def get_prob(self, t_pct=None, p_length=None): if self.prob_name == 'Four Peaks': fitness = mlrose.FourPeaks(t_pct) p_len = 100 self.schedule = mlrose.ExpDecay() self.restarts = 0 self.mutation_prob = 0.1 self.keep_pct = 0.1 self.pop_size = 500 elif self.prob_name == "Continuous Peaks": fitness = mlrose.ContinuousPeaks(t_pct) p_len = 100 self.schedule = mlrose.GeomDecay() self.restarts = 0 self.mutation_prob = 0.1 self.keep_pct = 0.2 self.pop_size = 200 elif self.prob_name == "Max K Color": fitness = mlrose.MaxKColor(self.COLOREDGE) p_len = 100 self.schedule = mlrose.ExpDecay() self.restarts = 0 self.mutation_prob = 0.2 self.keep_pct = 0.2 self.pop_size = 200 elif self.prob_name == "Flip Flop": fitness = mlrose.FlipFlop() p_len = 100 self.schedule = mlrose.ArithDecay() self.restarts = 0 self.mutation_prob = 0.2 self.keep_pct = 0.5 self.pop_size = 500 elif self.prob_name == "One Max": fitness = mlrose.OneMax() p_len = 100 self.schedule = mlrose.GeomDecay() self.restarts = 0 self.mutation_prob = 0.2 self.keep_pct = 0.1 self.pop_size = 100 else: fitness = None p_len = 0 if p_length is None: p_length = p_len problem = mlrose.DiscreteOpt(length=p_length, fitness_fn=fitness) init_state = np.random.randint(2, size=p_length) return problem, init_state
def sa(self): print("Creating SA curve") problem, init_state = self.get_prob(t_pct=0.15) plt.close() plt.figure() for schedule, s_str in zip( [mlrose.GeomDecay(), mlrose.ArithDecay(), mlrose.ExpDecay()], ['GeomDecay', 'ArithDecay', 'ExpDecay']): _, _, fitness_curve = mlrose.simulated_annealing( problem, schedule=schedule, max_attempts=100, max_iters=5000, init_state=init_state, curve=True) plt.plot(fitness_curve, label="schedule={}".format(s_str)) plt.title("{}: Simulated Annealing".format(self.prob_name)) plt.legend(loc="best") plt.xlabel('Number of Iterations') plt.ylabel('Fitness') plt.savefig( os.path.join(self.output_path, "{}_SA Analysis.png".format(self.prob_name)))
def main(): name_of_exp = "Eight Queens" fitness = mlrose.CustomFitness(queens_max) problem = mlrose.DiscreteOpt(length=8, fitness_fn=fitness, maximize=True, max_val=8) # Define initial state mimic = [] init_state = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) for i in [mlrose.ExpDecay(), mlrose.GeomDecay(), mlrose.ArithDecay()]: best_state, best_fitness, learning_curve, timing_curve = mlrose.simulated_annealing( problem, init_state=init_state, schedule=i, max_attempts=1000, max_iters=1000, curve=True, random_state=1) mimic.append(learning_curve) print(i) print(best_fitness) for x, z in zip(['Exp', 'Geom', 'Arith'], mimic): plt.plot(z, label=str(x)) plt.legend() plt.title( 'SA Randomized Optimization DecaySchedule vs Fitness Curve (8-Queens)') plt.xlabel('Function iteration count') plt.ylabel('Fitness function value')
def queens_problem(max_attempts, max_iters): fitness_cust = mlrose.CustomFitness(queens_max) problem = mlrose.DiscreteOpt(length=8, fitness_fn=fitness, maximize=False, max_val=8) #problem = mlrose.DiscreteOpt(length=8, fitness_fn=queens_max, maximize=True, max_val=8) # Define decay schedule schedule = mlrose.ExpDecay() # Define initial state init_state = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) # Solve problem using simulated annealing best_state, best_fitness = mlrose.simulated_annealing( problem, schedule=schedule, max_attempts=max_attempts, max_iters=max_iters, init_state=init_state, random_state=1) print(best_state) print(best_fitness)
def runComplexityAnnealing(pType, problem): if pType == 'One Max': neighbor = 10 iterations = 400 elif pType == 'Flip Flop': neighbor = 36 iterations = 700 else: neighbor = 4 iterations = 1000 s = time() best_state, best_fitness = mlrose.simulated_annealing( problem, schedule=mlrose.ExpDecay(), max_attempts=neighbor, max_iters=iterations, random_state=1) # best_state, best_fitness, c = mlrose.simulated_annealing(problem, schedule=mlrose.ExpDecay(), # max_attempts=neighbor, # max_iters=iterations, # random_state=1) timeTaken = time() - s return best_fitness, timeTaken
def __init__(self, schedule=mlrose.GeomDecay(), max_attempts=250, max_iters=np.inf, init_state=None, curve=False, random_state=None): print("Initialized Simulated Annealing Optimizer") self.schedule = schedule self.max_attempts = max_attempts self.max_iters = max_iters self.init_state = init_state self.curve = curve self.random_state = random_state self.bestState = [] self.bestFitness = 0 self.parameters = { 'max_iters': np.arange(1, 251), 'schedule': [mlrose.GeomDecay(), mlrose.ArithDecay(), mlrose.ExpDecay()] } self.bestParameters = { 'max_iters': int(max(np.arange(1, 251))), 'schedule': mlrose.GeomDecay() }
def main(): # Load the Wine dataset full_path = 'data/winequality-white.csv' X, y = load_dataset(full_path) #Split data into training and test sets X_train_scaled, X_test_scaled, y_train_hot, y_test_hot = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=RANDOM_STATE) # Initialize neural network object and fit object t_bef = time.time() nn_model1 = mlrose.NeuralNetwork(hidden_nodes = [4], activation = 'relu', \ algorithm = 'simulated_annealing', max_iters = 1000, \ bias = True, is_classifier = True, learning_rate = 0.9, \ early_stopping = True, clip_max = 5, schedule=mlrose.ExpDecay(init_temp=20.0, exp_const=0.005, min_temp=0.001), max_attempts = 10, \ random_state = RANDOM_STATE), y_train_hot) t_aft = time.time() curve = nn_model1.fitness_curve # Predict labels for train set and assess accuracy y_train_pred = nn_model1.predict(X_train_scaled) y_train_accuracy = accuracy_score(y_train_hot, y_train_pred) print("Train accuracy:", y_train_accuracy) # Predict labels for test set and assess accuracy y_test_pred = nn_model1.predict(X_test_scaled) y_test_accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test_hot, y_test_pred) print("Test accuracy:", y_test_accuracy)
def runAnnealing(problem, basePath): iterations = 500 iterations = 1000 neighborhood = [10] neighborhood = [2, 4, 12, 36, 50, 75] neighborhood = [4] schedules = [('Exp', mlrose.ExpDecay()), ('Arith', mlrose.ArithDecay()), ('Geom', mlrose.GeomDecay())] schedules = [('Exp', mlrose.ExpDecay())] times = np.zeros((len(neighborhood), iterations)) nIndex = 0 schedule = mlrose.ExpDecay() fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.title('Annealing') for neighbor in neighborhood: s = time() x = [] y = [] for i in range(1, iterations + 1): best_state, best_fitness = mlrose.simulated_annealing( problem, schedule=schedule, max_attempts=neighbor, max_iters=i, random_state=1) x.append(i) y.append(best_fitness) e = time() timeTaken = e - s times[nIndex, i - 1] = timeTaken print('Itt: {0} - Time:{1}'.format(i, timeTaken)) nIndex += 1 plotLine(x, y, ax, 'Neighbors: {0} - {1}'.format(neighbor, 'Exponential Decay')) plotTime(x, times, ax) showLegend(fig, ax) if basePath: plt.savefig('{0}\\{1}.png'.format(basePath, 'Annealing')) else: return
def simulated_annealing_decay(problem, initial_state, decay): if decay == 'Geom': schedule = mlrose.GeomDecay() if decay == 'Exp': schedule = mlrose.ExpDecay() if decay == 'Arith': schedule = mlrose.ArithDecay() return mlrose.simulated_annealing(problem, init_state=initial_state, curve=False, schedule=schedule)
def create_nn_schedule(decay): if decay == 'Geom': schedule = mlrose.GeomDecay() if decay == 'Exp': schedule = mlrose.ExpDecay() if decay == 'Arith': schedule = mlrose.ArithDecay() return mlrose.NeuralNetwork(hidden_nodes=[10], algorithm='simulated_annealing', max_iters=1000, schedule=schedule, random_state=7106080)
def optimization(problem): df_optim = pd.DataFrame(columns=algos) df_iter = pd.DataFrame(columns=algos) df_time = pd.DataFrame(columns=algos) for rs in random_states: # RHC tic = time.process_time() best_state_rhc, best_fitness_rhc, curve_rhc = \ mlrose.random_hill_climb(problem, max_attempts=20, max_iters=100000, restarts=0, init_state=None, curve=True, random_state=rs) toc = time.process_time() time_rhc = toc - tic # SA tic = time.process_time() best_state_sa, best_fitness_sa, curve_sa = \ mlrose.simulated_annealing(problem, schedule=mlrose.ExpDecay(init_temp=1.0, exp_const=0.005, min_temp=0.001), max_attempts = 20, max_iters = 100000, init_state = None, curve = True, random_state = rs) toc = time.process_time() time_sa = toc - tic # GA tic = time.process_time() best_state_ga, best_fitness_ga, curve_ga = \ mlrose.genetic_alg(problem, pop_size=200, mutation_prob=0.1, max_attempts=20, max_iters=100000, curve=True, random_state=rs) toc = time.process_time() time_ga = toc - tic # MIMIC tic = time.process_time() best_state_m, best_fitness_m, curve_m = \ mlrose.mimic(problem, pop_size=20, keep_pct=0.2, max_attempts=20, max_iters=100000, curve=True, random_state=rs, fast_mimic=False) toc = time.process_time() time_m = toc - tic # df df_optim.loc[len(df_optim)] = [ best_fitness_rhc, best_fitness_sa, best_fitness_ga, best_fitness_m ] df_iter.loc[len(df_iter)] = [ len(curve_rhc), len(curve_sa), len(curve_ga), len(curve_m) ] df_time.loc[len(df_time)] = [time_rhc, time_sa, time_ga, time_m] print(rs) return (df_optim.mean(axis=0), df_iter.mean(axis=0), df_time.mean(axis=0))
def simulatedAnnealing(problem, init_state, max_attempts, iterations): #Define decay schedule schedule = mlrose.ExpDecay() #Solve problem using Simulated Annealing sm_best_state, sm_best_fitness = mlrose.simulated_annealing( problem, schedule=schedule, max_attempts=max_attempts, max_iters=iterations, curve=False, random_state=1) return sm_best_fitness
def sa(self, max_iter=10000, schedule=None): if schedule is None: schedule = mlrose.ExpDecay() learner = mlrose.NeuralNetwork(hidden_nodes=[2], activation='relu', algorithm='simulated_annealing', max_iters=max_iter, bias=True, learning_rate=3e-03, early_stopping=True, max_attempts=1000, schedule=schedule) return learner
def pruebas(): # read data print( '\n============== Problema del agente viajero ======================') #### get data times_list, lips, prod_lips = times_array('datos_macbelle_dummie.csv', 'tiempos_produccion.csv') #### metaheuristics n = len(lips) #genetic alg # simple args = {'random_state': 41} bs, bf = metaheuristic(times_list, meta=mr.genetic_alg, nnodes=n, **args) # modified hypérparameters args2 = {'random_state': 41, 'mutation_prob': 0.3, 'max_attempts': 20} bs2, bf2 = metaheuristic(times_list, meta=mr.genetic_alg, nnodes=n, **args2) # simulated anealing # simple args_sa = {'random_state': 41} bs_sa, bf_sa = metaheuristic(times_list, meta=mr.simulated_annealing, nnodes=n, **args_sa) # change temperature decay # look documentation mlrose of decays args_sa2 = {'random_state': 41, 'schedule': mr.ExpDecay(exp_const=0.05)} bs_sa2, bf_sa2 = metaheuristic(times_list, meta=mr.simulated_annealing, nnodes=n, **args_sa2) # combined with genetic alg solutions args_sa3 = { 'random_state': 41, 'schedule': mr.GeomDecay(decay=0.05), 'init_state': bs } #use GA solution as initial state bs_sa3, bf_sa3 = metaheuristic(times_list, meta=mr.simulated_annealing, nnodes=n, **args_sa3) return ()
def nn_sa_temps(train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y): min_temps = [1, 5] init_temps = [100, 500] markers = ['o', 'x', '^', 's'] colors = ['g', 'b', 'r', 'c', 'y', 'm'] counter = 0 for index, min_temp in enumerate(min_temps): for jindex, init_temp in enumerate(init_temps): schedule = mlrose.ExpDecay(init_temp=init_temp, exp_const=0.001, min_temp=min_temp) nn_model = mlrose.NeuralNetwork(hidden_nodes=[8, 6], activation='tanh', algorithm='simulated_annealing', schedule=schedule, max_iters=1000, bias=True, is_classifier=True, learning_rate=0.0001, early_stopping=True, clip_max=1000, max_attempts=100, random_state=3, curve=True) fitted_model =, train_y) label = "min_temp: " + str(min_temp) + ", init_temp: " + str( init_temp) plt.plot(fitted_model.fitness_curve, c=colors[counter], label=label) counter += 1 plt.xlabel("No. of Iterations") plt.ylabel("Fitness") plt.title("NN Training: SA") plt.legend(loc="lower right") plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig("nn_sa_temps") plt.cla()
def sim_annealing(self, max_attempts=10, max_iters=np.inf, decay='geom'): decay_lookup = { 'geom': mlrose.GeomDecay(), 'exp': mlrose.ExpDecay(), 'arith': mlrose.ArithDecay() } start = time.time() best_state, best_fitness = simulated_annealing( self.problem_fit, max_attempts=max_attempts, max_iters=max_iters, schedule=decay_lookup[decay], random_state=111) end = time.time() time_elapsed = end - start return [best_fitness, time_elapsed]
def test_simulated_annealing(self, title, max_attempts_range=[100], decay_range=['geom']): decay_lookup = { 'geom': mlrose.GeomDecay(), 'exp': mlrose.ExpDecay(), 'arith': mlrose.ArithDecay() } fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, figsize=(12, 8), dpi=80) fig.suptitle(title + " Simmulated Annealing") print(title + " Simulated Annealing Algo") best = [0, 0, 0] for m in max_attempts_range: fitness_arr = [] time_arr = [] for d in decay_range: start = time.time() # solve using simulated annealing best_state, best_fitness, curve = mlrose.simulated_annealing( self.problem_fit, schedule=decay_lookup[d], max_attempts=m, max_iters=np.inf, curve=True) fitness_arr.append(best_fitness) time_arr.append(round(time.time() - start, 2)) if best_fitness > best[2]: best[0] = m best[1] = d best[2] = best_fitness ax1.plot(decay_range, fitness_arr, label=m, lw=2) ax2.plot(decay_range, time_arr, lw=2) ax1.set(xlabel="Decay Range", ylabel="Fitness") ax2.set(xlabel="Decay Range", ylabel="Time(s)") print(title + " SA max_attempts={a}, # decay={b}, best_fitness={c}".format( a=best[0], b=best[1], c=best[2])) fig.legend(loc='center right', title='Attempts') plt.tight_layout() self.saveToNewDir(fig, "./", title + "_Simulated_Annealing.png") plt.clf()
def main(): # want to maximize this fitness = mlrose.CustomFitness(detected_max) problem = mlrose.DiscreteOpt(length=24, fitness_fn=fitness, maximize=True, max_val=scale_factor) schedule = mlrose.ExpDecay() best_state, max_faces = mlrose.simulated_annealing( problem, schedule=schedule, max_attempts=10, max_iters=1000, init_state=initial_state, random_state=1) print('Optimal state found: ', best_state) print('Max fitness found: ', max_faces) # save the optimal found get_img_from_state(best_state) print("Number of faces in output: ", len(detect_faces(cv2.imread(OUTPUT))))
def runalgos(problem, max_attempts, iterations): #Define decay schedule schedule = mlrose.ExpDecay() #Solve problem using Random Hill Climbing rh_best_state, rh_best_fitness = mlrose.random_hill_climb( problem, max_attempts=max_attempts, max_iters=iterations, restarts=1, init_state=init_state, random_state=1) #Solve problem using Simulated Annealing sm_best_state, sm_best_fitness = mlrose.simulated_annealing( problem, schedule=schedule, max_attempts=max_attempts, max_iters=iterations, curve=False, random_state=1) #Solve problem using Gentic Algorithm genA_best_state, genA_best_fitness = mlrose.genetic_alg( problem, pop_size=200, mutation_prob=0.1, max_attempts=max_attempts, max_iters=iterations, curve=False, random_state=1) #Solve problem using MIMIC mimic_best_state, mimic_best_fitness = mlrose.mimic( problem, pop_size=200, keep_pct=0.2, max_attempts=max_attempts, max_iters=iterations, curve=False, random_state=1) #return rh_best_state,rh_best_fitness,sm_best_state,sm_best_fitness,genA_best_state,genA_best_fitness,mimic_best_state,mimic_best_fitness return rh_best_fitness, sm_best_fitness, genA_best_fitness, mimic_best_fitness
def main(): # mlrose fitness_cust = mlrose.CustomFitness(simulate) problem = mlrose.DiscreteOpt(fitness_fn=fitness_cust, maximize=False, length=2, max_val = 30) schedule = mlrose.ExpDecay() init_state = np.array([28,7]) best_time_values, best_avg_time = mlrose.simulated_annealing(problem, schedule = schedule, max_attempts = 10, max_iters = 100, init_state = init_state, random_state = 1) print("Best time values:") print(best_time_values) print("Best avg time:") print(best_avg_time)
rsed = int(sys.argv[16]) dat = np.loadtxt(open("data/digit.csv", "rb"), delimiter=",", skiprows=1) target = dat[:, dat.shape[1] - 1].flatten().astype(np.int32) V = dat[:, 0:(dat.shape[1] - 1)] Xtrain = V[0:splitN] # 70% of data are training data. endN = min(splitN + splitN, 5540) Xtest = V[splitN:endN] ytrain = target[0:splitN] ytest = target[splitN:endN] oneH = OneHotEncoder() ytrain = oneH.fit_transform(ytrain.reshape(-1, 1)).todense() ytest = oneH.fit_transform(ytest.reshape(-1, 1)).todense() schedule = mlrose.ExpDecay(init_temp=iniT, exp_const=Tdcy, min_temp=minT) timeCostAvg = 0.0 ytrainAccAvg = 0.0 ytestAccAvg = 0.0 fitnessAvg = np.zeros(mxit) Ntry = 10 for i in range(Ntry): model = mlrose.NeuralNetwork(hidden_nodes=[16], activation='relu', algorithm='simulated_annealing', max_iters=mxit, bias=True, is_classifier=True, learning_rate=lrte,
def main(): name_of_exp = "One Max" fitness = mlrose.OneMax() rhc = [] sa = [] ga = [] mimic = [] z_s = ['RHC', 'SA', 'GA', 'MIMIC'] for i in [5, 10, 15]: problem = mlrose.DiscreteOpt(length=i, fitness_fn=fitness, maximize=True, max_val=2) # Define initial state init_state = np.zeros(i) # Solve problem using simulated annealing best_fitness = 0 learning_curve = [] max_atts = 10 print("RHC") while best_fitness != i: best_state, best_fitness, learning_curve, timing_curve = mlrose.random_hill_climb( problem, max_attempts=max_atts, max_iters=max_atts, restarts=1, init_state=init_state, curve=True, random_state=1) max_atts += 10 rhc.append(learning_curve) print(i) print(best_fitness) print(max_atts) print("SA") best_fitness = 0 learning_curve = [] max_atts = 10 while best_fitness != i: best_state, best_fitness, learning_curve, timing_curve = mlrose.simulated_annealing( problem, max_attempts=max_atts, max_iters=max_atts, schedule=mlrose.ExpDecay(), init_state=init_state, curve=True, random_state=1) max_atts += 10 sa.append(learning_curve) print(i) print(best_fitness) print(max_atts) print("GA") best_fitness = 0 learning_curve = [] max_atts = 10 while best_fitness != i: best_state, best_fitness, learning_curve, timing_curve = mlrose.genetic_alg( problem, pop_size=100, mutation_prob=0.1, max_attempts=max_atts, max_iters=max_atts, curve=True, random_state=1) max_atts += 10 ga.append(learning_curve) print(i) print(best_fitness) print(max_atts) print("MIMC") best_fitness = 0 learning_curve = [] max_atts = 10 while best_fitness != i: best_state, best_fitness, learning_curve, timing_curve = mlrose.mimic( problem, pop_size=300, keep_pct=0.1, max_attempts=max_atts, max_iters=max_atts, curve=True, random_state=1, fast_mimic=True) max_atts += 10 mimic.append(learning_curve) print(i) print(best_fitness) print(max_atts) f, axarr = plt.subplots(1, 4) f.set_figheight(3) f.set_figwidth(12) for y in rhc: for i in ['5', '10', '15']: axarr[0].plot(y, label='{}'.format(i)) axarr[0].set_title('RHC vs Input Size') for y in sa: for i in ['5', '10', '15']: axarr[1].plot(y, label='{}'.format(i)) axarr[1].set_title('SA vs Input Size') for y in ga: for i in ['5', '10', '15']: axarr[2].plot(y, label='{}'.format(i)) axarr[2].set_title('GA vs Input Size') for y in mimic: for i in ['5', '10', '15']: axarr[3].plot(y, label='{}'.format(i)) axarr[3].set_title('MIMC vs Input Size') # Fine-tune figure; hide x ticks for top plots and y ticks for right plots #plt.setp([a.get_xticklabels() for a in axarr[0]], visible=False) #plt.setp([a.get_yticklabels() for a in axarr[:, 1]], visible=False) plt.legend(handles=[ Line2D([0], [0], color='g', lw=4, label='5'), Line2D([0], [0], color='brown', lw=4, label='10'), Line2D([0], [0], color='y', lw=4, label='15') ]) #plt.title('Input size vs fitness curve One Max') # plt.xlabel('Function iteration count') #plt.ylabel('Fitness function value')
def main(): name_of_exp = "TSP" # Create list of city coordinates coords_list = [(1, 1), (4, 2), (5, 2), (6, 4), (4, 4), (3, 6), (1, 5), (2, 3)] # Initialize fitness function object using coords_list fitness_coords = mlrose.TravellingSales(coords=coords_list) problem = mlrose.TSPOpt(length=8, fitness_fn=fitness_coords, maximize=False) # Define initial state x_s = [] y_s = [] z_s = ['RHC', 'SA', 'GA', 'MIMIC'] w_s = [] max_val = 19.0 found_flag = False for restarts in np.arange(0, 5): if found_flag: break for max_iter_atts in np.arange(10, 1000, 10): if found_flag: break # Solve problem using simulated annealing best_state, best_fitness, learning_curve, timing_curve = mlrose.random_hill_climb(problem, max_attempts=int( max_iter_atts), max_iters=int(max_iter_atts), restarts=int(restarts), curve=True, random_state=1) if best_fitness <= max_val: x_s.append(np.arange(0, len(learning_curve))) y_s.append(learning_curve) w_s.append(timing_curve) print(best_state) print(best_fitness) print(max_iter_atts) print(restarts) found_flag = True found_flag = False for sched in [mlrose.ExpDecay(), mlrose.GeomDecay(), mlrose.ArithDecay()]: if found_flag: break for max_iter_atts in np.arange(10, 1000, 10): if found_flag: break best_state, best_fitness, learning_curve, timing_curve = mlrose.simulated_annealing(problem, max_attempts=int( max_iter_atts), max_iters=int( max_iter_atts), schedule=sched, curve=True, random_state=1) if best_fitness <= max_val: x_s.append(np.arange(0, len(learning_curve))) y_s.append(learning_curve) w_s.append(timing_curve) print(best_state) print(best_fitness) print(max_iter_atts) print(sched) found_flag = True found_flag = False for prob in np.arange(0.1, 1.1, 0.1): if found_flag: break for pop_size in np.arange(100, 1000, 100): if found_flag: break for max_iter_atts in np.arange(100, 1000, 100): if found_flag: break best_state, best_fitness, learning_curve, timing_curve = mlrose.genetic_alg(problem, pop_size=int(pop_size), mutation_prob=prob, max_attempts=int( max_iter_atts), max_iters=int( max_iter_atts), curve=True, random_state=1) if best_fitness <= max_val: x_s.append(np.arange(0, len(learning_curve))) y_s.append(learning_curve) w_s.append(timing_curve) print(best_state) print(best_fitness) print(max_iter_atts) print(prob) print(pop_size) found_flag = True found_flag = False for prob in np.arange(0.1, 0.5, 0.1): if found_flag: break for pop_size in np.arange(100, 1000, 100): if found_flag: break for max_iter_atts in np.arange(100, 1000, 100): if found_flag: break best_state, best_fitness, learning_curve, timing_curve = mlrose.mimic(problem, pop_size=int(pop_size), keep_pct=prob, max_attempts=int(max_iter_atts), max_iters=int(max_iter_atts), curve=True, random_state=1, fast_mimic=True) if best_fitness <= max_val: x_s.append(np.arange(0, len(learning_curve))) y_s.append(learning_curve) w_s.append(timing_curve) print(best_state) print(best_fitness) print(max_iter_atts) print(prob) print(pop_size) found_flag = True for x, y, z in zip(x_s, y_s, z_s): plt.plot(x, y, label=z) plt.legend() plt.title('Randomized Optimization Iterations vs Fitness Function Value for {}'.format(name_of_exp)) plt.xlabel('Function iteration count') plt.ylabel('Fitness function value') plt.clf() for x, w, z in zip(x_s, w_s, z_s): plt.plot(x, w, label=z) plt.legend() plt.title('Randomized Optimization Time vs Fitness Function Value for {}'.format(name_of_exp)) plt.xlabel('Function iteration count') plt.ylabel('Time in Seconds')
def solve_sa(problem_fit): """ Solving using Simulated Annealing """ min_fitness = np.inf best_params_dict = {} # Parameter list initial_temp_list = [10, 100, 1000] min_temp_list = [1, 10, 100] decay_list = [0.001, 0.01, 0.1] # Solve for t0 in initial_temp_list: for t in min_temp_list: # Initial temp should be greater than Minimum temp if t0 < t: continue for d in decay_list: for c in range(2): if c == 0: schedule = mlrose.ExpDecay(init_temp=t0, exp_const=d, min_temp=t) else: schedule = mlrose.ArithDecay(init_temp=t0, decay=d, min_temp=t) # Start timer t_start = time.time() best_state, best_fitness, fitness_curve = mlrose.simulated_annealing( problem=problem_fit, schedule=schedule, max_attempts=500, max_iters=5000, random_state=np.random.seed(7), curve=True) # End timer t_end = time.time() # Storing the best result if best_fitness < min_fitness: min_fitness = best_fitness best_params_dict['Fitness'] = best_fitness best_params_dict['Solution'] = best_state best_params_dict['Initial_temp'] = t0 best_params_dict['Min_temp'] = t best_params_dict['Decay'] = d best_params_dict[ 'Schedule'] = "Exponential" if c == 0 else "Arithmetic" best_params_dict['Fitness_curve'] = fitness_curve best_params_dict['Time'] = round(t_end - t_start, 2) # Printing the best result print("-- Parameters --") print("\tCooling Schedule: ", best_params_dict['Schedule']) print("\tInitial Temperature: ", best_params_dict['Initial_temp']) print("\tMin Temperature: ", best_params_dict['Min_temp']) print("\tDecay rate: ", best_params_dict['Decay']) print("\tMax Attempts at each step: 100") print("\tStopping Criterion = Max Iterations of the algorithm: 10000") print("Results:") print("\tSolution (Order of city traversal by index): ", best_params_dict['Solution']) print("\tFitness: ", round(best_params_dict['Fitness'], 2)) print("Computational Time: ", best_params_dict['Time'], " seconds\n\n") # Plotting plt.plot(-(best_params_dict['Fitness_curve'])) plt.title("Convergence curve: TSP-Qatar using Simulated Annealing") plt.xlabel("Iterations") plt.ylabel("Fitness") plt.savefig("tsp_qatar_sa.png")
def sim_annealing_runner(problem): initial_temps = np.arange(.1, 5, .5) #.1) final_temps = np.arange(.001, 1, .1) decay_rates = np.arange(.001, 1, .1) attempts = np.arange(10, 500, 50).astype(int) iterations = np.arange(10, 500, 50).astype(int) scoring_dict = {} timing_dict = {} init_temp_scores = [] final_temp_scores = [] for i, temp in enumerate(initial_temps): anneal_schedule = mlrose.ExpDecay(init_temp=temp) best_fits = [] for i in MC_RUNS: _, best_fitness = mlrose.simulated_annealing( problem, schedule=anneal_schedule, max_attempts=100, max_iters=800) best_fits.append(best_fitness) init_temp_scores.append(best_fits) scoring_dict['Initial Temperature'] = pd.DataFrame(init_temp_scores, columns=MC_RUNS, index=initial_temps) for i, temp in enumerate(final_temps): anneal_schedule = mlrose.ExpDecay(min_temp=temp) best_fits = [] for i in MC_RUNS: _, best_fitness = mlrose.simulated_annealing( problem, schedule=anneal_schedule, max_attempts=100, max_iters=800) best_fits.append(best_fitness) final_temp_scores.append(best_fits) scoring_dict['Ending Temperature'] = pd.DataFrame(final_temp_scores, index=final_temps, columns=MC_RUNS) decay_scores = [] for i, rate in enumerate(decay_rates): anneal_schedule = mlrose.ExpDecay(exp_const=rate) best_fits = [] for i in MC_RUNS: _, best_fitness = mlrose.simulated_annealing( problem, schedule=anneal_schedule, max_attempts=100, max_iters=800) best_fits.append(best_fitness) decay_scores.append(best_fits) scoring_dict['Decay Rate'] = pd.DataFrame(decay_scores, columns=MC_RUNS, index=decay_rates) attempts_scores = [] attempts_timing = [] for i, att in enumerate(attempts): anneal_schedule = mlrose.ExpDecay() best_fits = [] times = [] for i in MC_RUNS: start = _, best_fitness = mlrose.simulated_annealing( problem, schedule=anneal_schedule, max_attempts=int(att), max_iters=800) end = best_fits.append(best_fitness) times.append((end - start).total_seconds()) attempts_scores.append(best_fits) attempts_timing.append(times) scoring_dict['Number of Attempts'] = pd.DataFrame(attempts_scores, columns=MC_RUNS, index=attempts) timing_dict['Number of Attempts'] = pd.DataFrame(attempts_timing, columns=MC_RUNS, index=attempts) iteration_scores = [] for i, iteration in enumerate(iterations): anneal_schedule = mlrose.ExpDecay() best_fits = [] for i in MC_RUNS: _, best_fitness = mlrose.simulated_annealing( problem, schedule=anneal_schedule, max_attempts=100, max_iters=int(iteration)) best_fits.append(best_fitness) iteration_scores.append(best_fits) scoring_dict['Max Iterations'] = pd.DataFrame(iteration_scores, columns=MC_RUNS, index=iterations) return scoring_dict, timing_dict
end = time.time() return np.array([best_score, len(curve), fit_evals, end - start]) # ## SA param search runs = 15 temps = np.arange(1, 32, 2) sa_results = {} with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as exe: for prob in probs: if prob['name'] not in sa_results: sa_results[prob['name']] = {} for temp in temps: if temp not in sa_results[prob['name']]: sa_results[prob['name']][temp] = [] for run in range(runs + 1): schedule = mlrose.ExpDecay(init_temp=temp, min_temp=0) sa_results[prob['name']][temp].append( exe.submit(sim_anneal, prob['obj'], max_iters=500, schedule=schedule)) # ### SA param search plotting sa_plot_data = {} for prob in sa_results: sa_plot_data[prob] = None for temp in sa_results[prob]: data = None for run in sa_results[prob][temp]: # DATA: temp, score, iters, fit_evals, runtime if data is None:
import time as tt import numpy as np import mlrose as mlrose import pandas as pd ps = [8,32,64,128] for p in ps: fitness = mlrose.FlipFlop() istate = np.array(np.zeros(p), dtype=int) problem = mlrose.DiscreteOpt(length=p, fitness_fn=fitness, maximize=True, max_val=2) schedule = mlrose.ExpDecay(init_temp=0.5, exp_const=0.005, min_temp=0.001) start_fit_time = tt.time() best_state, best_fitness,fitness_curve = mlrose.random_hill_climb(problem,max_attempts = 500, max_iters = 500,restarts=0,init_state = istate, random_state = 1,curve=True) end_fit_time = tt.time() it = len(fitness_curve) time = end_fit_time - start_fit_time tpi = time/it print('SA') print(f'sa, input size: {p},time={time}, iterations={it}, time per iteration={tpi}')
# FOUR PEAKS fourpeaks = mlrose.FourPeaks() fourpeaks_problem = mlrose.DiscreteOpt(length=60, maximize=True, max_val=2, fitness_fn=fourpeaks) base_test(fourpeaks, theoretical_best_fitness=lambda x: 2 * x - 0.1 * x - 1) # 73s optimize_ga(fourpeaks_problem) # 768s optimize_sa(fourpeaks_problem) # 532s optimize_rhc(fourpeaks_problem) # 822s optimize_mimic(fourpeaks_problem) # 2464s final_test(fourpeaks_problem, [700, 0.4], mlrose.ExpDecay(8, 0.00001), 5000, [500, 0.022]) # 1191s # SAW saw_fitness = mlrose.CustomFitness(saw, problem_type='discrete') saw_problem = mlrose.DiscreteOpt(length=700, maximize=True, max_val=2, fitness_fn=saw_fitness) base_test(saw_fitness, theoretical_best_fitness=lambda x: x, lengths=range(200, 701, 100)) # 2476s optimize_ga(saw_problem) # 7255s optimize_sa(saw_problem) # 8730s optimize_rhc(saw_problem) # 103s
import numpy as np from sklearn.datasets import load_iris from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler, OneHotEncoder from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score # Initialize fitness function object using pre-defined class fitness = mlrose.FourPeaks(t_pct=0.15) # Define optimization problem object problem = mlrose.DiscreteOpt(length=100, fitness_fn=fitness, maximize=True, max_val=2) # Define decay schedule schedule = mlrose.ExpDecay() # Run Genetic Algorithm best_state, best_fitness, fit_curve = mlrose.genetic_alg(problem, max_attempts=1000, max_iters=1000, curve=True, random_state=1) # Stop Timer elapsed_time = timer() - start # in seconds print('Time elapsed time in seconds is: ', elapsed_time) print('The best state found is: ', best_state) print('The fitness at the best state is: ', best_fitness) # Plot Curve import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(fit_curve) plt.ylabel('Fitness')
def optimize_sa(problem, trials=50): init_temps = np.linspace(1.0, 10.0, 10) decay_rates = np.linspace(0.1, 0.99, 10) for i in range(len(decay_rates)): decay_rates[i] = int(decay_rates[i] * 100) / 100 fitness_values = [[] for _ in range(len(decay_rates))] for i, decay_rate in enumerate(decay_rates): for init_temp in init_temps: samples = [] for _ in range(trials): decay = mlrose.GeomDecay(init_temp=init_temp, decay=decay_rate) _, fitness_value, _ = mlrose.simulated_annealing( problem, decay) samples.append(fitness_value) fitness_values[i].append(np.mean(samples)) display_cm( np.array(fitness_values), f'Simulated annealing tuning on ' f'{repr(problem.fitness_fn).split(".")[-1].split(" ")[0]}, length={problem.length}', 'Initial temperature', 'Decay rate', init_temps, decay_rates) fitness_values = [[] for _ in range(len(decay_rates))] for i, decay_rate in enumerate(decay_rates): for init_temp in init_temps: samples = [] for _ in range(trials): decay = mlrose.ArithDecay(init_temp=init_temp, decay=decay_rate) _, fitness_value, _ = mlrose.simulated_annealing( problem, decay) samples.append(fitness_value) fitness_values[i].append(np.mean(samples)) display_cm( np.array(fitness_values), f'Simulated annealing tuning on ' f'{repr(problem.fitness_fn).split(".")[-1].split(" ")[0]}, length={problem.length}', 'Initial temperature', 'Decay rate', init_temps, decay_rates) init_temps = np.linspace(1.0, 10.0, 10) exp_consts = np.linspace(0.0001, 0.003, 10) for i in range(len(exp_consts)): exp_consts[i] = int(exp_consts[i] * 10000) / 10000 fitness_values = [[] for _ in range(len(exp_consts))] for i, exp_const in enumerate(exp_consts): for init_temp in init_temps: samples = [] time_samples = [] for _ in range(trials): decay = mlrose.ExpDecay(init_temp=init_temp, exp_const=exp_const) start = time.time() _, fitness_value, _ = mlrose.simulated_annealing( problem, decay) time_samples.append(time.time() - start) samples.append(fitness_value) fitness_values[i].append(np.mean(samples)) display_cm( np.array(fitness_values), f'Simulated annealing tuning on ' f'{repr(problem.fitness_fn).split(".")[-1].split(" ")[0]}, length={problem.length}', 'Initial temperature', 'Exp const', init_temps, exp_consts)