5 / 2),
        biases1 = _bias_on_cpu('biases1', [128],

        shape = kernel1.get_shape().as_list()
        w_t = tf.reshape(kernel1, [-1, shape[-1]])
        w = tf.transpose(w_t)
        sing_vals = tf.svd(w, compute_uv=False)
        sensitivity = tf.reduce_max(sing_vals)
        gamma = 2 * Delta2 / (L * sensitivity
                              )  #2*3*(14*14 + 2)*16/(L*sensitivity)

        #with tf.variable_scope('conv2') as scope:
        kernel2 = _variable_with_weight_decay(
            shape=[5, 5, 128, 128],
            stddev=np.sqrt(2.0 / (5 * 5 * 256)) / math.ceil(5 / 2),
        biases2 = _bias_on_cpu('biases2', [128],
        #with tf.variable_scope('conv3') as scope:
        kernel3 = _variable_with_weight_decay(
            shape=[5, 5, 256, 256],
            stddev=np.sqrt(2.0 / (5 * 5 * 256)) / math.ceil(5 / 2),
        biases3 = _bias_on_cpu('biases3', [256],
        #with tf.variable_scope('local4') as scope:
        kernel4 = _variable_with_weight_decay(
            shape=[int(image_size / 4)**2 * 256, hk],
        biases4 = _bias_on_cpu('biases4', [hk],
        #with tf.variable_scope('local5') as scope:
        kernel5 = _variable_with_weight_decay(
            'kernel5', [hk, 10],
            stddev=np.sqrt(2.0 /
                           (int(image_size / 4)**2 * 256)) / math.ceil(5 / 2),
        biases5 = _bias_on_cpu('biases5', [10],

        #scale2 = tf.Variable(tf.ones([hk]))
        #beta2 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([hk]))

        params = [
            kernel1, biases1, kernel2, biases2, kernel3, biases3, kernel4,
            biases4, kernel5, biases5

        # Build a Graph that computes the logits predictions from the
        # inference model.
        FM_h = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 14, 14, 128])
        noise = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, image_size, image_size, 3])
        adv_noise = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
                                   [None, image_size, image_size, 3])

        x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, image_size, image_size, 3])
        adv_x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, image_size, image_size, 3])

        # Auto-Encoder #
        Enc_Layer2 = EncLayer(inpt=adv_x,
        pretrain_adv = Enc_Layer2.get_train_ops2(xShape=tf.shape(adv_x)[0],
        Enc_Layer3 = EncLayer(inpt=x,
        pretrain_benign = Enc_Layer3.get_train_ops2(
        cost = tf.reduce_sum((Enc_Layer2.cost + Enc_Layer3.cost) / 2.0)

        x_image = x + noise
        y_conv = inference(x_image, FM_h, params)
        softmax_y_conv = tf.nn.softmax(y_conv)
        y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 10])

        adv_x += adv_noise
        y_adv_conv = inference(adv_x, FM_h, params)
        adv_y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 10])

        # Calculate loss. Apply Taylor Expansion for the output layer
        perturbW = perturbFM * params[8]
        loss = cifar10.TaylorExp(y_conv, y_, y_adv_conv, adv_y_, L, alpha,

        # Build a Graph that trains the model with one batch of examples and
        # updates the model parameters.
        #pretrain_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-4).minimize(pretrain_adv, global_step=global_step, var_list=[kernel1, biases1]);
        pretrain_var_list = tf.get_collection(AECODER_VARIABLES)
        train_var_list = tf.get_collection(CONV_VARIABLES)
        update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)
        with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops):
            pretrain_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(
                pretrain_adv + pretrain_benign,
            train_op = cifar10.train(loss,
        sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=False))

        dp_epsilon = 1.0
        _gamma = sess.run(gamma)
        _gamma_x = Delta2 / L
        epsilon2_update = epsilon2 / (1.0 + 1.0 / _gamma + 1 / _gamma_x)
        print(epsilon2_update / _gamma + epsilon2_update / _gamma_x)
        delta_r = fgsm_eps * (image_size**2)
        _sensitivityW = sess.run(sensitivity)
        delta_h = _sensitivityW * (14**2)
        #delta_h = 1.0 * delta_r; #sensitivity*(14**2) = sensitivity*(\beta**2) can also be used
        #dp_mult = (Delta2/(L*epsilon2))/(delta_r / dp_epsilon) + (2*Delta2/(L*epsilon2))/(delta_h / dp_epsilon)
        dp_mult = (Delta2 / (L * epsilon2_update)) / (delta_r / dp_epsilon) + (
            2 * Delta2 / (L * epsilon2_update)) / (delta_h / dp_epsilon)

        dynamic_eps = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
        """y_test = inference(x, FM_h, params)
    softmax_y = tf.nn.softmax(y_test);
    c_x_adv = fgsm(x, softmax_y, eps=dynamic_eps/3, clip_min=-1.0, clip_max=1.0)
    x_adv = tf.reshape(c_x_adv, [L, image_size, image_size, 3])"""

        attack_switch = {
            'fgsm': True,
            'ifgsm': True,
            'deepfool': False,
            'mim': True,
            'spsa': False,
            'cwl2': False,
            'madry': True,
            'stm': False

        ch_model_probs = CustomCallableModelWrapper(

        # define each attack method's tensor
        mu_alpha = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [1])
        attack_tensor_dict = {}
        # FastGradientMethod
        if attack_switch['fgsm']:
            print('creating attack tensor of FastGradientMethod')
            fgsm_obj = FastGradientMethod(model=ch_model_probs, sess=sess)
            #x_adv_test_fgsm = fgsm_obj.generate(x=x, eps=fgsm_eps, clip_min=-1.0, clip_max=1.0, ord=2) # testing now
            x_adv_test_fgsm = fgsm_obj.generate(x=x,
                                                clip_max=1.0)  # testing now
            attack_tensor_dict['fgsm'] = x_adv_test_fgsm

        # Iterative FGSM (BasicIterativeMethod/ProjectedGradientMethod with no random init)
        # default: eps_iter=0.05, nb_iter=10
        if attack_switch['ifgsm']:
            print('creating attack tensor of BasicIterativeMethod')
            ifgsm_obj = BasicIterativeMethod(model=ch_model_probs, sess=sess)
            #x_adv_test_ifgsm = ifgsm_obj.generate(x=x, eps=fgsm_eps, eps_iter=fgsm_eps/10, nb_iter=10, clip_min=-1.0, clip_max=1.0, ord=2)
            x_adv_test_ifgsm = ifgsm_obj.generate(x=x,
                                                  eps_iter=fgsm_eps / 3,
            attack_tensor_dict['ifgsm'] = x_adv_test_ifgsm

        # MomentumIterativeMethod
        # default: eps_iter=0.06, nb_iter=10
        if attack_switch['mim']:
            print('creating attack tensor of MomentumIterativeMethod')
            mim_obj = MomentumIterativeMethod(model=ch_model_probs, sess=sess)
            #x_adv_test_mim = mim_obj.generate(x=x, eps=fgsm_eps, eps_iter=fgsm_eps/10, nb_iter=10, decay_factor=1.0, clip_min=-1.0, clip_max=1.0, ord=2)
            x_adv_test_mim = mim_obj.generate(x=x,
                                              eps_iter=fgsm_eps / 3,
            attack_tensor_dict['mim'] = x_adv_test_mim

        # MadryEtAl (Projected Grdient with random init, same as rand+fgsm)
        # default: eps_iter=0.01, nb_iter=40
        if attack_switch['madry']:
            print('creating attack tensor of MadryEtAl')
            madry_obj = MadryEtAl(model=ch_model_probs, sess=sess)
            #x_adv_test_madry = madry_obj.generate(x=x, eps=fgsm_eps, eps_iter=fgsm_eps/10, nb_iter=10, clip_min=-1.0, clip_max=1.0, ord=2)
            x_adv_test_madry = madry_obj.generate(x=x,
                                                  eps_iter=fgsm_eps / 3,
            attack_tensor_dict['madry'] = x_adv_test_madry

        #====================== attack =========================

        #adv_logits, _ = inference(c_x_adv + W_conv1Noise, perturbFM, params)

        # Create a saver.
        saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.all_variables())

        # Build an initialization operation to run below.
        init = tf.initialize_all_variables()

        # Start the queue runners.

        summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(os.getcwd() + dirCheckpoint,

        # load the most recent models
        _global_step = 0
        ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(FLAGS.checkpoint_dir)
        if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path:
            saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path)
            _global_step = int(
            print('No checkpoint file found')

        T = int(int(math.ceil(D / L)) * epochs + 1)  # number of steps
        step_for_epoch = int(math.ceil(D / L))
        #number of steps for one epoch

        perturbH_test = np.random.laplace(0.0, 0, 14 * 14 * 128)
        perturbH_test = np.reshape(perturbH_test, [-1, 14, 14, 128])

        #W_conv1Noise = np.random.laplace(0.0, Delta2/(L*epsilon2), 32 * 32 * 3).astype(np.float32)
        #W_conv1Noise = np.reshape(_W_conv1Noise, [32, 32, 3])

        perturbFM_h = np.random.laplace(0.0,
                                        2 * Delta2 / (epsilon2_update * L),
                                        14 * 14 * 128)
        perturbFM_h = np.reshape(perturbFM_h, [-1, 14, 14, 128])

        #_W_adv = np.random.laplace(0.0, 0, 32 * 32 * 3).astype(np.float32)
        #_W_adv = np.reshape(_W_adv, [32, 32, 3])
        #_perturbFM_h_adv = np.random.laplace(0.0, 0, 10*10*128)
        #_perturbFM_h_adv = np.reshape(_perturbFM_h_adv, [10, 10, 128]);

        test_size = len(cifar10_data.test.images)
        #beta = redistributeNoise(os.getcwd() + '/LRP_0_25_v12.txt')
        #BenignLNoise = generateIdLMNoise(image_size, Delta2, eps_benign, L) #generateNoise(image_size, Delta2, eps_benign, L, beta);
        #AdvLnoise = generateIdLMNoise(image_size, Delta2, eps_adv, L)
        Noise = generateIdLMNoise(image_size, Delta2, epsilon2_update, L)
        #generateNoise(image_size, Delta2, eps_adv, L, beta);
        Noise_test = generateIdLMNoise(
            image_size, 0, epsilon2_update,
            L)  #generateNoise(image_size, 0, 2*epsilon2, test_size, beta);

        emsemble_L = int(L / 3)
        preT_epochs = 100
        pre_T = int(int(math.ceil(D / L)) * preT_epochs + 1)
        """logfile.write("pretrain: \n")
    for step in range(_global_step, _global_step + pre_T):
        d_eps = random.random()*0.5;
        batch = cifar10_data.train.next_batch(L); #Get a random batch.
        adv_images = sess.run(x_adv, feed_dict = {x: batch[0], dynamic_eps: d_eps, FM_h: perturbH_test})
        for iter in range(0, 2):
            adv_images = sess.run(x_adv, feed_dict = {x: adv_images, dynamic_eps: d_eps, FM_h: perturbH_test})
        #sess.run(pretrain_step, feed_dict = {x: batch[0], noise: AdvLnoise, FM_h: perturbFM_h});
        batch = cifar10_data.train.next_batch(L);
        sess.run(pretrain_step, feed_dict = {x: np.append(batch[0], adv_images, axis = 0), noise: Noise, FM_h: perturbFM_h});
        if step % int(25*step_for_epoch) == 0:
            cost_value = sess.run(cost, feed_dict={x: cifar10_data.test.images, noise: Noise_test, FM_h: perturbH_test})/(test_size*128)
            logfile.write("step \t %d \t %g \n"%(step, cost_value))
    print('pre_train finished')"""

        _global_step = 0
        for step in xrange(_global_step, _global_step + T):
            start_time = time.time()
            d_eps = random.random() * 0.5
            batch = cifar10_data.train.next_batch(emsemble_L)
            #Get a random batch.
            y_adv_batch = batch[1]
            """adv_images = sess.run(x_adv, feed_dict = {x: batch[0], dynamic_eps: d_eps, FM_h: perturbH_test})
      for iter in range(0, 2):
          adv_images = sess.run(x_adv, feed_dict = {x: adv_images, dynamic_eps: d_eps, FM_h: perturbH_test})"""
            adv_images_ifgsm = sess.run(attack_tensor_dict['ifgsm'],
                                            x: batch[0],
                                            adv_noise: Noise,
                                            mu_alpha: [d_eps]
            batch = cifar10_data.train.next_batch(emsemble_L)
            y_adv_batch = np.append(y_adv_batch, batch[1], axis=0)
            adv_images_mim = sess.run(attack_tensor_dict['mim'],
                                          x: batch[0],
                                          adv_noise: Noise,
                                          mu_alpha: [d_eps]
            batch = cifar10_data.train.next_batch(emsemble_L)
            y_adv_batch = np.append(y_adv_batch, batch[1], axis=0)
            adv_images_madry = sess.run(attack_tensor_dict['madry'],
                                            x: batch[0],
                                            adv_noise: Noise,
                                            mu_alpha: [d_eps]
            adv_images = np.append(np.append(adv_images_ifgsm,

            batch = cifar10_data.train.next_batch(L)
            #Get a random batch.

                         x: batch[0],
                         adv_x: adv_images,
                         adv_noise: Noise_test,
                         noise: Noise,
                         FM_h: perturbFM_h
            _, loss_value = sess.run(
                [train_op, loss],
                    x: batch[0],
                    y_: batch[1],
                    adv_x: adv_images,
                    adv_y_: y_adv_batch,
                    noise: Noise,
                    adv_noise: Noise_test,
                    FM_h: perturbFM_h
            duration = time.time() - start_time

            assert not np.isnan(loss_value), 'Model diverged with loss = NaN'

            # report the result periodically
            if step % (50 * step_for_epoch) == 0 and step >= (300 *
                '''predictions_form_argmax = np.zeros([test_size, 10])
          softmax_predictions = sess.run(softmax_y_conv, feed_dict={x: cifar10_data.test.images, noise: Noise_test, FM_h: perturbH_test})
          argmax_predictions = np.argmax(softmax_predictions, axis=1)
          """for n_draws in range(0, 2000):
            _BenignLNoise = generateIdLMNoise(image_size, Delta2, epsilon2, L)
            _perturbFM_h = np.random.laplace(0.0, 2*Delta2/(epsilon2*L), 14*14*128)
            _perturbFM_h = np.reshape(_perturbFM_h, [-1, 14, 14, 128]);"""
          for j in range(test_size):
            pred = argmax_predictions[j]
            predictions_form_argmax[j, pred] += 2000;
          """softmax_predictions = sess.run(softmax_y_conv, feed_dict={x: cifar10_data.test.images, noise: _BenignLNoise, FM_h: _perturbFM_h})
            argmax_predictions = np.argmax(softmax_predictions, axis=1)"""
          final_predictions = predictions_form_argmax;
          is_correct = []
          is_robust = []
          for j in range(test_size):
              is_correct.append(np.argmax(cifar10_data.test.labels[j]) == np.argmax(final_predictions[j]))
              robustness_from_argmax = robustness.robustness_size_argmax(counts=predictions_form_argmax[j],eta=0.05,dp_attack_size=fgsm_eps, dp_epsilon=1.0, dp_delta=0.05, dp_mechanism='laplace') / dp_mult
              is_robust.append(robustness_from_argmax >= fgsm_eps)
          acc = np.sum(is_correct)*1.0/test_size
          robust_acc = np.sum([a and b for a,b in zip(is_robust, is_correct)])*1.0/np.sum(is_robust)
          robust_utility = np.sum(is_robust)*1.0/test_size
          log_str = "step: {:.1f}\t epsilon: {:.1f}\t benign: {:.4f} \t {:.4f} \t {:.4f} \t {:.4f} \t".format(step, total_eps, acc, robust_acc, robust_utility, robust_acc*robust_utility)'''

                #===================adv samples=====================
                log_str = "step: {:.1f}\t epsilon: {:.1f}\t".format(
                    step, total_eps)
                """adv_images_dict = {}
          for atk in attack_switch.keys():
              if attack_switch[atk]:
                  adv_images_dict[atk] = sess.run(attack_tensor_dict[atk], feed_dict ={x:cifar10_data.test.images})
          print("Done with the generating of Adversarial samples")"""
                #===================adv samples=====================
                adv_acc_dict = {}
                robust_adv_acc_dict = {}
                robust_adv_utility_dict = {}
                test_bach_size = 5000
                for atk in attack_switch.keys():
                    if atk not in adv_acc_dict:
                        adv_acc_dict[atk] = -1
                        robust_adv_acc_dict[atk] = -1
                        robust_adv_utility_dict[atk] = -1
                    if attack_switch[atk]:
                        test_bach = cifar10_data.test.next_batch(
                        adv_images_dict = sess.run(attack_tensor_dict[atk],
                                                       x: test_bach[0],
                                                       adv_noise: Noise_test,
                                                       mu_alpha: [fgsm_eps]
                        print("Done adversarial examples")
                        ### PixelDP Robustness ###
                        predictions_form_argmax = np.zeros(
                            [test_bach_size, 10])
                        softmax_predictions = sess.run(softmax_y_conv,
                                                           x: adv_images_dict,
                                                           noise: Noise,
                                                           FM_h: perturbFM_h
                        argmax_predictions = np.argmax(softmax_predictions,
                        for n_draws in range(0, 1000):
                            _BenignLNoise = generateIdLMNoise(
                                image_size, Delta2, epsilon2_update, L)
                            _perturbFM_h = np.random.laplace(
                                0.0, 2 * Delta2 / (epsilon2_update * L),
                                14 * 14 * 128)
                            _perturbFM_h = np.reshape(_perturbFM_h,
                                                      [-1, 14, 14, 128])
                            if n_draws == 500:
                                print("n_draws = 500")
                            for j in range(test_bach_size):
                                pred = argmax_predictions[j]
                                predictions_form_argmax[j, pred] += 1
                            softmax_predictions = sess.run(
                                    x: adv_images_dict,
                                    noise: (_BenignLNoise / 10 + Noise),
                                    FM_h: perturbFM_h
                                }) * sess.run(
                                        x: adv_images_dict,
                                        noise: Noise,
                                        FM_h: (_perturbFM_h / 10 + perturbFM_h)
                            #softmax_predictions = sess.run(softmax_y_conv, feed_dict={x: adv_images_dict, noise: (_BenignLNoise), FM_h: perturbFM_h}) * sess.run(softmax_y_conv, feed_dict={x: adv_images_dict, noise: Noise, FM_h: (_perturbFM_h)})
                            argmax_predictions = np.argmax(softmax_predictions,
                        final_predictions = predictions_form_argmax
                        is_correct = []
                        is_robust = []
                        for j in range(test_bach_size):
                                np.argmax(test_bach[1][j]) == np.argmax(
                            robustness_from_argmax = robustness.robustness_size_argmax(
                                dp_mechanism='laplace') / dp_mult
                                robustness_from_argmax >= fgsm_eps)
                        adv_acc_dict[atk] = np.sum(
                            is_correct) * 1.0 / test_bach_size
                        robust_adv_acc_dict[atk] = np.sum([
                            a and b for a, b in zip(is_robust, is_correct)
                        ]) * 1.0 / np.sum(is_robust)
                        robust_adv_utility_dict[atk] = np.sum(
                            is_robust) * 1.0 / test_bach_size
                for atk in attack_switch.keys():
                    if attack_switch[atk]:
                        # added robust prediction
                        log_str += " {}: {:.4f} {:.4f} {:.4f} {:.4f}".format(
                            atk, adv_acc_dict[atk], robust_adv_acc_dict[atk],
                            robust_adv_acc_dict[atk] *
                logfile.write(log_str + '\n')

            # Save the model checkpoint periodically.
            if step % (10 * step_for_epoch) == 0 and (step > _global_step):
                num_examples_per_step = L
                examples_per_sec = num_examples_per_step / duration
                sec_per_batch = float(duration)
                format_str = (
                    '%s: step %d, loss = %.2f (%.1f examples/sec; %.3f '
                print(format_str % (datetime.now(), step, loss_value,
                                    examples_per_sec, sec_per_batch))
            """if step % (50*step_for_epoch) == 0 and (step >= 900*step_for_epoch):
def train(cifar10_data, epochs, L, learning_rate, scale3, Delta2, epsilon2,
          eps2_ratio, alpha, perturbFM, fgsm_eps, total_eps, logfile,
    logfile.write("fgsm_eps \t %g, LR \t %g, alpha \t %d , epsilon \t %d \n" %
                  (fgsm_eps, learning_rate, alpha, total_eps))
    """Train CIFAR-10 for a number of steps."""
    # make sure variables are placed on cpu
    # TODO: for AWS version, check if put variables on GPU will be better
    with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.device('/cpu:0'):
        global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)
        attacks = ['ifgsm', 'mim', 'madry']

        # manually create all scopes
        with tf.variable_scope('conv1', reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE) as scope:
            scope_conv1 = scope
        with tf.variable_scope('conv2', reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE) as scope:
            scope_conv2 = scope
        with tf.variable_scope('conv3', reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE) as scope:
            scope_conv3 = scope
        with tf.variable_scope('local4', reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE) as scope:
            scope_local4 = scope
        with tf.variable_scope('local5', reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE) as scope:
            scope_local5 = scope

        # Parameters Declarification
        #with tf.variable_scope('conv1') as scope:
        # with tf.device('/gpu:{}'.format(AUX_GPU_IDX[0])):
        with tf.variable_scope(scope_conv1) as scope:
            kernel1 = _variable_with_weight_decay(
                shape=[4, 4, 3, 128],
                stddev=np.sqrt(2.0 / (5 * 5 * 256)) / math.ceil(5 / 2),
            biases1 = _bias_on_cpu('biases1', [128],

        shape = kernel1.get_shape().as_list()
        w_t = tf.reshape(kernel1, [-1, shape[-1]])
        w = tf.transpose(w_t)
        sing_vals = tf.svd(w, compute_uv=False)
        sensitivity = tf.reduce_max(sing_vals)
        gamma = 2 * Delta2 / (L * sensitivity)

        with tf.variable_scope(scope_conv2) as scope:
            kernel2 = _variable_with_weight_decay(
                shape=[5, 5, 128, 128],
                stddev=np.sqrt(2.0 / (5 * 5 * 256)) / math.ceil(5 / 2),
            biases2 = _bias_on_cpu('biases2', [128],

        with tf.variable_scope(scope_conv3) as scope:
            kernel3 = _variable_with_weight_decay(
                shape=[5, 5, 256, 256],
                stddev=np.sqrt(2.0 / (5 * 5 * 256)) / math.ceil(5 / 2),
            biases3 = _bias_on_cpu('biases3', [256],

        with tf.variable_scope(scope_local4) as scope:
            kernel4 = _variable_with_weight_decay(
                shape=[int(image_size / 4)**2 * 256, hk],
            biases4 = _bias_on_cpu('biases4', [hk],

        with tf.variable_scope(scope_local5) as scope:
            kernel5 = _variable_with_weight_decay(
                'kernel5', [hk, 10],
                stddev=np.sqrt(2.0 / (int(image_size / 4)**2 * 256)) /
                math.ceil(5 / 2),
            biases5 = _bias_on_cpu('biases5', [10],

        # group these for use as parameters
        params = [
            kernel1, biases1, kernel2, biases2, kernel3, biases3, kernel4,
            biases4, kernel5, biases5
        scopes = [
            scope_conv1, scope_conv2, scope_conv3, scope_local4, scope_local5

        # placeholders for input values
        FM_h = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 14, 14, 128])  # one time
        noise = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
                               [None, image_size, image_size, 3])  # one time
        adv_noise = tf.placeholder(
            tf.float32, [None, image_size, image_size, 3])  # one time

        x_sb = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, image_size, image_size, 3
                                           ])  # input is the bunch of n_batchs
        x_list = tf.split(x_sb, N_GPUS, axis=0)  # split it into each batch
        adv_x_sb = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
                                  [None, image_size, image_size, 3])
        adv_x_list = tf.split(adv_x_sb, N_GPUS, axis=0)

        x_test = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, image_size, image_size, 3])

        y_sb = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
                              [None, 10])  # input is the bunch of n_batchs
        y_list = tf.split(y_sb, N_GPUS, axis=0)  # split it into each batch
        adv_y_sb = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
                                  [None, 10])  # input is the bunch of n_batchs
        # adv_y_list = tf.split(adv_y_sb, N_GPUS, axis=0) # split it into each batch

        y_test = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 10])

        # re-arrange the input samples
        _split_adv_y_sb = tf.split(adv_y_sb, N_AUX_GPUS, axis=0)
        reorder_adv_y_sb = []
        for i in range(N_GPUS):
                    _split_adv_y_sb[i + N_GPUS * atk_index]
                    for atk_index in range(len(attacks))

        tower_pretrain_grads = []
        tower_train_grads = []
        all_train_loss = []

        pretrain_opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate)
        train_opt = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate)

        # batch index
        bi = 0
        for gpu in GPU_IDX:
            # putting ops on each tower (GPU)
            with tf.device('/gpu:{}'.format(gpu)):
                print('Train inference GPU placement')
                # Auto-Encoder #
                # pretrain_adv and pretrain_benign are cost tensor of the encoding layer
                with tf.variable_scope(scope_conv1) as scope:
                    Enc_Layer2 = EncLayer(inpt=adv_x_list[bi],
                    pretrain_adv = Enc_Layer2.get_train_ops2(
                    Enc_Layer3 = EncLayer(inpt=x_list[bi],
                    pretrain_benign = Enc_Layer3.get_train_ops2(
                    pretrain_cost = pretrain_adv + pretrain_benign
                # this cost is not used
                # cost = tf.reduce_sum((Enc_Layer2.cost + Enc_Layer3.cost)/2.0);

                # benign conv output
                x_image = x_list[bi] + noise
                y_conv = inference(x_image,
                # softmax_y_conv = tf.nn.softmax(y_conv)

                # adv conv output
                adv_x_image = adv_x_list[bi] + adv_noise
                y_adv_conv = inference(adv_x_image,

                # Calculate loss. Apply Taylor Expansion for the output layer
                perturbW = perturbFM * params[8]
                train_loss = cifar10.TaylorExp(y_conv, y_list[bi], y_adv_conv,
                                               reorder_adv_y_sb[bi], L, alpha,

                # list of variables to train
                pretrain_var_list = tf.get_collection(AECODER_VARIABLES)
                train_var_list = tf.get_collection(CONV_VARIABLES)

                # compute tower gradients
                pretrain_grads = pretrain_opt.compute_gradients(
                    pretrain_cost, var_list=pretrain_var_list)
                train_grads = train_opt.compute_gradients(
                    train_loss, var_list=train_var_list)
                # get_pretrain_grads(pretrain_cost, global_step, learning_rate, pretrain_var_list)
                # train_grads = get_train_grads(train_loss, global_step, learning_rate, train_var_list)

                # note this list contains grads and variables

                # batch index
                bi += 1

        # average the gradient from each tower
        pretrain_var_dict = {}
        all_pretrain_grads = {}
        avg_pretrain_grads = []
        for var in tf.get_collection(AECODER_VARIABLES):
            if var.name not in all_pretrain_grads:
                all_pretrain_grads[var.name] = []
                pretrain_var_dict[var.name] = var
        for tower in tower_pretrain_grads:
            for var_grad in tower:
        for var_name in all_pretrain_grads:
            # expand dim 0, then concat on dim 0, then reduce mean on dim 0
            expand_pretrain_grads = [
                tf.expand_dims(g, 0) for g in all_pretrain_grads[var_name]
            concat_pretrain_grads = tf.concat(expand_pretrain_grads, axis=0)
            reduce_pretrain_grads = tf.reduce_mean(concat_pretrain_grads, 0)
            # rebuild (grad, var) list
                (reduce_pretrain_grads, pretrain_var_dict[var_name]))
        for avg_pretrain_grad in avg_pretrain_grads:
            print((avg_pretrain_grad[0].name, avg_pretrain_grad[0].shape))
            print((avg_pretrain_grad[1].name, avg_pretrain_grad[1].shape))

        train_var_dict = {}
        all_train_grads = {}
        avg_train_grads = []
        for var in tf.get_collection(CONV_VARIABLES):
            if var.name not in all_train_grads:
                all_train_grads[var.name] = []
                train_var_dict[var.name] = var
        for tower in tower_train_grads:
            for var_grad in tower:
        for var_name in all_train_grads:
            # expand dim 0, then concat on dim 0, then reduce mean on dim 0
            expand_train_grads = [
                tf.expand_dims(g, 0) for g in all_train_grads[var_name]
            concat_train_grads = tf.concat(expand_train_grads, axis=0)
            reduce_train_grads = tf.reduce_mean(concat_train_grads, 0)
            # rebuild (grad, var) list
                (reduce_train_grads, train_var_dict[var_name]))
        for avg_train_grad in avg_train_grads:
            print((avg_train_grad[0].name, avg_train_grad[0].shape))
            print((avg_train_grad[1].name, avg_train_grad[1].shape))

        # get averaged loss tensor
        avg_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.stack(all_train_loss), axis=0)

        # TODO: take the average of the bn variables from each tower/training GPU
        # currently, testing is using the bn variables on bn_index 0 (tower/training GPU 0)

        # build train op (apply average gradient to variables)
        # according to 1.13 doc, updates need to be manually applied
        _update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)
        print('update ops:')

        with tf.control_dependencies(_update_ops):
            pretrain_op = pretrain_opt.apply_gradients(avg_pretrain_grads,
            train_op = train_opt.apply_gradients(avg_train_grads,

        # start a session with memory growth
        config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=False)
        config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
        sess = tf.Session(config=config)
        print("session created")

        # init kernel 1 and get some values from it
        dp_epsilon = 0.005
        parameter_dict['dp_epsilon'] = dp_epsilon
        _gamma = sess.run(gamma)
        _gamma_x = Delta2 / L
        epsilon2_update = epsilon2 / (1.0 + 1.0 / _gamma + 1 / _gamma_x)
        parameter_dict['epsilon2_update'] = epsilon2_update
        print(epsilon2_update / _gamma + epsilon2_update / _gamma_x)
        # NOTE: these values needs to be calculated in testing
        delta_r = fgsm_eps * (image_size**2)
        parameter_dict['delta_r'] = delta_r
        _sensitivityW = sess.run(sensitivity)
        parameter_dict['_sensitivityW'] = _sensitivityW
        delta_h = _sensitivityW * (14**2)
        parameter_dict['delta_h'] = delta_h
        #dp_mult = (Delta2/(L*epsilon2_update))/(delta_r / dp_epsilon) + (2*Delta2/(L*epsilon2_update))/(delta_h / dp_epsilon)
        dp_mult = (Delta2) / (L * epsilon2_update * (delta_h / 2 + delta_r))
        parameter_dict['dp_mult'] = dp_mult

        # place test-time inference into CPU
        with tf.device('/cpu:0'):
            # testing pipeline
            test_x_image = x_test + noise
            test_y_conv = inference(test_x_image,
            test_softmax_y_conv = tf.nn.softmax(test_y_conv)

        # ============== attacks ================
        iter_step_training = 3
        parameter_dict['iter_step_training'] = iter_step_training
        # iter_step_testing = 1000
        aux_dup_count = N_GPUS
        # split input x_super_batch into N_AUX_GPUS parts
        x_attacks = tf.split(x_sb, N_AUX_GPUS, axis=0)
        # split input x_test into aux_dup_count parts
        x_test_split = tf.split(x_test, aux_dup_count, axis=0)

        # setup all attacks
        # attack_switch = {'fgsm':False, 'ifgsm':True, 'deepfool':False, 'mim':True, 'spsa':False, 'cwl2':False, 'madry':True, 'stm':False}

        ch_model_probs = CustomCallableModelWrapper(
        attack_tensor_training_dict = {}
        attack_tensor_testing_dict = {}

        # define each attack method's tensor
        mu_alpha = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [1])

        # build each attack
        for atk_idx in range(len(attacks)):
            atk = attacks[atk_idx]
            print('building attack {} tensors'.format(atk))
            # for each gpu assign to each attack
            attack_tensor_training_dict[atk] = []
            attack_tensor_testing_dict[atk] = []
            for i in range(aux_dup_count):
                if atk == 'ifgsm':
                    with tf.device('/gpu:{}'.format(AUX_GPU_IDX[i])):
                        print('ifgsm GPU placement: /gpu:{}'.format(
                        # ifgsm tensors for training
                        ifgsm_obj = BasicIterativeMethod(model=ch_model_probs,
                                               eps_iter=mu_alpha /

                elif atk == 'mim':
                    with tf.device('/gpu:{}'.format(
                            AUX_GPU_IDX[i + 1 * aux_dup_count])):
                        print('mim GPU placement: /gpu:{}'.format(
                            AUX_GPU_IDX[i + 1 * aux_dup_count]))
                        # mim tensors for training
                        mim_obj = MomentumIterativeMethod(model=ch_model_probs,
                                x=x_attacks[i + 1 * aux_dup_count],
                                eps_iter=mu_alpha / iter_step_training,

                elif atk == 'madry':
                    with tf.device('/gpu:{}'.format(
                            AUX_GPU_IDX[i + 2 * aux_dup_count])):
                        print('madry GPU placement: /gpu:{}'.format(
                            AUX_GPU_IDX[i + 2 * aux_dup_count]))
                        # madry tensors for training
                        madry_obj = MadryEtAl(model=ch_model_probs, sess=sess)
                                x=x_attacks[i + 2 * aux_dup_count],
                                eps_iter=mu_alpha / iter_step_training,

        # combine all attack tensors
        adv_concat_list = []
        for i in range(aux_dup_count):
                    [attack_tensor_training_dict[atk][i] for atk in attacks],
        # the tensor that contains each batch of adv samples for training
        # has same sample order as the labels
        adv_super_batch_tensor = tf.concat(adv_concat_list, axis=0)

        #====================== attack =========================

        #adv_logits, _ = inference(c_x_adv + W_conv1Noise, perturbFM, params)

        print('******************** debug info **********************')
        # list of variables to train
        pretrain_var_list = tf.get_collection(AECODER_VARIABLES)
        print('pretrain var list')
        for v in pretrain_var_list:
            print((v.name, v.shape))
        train_var_list = tf.get_collection(CONV_VARIABLES)
        print('train var list')
        for v in train_var_list:
            print((v.name, v.shape))

        # all variables
        print('all variables')
        vl = tf.global_variables()
        for v in vl:
            print((v.name, v.shape))

        # all ops
        ops = [n.name for n in tf.get_default_graph().as_graph_def().node]
        print('total number of ops')
        # for op in ops:
        #   print(op)
        print('******************** debug info **********************')
        # exit()

        # Create a saver.
        saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=tf.all_variables(), max_to_keep=1000)

        # Build an initialization operation to run below.
        init = tf.initialize_all_variables()

        # load the most recent models
        _global_step = 0
        ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(FLAGS.checkpoint_dir)
        if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path:
            saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path)
            _global_step = int(
            print('No checkpoint file found')

        T = int(int(math.ceil(D / L)) * epochs + 1)  # number of steps
        print('total number of steps: {}'.format(T))
        step_for_epoch = int(math.ceil(D / L))
        #number of steps for one epoch
        parameter_dict['step_for_epoch'] = step_for_epoch
        print('step_for_epoch: {}'.format(step_for_epoch))

        # generate some fixed noise
        perturbH_test = np.random.laplace(0.0, 0, 14 * 14 * 128)  # one time
        perturbH_test = np.reshape(perturbH_test,
                                   [-1, 14, 14, 128])  # one time
        parameter_dict['perturbH_test'] = perturbH_test

        perturbFM_h = np.random.laplace(0.0,
                                        2 * Delta2 / (epsilon2_update * L),
                                        14 * 14 * 128)  # one time
        perturbFM_h = np.reshape(perturbFM_h, [-1, 14, 14, 128])  # one time
        parameter_dict['perturbFM_h'] = perturbFM_h

        Noise = generateIdLMNoise(image_size, Delta2, epsilon2_update,
                                  L)  # one time
        parameter_dict['Noise'] = Noise
        Noise_test = generateIdLMNoise(image_size, 0, epsilon2_update,
                                       L)  # one time
        parameter_dict['Noise_test'] = Noise_test
        print('Noise and Noise_test')
        # exit()

        # some timing variables
        adv_duration_total = 0.0
        adv_duration_count = 0
        train_duration_total = 0.0
        train_duration_count = 0

        # some debug flag
        adv_batch_flag = True
        batch_flag = True
        L_flag = True
        parameter_flag = True

        _global_step = 0
        for step in xrange(_global_step, _global_step + T):
            start_time = time.time()
            # TODO: fix this
            d_eps = random.random() * 0.5
            # d_eps = 0.25
            print('d_eps: {}'.format(d_eps))

            # version with 3 AUX GPU
            # get two super batchs, one for benign training, one for adv training
            super_batch_images, super_batch_labels = cifar10_data.train.next_super_batch(
                N_GPUS, random=True)
            super_batch_images_for_adv, super_batch_adv_labels = cifar10_data.train.next_super_batch_premix_ensemble(
                N_GPUS, random=True)

            # TODO: re-arrange the adv labels to match the adv samples

            # run adv_tensors_batch_concat to generate adv samples
            super_batch_adv_images = sess.run(adv_super_batch_tensor,
                                                  adv_noise: Noise,
                                                  mu_alpha: [d_eps]

            adv_finish_time = time.time()
            adv_duration = adv_finish_time - start_time
            adv_duration_total += adv_duration
            adv_duration_count += 1

            if adv_batch_flag:
                adv_batch_flag = False

            if batch_flag:
                batch_flag = False

            if L_flag:
                print("L: {}".format(L))
                L_flag = False

            if parameter_flag:
                print('*=*=*=*=*', flush=True)
                parameter_flag = False

            _, _, avg_loss_value = sess.run(
                [pretrain_op, train_op, avg_loss],
                    x_sb: super_batch_images,
                    y_sb: super_batch_labels,
                    adv_x_sb: super_batch_adv_images,
                    adv_y_sb: super_batch_adv_labels,
                    noise: Noise,
                    adv_noise: Noise_test,
                    FM_h: perturbFM_h

            assert not np.isnan(
                avg_loss_value), 'Model diverged with loss = NaN'

            train_finish_time = time.time()
            train_duration = train_finish_time - adv_finish_time
            train_duration_total += train_duration
            train_duration_count += 1

            # save model every 50 epochs
            if step % (50 * step_for_epoch) == 0 and (step >=
                                                      50 * step_for_epoch):
                print('saving model')
                checkpoint_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd() + dirCheckpoint,
                saver.save(sess, checkpoint_path, global_step=step)

            # Save the model checkpoint periodically.
            # if step % (10*step_for_epoch) == 0 and (step > _global_step):
            if step % 10 == 0 and (step > _global_step):
                # print n steps and time
                print("current epoch: {:.2f}".format(step / step_for_epoch))
                num_examples_per_step = L * N_GPUS * 2
                avg_adv_duration = adv_duration_total / adv_duration_count
                avg_train_duration = train_duration_total / train_duration_count
                avg_total_duration = avg_adv_duration + avg_train_duration
                examples_per_sec = num_examples_per_step / avg_total_duration
                sec_per_step = avg_total_duration
                # sec_per_batch = sec_per_step / (N_GPUS * 2)
                format_str = (
                    '%s: step %d, loss = %.2f (%.1f examples/sec; %.2f '
                    'sec/step; %.2f sec/adv_gen_op; %.2f sec/train_op)')
                actual_str = format_str % (
                    datetime.now(), step, avg_loss_value, examples_per_sec,
                    sec_per_step, avg_adv_duration, avg_train_duration)
                print(actual_str, flush=True)
                logfile.write(actual_str + '\n')
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, n_in=784, n_out=10, filter_size = 5, hidden_layers_sizes=[10, 10, 25], epsilon = 0.25, _batch_size = 3600, finetuneLR = 0.01):
        :param n_in: int, the dimension of input
        :param n_out: int, the dimension of output
        :param filter_size: the dimension of convolutional filter [filter_size, filter_size]
        :param hidden_layers_sizes: list or tuple, the number of convolutional feature maps, the last item will be the number of hidden neurons in the last hidden layer
        :param epsilon: privacy budget epsilon
        :param _batch_size: the batch size
        :param finetuneLR: fine tunning learning rate
        # Number of layers
        assert len(hidden_layers_sizes) > 0
        self.n_layers = len(hidden_layers_sizes)
        self.layers = []    # convolutional and hidden layers
        self.params = []       # keep track of params for training
        self.last_n_in = hidden_layers_sizes[-1] # the number of hidden neurons in the last hidden layer
        self.pretrain_ops = []; # list of pretrain objective functions for convolutional layers
        self.epsilon = epsilon; # privacy budget epsilon epsilon
        self.batch_size = _batch_size; # batch size

        # Define the input, output, Laplace noise for the output layer, and Delta for the pretrain convolutional layers
        self.x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, n_in], name='x')
        # ensure 2-d is converted to square tensor.
        if len(self.x.get_shape()) == 2:
            x_dim = np.sqrt(self.x.get_shape().as_list()[1])
            if x_dim != int(x_dim):
                raise ValueError('Unsupported input dimensions')
            x_dim = int(x_dim)
            x_tensor = tf.reshape(self.x, [-1, x_dim, x_dim, 1])
        elif len(self.x.get_shape()) == 4:
            x_tensor = self.x
            raise ValueError('Unsupported input dimensions')
        image = x_tensor
        self.y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, n_out])
        self.LaplaceNoise = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, 25);
        self.Delta = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, 1);
        ##Construct the Model########
        # Create the 1st convolutional restricted boltzmann layer
        Enc_Layer1 = EncLayer(inpt=image, n_filter_in = 1, n_filter_out = hidden_layers_sizes[0], filter_size = 5, activation=tf.nn.sigmoid)
        # get the pretrain objective function
        self.pretrain_ops.append(Enc_Layer1.get_train_ops2(xShape = tf.shape(image)[0], Delta = self.Delta, epsilon = self.epsilon, batch_size = self.batch_size, learning_rate= 0.01))
        # Create the 2nd convolutional restricted boltzmann layer
        Enc_Layer2 = EncLayer(inpt=self.layers[-1].output, n_filter_in = hidden_layers_sizes[0], n_filter_out = hidden_layers_sizes[1], filter_size = 5, activation=tf.nn.sigmoid)
        # get the pretrain objective function
        self.pretrain_ops.append(Enc_Layer2.get_train_ops2(xShape = tf.shape(image)[0], Delta = self.Delta, epsilon = self.epsilon, batch_size = self.batch_size, learning_rate= 0.01))
        # Create the flat connected hidden layer
        flat1 = ConvFlat(inpt=self.layers[-1].output, xShape = tf.shape(image)[0], n_out = self.last_n_in, activation=tf.nn.relu)
        # Create the output layer
        # We use the differentially private Logistic Regression (dpLogisticRegression) layer as the objective function
        self.output_layer = dpLogisticRegression(inpt=self.layers[-1].output, n_in = self.last_n_in, n_out=n_out, LaplaceNoise = self.LaplaceNoise)
        # We can also use the non-differentially private layer: LogisticRegression(inpt=self.layers[-1].output, n_in=hidden_layers_sizes[-1], n_out=n_out)

        ##Define Fine Tune Cost and Optimizer##
        # The finetuning cost
        self.cost = self.output_layer.cost(self.y)
        # train_op for finetuning with AdamOptimizer
        global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)
        #learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(finetuneLR, global_step, 700, 0.96, staircase=True); # learning rate decay can be carefully used
        # Fine tune with AdamOptimizer. Note that we do not fine tune the pre-trained parameters at the convolutional layers
        self.train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(finetuneLR).minimize(self.cost, var_list=[flat1.params, self.output_layer.params], global_step = global_step)
        # The accuracy
        self.accuracy = self.output_layer.accuarcy(self.y)
Exemplo n.º 5
def PDP_resnet_with_pretrain_adv(TIN_data, resnet_params, train_params, params_to_save):
  # dict for encoding layer variables and output layer variables
  pre_define_vars = {}

  # list of variables to train
  train_vars = []
  pretrain_vars = []

  with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.device('/cpu:0'):
    global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)
    # Parameters Declarification
    # encoding (pretrain) layer variables
    with tf.variable_scope('enc_layer', reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE) as scope:
      kernel1 = tf.get_variable('kernel1', shape=[train_params.enc_kernel_size, train_params.enc_kernel_size, 
                                3, train_params.enc_filters], dtype=tf.float32, 
      biases1 = tf.get_variable('biases1', shape=[train_params.enc_filters], dtype=tf.float32, 
    pre_define_vars['kernel1'] = kernel1
    pre_define_vars['biases1'] = biases1 

    shape     = kernel1.get_shape().as_list()
    w_t       = tf.reshape(kernel1, [-1, shape[-1]])
    w         = tf.transpose(w_t)
    sing_vals = tf.svd(w, compute_uv=False)
    sensitivity = tf.reduce_max(sing_vals)
    gamma = 2*train_params.Delta2/(train_params.effective_batch_size * sensitivity)
    print('gamma: {}'.format(gamma))
    # output layer variables
    with tf.variable_scope('fc2', reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE) as scope:
      stdv = 1.0 / math.sqrt(train_params.hk)
      final_w = tf.get_variable('kernel', shape=[train_params.hk, train_params.num_classes], dtype=tf.float32, 
                                initializer=tf.random_uniform_initializer(-stdv, stdv))
      final_b = tf.get_variable('bias', shape=[train_params.num_classes], dtype=tf.float32, 
    pre_define_vars['final_w'] = final_w
    pre_define_vars['final_b'] = final_b 
    # Build a Graph that computes the logits predictions from the inputs
    # input placeholders
    x_sb = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None,train_params.image_size,train_params.image_size,3], name='x_sb') # input is the bunch of n_batchs
    x_sb_adv = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None,train_params.image_size,train_params.image_size,3], name='x_sb_adv')
    x_test = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None,train_params.image_size,train_params.image_size,3], name='x_test')

    y_sb = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, train_params.num_classes], name='y_sb') # input is the bunch of n_batchs (super batch)
    y_sb_adv = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, train_params.num_classes], name='y_sb_adv')
    y_test = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, train_params.num_classes], name='y_test')

    FM_h = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, train_params.enc_h_size, train_params.enc_h_size, train_params.enc_filters], name='FM_h') # one time
    noise = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, train_params.image_size, train_params.image_size, 3], name='noise') # one time
    adv_noise = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, train_params.image_size, train_params.image_size, 3], name='adv_noise') # one time

    learning_rate = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(), name='learning_rate')
    keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(), name='keep_prob')

    # list of grads for each GPU
    tower_pretrain_grads = []
    tower_train_grads = []
    all_train_loss = []

    # optimizers
    pretrain_opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate)
    train_opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate)

    # model and loss on one GPU
    with tf.device('/gpu:{}'.format(GPU_IDX[0])):
      # setup encoding layer training
      with tf.variable_scope('enc_layer', reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE) as scope:
        Enc_Layer2 = EncLayer(inpt=x_sb, n_filter_in=None, n_filter_out=None, filter_size=None, 
                              W=kernel1, b=biases1, activation=tf.nn.relu)
        pretrain_adv = Enc_Layer2.get_train_ops2(xShape=tf.shape(x_sb_adv)[0], Delta=train_params.Delta2, 
                                                epsilon=train_params.epsilon2, batch_size=None, learning_rate=None,
                                                W=kernel1, b=biases1, perturbFMx=adv_noise, perturbFM_h=FM_h)
        Enc_Layer3 = EncLayer(inpt=x_sb, n_filter_in=None, n_filter_out=None, filter_size=None, 
                              W=kernel1, b=biases1, activation=tf.nn.relu)
        pretrain_benign = Enc_Layer3.get_train_ops2(xShape=tf.shape(x_sb)[0], Delta=train_params.Delta2, 
                                                    epsilon=train_params.epsilon2, batch_size=None, learning_rate=None,
                                                    W=kernel1, b=biases1, perturbFMx=noise, perturbFM_h=FM_h)
        pretrain_cost = tf.reduce_mean(pretrain_adv + pretrain_benign)
      print_var('pretrain_cost', pretrain_cost)
      # use standard loss first
      y_logits = inference(x_sb + noise, FM_h, keep_prob, pre_define_vars, resnet_params, train_params)
      y_softmax = tf.nn.softmax(y_logits)

      y_logits_adv = inference(x_sb_adv + adv_noise, FM_h, keep_prob, pre_define_vars, resnet_params, train_params)
      y_softmax_adv = tf.nn.softmax(y_logits_adv)

      # taylor exp
      # TODO: use noise here
      perturbW = train_params.perturbFM * final_w
      # train_loss = TaylorExp_no_noise(y_softmax, y_sb, y_softmax_adv, y_sb_adv, 
      #                        train_params.effective_batch_size, train_params.alpha)
      train_loss = TaylorExp(y_softmax, y_sb, y_softmax_adv, y_sb_adv, 
                             train_params.effective_batch_size, train_params.alpha, perturbW)
      print_var('train_loss', train_loss)
    # split testing in each gpu
    x_sb_tests = tf.split(x_sb, N_ALL_GPUS, axis=0)
    y_softmax_test_list = []
    for gpu in range(N_ALL_GPUS):
      with tf.device('/gpu:{}'.format(gpu)):
        # testing graph now in each gpu
        y_logits_test = test_inference(x_sb_tests[gpu] + noise, FM_h, keep_prob, pre_define_vars, resnet_params, train_params)
    y_softmax_test_concat = tf.concat(y_softmax_test_list, axis=0)

    all_vars = tf.global_variables()
    print_var_list('all vars', all_vars)

    # add selected vars into trainable variable list
    # ('res4' in var.name and ('gamma' in var.name or 'beta' in var.name)) or
    for var in tf.global_variables():
      if 'resnet_model' in var.name and \
        ('conv0' in var.name or 
        'fc' in var.name or 
        'res3' in var.name or 
        'res4' in var.name or 
        'res1' in var.name or 
        'res2' in var.name) and \
          ('gamma' in var.name or 
            'beta' in var.name or 
            'kernel' in var.name or
            'bias' in var.name):
        if var not in train_vars:
      elif 'enc_layer' in var.name and \
        ('kernel' in var.name or
          'bias' in var.name):
        if var not in pretrain_vars:
        if var not in train_vars:
      elif 'enc_layer' in var.name and \
        ('gamma' in var.name or 
          'beta' in var.name):
        if var not in pretrain_vars:
    print_var_list('train_vars', train_vars)
    print_var_list('pretrain_vars', pretrain_vars)

    # op for compute grads on one gpu
    with tf.device('/gpu:{}'.format(GPU_IDX[0])):
      # get all update_ops (updates of moving averageand std) for batch normalizations
      update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)
      print_op_list('update ops', update_ops)
      enc_update_ops = [op for op in update_ops if 'enc_layer' in op.name]
      print_op_list('enc layer update ops', enc_update_ops)

      # when the gradients are computed, update the batch_norm
      with tf.control_dependencies(enc_update_ops):
        pretrain_grads = pretrain_opt.compute_gradients(pretrain_cost, var_list=pretrain_vars)
        print('*********** pretrain_grads ***********')
        for x in pretrain_grads:
      with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops):
        train_grads = train_opt.compute_gradients(train_loss, var_list=train_vars)
        print('*********** train_grads ***********')
        for x in train_grads:
      avg_pretrain_grads = pretrain_grads
      avg_train_grads = train_grads
      # get averaged loss tensor for pretrain and train ops
      total_loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.stack(all_train_loss))
      total_pretrain_loss = tf.reduce_mean(pretrain_cost)

    # prepare to save gradients for large batch
    pretrain_grads_save = [g for g,v in pretrain_grads]
    # print('*********** pretrain_grads_save ***********' + str(pretrain_grads_save) + '**********************')
    train_grads_save = [g for g,v in train_grads]
    # print('*********** train_grads_save ***********' + str(train_grads_save) + '**********************')
    pretrain_grads_shapes = [g.shape.as_list() for g in pretrain_grads_save]
    train_grads_shapes = [g.shape.as_list() for g in train_grads_save]

    # placeholders for importing saved gradients
    pretrain_grads_placeholders = []
    for g,v in pretrain_grads:
      pretrain_grads_placeholders.append(tf.placeholder(tf.float32, v.shape))

    train_grads_placeholders = []
    for g,v in train_grads:
      train_grads_placeholders.append(tf.placeholder(tf.float32, v.shape))

    # construct the (grad, var) list
    assemble_pretrain_grads = []
    for i in range(len(pretrain_vars)):
      assemble_pretrain_grads.append((pretrain_grads_placeholders[i], pretrain_vars[i]))
    assemble_train_grads = []
    for i in range(len(train_grads)):
      assemble_train_grads.append((train_grads_placeholders[i], train_vars[i]))
    # apply the saved gradients
    pretrain_op = pretrain_opt.apply_gradients(assemble_pretrain_grads, global_step=global_step)
    train_op = train_opt.apply_gradients(assemble_train_grads, global_step=global_step)

    # Create a saver.
    saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=tf.all_variables(), max_to_keep=1000)
    # start a session with memory growth
    config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=False)
    sess = tf.Session(config=config)
    print("session created")

    # get some initial values
    _gamma = sess.run(gamma)
    _gamma_x = train_params.Delta2 / train_params.effective_batch_size
    epsilon2_update = train_params.epsilon2/(1.0 + 1.0/_gamma + 1/_gamma_x)
    delta_r = train_params.fgsm_eps * (train_params.image_size ** 2)
    _sensitivityW = sess.run(sensitivity)
    delta_h = _sensitivityW*(train_params.enc_h_size ** 2)
    #dp_mult = (train_params.Delta2 / (train_params.effective_batch_size * epsilon2_update)) / (delta_r / train_params.dp_epsilon) + \
    #  (2 * train_params.Delta2 / (train_params.effective_batch_size * epsilon2_update))/(delta_h / train_params.dp_epsilon)
    dp_mult = (train_params.Delta2*train_params.dp_epsilon) / (train_params.effective_batch_size*epsilon2_update * (delta_h / 2 + delta_r))
    # save some valus for testing
    params_to_save['epsilon2_update'] = epsilon2_update
    params_to_save['dp_mult'] = dp_mult

    # ADV attacks

    # split input for attacks
    x_attacks = tf.split(x_sb, 3, axis=0) # split it into each batch
    # currently only ifgsm, mim, and madry attacks are available
    attack_switch = {'fgsm':False, 'ifgsm':True, 'deepfool':False, 'mim':True, 'spsa':False, 'cwl2':False, 'madry':True, 'stm':False}
    # wrap the inference
    ch_model_probs = CustomCallableModelWrapper(callable_fn=inference_test_output_probs, output_layer='probs', 
                                                adv_noise=adv_noise, keep_prob=keep_prob, pre_define_vars=pre_define_vars, 
                                                resnet_params=resnet_params, train_params=train_params)
    # to save the reference to the attack tensors
    attack_tensor_training_dict = {}
    attack_tensor_testing_dict = {}

    # placeholder for eps parameter
    mu_alpha = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [1])
    # Iterative FGSM (BasicIterativeMethod/ProjectedGradientMethod with no random init)
    # place on specific GPU
    with tf.device('/gpu:{}'.format(AUX_GPU_IDX[0])):
      print('ifgsm GPU placement')
      if attack_switch['ifgsm']:
          print('creating attack tensor of BasicIterativeMethod')
          ifgsm_obj = BasicIterativeMethod(model=ch_model_probs, sess=sess)
          attack_tensor_training_dict['ifgsm'] = ifgsm_obj.generate(x=x_attacks[0], eps=mu_alpha, eps_iter=mu_alpha/train_params.iter_step_training, nb_iter=train_params.iter_step_training, clip_min=-1.0, clip_max=1.0)
          attack_tensor_testing_dict['ifgsm'] = ifgsm_obj.generate(x=x_sb, eps=mu_alpha, eps_iter=mu_alpha/train_params.iter_step_testing, nb_iter=train_params.iter_step_testing, clip_min=-1.0, clip_max=1.0)

    # MomentumIterativeMethod
    # place on specific GPU
    with tf.device('/gpu:{}'.format(AUX_GPU_IDX[1])):
      print('mim GPU placement')
      if attack_switch['mim']:
          print('creating attack tensor of MomentumIterativeMethod')
          mim_obj = MomentumIterativeMethod(model=ch_model_probs, sess=sess)
          attack_tensor_training_dict['mim'] = mim_obj.generate(x=x_attacks[1], eps=mu_alpha, eps_iter=mu_alpha/train_params.iter_step_training, nb_iter=train_params.iter_step_training, decay_factor=1.0, clip_min=-1.0, clip_max=1.0)
          attack_tensor_testing_dict['mim'] = mim_obj.generate(x=x_sb, eps=mu_alpha, eps_iter=mu_alpha/train_params.iter_step_testing, nb_iter=train_params.iter_step_testing, decay_factor=1.0, clip_min=-1.0, clip_max=1.0)
    # MadryEtAl (Projected Grdient with random init, same as rand+fgsm)
    # place on specific GPU
    with tf.device('/gpu:{}'.format(AUX_GPU_IDX[2])):
      print('madry GPU placement')
      if attack_switch['madry']:
          print('creating attack tensor of MadryEtAl')
          madry_obj = MadryEtAl(model=ch_model_probs, sess=sess)
          attack_tensor_training_dict['madry'] = madry_obj.generate(x=x_attacks[2], eps=mu_alpha, eps_iter=mu_alpha/train_params.iter_step_training, nb_iter=train_params.iter_step_training, clip_min=-1.0, clip_max=1.0)
          attack_tensor_testing_dict['madry'] = madry_obj.generate(x=x_sb, eps=mu_alpha, eps_iter=mu_alpha/train_params.iter_step_testing, nb_iter=train_params.iter_step_testing, clip_min=-1.0, clip_max=1.0)

    # combine the tensors
    adv_tensors_concat = tf.concat([attack_tensor_training_dict[x] for x in train_params.attacks], axis=0)

    # init op
    init = tf.initialize_all_variables()

    # load pretrained variables of RESNET
    if train_params.load_weights:
      # first we need to load variable name convert table
      tgt_var_name_dict = {}
      with open(train_params.weight_table_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as inf:
        lines = inf.readlines()
        for line in lines:
          var_names = line.strip().split(' ')
          if var_names[1] == 'NONE':
            tgt_var_name_dict[var_names[0]] = var_names[1]

      # load variables dict from checkpoint
      pretrained_var_dict = load_pretrained_vars()

      # load pre-trained vars using name convert table
      for var in tf.global_variables():
        if var.name in tgt_var_name_dict:
          # print('var \"{}\" found'.format(var.name))
            var.load(pretrained_var_dict[tgt_var_name_dict[var.name]], session=sess)
            print('{} loaded'.format(var.name))
            print('var {} not loaded since shape changed'.format(var.name))
          if 'Adam' not in var.name:
            print('var \"{}\" NOT FOUND'.format(var.name))
      print('Training model from scratch')

    # init noise and save for testing
    perturbH_test = np.random.laplace(0.0, 0, train_params.enc_h_size*train_params.enc_h_size*train_params.enc_filters)
    perturbH_test = np.reshape(perturbH_test, [-1, train_params.enc_h_size, train_params.enc_h_size, train_params.enc_filters])
    params_to_save['perturbH_test'] = perturbH_test
    perturbFM_h = np.random.laplace(0.0, 2*train_params.Delta2/(epsilon2_update*train_params.effective_batch_size), 
    perturbFM_h = np.reshape(perturbFM_h, [-1, train_params.enc_h_size, train_params.enc_h_size, train_params.enc_filters])
    params_to_save['perturbFM_h'] = perturbFM_h

    Noise = generateIdLMNoise(train_params.image_size, train_params.Delta2, epsilon2_update, train_params.effective_batch_size)
    params_to_save['Noise'] = Noise

    Noise_test = generateIdLMNoise(train_params.image_size, 0, epsilon2_update, train_params.effective_batch_size)
    params_to_save['Noise_test'] = Noise_test

    # save params for testing
    with open(os.getcwd() + train_params.params_save_path, 'wb') as outf:
      pickle.dump(params_to_save, outf)
      print('params saved')

    print('start pretrain')
    start_time = time.time()
    lr_schedule_list = sorted(train_params.lr_schedule_pretrain.keys())
    attacks_and_benign = train_params.attacks + ['benign']
    # build zeros numpy arrays for accumulate grads
    accumu_pretrain_grads = [np.zeros(g_shape, dtype=np.float32) for g_shape in pretrain_grads_shapes]
    total_pretrain_loss_value = 0.0
    step = 0
    # pretrain loop
    while True:
      # if enough steps, break
      if step > train_params.pretrain_steps:
      # add steps here so not forgot
        step += 1

      # manual schedule learning rate
      current_epoch = step // (train_params.epoch_steps)
      current_lr = train_params.lr_schedule_pretrain[get_lr(current_epoch, lr_schedule_list)]

      # benign and adv batch
      super_batch = TIN_data.train.next_super_batch(N_GPUS, ensemble=False, random=True)
      adv_super_batch = TIN_data.train.next_super_batch(N_GPUS, ensemble=False, random=True)

      # get pretrain grads
      pretrain_grads_save_np, _pretain_loss_value = sess.run([pretrain_grads_save, total_pretrain_loss], feed_dict={x_sb: super_batch[0], 
                                                                                                                    x_sb_adv: adv_super_batch[0], 
                                                                                                                    learning_rate: current_lr,
                                                                                                                    adv_noise: Noise_test, 
                                                                                                                    noise: Noise, 
                                                                                                                    FM_h: perturbFM_h})
      # accumulate grads
      for i in range(len(accumu_pretrain_grads)):
        accumu_pretrain_grads[i] = accumu_pretrain_grads[i] + pretrain_grads_save_np[i]
      # accumulate loss values
      total_pretrain_loss_value = total_pretrain_loss_value + _pretain_loss_value

      # use accumulated gradients to update variables
      if step % train_params.batch_multi == 0 and step > 0:
        # print('effective batch reached at step: {}, epoch: {}'.format(step, step / train_params.epoch_steps))
        # compute the average grads and build the feed dict
        pretrain_feed_dict = {}
        for i in range(len(accumu_pretrain_grads)):
          pretrain_feed_dict[pretrain_grads_placeholders[i]] = accumu_pretrain_grads[i] / train_params.batch_multi
        pretrain_feed_dict[learning_rate] = current_lr

        # run train ops by feeding the gradients
        sess.run(pretrain_op, feed_dict=pretrain_feed_dict)

        # get loss value
        avg_pretrain_loss_value = total_pretrain_loss_value / train_params.batch_multi

        # reset the average grads
        accumu_pretrain_grads = [np.zeros(g_shape, dtype=np.float32) for g_shape in pretrain_grads_shapes]
        total_pretrain_loss_value = 0.0

      # print loss
      if step % (1*train_params.epoch_steps) == 0 and step >= (1*train_params.epoch_steps):
        print('pretrain report at step: {}, epoch: {}'.format(step, step / train_params.epoch_steps))
        dt = time.time() - start_time
        avg_epoch_time = dt / (step / train_params.epoch_steps)
        print('epoch: {:.4f}, avg epoch time: {:.4f}, current_lr: {}'.format(step/train_params.epoch_steps, avg_epoch_time, current_lr), flush=True)
        print('pretrain_loss: {:.6f}'.format(avg_pretrain_loss_value))

    print('start train')
    start_time = time.time()
    lr_schedule_list = sorted(train_params.lr_schedule.keys())
    # train whole model
    # build zeros numpy arrays for accumulate grads
    accumu_pretrain_grads = [np.zeros(g_shape, dtype=np.float32) for g_shape in pretrain_grads_shapes]
    accumu_train_grads = [np.zeros(g_shape, dtype=np.float32) for g_shape in train_grads_shapes]
    total_pretrain_loss_value = 0.0
    total_train_loss_value = 0.0
    step = 0
    # train loop
    while True:
      # if enough steps, break
      if step > train_params.train_steps:
      # add steps here so not forgot
        step += 1

      # compute the grads every step
      # random eps value for trianing
      d_eps = random.random()*train_params.random_eps_range

      # manual schedule learning rate
      current_epoch = step // (train_params.epoch_steps)
      current_lr = train_params.lr_schedule[get_lr(current_epoch, lr_schedule_list)]
      # benign and adv batch
      super_batch = TIN_data.train.next_super_batch(N_GPUS, ensemble=False, random=True)
      adv_super_batch = TIN_data.train.next_super_batch(N_GPUS, ensemble=False, random=True)

      # create adv samples
      super_batch_adv_images = sess.run(adv_tensors_concat, 
                                        feed_dict={x_sb:adv_super_batch[0], keep_prob:1.0,
                                                    adv_noise: Noise, mu_alpha:[d_eps]})   

      # get pretrain and train grads
      pretrain_grads_save_np, _pretain_loss_value = sess.run([pretrain_grads_save, total_pretrain_loss], feed_dict={x_sb: super_batch[0], 
                                                                                                                    x_sb_adv: super_batch_adv_images, 
                                                                                                                    learning_rate: current_lr,
                                                                                                                    adv_noise: Noise_test, 
                                                                                                                    noise: Noise, 
                                                                                                                    FM_h: perturbFM_h})
      train_grads_save_np, _train_loss_value = sess.run([train_grads_save, total_loss], feed_dict = {x_sb: super_batch[0], y_sb: super_batch[1],
                                                                  x_sb_adv: super_batch_adv_images, y_sb_adv: adv_super_batch[1],
                                                                  keep_prob: train_params.keep_prob, learning_rate: current_lr,
                                                                  noise: Noise, adv_noise: Noise_test, FM_h: perturbFM_h})

      # accumulate grads
      for i in range(len(accumu_pretrain_grads)):
        accumu_pretrain_grads[i] = accumu_pretrain_grads[i] + pretrain_grads_save_np[i]

      for i in range(len(accumu_train_grads)):
        accumu_train_grads[i] = accumu_train_grads[i] + train_grads_save_np[i]

      # accumulate loss values
      total_pretrain_loss_value = total_pretrain_loss_value + _pretain_loss_value
      total_train_loss_value = total_train_loss_value + _train_loss_value
      # use accumulated gradients to update variables
      if step % train_params.batch_multi == 0 and step > 0:
        # compute the average grads and build the feed dict
        pretrain_feed_dict = {}
        for i in range(len(accumu_pretrain_grads)):
          pretrain_feed_dict[pretrain_grads_placeholders[i]] = accumu_pretrain_grads[i] / train_params.batch_multi
        pretrain_feed_dict[learning_rate] = current_lr
        # pretrain_feed_dict[keep_prob] = 0.5

        train_feed_dict = {}
        for i in range(len(accumu_train_grads)):
          train_feed_dict[train_grads_placeholders[i]] = accumu_train_grads[i] / train_params.batch_multi
        train_feed_dict[learning_rate] = current_lr
        # train_feed_dict[keep_prob] = 0.5

        # run train ops
        sess.run(pretrain_op, feed_dict=pretrain_feed_dict)
        sess.run(train_op, feed_dict=train_feed_dict)

        # get loss value
        avg_pretrain_loss_value = total_pretrain_loss_value / train_params.batch_multi
        avg_train_loss_value = total_train_loss_value / train_params.batch_multi

        # reset the average grads
        accumu_pretrain_grads = [np.zeros(g_shape, dtype=np.float32) for g_shape in pretrain_grads_shapes]
        accumu_train_grads = [np.zeros(g_shape, dtype=np.float32) for g_shape in train_grads_shapes]
        total_pretrain_loss_value = 0.0
        total_train_loss_value = 0.0

      # print status every epoch
      if step % int(train_params.epoch_steps) == 0:
        dt = time.time() - start_time
        avg_epoch_time = dt / (step / train_params.epoch_steps)
        print('epoch: {:.4f}, avg epoch time: {:.4f}s, current_lr: {}'.format(step/train_params.epoch_steps, avg_epoch_time, current_lr), flush=True)

      # save model
      if step % int(train_params.epoch_steps) == 0 and int(step / train_params.epoch_steps) in train_params.epochs_to_save:
        print('saving model at epoch {}'.format(step / train_params.epoch_steps))
        checkpoint_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd() + train_params.check_point_dir, 'model.ckpt')
        saver.save(sess, checkpoint_path, global_step=step)
      # testing during training
      if step % int(train_params.epoch_steps) == 0 and int(step / train_params.epoch_steps) in train_params.epochs_to_test:
        test_start = time.time()
        print('train test reported at step: {}, epoch: {}'.format(step, step / train_params.epoch_steps))
        dt = time.time() - start_time
        avg_epoch_time = dt / (step / train_params.epoch_steps)
        print('epoch: {:.4f}, avg epoch time: {:.4f}s, current_lr: {}'.format(step/train_params.epoch_steps, avg_epoch_time, current_lr), flush=True)
        print('pretrain_loss: {:.6f}, train_loss: {:.6f}'.format(avg_pretrain_loss_value, avg_train_loss_value))
        # print('output layer: \n\t{}'.format(output_layer_value))

        #===================adv samples=====================
        adv_acc_dict = {}
        robust_adv_acc_dict = {}
        robust_adv_utility_dict = {}
        log_str = ''
        # cover all test data
        for i in range(train_params.test_epochs):
          test_batch = TIN_data.test.next_batch(train_params.test_batch_size)
          # if more GPUs available, generate testing adv samples at once
          if N_AUX_GPUS > 1:
            adv_images_dict = sess.run(attack_tensor_testing_dict, feed_dict ={x_sb: test_batch[0], 
                                                                               adv_noise: Noise_test, 
                                                                               mu_alpha: [train_params.fgsm_eps],
                                                                               keep_prob: 1.0})
            adv_images_dict = {}
          # test for each attack
          for atk in attacks_and_benign:
            if atk not in adv_acc_dict:
              adv_acc_dict[atk] = 0.0
              robust_adv_acc_dict[atk] = 0.0
              robust_adv_utility_dict[atk] = 0.0
            if atk == 'benign':
              testing_img = test_batch[0]
            elif attack_switch[atk]:
              # if only one gpu available, generate adv samples in-place
              if atk not in adv_images_dict:
                adv_images_dict[atk] = sess.run(attack_tensor_testing_dict[atk], feed_dict ={x_sb:test_batch[0], 
                                                                                             adv_noise: Noise_test, 
                                                                                             keep_prob: 1.0})
              testing_img = adv_images_dict[atk]
            ### PixelDP Robustness ###
            predictions_form_argmax = np.zeros([train_params.test_batch_size, train_params.num_classes])
            softmax_predictions = sess.run(y_softmax_test_concat, feed_dict={x_sb: testing_img, noise: Noise, FM_h: perturbFM_h, keep_prob: 1.0})
            argmax_predictions = np.argmax(softmax_predictions, axis=1)
            for n_draws in range(0, train_params.num_samples):
              _BenignLNoise = generateIdLMNoise(train_params.image_size, train_params.Delta2, epsilon2_update, train_params.effective_batch_size)
              _perturbFM_h = np.random.laplace(0.0, 2*train_params.Delta2/(epsilon2_update*train_params.effective_batch_size), 
              _perturbFM_h = np.reshape(_perturbFM_h, [-1, train_params.enc_h_size, train_params.enc_h_size, train_params.enc_filters])
              for j in range(train_params.test_batch_size):
                pred = argmax_predictions[j]
                predictions_form_argmax[j, pred] += 1
              softmax_predictions = sess.run(y_softmax_test_concat, feed_dict={x_sb: testing_img, noise: (_BenignLNoise/10 + Noise), FM_h: perturbFM_h, keep_prob: 1.0}) * \
                sess.run(y_softmax_test_concat, feed_dict={x_sb: testing_img, noise: Noise, FM_h: (_perturbFM_h/10 + perturbFM_h), keep_prob: 1.0})
              argmax_predictions = np.argmax(softmax_predictions, axis=1)
            final_predictions = predictions_form_argmax
            is_correct = []
            is_robust = []
            for j in range(train_params.test_batch_size):
              is_correct.append(np.argmax(test_batch[1][j]) == np.argmax(final_predictions[j]))
              robustness_from_argmax = robustness.robustness_size_argmax(counts=predictions_form_argmax[j],
                                                                        eta=0.05, dp_attack_size=train_params.fgsm_eps, 
                                                                        dp_epsilon=train_params.dp_epsilon, dp_delta=0.05, 
                                                                        dp_mechanism='laplace') / dp_mult
              is_robust.append(robustness_from_argmax >= train_params.fgsm_eps)
            adv_acc_dict[atk] += np.sum(is_correct)*1.0/train_params.test_batch_size
            robust_adv_acc_dict[atk] += np.sum([a and b for a,b in zip(is_robust, is_correct)])*1.0/np.sum(is_robust)
            robust_adv_utility_dict[atk] += np.sum(is_robust)*1.0/train_params.test_batch_size
        # average all acc for whole test data
        for atk in attacks_and_benign:
          adv_acc_dict[atk] = adv_acc_dict[atk] / train_params.test_epochs
          robust_adv_acc_dict[atk] = robust_adv_acc_dict[atk] / train_params.test_epochs
          robust_adv_utility_dict[atk] = robust_adv_utility_dict[atk] / train_params.test_epochs
          # added robust prediction
          log_str += " {}: {:.6f} {:.6f} {:.6f} {:.6f}\n".format(atk, adv_acc_dict[atk], robust_adv_acc_dict[atk], robust_adv_utility_dict[atk], robust_adv_acc_dict[atk] * robust_adv_utility_dict[atk])
        dt = time.time() - test_start
        print('testing time: {}'.format(dt))
        print(log_str, flush=True)
Exemplo n.º 6
def train(alpha, eps2_ratio, gen_ratio, fgsm_eps, LR, logfile):
    logfile.write("fgsm_eps \t %g, LR \t %g, alpha \t %d , eps2_ratio \t %d , gen_ratio \t %d \n"%(fgsm_eps, LR, alpha, eps2_ratio, gen_ratio))
    ##Hyper-parameter Setting####
    hk = 256; #number of hidden units at the last layer
    Delta2 = (14*14+2)*25; #global sensitivity for the first hidden layer
    Delta3_adv = 2*hk #10*(hk + 1/4 * hk**2) #10*(hk) #global sensitivity for the output layer
    Delta3_benign = 2*hk #10*(hk); #global sensitivity for the output layer
    D = 50000; #size of the dataset
    L = 2499; #batch size
    image_size = 28;
    padding = 4;
    #numHidUnits = 14*14*32 + 7*7*64 + M + 10; #number of hidden units
    #gen_ratio = 1
    epsilon1 = 0.0; #0.175; #epsilon for dpLRP
    epsilon2 = 0.1*(1 + gen_ratio); #epsilon for the first hidden layer
    epsilon3 = 0.1*(1); #epsilon for the last hidden layer
    total_eps = epsilon1 + epsilon2 + epsilon3
    uncert = 0.1; #uncertainty modeling at the output layer
    infl = 1; #inflation rate in the privacy budget redistribution
    R_lowerbound = 1e-5; #lower bound of the LRP
    c = [0, 40, 50, 200] #norm bounds
    epochs = 200; #number of epochs
    preT_epochs = 50; #number of epochs
    T = int(D/L*epochs + 1); #number of steps T
    pre_T = int(D/L*preT_epochs + 1);
    step_for_epoch = int(D/L); #number of steps for one epoch
    broken_ratio = 1
    #alpha = 9.0 # [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
    #eps2_ratio = 10; # [1/10, 1/8, 1/6, 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
    #eps_benign = 1/(1+eps2_ratio)*(2*epsilon2)
    #eps_adv = eps2_ratio/(1+eps2_ratio)*(2*epsilon2)
    #fgsm_eps = 0.1
    rand_alpha = 0.05
    robustness_T = (fgsm_eps*18*18*L*epsilon2)/Delta2;
    LRPfile = os.getcwd() + '/Relevance_R_0_075.txt';
    mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("MNIST_data/", one_hot = True);

    ##Construct the Model########
    #Step 4: Randomly initiate the noise, Compute 1/|L| * Delta3 for the output layer#

    #Compute the 1/|L| * Delta3 for the last hidden layer#
    """eps3_ratio = Delta3_adv/Delta3_benign;
    eps3_benign = 1/(1+eps3_ratio)*(epsilon3)
    eps3_adv = eps3_ratio/(1+eps3_ratio)*(epsilon3)"""
    loc, scale3_benign, scale3_adv = 0., Delta3_benign/(epsilon3*L), Delta3_adv/(epsilon3*L);
    #End Step 4#
    # Parameters Declarification
    W_conv1 = weight_variable('W_conv1', [5, 5, 1, 32], collect=[AECODER_VARIABLES]);
    b_conv1 = bias_variable('b_conv1', [32], collect=[AECODER_VARIABLES]);

    shape     = W_conv1.get_shape().as_list()
    w_t       = tf.reshape(W_conv1, [-1, shape[-1]])
    w         = tf.transpose(w_t)
    sing_vals = tf.svd(w, compute_uv=False)
    sensitivity = tf.reduce_max(sing_vals)
    gamma = 2*(14*14 + 2)*25/(L*sensitivity)
    dp_epsilon=1.0 #0.1
    delta_r = fgsm_eps*(image_size**2);
    #delta_h = 1.0 * delta_r; #sensitivity*(14**2) = sensitivity*(\beta**2) can also be used
    #dp_mult = (Delta2/(L*epsilon2))/(delta_r / dp_epsilon) + (2*Delta2/(L*epsilon2))/(delta_h / dp_epsilon)
    W_conv2 = weight_variable('W_conv2', [5, 5, 32, 64], collect=[CONV_VARIABLES]);
    b_conv2 = bias_variable('b_conv2', [64], collect=[CONV_VARIABLES]);

    W_fc1 = weight_variable('W_fc1', [4 * 4 * 64, hk], collect=[CONV_VARIABLES]);
    b_fc1 = bias_variable('b_fc1', [hk], collect=[CONV_VARIABLES]);

    W_fc2 = weight_variable('W_fc2', [hk, 10], collect=[CONV_VARIABLES]);
    b_fc2 = bias_variable('b_fc2', [10], collect=[CONV_VARIABLES]);

    """scale2 = tf.Variable(tf.ones([hk]))
    beta2 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([hk]))
    tf.add_to_collections([CONV_VARIABLES], scale2)
    tf.add_to_collections([CONV_VARIABLES], beta2)"""

    params = [W_conv1, b_conv1, W_conv2, b_conv2, W_fc1, b_fc1, W_fc2, b_fc2]

    #Step 5: Create the model#
    noise = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, image_size, image_size, 1]);
    adv_noise = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, image_size, image_size, 1]);

    keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32);
    x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, image_size*image_size]);
    x_image = tf.reshape(x, [-1,image_size,image_size,1]);

    #perturbFMx = np.random.laplace(0.0, Delta2/(2*epsilon2*L), 28*28)
    #perturbFMx = np.reshape(perturbFMx, [-1, 28, 28, 1]);

    # pretrain ###
    #Enc_Layer1 = EncLayer(inpt=x_image, n_filter_in = 1, n_filter_out = 32, filter_size = 5, W=W_conv1, b=b_conv1, activation=tf.nn.relu)
    #pretrain = Enc_Layer1.get_train_ops2(xShape = tf.shape(x_image)[0], Delta = Delta2, epsilon = 2*epsilon2, batch_size = L, learning_rate= LR, W = W_conv1, b = b_conv1, perturbFMx = noise)

    adv_x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, image_size*image_size]);
    adv_image = tf.reshape(adv_x, [-1,image_size,image_size,1]);

    #perturbFMx_adv = np.random.laplace(0.0, Delta2/(2*epsilon2*L), 28*28)
    #perturbFMx_adv = np.reshape(perturbFMx_adv, [-1, 28, 28, 1]);

    # pretrain adv ###
    #perturbFM_h = np.random.laplace(0.0, 2*Delta2/(epsilon2*L), 14*14*32)
    #perturbFM_h = np.reshape(perturbFM_h, [-1, 14, 14, 32]);
    FM_h = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 14, 14, 32]);
    Enc_Layer2 = EncLayer(inpt=adv_image, n_filter_in = 1, n_filter_out = 32, filter_size = 5, W=W_conv1, b=b_conv1, activation=tf.nn.relu)
    pretrain_adv = Enc_Layer2.get_train_ops2(xShape = tf.shape(adv_image)[0], Delta = Delta2, batch_size = L, learning_rate= LR, W = W_conv1, b = b_conv1, perturbFMx = adv_noise, perturbFM_h = FM_h)
    Enc_Layer3 = EncLayer(inpt=x_image, n_filter_in = 1, n_filter_out = 32, filter_size = 5, W=W_conv1, b=b_conv1, activation=tf.nn.relu)
    pretrain_benign = Enc_Layer3.get_train_ops2(xShape = tf.shape(x_image)[0], Delta = Delta2, batch_size = L, learning_rate= LR, W = W_conv1, b = b_conv1, perturbFMx = noise, perturbFM_h = FM_h)
    x_image += noise;
    x_image = tf.clip_by_value(x_image, -10, 10) #Clip the values of each input feature.
    adv_image += adv_noise;
    adv_image = tf.clip_by_value(adv_image, -10, 10) #Clip the values of each input feature.

    #perturbFM = np.random.laplace(0.0, scale3_benign, hk)
    #perturbFM = np.reshape(perturbFM, [hk]);
    perturbFM = np.random.laplace(0.0, scale3_benign, hk * 10)
    perturbFM = np.reshape(perturbFM, [hk, 10]);
    y_conv = inference(x_image, perturbFM, hk, FM_h, params);
    softmax_y_conv = tf.nn.softmax(y_conv)
    #robust_mask = inference_robust_mask(y_conv, Delta2, L, epsilon2, robustness_T)

    #perturbFM = np.random.laplace(0.0, scale3_adv, hk)
    #perturbFM = np.reshape(perturbFM, [hk]);
    y_adv_conv = inference(adv_image, perturbFM, hk, FM_h, params);
    #adv_robust_mask = inference_robust_mask(y_adv_conv, Delta2, L, epsilon2, robustness_T)

    # test model
    perturbFM_test = np.random.laplace(0.0, 0, hk)
    perturbFM_test = np.reshape(perturbFM_test, [hk]);
    x_test = tf.reshape(x, [-1,image_size,image_size,1]);
    y_test = inference(x_test, perturbFM_test, hk, FM_h, params);
    #test_robust_mask = inference_robust_mask(y_test, Delta2, L, epsilon2, robustness_T)

    #Define a place holder for the output label#
    y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 10]);
    adv_y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 10]);
    #End Step 5#

    ##Define loss and Optimizer##
        Computes differentially private sigmoid cross entropy given `logits`.
        Measures the probability error in discrete classification tasks in which each
        class is independent and not mutually exclusive.
        For brevity, let `x = logits`, `z = labels`.  The logistic loss is
        z * -log(sigmoid(x)) + (1 - z) * -log(1 - sigmoid(x))
        = z * -log(1 / (1 + exp(-x))) + (1 - z) * -log(exp(-x) / (1 + exp(-x)))
        = z * log(1 + exp(-x)) + (1 - z) * (-log(exp(-x)) + log(1 + exp(-x)))
        = z * log(1 + exp(-x)) + (1 - z) * (x + log(1 + exp(-x))
        = (1 - z) * x + log(1 + exp(-x))
        = x - x * z + log(1 + exp(-x))
        For x < 0, to avoid overflow in exp(-x), we reformulate the above
        x - x * z + log(1 + exp(-x))
        = log(exp(x)) - x * z + log(1 + exp(-x))
        = - x * z + log(1 + exp(x))
        Hence, to ensure stability and avoid overflow, the implementation uses this
        equivalent formulation
        max(x, 0) - x * z + log(1 + exp(-abs(x)))
        `logits` and `labels` must have the same type and shape. Let denote neg_abs_logits = -abs(y_conv) = -abs(h_fc1 * W_fc2). By Applying Taylor Expansion, we have:
        Taylor = max(y_conv, 0) - y_conv * y_ + log(1 + exp(-abs(y_conv)));
        = max(h_fc1 * W_fc2, 0) - (y_ * h_fc1) * W_fc2 + (math.log(2.0) + 0.5*neg_abs_logits + 1.0/8.0*neg_abs_logits**2)
        = max(h_fc1 * W_fc2, 0) - (y_ * h_fc1) * W_fc2 + (math.log(2.0) + 0.5*(-abs(h_fc1 * W_fc2)) + 1.0/8.0*(-abs(h_fc1 * W_fc2))**2)
        = F1 + F2
        where: F1 = max(h_fc1 * W_fc2, 0) + (math.log(2.0) + 0.5*(-abs(h_fc1 * W_fc2)) + 1.0/8.0*(-abs(h_fc1 * W_fc2))**2) and F2 = - (y_ * h_fc1) * W_fc2
        To ensure that Taylor is differentially private, we need to perturb all the coefficients, including the term y_ * h_fc1 * W_fc2.
        Note that h_fc1 is differentially private, since its computation on top of the DP Affine transformation does not access the original data.
        Therefore, F1 should be differentially private. We need to preserve DP in F2, which reads the groundtruth label y_, as follows:
        By applying Funtional Mechanism, we perturb (y_ * h_fc1) * W_fc2 as ((y_ * h_fc1) + perturbFM) * W_fc2 = (y_ * h_fc1)*W_fc2 + (perturbFM * W_fc2):
        perturbFM = np.random.laplace(0.0, scale3, hk * 10)
        perturbFM = np.reshape(perturbFM/L, [hk, 10]);
        where scale3 = Delta3/(epsilon3) = 2*hk/(epsilon3);
        To allow computing gradients at zero, we define custom versions of max and abs functions [Tensorflow].
        Source: https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/r1.4/tensorflow/python/ops/nn_impl.py @ TensorFlow
    ### Taylor for benign x
    zeros = array_ops.zeros_like(y_conv, dtype=y_conv.dtype)
    cond = (y_conv >= zeros)
    relu_logits = array_ops.where(cond, y_conv, zeros)
    neg_abs_logits = array_ops.where(cond, -y_conv, y_conv)
    #Taylor = math_ops.add(relu_logits - y_conv * y_, math_ops.log1p(math_ops.exp(neg_abs_logits)))
    Taylor_benign = math_ops.add(relu_logits - y_conv * y_, math.log(2.0) + 0.5*neg_abs_logits + 1.0/8.0*neg_abs_logits**2) - tf.reduce_sum(perturbFM*W_fc2)
    #Taylor_benign = tf.abs(y_conv - y_)

    ### Taylor for adv_x
    zeros_adv = array_ops.zeros_like(y_adv_conv, dtype=y_conv.dtype)
    cond_adv = (y_adv_conv >= zeros_adv)
    relu_logits_adv = array_ops.where(cond_adv, y_adv_conv, zeros_adv)
    neg_abs_logits_adv = array_ops.where(cond_adv, -y_adv_conv, y_adv_conv)
    #Taylor = math_ops.add(relu_logits - y_conv * y_, math_ops.log1p(math_ops.exp(neg_abs_logits)))
    Taylor_adv = math_ops.add(relu_logits_adv - y_adv_conv * adv_y_, math.log(2.0) + 0.5*neg_abs_logits_adv + 1.0/8.0*neg_abs_logits_adv**2) - tf.reduce_sum(perturbFM*W_fc2)
    #Taylor_adv = tf.abs(y_adv_conv - adv_y_)

    ### Adversarial training loss
    adv_loss = (1/(L + L*alpha))*(Taylor_benign + alpha * Taylor_adv)

    '''Some time, using learning rate decay can help to stablize training process. However, use this carefully, since it may affect the convergent speed.'''
    global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)
    pretrain_var_list = tf.get_collection(AECODER_VARIABLES)
    train_var_list = tf.get_collection(CONV_VARIABLES)
    update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)
    with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops):
        pretrain_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(LR).minimize(pretrain_adv+pretrain_benign, global_step=global_step, var_list=pretrain_var_list);
        train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(LR).minimize(adv_loss, global_step=global_step, var_list=train_var_list);
    sess = tf.InteractiveSession();

    # Define the correct prediction and accuracy
    # This needs to be changed to "Robust Prediction"
    correct_prediction_x = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y_test,1), tf.argmax(y_,1));
    accuracy_x = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction_x, tf.float32));

    # use these to get predictions wrt to robust conditions
    """robust_correct_prediction_x = tf.multiply(test_robust_mask, tf.cast(correct_prediction_x, tf.float32))
    accuracy_x_robust = tf.reduce_sum(robust_correct_prediction_x) / tf.reduce_sum(test_robust_mask)
    #certified_utility = 2/(1/accuracy_x_robust + 1/(tf.reduce_sum(test_robust_mask)/(1.0*tf.cast(tf.size(test_robust_mask), tf.float32))))
    certified_utility = (1.0*tf.reduce_sum(test_robust_mask))/(1.0*tf.cast(tf.size(test_robust_mask), tf.float32))"""

    # craft adversarial samples from x for training
    dynamic_eps = tf.placeholder(tf.float32);
    emsemble_L = int(L/3)
    softmax_y = tf.nn.softmax(y_test)
    #c_x_adv = fgsm(x, softmax_y, eps=fgsm_eps, clip_min=0.0, clip_max=1.0)
    c_x_adv = fgsm(x, softmax_y, eps=(dynamic_eps)/10, clip_min=-1.0, clip_max=1.0) # for I-FGSM
    x_adv = tf.reshape(c_x_adv, [emsemble_L,image_size*image_size]);

    #====================== attack =========================
    #attack_switch = {'randfgsm':True, 'fgsm':True, 'ifgsm':True, 'deepfool':True, 'mim':True, 'spsa':False, 'cwl2':False, 'madry':True, 'stm':True}
    #attack_switch = {'fgsm':True, 'ifgsm':True, 'deepfool':True, 'mim':True, 'spsa':False, 'cwl2':False, 'madry':True, 'stm':True}
    attack_switch = {'fgsm':True, 'ifgsm':True, 'deepfool':False, 'mim':True, 'spsa':False, 'cwl2':False, 'madry':True, 'stm':False}
    #other possible attacks:
        # ElasticNetMethod
        # FastFeatureAdversaries
        # LBFGS
        # SaliencyMapMethod
        # VirtualAdversarialMethod

    # y_test = logits (before softmax)
    # softmax_y_test = preds (probs, after softmax)
    softmax_y_test = tf.nn.softmax(y_test)

    # create saver
    saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.all_variables())
    _gamma = sess.run(gamma)
    _gamma_x = Delta2/L
    epsilon2_update = epsilon2/(1.0 + 1.0/_gamma + 1/_gamma_x)
    print(epsilon2_update/_gamma + epsilon2_update/_gamma_x)
    _sensitivityW = sess.run(sensitivity)
    delta_h = _sensitivityW*(14**2)
    dp_mult = (Delta2/(L*epsilon2_update))/(delta_r / dp_epsilon) + (2*Delta2/(L*epsilon2_update))/(delta_h / dp_epsilon)
    iterativeStep = 100
    # load the most recent models
    _global_step = 0
    ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(os.getcwd() + './tmp/train')
    if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path:
        saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path)
        _global_step = int(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path.split('/')[-1].split('-')[-1])
        print('No checkpoint file found')

    start_time = time.time();

    # adv pretrain model (Auto encoder layer)
    cost = tf.reduce_sum(Enc_Layer2.cost);
    logfile.write("pretrain: \n")
    # define cleverhans abstract models for using cleverhans attacks
    ch_model_logits = CustomCallableModelWrapper(callable_fn=inference_test_input, output_layer='logits', hk=hk, params=params, image_size=image_size, adv_noise = adv_noise)
    ch_model_probs = CustomCallableModelWrapper(callable_fn=inference_test_input_probs, output_layer='probs', hk=hk, params=params, image_size=image_size, adv_noise = adv_noise)

    # rand+fgsm
    # if attack_switch['randfgsm']:
    #     randfgsm_obj = FastGradientMethod(model=ch_model_probs, sess=sess)
    #     x_randfgsm_t = (fgsm_eps - rand_alpha) * randfgsm_obj.generate(x=x, eps=fgsm_eps, clip_min=-1.0, clip_max=1.0)
    #     x_rand_t = rand_alpha * tf.sign(tf.random_normal(shape=tf.shape(x), mean=0.0, stddev=1.0))

    # define each attack method's tensor
    mu_alpha = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [1]);
    attack_tensor_dict = {}
    # FastGradientMethod
    if attack_switch['fgsm']:
        print('creating attack tensor of FastGradientMethod')
        fgsm_obj = FastGradientMethod(model=ch_model_probs, sess=sess)
        #x_adv_test_fgsm = fgsm_obj.generate(x=x, eps=fgsm_eps, clip_min=-1.0, clip_max=1.0, ord=2) # testing now
        x_adv_test_fgsm = fgsm_obj.generate(x=x, eps=mu_alpha, clip_min=-1.0, clip_max=1.0) # testing now
        attack_tensor_dict['fgsm'] = x_adv_test_fgsm

    # Iterative FGSM (BasicIterativeMethod/ProjectedGradientMethod with no random init)
    # default: eps_iter=0.05, nb_iter=10
    if attack_switch['ifgsm']:
        print('creating attack tensor of BasicIterativeMethod')
        ifgsm_obj = BasicIterativeMethod(model=ch_model_probs, sess=sess)
        #x_adv_test_ifgsm = ifgsm_obj.generate(x=x, eps=fgsm_eps, eps_iter=fgsm_eps/10, nb_iter=10, clip_min=-1.0, clip_max=1.0, ord=2)
        x_adv_test_ifgsm = ifgsm_obj.generate(x=x, eps=mu_alpha, eps_iter=mu_alpha/iterativeStep, nb_iter=iterativeStep, clip_min=-1.0, clip_max=1.0)
        attack_tensor_dict['ifgsm'] = x_adv_test_ifgsm

    # Deepfool
    if attack_switch['deepfool']:
        print('creating attack tensor of DeepFool')
        deepfool_obj = DeepFool(model=ch_model_logits, sess=sess)
        #x_adv_test_deepfool = deepfool_obj.generate(x=x, nb_candidate=10, overshoot=0.02, max_iter=50, nb_classes=10, clip_min=-1.0, clip_max=1.0, ord=2)
        x_adv_test_deepfool = deepfool_obj.generate(x=x, nb_candidate=10, overshoot=0.02, max_iter=50, nb_classes=10, clip_min=-1.0, clip_max=1.0)
        attack_tensor_dict['deepfool'] = x_adv_test_deepfool

    # MomentumIterativeMethod
    # default: eps_iter=0.06, nb_iter=10
    if attack_switch['mim']:
        print('creating attack tensor of MomentumIterativeMethod')
        mim_obj = MomentumIterativeMethod(model=ch_model_probs, sess=sess)
        #x_adv_test_mim = mim_obj.generate(x=x, eps=fgsm_eps, eps_iter=fgsm_eps/10, nb_iter=10, decay_factor=1.0, clip_min=-1.0, clip_max=1.0, ord=2)
        x_adv_test_mim = mim_obj.generate(x=x, eps=mu_alpha, eps_iter=mu_alpha/iterativeStep, nb_iter=iterativeStep, decay_factor=1.0, clip_min=-1.0, clip_max=1.0)
        attack_tensor_dict['mim'] = x_adv_test_mim

    # SPSA
    # note here the epsilon is the infinity norm instead of precent of perturb
    # Maybe exclude this method first, since it seems to have some constrain about the data value range
    if attack_switch['spsa']:
        print('creating attack tensor of SPSA')
        spsa_obj = SPSA(model=ch_model_logits, sess=sess)
        #x_adv_test_spsa = spsa_obj.generate(x=x, epsilon=fgsm_eps, num_steps=10, is_targeted=False, early_stop_loss_threshold=None, learning_rate=0.01, delta=0.01,spsa_samples=1000, spsa_iters=1, ord=2)
        x_adv_test_spsa = spsa_obj.generate(x=x, epsilon=fgsm_eps, num_steps=10, is_targeted=False, early_stop_loss_threshold=None, learning_rate=0.01, delta=0.01,spsa_samples=1000, spsa_iters=1)
        attack_tensor_dict['spsa'] = x_adv_test_spsa

    # CarliniWagnerL2
    # confidence=0 is fron their paper
    # it is said to be slow, maybe exclude first
    if attack_switch['cwl2']:
        print('creating attack tensor of CarliniWagnerL2')
        cwl2_obj = CarliniWagnerL2(model=ch_model_logits, sess=sess)
        #x_adv_test_cwl2 = cwl2_obj.generate(x=x, confidence=0, batch_size=1000, learning_rate=0.005, binary_search_steps=5, max_iterations=500, abort_early=True, initial_const=0.01, clip_min=-1.0, clip_max=1.0, ord=2)
        x_adv_test_cwl2 = cwl2_obj.generate(x=x, confidence=0, batch_size=1000, learning_rate=0.005, binary_search_steps=5, max_iterations=500, abort_early=True, initial_const=0.01, clip_min=-1.0, clip_max=1.0)
        attack_tensor_dict['cwl2'] = x_adv_test_cwl2

    # MadryEtAl (Projected Grdient with random init, same as rand+fgsm)
    # default: eps_iter=0.01, nb_iter=40
    if attack_switch['madry']:
        print('creating attack tensor of MadryEtAl')
        madry_obj = MadryEtAl(model=ch_model_probs, sess=sess)
        #x_adv_test_madry = madry_obj.generate(x=x, eps=fgsm_eps, eps_iter=fgsm_eps/10, nb_iter=10, clip_min=-1.0, clip_max=1.0, ord=2)
        x_adv_test_madry = madry_obj.generate(x=x, eps=mu_alpha, eps_iter=fgsm_eps/iterativeStep, nb_iter=iterativeStep, clip_min=-1.0, clip_max=1.0)
        attack_tensor_dict['madry'] = x_adv_test_madry

    # SpatialTransformationMethod
    # the params are pretty different from on the paper
    # so I use default
    # exclude since there's bug
    if attack_switch['stm']:
        print('creating attack tensor of SpatialTransformationMethod')
        stm_obj = SpatialTransformationMethod(model=ch_model_probs, sess=sess)
        #x_adv_test_stm = stm_obj.generate(x=x, batch_size=1000, n_samples=None, dx_min=-0.1, dx_max=0.1, n_dxs=2, dy_min=-0.1, dy_max=0.1, n_dys=2, angle_min=-30, angle_max=30, n_angles=6, ord=2)
        x_adv_test_stm = stm_obj.generate(x=x, batch_size=1000, n_samples=None, dx_min=-0.1, dx_max=0.1, n_dxs=2, dy_min=-0.1, dy_max=0.1, n_dys=2, angle_min=-30, angle_max=30, n_angles=6)
        attack_tensor_dict['stm'] = x_adv_test_stm
    #====================== attack =========================

    ##perturb h for training
    perturbFM_h = np.random.laplace(0.0, 2*Delta2/(epsilon2_update*L), 14*14*32)
    perturbFM_h = np.reshape(perturbFM_h, [-1, 14, 14, 32]);

    ##perturb h for testing
    perturbFM_h_test = np.random.laplace(0.0, 0, 14*14*32)
    perturbFM_h_test = np.reshape(perturbFM_h_test, [-1, 14, 14, 32]);

    '''for i in range(_global_step, _global_step + pre_T):
        d_eps = random.random();
        batch = mnist.train.next_batch(L); #Get a random batch.
        adv_images = sess.run(x_adv, feed_dict = {x:batch[0], y_:batch[1], FM_h: perturbFM_h_test, dynamic_eps: d_eps})
        for iter in range(0, 9):
            adv_images = sess.run(x_adv, feed_dict = {x:adv_images, y_:batch[1], FM_h: perturbFM_h_test, dynamic_eps: d_eps})
        """batch = mnist.train.next_batch(emsemble_L)
        adv_images_mim = sess.run(attack_tensor_dict['mim'], feed_dict = {x:batch[0], y_: batch[1]})
        batch = mnist.train.next_batch(emsemble_L)
        adv_images_madry = sess.run(attack_tensor_dict['mim'], feed_dict = {x:batch[0], y_: batch[1]})
        train_images = np.append(np.append(adv_images, adv_images_mim, axis = 0),adv_images_madry, axis = 0)"""

        batch_2 = mnist.train.next_batch(L);
        pretrain_step.run(feed_dict={adv_x: np.append(adv_images, batch_2[0], axis = 0), adv_noise: AdvLnoise, FM_h: perturbFM_h});
        if i % int(5*step_for_epoch) == 0:
            cost_value = sess.run(cost, feed_dict={adv_x:mnist.test.images, adv_noise: AdvLnoise_test, FM_h: perturbFM_h_test})/(test_size*32)
            logfile.write("step \t %d \t %g \n"%(i, cost_value))

    pre_train_finish_time = time.time()
    print('pre_train finished in: ' + parse_time(pre_train_finish_time - start_time))'''

    # train and test model with adv samples
    max_benign_acc = -1;
    max_robust_benign_acc = -1
    #max_adv_acc = -1;

    test_size = len(mnist.test.images)
    AdvLnoise = generateIdLMNoise(image_size, Delta2, epsilon2_update, L);
    AdvLnoise_test = generateIdLMNoise(image_size, 0, epsilon2_update, test_size);

    Lnoise_empty = generateIdLMNoise(image_size, 0, epsilon2_update, L);
    BenignLNoise = generateIdLMNoise(image_size, Delta2, epsilon2_update, L);
    last_eval_time = -1
    accum_time = 0
    accum_epoch = 0
    max_adv_acc_dict = {}
    max_robust_adv_acc_dict = {}
    #max_robust_adv_utility_dict = {}
    for atk in attack_switch.keys():
        if atk not in max_adv_acc_dict:
            max_adv_acc_dict[atk] = -1
            max_robust_adv_acc_dict[atk] = -1

    for i in range(_global_step, _global_step + T):
        # this batch is for generating adv samples
        batch = mnist.train.next_batch(emsemble_L); #Get a random batch.
        y_adv_batch = batch[1]
        #The number of epochs we print out the result. Print out the result every 5 epochs.
        if i % int(10*step_for_epoch) == 0 and i > int(10*step_for_epoch):
            cost_value = sess.run(cost, feed_dict={adv_x:mnist.test.images, adv_noise: AdvLnoise_test, FM_h: perturbFM_h_test})/(test_size*32)
            if last_eval_time < 0:
                last_eval_time = time.time()
            #===================benign samples=====================
            predictions_form_argmax = np.zeros([test_size, 10])
            #test_bach = mnist.test.next_batch(test_size)
            softmax_predictions = softmax_y_conv.eval(feed_dict={x: mnist.test.images, noise: BenignLNoise, FM_h: perturbFM_h})
            argmax_predictions = np.argmax(softmax_predictions, axis=1)
            for n_draws in range(0, 1):
                _BenignLNoise = generateIdLMNoise(image_size, Delta2, epsilon2_update, L);
                _perturbFM_h = np.random.laplace(0.0, 2*Delta2/(epsilon2_update*L), 14*14*32)
                _perturbFM_h = np.reshape(_perturbFM_h, [-1, 14, 14, 32]);
                for j in range(test_size):
                    pred = argmax_predictions[j]
                    predictions_form_argmax[j, pred] += 1;
                softmax_predictions = softmax_y_conv.eval(feed_dict={x: mnist.test.images, noise: (BenignLNoise + _BenignLNoise/2), FM_h: (perturbFM_h + _perturbFM_h/2)})
                argmax_predictions = np.argmax(softmax_predictions, axis=1)
            final_predictions = predictions_form_argmax;
            is_correct = []
            is_robust = []
            for j in range(test_size):
                is_correct.append(np.argmax(mnist.test.labels[j]) == np.argmax(final_predictions[j]))
                robustness_from_argmax = robustness.robustness_size_argmax(counts=predictions_form_argmax[j],eta=0.05,dp_attack_size=fgsm_eps, dp_epsilon=1.0, dp_delta=0.05, dp_mechanism='laplace') / (dp_mult)
                is_robust.append(robustness_from_argmax >= fgsm_eps)
            acc = np.sum(is_correct)*1.0/test_size
            robust_acc = np.sum([a and b for a,b in zip(is_robust, is_correct)])*1.0/np.sum(is_robust)
            robust_utility = np.sum(is_robust)*1.0/test_size
            max_benign_acc = max(max_benign_acc, acc)
            max_robust_benign_acc = max(max_robust_benign_acc, robust_acc*robust_utility)
            log_str = "step: {:.1f}\t epsilon: {:.1f}\t benign: {:.4f} \t {:.4f} \t {:.4f} \t {:.4f} \t".format(i, total_eps, acc, robust_acc, robust_utility, robust_acc*robust_utility)
            #===================adv samples=====================
            #log_str = "step: {:.1f}\t epsilon: {:.1f}\t".format(i, total_eps)
            """adv_images_dict = {}
            for atk in attack_switch.keys():
                if attack_switch[atk]:
                    adv_images_dict[atk] = sess.run(attack_tensor_dict[atk], feed_dict = {x:mnist.test.images, y_:mnist.test.labels})
            print("Done with the generating of Adversarial samples")"""
            #===================adv samples=====================
            adv_acc_dict = {}
            robust_adv_acc_dict = {}
            robust_adv_utility_dict = {}
            for atk in attack_switch.keys():
                if atk not in adv_acc_dict:
                    adv_acc_dict[atk] = -1
                    robust_adv_acc_dict[atk] = -1
                    robust_adv_utility_dict[atk] = -1
                if attack_switch[atk]:
                    adv_images_dict = sess.run(attack_tensor_dict[atk], feed_dict = {x:mnist.test.images, y_: mnist.test.labels, adv_noise: AdvLnoise_test, mu_alpha:[fgsm_eps]})
                    ### PixelDP Robustness ###
                    predictions_form_argmax = np.zeros([test_size, 10])
                    softmax_predictions = softmax_y_conv.eval(feed_dict={x: adv_images_dict, noise: BenignLNoise, FM_h: perturbFM_h})
                    argmax_predictions = np.argmax(softmax_predictions, axis=1)
                    for n_draws in range(0, 2000):
                        if n_draws % 1000 == 0:
                        _BenignLNoise = generateIdLMNoise(image_size, Delta2, epsilon2_update, L);
                        _perturbFM_h = np.random.laplace(0.0, 2*Delta2/(epsilon2_update*L), 14*14*32)
                        _perturbFM_h = np.reshape(_perturbFM_h, [-1, 14, 14, 32]);
                        for j in range(test_size):
                            pred = argmax_predictions[j]
                            predictions_form_argmax[j, pred] += 1;
                        softmax_predictions = softmax_y_conv.eval(feed_dict={x: adv_images_dict, noise: BenignLNoise, FM_h: (perturbFM_h + _perturbFM_h/2)}) * softmax_y_conv.eval(feed_dict={x: adv_images_dict, noise: (BenignLNoise + _BenignLNoise/2), FM_h: perturbFM_h})
                        #softmax_predictions = softmax_y_conv.eval(feed_dict={x: adv_images_dict, noise: BenignLNoise, FM_h: (_perturbFM_h)}) * softmax_y_conv.eval(feed_dict={x: adv_images_dict, noise: (_BenignLNoise), FM_h: perturbFM_h})
                        argmax_predictions = np.argmax(softmax_predictions, axis=1)
                    final_predictions = predictions_form_argmax;
                    is_correct = []
                    is_robust = []
                    for j in range(test_size):
                        is_correct.append(np.argmax(mnist.test.labels[j]) == np.argmax(final_predictions[j]))
                        robustness_from_argmax = robustness.robustness_size_argmax(counts=predictions_form_argmax[j],eta=0.05,dp_attack_size=fgsm_eps, dp_epsilon=1.0, dp_delta=0.05, dp_mechanism='laplace') / (dp_mult)
                        is_robust.append(robustness_from_argmax >= fgsm_eps)
                    adv_acc_dict[atk] = np.sum(is_correct)*1.0/test_size
                    robust_adv_acc_dict[atk] = np.sum([a and b for a,b in zip(is_robust, is_correct)])*1.0/np.sum(is_robust)
                    robust_adv_utility_dict[atk] = np.sum(is_robust)*1.0/test_size
            for atk in attack_switch.keys():
                if attack_switch[atk]:
                    # added robust prediction
                    log_str += " {}: {:.4f} {:.4f} {:.4f} {:.4f}".format(atk, adv_acc_dict[atk], robust_adv_acc_dict[atk], robust_adv_utility_dict[atk], robust_adv_acc_dict[atk]*robust_adv_utility_dict[atk])
                    max_adv_acc_dict[atk] = max(max_adv_acc_dict[atk], adv_acc_dict[atk])
                    max_robust_adv_acc_dict[atk] = max(max_robust_adv_acc_dict[atk], robust_adv_acc_dict[atk]*robust_adv_utility_dict[atk])
            logfile.write(log_str + '\n')

            # logfile.write("step \t %d \t %g \t %g \n"%(i, benign_acc, adv_acc))
            # print("step \t %d \t %g \t %g"%(i, benign_acc, adv_acc));

            # estimate end time
            """if i > 0 and i % int(10*step_for_epoch) == 0:
                current_time_interval = time.time() - last_eval_time
                last_eval_time = time.time()
                print('during last eval interval, {} epoch takes {}'.format(10, parse_time(current_time_interval)))
                accum_time += current_time_interval
                accum_epoch += 10
                estimate_time = ((_global_step + T - i) / step_for_epoch) * (accum_time / accum_epoch)
                print('estimate finish in: {}'.format(parse_time(estimate_time)))"""

            #print("step \t %d \t adversarial test accuracy \t %g"%(i, accuracy_x.eval(feed_dict={x: adv_images, y_: mnist.test.labels, noise: Lnoise_empty})));
            """checkpoint_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd() + '/tmp/train', 'model.ckpt')
            saver.save(sess, checkpoint_path, global_step=i);"""

        d_eps = random.random();
        y_adv = batch[1]
        adv_images = sess.run(attack_tensor_dict['ifgsm'], feed_dict = {x:batch[0], y_: batch[1], adv_noise: AdvLnoise, mu_alpha:[d_eps]})
        """for iter in range(0, 9):
            adv_images = sess.run(x_adv, feed_dict = {x:adv_images, y_:batch[1], FM_h: perturbFM_h_test, dynamic_eps: d_eps})"""
        batch = mnist.train.next_batch(emsemble_L)
        adv_images_mim = sess.run(attack_tensor_dict['mim'], feed_dict = {x:batch[0], y_: batch[1], adv_noise: AdvLnoise, mu_alpha:[d_eps]})
        y_adv = np.append(y_adv, batch[1], axis = 0)
        batch = mnist.train.next_batch(emsemble_L)
        adv_images_madry = sess.run(attack_tensor_dict['madry'], feed_dict = {x:batch[0], y_: batch[1], adv_noise: AdvLnoise, mu_alpha:[d_eps]})
        y_adv = np.append(y_adv, batch[1], axis = 0)
        train_images = np.append(np.append(adv_images, adv_images_mim, axis = 0),adv_images_madry, axis = 0)
        batch = mnist.train.next_batch(L); #Get a random batch.
        # train with benign and adv samples
        pretrain_step.run(feed_dict={adv_x: train_images, x: batch[0], adv_noise: AdvLnoise_test, noise: BenignLNoise, FM_h: perturbFM_h});
        train_step.run(feed_dict={x: batch[0], adv_x: train_images, y_: batch[1], adv_y_: y_adv, noise: BenignLNoise, adv_noise: AdvLnoise_test, FM_h: perturbFM_h});
    duration = time.time() - start_time;
    # print(parse_time(duration)); #print running time duration#

    max_acc_string = "max acc: benign: \t{:.4f} {:.4f}".format(max_benign_acc, max_robust_benign_acc)
    for atk in attack_switch.keys():
        if attack_switch[atk]:
            max_acc_string += " {}: \t{:.4f} {:.4f}".format(atk, max_adv_acc_dict[atk], max_robust_adv_acc_dict[atk])
    logfile.write(max_acc_string + '\n')
    logfile.write(str(duration) + '\n')