Exemplo n.º 1
def test_has_method():
    class Foo:
        def __init__(self, name):
            self.name = name

        def print_name(self):

    foo = Foo('foo')
    assert not has_method(foo, 'name')
    assert has_method(foo, 'print_name')
Exemplo n.º 2
    def exists(self, filepath: Union[str, Path]) -> bool:
        """Check whether a file path exists.

            filepath (str or Path): Path to be checked whether exists.

            bool: Return ``True`` if ``filepath`` exists, ``False`` otherwise.
        if not (has_method(self._client, 'contains')
                and has_method(self._client, 'isdir')):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                ('Current version of Petrel Python SDK has not supported '
                 'the `contains` and `isdir` methods, please use a higher'
                 'version or dev branch instead.'))

        filepath = self._map_path(filepath)
        filepath = self._format_path(filepath)
        return self._client.contains(filepath) or self._client.isdir(filepath)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def remove(self, filepath: Union[str, Path]) -> None:
        """Remove a file.

            filepath (str or Path): Path to be removed.
        if not has_method(self._client, 'delete'):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                ('Current version of Petrel Python SDK has not supported '
                 'the `delete` method, please use a higher version or dev'
                 ' branch instead.'))

        filepath = self._map_path(filepath)
        filepath = self._format_path(filepath)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def isfile(self, filepath: Union[str, Path]) -> bool:
        """Check whether a file path is a file.

            filepath (str or Path): Path to be checked whether it is a file.

            bool: Return ``True`` if ``filepath`` points to a file, ``False``
        if not has_method(self._client, 'contains'):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                ('Current version of Petrel Python SDK has not supported '
                 'the `contains` method, please use a higher version or '
                 'dev branch instead.'))

        filepath = self._map_path(filepath)
        filepath = self._format_path(filepath)
        return self._client.contains(filepath)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def list_dir_or_file(self,
                         dir_path: Union[str, Path],
                         list_dir: bool = True,
                         list_file: bool = True,
                         suffix: Optional[Union[str, Tuple[str]]] = None,
                         recursive: bool = False) -> Iterator[str]:
        """Scan a directory to find the interested directories or files in
        arbitrary order.

            Petrel has no concept of directories but it simulates the directory
            hierarchy in the filesystem through public prefixes. In addition,
            if the returned path ends with '/', it means the path is a public
            prefix which is a logical directory.

            :meth:`list_dir_or_file` returns the path relative to ``dir_path``.
            In addition, the returned path of directory will not contains the
            suffix '/' which is consistent with other backends.

            dir_path (str | Path): Path of the directory.
            list_dir (bool): List the directories. Default: True.
            list_file (bool): List the path of files. Default: True.
            suffix (str or tuple[str], optional):  File suffix
                that we are interested in. Default: None.
            recursive (bool): If set to True, recursively scan the
                directory. Default: False.

            Iterable[str]: A relative path to ``dir_path``.
        if not has_method(self._client, 'list'):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                ('Current version of Petrel Python SDK has not supported '
                 'the `list` method, please use a higher version or dev'
                 ' branch instead.'))

        dir_path = self._map_path(dir_path)
        dir_path = self._format_path(dir_path)
        if list_dir and suffix is not None:
            raise TypeError(
                '`list_dir` should be False when `suffix` is not None')

        if (suffix is not None) and not isinstance(suffix, (str, tuple)):
            raise TypeError('`suffix` must be a string or tuple of strings')

        # Petrel's simulated directory hierarchy assumes that directory paths
        # should end with `/`
        if not dir_path.endswith('/'):
            dir_path += '/'

        root = dir_path

        def _list_dir_or_file(dir_path, list_dir, list_file, suffix,
            for path in self._client.list(dir_path):
                # the `self.isdir` is not used here to determine whether path
                # is a directory, because `self.isdir` relies on
                # `self._client.list`
                if path.endswith('/'):  # a directory path
                    next_dir_path = self.join_path(dir_path, path)
                    if list_dir:
                        # get the relative path and exclude the last
                        # character '/'
                        rel_dir = next_dir_path[len(root):-1]
                        yield rel_dir
                    if recursive:
                        yield from _list_dir_or_file(next_dir_path, list_dir,
                                                     list_file, suffix,
                else:  # a file path
                    absolute_path = self.join_path(dir_path, path)
                    rel_path = absolute_path[len(root):]
                    if (suffix is None
                            or rel_path.endswith(suffix)) and list_file:
                        yield rel_path

        return _list_dir_or_file(dir_path, list_dir, list_file, suffix,