Exemplo n.º 1
def _interpolate_bads_nirs(inst, method='nearest', exclude=(), verbose=None):
    from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform
    from mne.preprocessing.nirs import _validate_nirs_info

    # Returns pick of all nirs and ensures channels are correctly ordered
    picks_nirs = _validate_nirs_info(inst.info)
    if len(picks_nirs) == 0:

    nirs_ch_names = [inst.info['ch_names'][p] for p in picks_nirs]
    nirs_ch_names = [ch for ch in nirs_ch_names if ch not in exclude]
    bads_nirs = [ch for ch in inst.info['bads'] if ch in nirs_ch_names]
    if len(bads_nirs) == 0:
    picks_bad = pick_channels(inst.info['ch_names'], bads_nirs, exclude=[])
    bads_mask = [p in picks_bad for p in picks_nirs]

    chs = [inst.info['chs'][i] for i in picks_nirs]
    locs3d = np.array([ch['loc'][:3] for ch in chs])

    _check_option('fnirs_method', method, ['nearest'])

    if method == 'nearest':

        dist = pdist(locs3d)
        dist = squareform(dist)

        for bad in picks_bad:
            dists_to_bad = dist[bad]
            # Ignore distances to self
            dists_to_bad[dists_to_bad == 0] = np.inf
            # Ignore distances to other bad channels
            dists_to_bad[bads_mask] = np.inf
            # Find closest remaining channels for same frequency
            closest_idx = np.argmin(dists_to_bad) + (bad % 2)
            inst._data[bad] = inst._data[closest_idx]

        inst.info['bads'] = [ch for ch in inst.info['bads'] if ch in exclude]

    return inst
Exemplo n.º 2
def peak_power(raw, time_window=10, threshold=0.1, l_freq=0.7, h_freq=1.5,
               l_trans_bandwidth=0.3, h_trans_bandwidth=0.3,
    Compute peak spectral power metric for each channel and time window.

    As described in [1]_ and [2]_.
    This method provides a metric of data quality along the duration of
    the measurement. The user can specify the window over which the
    metric is computed.

    raw : instance of Raw
        The haemoglobin data.
    time_window : number
        The duration of the window over which to calculate the metric.
        Default is 10 seconds as in PHOEBE paper.
    threshold : number
        Values below this are marked as bad and annotated in the raw file.

    raw : instance of Raw
        The Raw data. Optionally annotated with bad segments.
    scores : array (n_nirs, n_windows)
        Array of peak power values.
    times : list
        List of the start and end times of each window used to compute the
        peak spectral power.

    .. [1] Pollonini L et al., “PHOEBE: a method for real time mapping of
           optodes-scalp coupling in functional near-infrared spectroscopy” in
           Biomed. Opt. Express 7, 5104-5119 (2016).
    .. [2] Hernandez, Samuel Montero, and Luca Pollonini. "NIRSplot: a tool for
           quality assessment of fNIRS scans." Optics and the Brain.
           Optical Society of America, 2020.

    raw = raw.copy().load_data()
    _validate_type(raw, BaseRaw, 'raw')

    if not len(pick_types(raw.info, fnirs='fnirs_od')):
        raise RuntimeError('Scalp coupling index '
                           'should be run on optical density data.')

    picks = _validate_nirs_info(raw.info)

    filtered_data = filter_data(raw._data, raw.info['sfreq'], l_freq, h_freq,
                                picks=picks, verbose=verbose,

    window_samples = int(np.ceil(time_window * raw.info['sfreq']))
    n_windows = int(np.floor(len(raw) / window_samples))

    scores = np.zeros((len(picks), n_windows))
    times = []

    for window in range(n_windows):

        start_sample = int(window * window_samples)
        end_sample = start_sample + window_samples
        end_sample = np.min([end_sample, len(raw) - 1])

        t_start = raw.times[start_sample]
        t_stop = raw.times[end_sample]
        times.append((t_start, t_stop))

        for ii in picks[::2]:

            c1 = filtered_data[ii][start_sample:end_sample]
            c2 = filtered_data[ii + 1][start_sample:end_sample]

            # protect against zero
            c1 = c1 / (np.std(c1) or 1)
            c2 = c2 / (np.std(c2) or 1)

            c = np.correlate(c1, c2, "full")
            c = c / (window_samples)
            [f, pxx] = periodogram(c, fs=raw.info['sfreq'], window='hamming')

            scores[ii, window] = max(pxx)
            scores[ii + 1, window] = max(pxx)

            if (threshold is not None) & (max(pxx) < threshold):
                raw.annotations.append(t_start, time_window, 'BAD_PeakPower',
                                       ch_names=[raw.ch_names[ii:ii + 2]])

    return raw, scores, times
Exemplo n.º 3
def _fnirs_check_bads(info):