Exemplo n.º 1
def test_proj_raw_duration(duration, sfreq):
    """Test equivalence of `duration` options."""
    n_ch, n_dim = 30, 3
    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
    signals = rng.randn(n_dim, 10000)
    mixing = rng.randn(n_ch, n_dim) + [0, 1, 2]
    data = np.dot(mixing, signals)
    raw = RawArray(data, create_info(n_ch, sfreq, 'eeg'))
    n_eff = int(round(raw.info['sfreq'] * duration))
    # crop to an even "duration" number of epochs
    stop = ((len(raw.times) // n_eff) * n_eff - 1) / raw.info['sfreq']
    raw.crop(0, stop)
    proj_def = compute_proj_raw(raw, n_eeg=n_dim)
    proj_dur = compute_proj_raw(raw, duration=duration, n_eeg=n_dim)
    proj_none = compute_proj_raw(raw, duration=None, n_eeg=n_dim)
    assert len(proj_dur) == len(proj_none) == len(proj_def) == n_dim
    # proj_def is not in here because it does not necessarily evenly divide
    # the signal length:
    for pu, pn in zip(proj_dur, proj_none):
        assert_allclose(pu['data']['data'], pn['data']['data'])
    # but we can test it here since it should still be a small subspace angle:
    for proj in (proj_dur, proj_none, proj_def):
        computed = np.concatenate([p['data']['data'] for p in proj], 0)
        angle = np.rad2deg(linalg.subspace_angles(computed.T, mixing)[0])
        assert angle < 1e-5
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_proj_raw_duration(duration, sfreq):
    """Test equivalence of `duration` options."""
    n_ch, n_dim = 30, 3
    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
    signals = rng.randn(n_dim, 10000)
    mixing = rng.randn(n_ch, n_dim) + [0, 1, 2]
    data = np.dot(mixing, signals)
    raw = RawArray(data, create_info(n_ch, sfreq, 'eeg'))
    n_eff = int(round(raw.info['sfreq'] * duration))
    # crop to an even "duration" number of epochs
    stop = ((len(raw.times) // n_eff) * n_eff - 1) / raw.info['sfreq']
    raw.crop(0, stop)
    proj_def = compute_proj_raw(raw, n_eeg=n_dim)
    proj_dur = compute_proj_raw(raw, duration=duration, n_eeg=n_dim)
    proj_none = compute_proj_raw(raw, duration=None, n_eeg=n_dim)
    assert len(proj_dur) == len(proj_none) == len(proj_def) == n_dim
    # proj_def is not in here because it does not necessarily evenly divide
    # the signal length:
    for pu, pn in zip(proj_dur, proj_none):
        assert_allclose(pu['data']['data'], pn['data']['data'])
    # but we can test it here since it should still be a small subspace angle:
    for proj in (proj_dur, proj_none, proj_def):
        computed = np.concatenate([p['data']['data'] for p in proj], 0)
        angle = np.rad2deg(linalg.subspace_angles(computed.T, mixing)[0])
        assert angle < 1e-5
Exemplo n.º 3
  def stream(self):
    print("starting debug stream thread")

    debug_index = 0
    while True:
      while self.target is None:

      # grab debug epoch
      chunk = debug_data[debug_index]
      debug_index += 1

      # turn into mne object with RawArray
      # apply info from self.stream_info above to get channel info
      raw = RawArray(data=chunk, info=create_info(debug_pilot.ch_names[:-3], 500, 'eeg'))
      # print(raw.info)
      # print(debug_pilot.info)

      # bandpass filter
      raw = raw.filter(LO_FREQ, HI_FREQ, method='fir', fir_design='firwin', phase='zero')
      # raw = raw.notch_filter(50, method='iir')

      # raw = raw.reorder_channels(sorted(raw.ch_names))

      # get processed data and split into 4
      # raw.crop(tmin=2.)
      # raw_data = raw.get_data(picks=sorted(GOODS))*1000
      # to_classify = np.stack([raw_data[:,i::4] for i in range(4)])

      # or resample
      raw = raw.resample(125)
      to_classify = np.stack([raw.get_data(picks=sorted(GOODS))*1000])
      # print(to_classify)

      # print(to_classify)

      # classify each individually
      # reshape to [epochs (4), kernels (1), channels (?), samples (1000)] 
      probs = self.model.predict(to_classify.reshape(to_classify.shape[0], 1, to_classify.shape[1], to_classify.shape[2]))
      # print(probs)
      probs = np.sum(probs, axis=0) / 1

      result = np.where(probs > 0.66)
      print("debug target:", debug_labels[debug_index], f"({debug_label_map[debug_labels[debug_index]]})")
      # self.game.sendall(bytes([self.target + 1]))
      if len(result[0]) == 0:
        # send unknown
        # send index of result
        print('classified:', result[0][0], f"({debug_label_map[result[0][0]]})")
        self.game.sendall(bytes([result[0][0] + 1]))

      self.target = None

    print('quitting stream and cleaning up')
Exemplo n.º 4
events, event_id = events_from_annotations(debug_pilot, event_id={'Stimulus/left': 0, 'Stimulus/right': 1, 'Stimulus/feet': 2})
picks = pick_types(debug_pilot.info, meg=False, eeg=True, stim=False, eog=False)
epochs = Epochs(debug_pilot, events, event_id, proj=False, picks=picks, baseline=None, preload=True, verbose=False, tmin=-1.5, tmax=2.5)
debug_data = epochs.get_data()
debug_data = debug_data[:,:,:-1]

# print(_pilotX[0].shape)
# print(debug_data[0].shape)
# print(debug_data[0])
# print()

stream_info = create_info(debug_pilot.ch_names[:-3], 500, 'eeg')
signal = debug_data[4]
raw = RawArray(data=signal, info=stream_info)
raw = raw.filter(LO_FREQ, HI_FREQ, method='fir', fir_design='firwin', phase='zero')
raw = raw.crop(tmin=2.)
raw = raw.resample(125)
realtime = raw.get_data(picks=sorted(GOODS))*1000


import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

t = np.arange(0, 2, 0.008)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 3)
Exemplo n.º 5
from mne import create_info
from integration import stream_channels

raw = RawArray(data=debug_data[0],
               info=create_info(stream_channels, 500, 'eeg'))
raw = raw.filter(LO_FREQ,
raw = raw.notch_filter(50)
# raw = raw.drop_channels([ch for ch in raw.ch_names if ch not in GOODS])
# print(raw.ch_names)
# raw = raw.reorder_channels(sorted(raw.ch_names))
# print(raw.ch_names)
raw = raw.crop(tmin=11.)
raw = raw.resample(125)
# raw = raw.reorder_channels(sorted(raw.ch_names))

# print(raw.ch_names)
realtime = raw.get_data(picks=sorted(GOODS)) * 1000
raw = raw.reorder_channels(sorted(raw.ch_names))
# print(raw.ch_names)
ordered = raw.get_data(picks=GOODS) * 1000

# print(realtime[0])
# print(ordered[0])

# print(_pilotX[0].shape, _pilotX[0][0])
# print(realtime.shape, realtime[0])