Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_decoder(self):
     z_dim = 20
     decoder  = MLPDecoder(z_dim=20, output_shape=[1,28,28])
     z = torch.randn(64, z_dim)
     imgs = decoder(z)
     self.assertTrue(len(imgs.shape) == 4 and all([imgs.shape[i] == o for i,o in enumerate([64,1,28,28])]),
                      msg="Output of the decoder should be an image with shape [B,C,H,W], but got: %s." % str(imgs.shape))
     self.assertTrue((imgs < 0).any(),
                      msg="The output of the decoder does not have any negative values. " + \
                          "You might be applying a sigmoid on the decoder output. " + \
                          "It is recommended to work on logits instead as this is numercially more stable. " + \
                          "Ensure that you are using the correct loss accordings (BCEWithLogits instead of BCE).")
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, model_name, hidden_dims, num_filters, z_dim, lr):
     PyTorch Lightning module that summarizes all components to train a VAE.
         model_name - String denoting what encoder/decoder class to use.  Either 'MLP' or 'CNN'
         hidden_dims - List of hidden dimensionalities to use in the MLP layers of the encoder (decoder reversed)
         num_filters - Number of channels to use in a CNN encoder/decoder
         z_dim - Dimensionality of latent space
         lr - Learning rate to use for the optimizer
     self.bce_loss = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()
     if model_name == 'MLP':
         self.encoder = MLPEncoder(z_dim=z_dim, hidden_dims=hidden_dims)
         self.decoder = MLPDecoder(z_dim=z_dim, hidden_dims=hidden_dims[::-1])
         self.encoder = CNNEncoder(z_dim=z_dim, num_filters=num_filters)
         self.decoder = CNNDecoder(z_dim=z_dim, num_filters=num_filters)
    def __init__(self, model_name, hidden_dims, num_filters, z_dim, *args,
        PyTorch module that summarizes all components to train a VAE.
            model_name - String denoting what encoder/decoder class to use.  Either 'MLP' or 'CNN'
            hidden_dims - List of hidden dimensionalities to use in the MLP layers of the encoder (decoder reversed)
            num_filters - Number of channels to use in a CNN encoder/decoder
            z_dim - Dimensionality of latent space
        self.z_dim = z_dim

        if model_name == 'MLP':
            self.encoder = MLPEncoder(z_dim=z_dim, hidden_dims=hidden_dims)
            self.decoder = MLPDecoder(z_dim=z_dim,
            self.encoder = CNNEncoder(z_dim=z_dim, num_filters=num_filters)
            self.decoder = CNNDecoder(z_dim=z_dim, num_filters=num_filters)