Exemplo n.º 1
    def setUp(self):
        self.mock_component = Component("mock_component", "mock component 2",
                                        "shreya", ["mock_tag"])

        self.mock_component_dict = {
            "name": self.mock_component.name,
            "description": self.mock_component.description,
            "owner": self.mock_component.owner,
            "tags": self.mock_component.tags,
Exemplo n.º 2
class TestComponent(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.mock_component = Component(
            "mock_component", "mock component 2", "shreya", ["mock_tag"]

        self.mock_component_dict = {
            "name": self.mock_component.name,
            "description": self.mock_component.description,
            "owner": self.mock_component.owner,
            "tags": self.mock_component.tags,

    def testSerialize(self):
        Test the serialization functionality.
        mock_component_dict = self.mock_component.to_dictionary()
        self.assertEqual(mock_component_dict, self.mock_component_dict)

    def testChangeProperty(self):
        Test changing a property. Should return an error.
        mock_component_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.mock_component)

        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            mock_component_copy.name = "changed_name"
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_component_information(component_name: str) -> Component:
    """Returns a Component with the name, info, owner, and tags."""
    store = Store(_db_uri)
    c = store.get_component(component_name)
    if not c:
        raise RuntimeError(f"Component with name {component_name} not found.")
    tags = [tag.name for tag in c.tags]
    d = copy.deepcopy(c.__dict__)
    d.update({"tags": tags})
    return Component.from_dictionary(d)
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_components_with_tag(tag: str) -> typing.List[Component]:
    """Returns a list of components with the specified tag."""
    store = Store(_db_uri)
    res = store.get_components_with_tag(tag)

    # Convert to client-facing Components
    components = []
    for c in res:
        tags = [tag.name for tag in c.tags]
        d = copy.deepcopy(c.__dict__)
        d.update({"tags": tags})

    return components
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_components(tag="", owner="") -> typing.List[Component]:
    """Returns all components with the specified owner and/or tag.
    Else, returns all components."""
    store = Store(_db_uri)
    res = store.get_components(tag=tag, owner=owner)

    # Convert to client-facing Components
    components = []
    for c in res:
        tags = [tag.name for tag in c.tags]
        d = copy.deepcopy(c.__dict__)
        d.update({"tags": tags})

    return components