Exemplo n.º 1
                    model.fit(states, actions)
            print ("Model trained in %.03f sec." % tm.time)

            failed = 0
            sampled = np.zeros((ntrials, d, n))
            ncases = model._cb_t._counter - 1

            for j in xrange(ntrials):
                with Timer() as tm:
                    # Test model
                    iter_ = 0
                    nfails = 0

                    while True:
                            sampled[j, :, 0] = model.sample()

                            for iter_, a in enumerate(actions.T):
                                # sample next state resulting from executing action `a` in state `state`
                                next_state = model.sample(MDPState(sampled[j, :, iter_]), a)
                                if next_state is None:
                                    raise TypeError
                                sampled[j, :, iter_ + 1] = next_state
                            # plot_sampled(obs[:j], sampled[i, j, :, :iter_])

                            sampled[j, :].fill(0)
                            nfails += 1

                            print "{0}:{1} Failed to infer next state distribution at step {2}.".format(
                                j, nfails, iter_
Exemplo n.º 2
    n = obs.shape[0]
    action_error = -np.inf * np.ones(n)
    delta_error = -np.inf * np.ones(n)

    for i, states in enumerate(obs):
        # Train CASML's case base and hmm with states and actions
        model.fit(states, actions)

        # Test model
        cntr = 0
        iter_ = 0
        while cntr < 10:
            sampled = None
                sampled = np.array([model.sample()]).T

                for iter_, a in enumerate(actions.T):
                    # sample next state resulting from executing action `a` in state `state`
                    next_state = model.sample(MDPState(sampled[:, -1]), a)[:, np.newaxis]
                    sampled = np.hstack([sampled, next_state])
                print "{0}:{1} Failed to infer next state distribution at step {2}.".format(i + 1, cntr + 1, iter_ + 1)
                # plot_sampled(obs[0:i+1], sampled)
                cntr += 1

        if cntr < 10:
            action_error[i] = evaluate_action(actions, obs[0:i + 1], sampled, plot=True)[0]
            delta_error[i] = evaluate_delta(obs[0:i + 1], sampled, plot=True)