Exemplo n.º 1
def test_csd_fourier():
    """Test computing cross-spectral density using short-term Fourier."""
    epochs = _generate_coherence_data()
    sfreq = epochs.info['sfreq']
    _test_fourier_multitaper_parameters(epochs, csd_fourier, csd_array_fourier)

    # Compute CSDs using various parameters
    times = [(None, None), (1, 9)]
    as_arrays = [False, True]
    parameters = product(times, as_arrays)
    for (tmin, tmax), as_array in parameters:
        if as_array:
            csd = csd_array_fourier(epochs.get_data(),
            csd = csd_fourier(epochs, fmin=9, fmax=23, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax)

        if tmin is None and tmax is None:
            assert csd.tmin == 0 and csd.tmax == 9.98
            assert csd.tmin == tmin and csd.tmax == tmax
        csd = csd.mean([9.9, 14.9, 21.9], [10.1, 15.1, 22.1])

    # For the next test, generate a simple sine wave with a known power
    times = np.arange(20 * sfreq) / sfreq  # 20 seconds of signal
    signal = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 10 * times)[None, None, :]  # 10 Hz wave
    signal_power_per_sample = sum_squared(signal) / len(times)

    # Power per sample should not depend on time window length
    for tmax in [12, 18]:
        t_mask = (times <= tmax)
        n_samples = sum(t_mask)

        # Power per sample should not depend on number of FFT points
        for add_n_fft in [0, 30]:
            n_fft = n_samples + add_n_fft
            csd = csd_array_fourier(signal, sfreq, tmax=tmax,
            first_samp = csd[0, 0]
            fourier_power_per_sample = np.abs(first_samp) * sfreq / n_fft
            assert abs(signal_power_per_sample -
                       fourier_power_per_sample) < 0.001
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_csd_fourier():
    """Test computing cross-spectral density using short-term Fourier."""
    epochs = _generate_coherence_data()
    sfreq = epochs.info['sfreq']
    _test_fourier_multitaper_parameters(epochs, csd_fourier, csd_array_fourier)

    # Compute CSDs using various parameters
    times = [(None, None), (1, 9)]
    as_arrays = [False, True]
    parameters = product(times, as_arrays)
    for (tmin, tmax), as_array in parameters:
        if as_array:
            csd = csd_array_fourier(epochs.get_data(), sfreq, epochs.tmin,
                                    fmin=9, fmax=23, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax,
            csd = csd_fourier(epochs, fmin=9, fmax=23, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax)

        if tmin is None and tmax is None:
            assert csd.tmin == 0 and csd.tmax == 9.98
            assert csd.tmin == tmin and csd.tmax == tmax
        csd = csd.mean([9.9, 14.9, 21.9], [10.1, 15.1, 22.1])

    # For the next test, generate a simple sine wave with a known power
    times = np.arange(20 * sfreq) / sfreq  # 20 seconds of signal
    signal = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 10 * times)[None, None, :]  # 10 Hz wave
    signal_power_per_sample = sum_squared(signal) / len(times)

    # Power per sample should not depend on time window length
    for tmax in [12, 18]:
        t_mask = (times <= tmax)
        n_samples = sum(t_mask)

        # Power per sample should not depend on number of FFT points
        for add_n_fft in [0, 30]:
            n_fft = n_samples + add_n_fft
            csd = csd_array_fourier(signal, sfreq, tmax=tmax,
            first_samp = csd[0, 0]
            fourier_power_per_sample = np.abs(first_samp) * sfreq / n_fft
            assert abs(signal_power_per_sample -
                       fourier_power_per_sample) < 0.001