Exemplo n.º 1
 def flogger(*args, **kwargs):
     l.critical("Executing %s" % func.__name__)
     for a in args:
         l.error("  - calling with arg %s" % a)
     for k in kwargs.keys():
         l.error("  - calling with kwargs %s=%s" % (k, kwargs[k]))
     return func(*args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def flogger(*args, **kwargs):
     l.critical("Executing %s" % func.__name__)
     for a in args:
         l.error("  - calling with arg %s" % a)
     for k in kwargs.keys():
         l.error("  - calling with kwargs %s=%s" % (k, kwargs[k]))
     return func(*args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 3
def moamv(data):
    wd = data['cwd']
    options = data['options']
    args = data['newargs']

    fr = args[0]
    if fr[-1] == '/':
        fr = fr[:-1]
    if len(args) > 1: to = args[1]
    else: to = '.'

    #see if fr is a number
    if re.match('\d+', fr):
        newfr = glob.glob('%s*' % fr)
        if len(newfr) != 1:
            l.critical("Cannot resolve %s (%s)" % (fr, newfr))
        fr = newfr[0]
    if re.match('\d+', to):
        if re.search('^\d+', fr):
            to = re.sub('^\d+', to, fr)
            to = '%s.%s' % (to, fr)
    shutil.move(fr, to)
Exemplo n.º 4
def _gitInit(data):
    Initialize a git repository
    global GITREPO
    global GITROOT
    if GITROOT:
            "trying to initialize a git repository wihtin a git repository")

    wd = data['cwd']

    GITROOT = wd
    GITREPO = git.Repo.init(GITROOT)
    l.info("created a git repository at %s" % GITROOT)

    info = moa.info.info(wd)
    index = GITREPO.index
    index.commit('Settin up project "%s"' % info['title'])

    #write some data to .gitignore
    with open(os.path.join(wd, '.gitignore'), 'w') as F:
Exemplo n.º 5
def _gitInit(data):
    Initialize a git repository
    global GITREPO
    global GITROOT
    if GITROOT:
        l.critical("trying to initialize a git repository wihtin a git repository")

    wd = data['cwd']
    GITROOT = wd
    GITREPO =  git.Repo.init(GITROOT)
    l.info("created a git repository at %s" % GITROOT)
    info = moa.info.info(wd)
    index = GITREPO.index
    index.commit('Settin up project "%s"' % info['title'])

    #write some data to .gitignore
    with open(os.path.join(wd, '.gitignore'), 'w') as F:
Exemplo n.º 6
def moakill(data):
    kill a running job
    cwd = data['cwd']

    if not moa.info.status(cwd) == 'running': 
        l.warning("Moa does not seem to be running!")

    pid = int(open(os.path.join(cwd, 'moa.runlock')).read())
    l.critical("killing job %d" % pid)
    os.kill(pid, 9)
Exemplo n.º 7
def fixOld(wd):
    makefile = os.path.join(wd, 'Makefile')
    if not os.path.exists(makefile): return False

    with open(makefile) as F:
        t = F.read()
    if not 'include $(MOABASE)/template/moa/prepare.mk' in t:
        return False

    import shutil

    l.warning("Old style Makefile trying to upgrade!")

    t = t.replace('/template/moa/', '/lib/gnumake/')

    if os.path.exists('%s.old' % makefile):
        os.unlink('%s.old' % makefile)
    shutil.move(makefile, '%s.old' % makefile)
    with open('%s' % makefile, 'w') as F:

    templateName = t.split('moa_load,')[1].replace(')', '').strip()
    l.warning("Found a makefile with template %s" % templateName)
    cdir = os.path.join(wd, '.moa')
    if not os.path.exists(cdir): os.mkdir(cdir)

    l.warning("wrote an updated Makefile - please check!")
    with open(os.path.join(cdir, 'template'), 'w') as F:

    moamk = os.path.join(wd, 'moa.mk')
    if not os.path.exists(moamk): return

    #create a regular job
    job = moa.job.getJob(wd)
    #convert moamk
    with open(moamk) as F:
        for line in F.readlines():
            line = line.strip()
            if '+=' in line:
                l.critical("Cannot autoconvert: %s" % line)
            k, v = line.split('=', 1)
            job.conf.set(k, v)
    l.warning("converted moa.mk - please check %s/config" % cdir)

Exemplo n.º 8
def fixOld(wd):
    makefile = os.path.join(wd,'Makefile')
    if not os.path.exists(makefile): return False
    with open(makefile) as F:
        t = F.read()
    if not 'include $(MOABASE)/template/moa/prepare.mk' in t:
        return False

    import shutil

    l.warning("Old style Makefile trying to upgrade!")
    t = t.replace('/template/moa/', '/lib/gnumake/')
    if os.path.exists('%s.old' % makefile):
        os.unlink('%s.old' % makefile)
    shutil.move(makefile,'%s.old' % makefile)
    with open('%s' % makefile, 'w') as F:
    templateName = t.split('moa_load,')[1].replace(')','').strip()
    l.warning("Found a makefile with template %s" % templateName)
    cdir = os.path.join(wd, '.moa')
    if not os.path.exists(cdir): os.mkdir(cdir)
    l.warning("wrote an updated Makefile - please check!")
    with open(os.path.join(cdir, 'template'), 'w') as F:

    moamk = os.path.join(wd, 'moa.mk')
    if not os.path.exists(moamk): return
    #create a regular job
    job = moa.job.getJob(wd)
    #convert moamk
    with open(moamk) as F:
        for line in F.readlines():
            line = line.strip()
            if '+=' in line:
                l.critical("Cannot autoconvert: %s" % line)
            k,v = line.split('=',1)
    l.warning("converted moa.mk - please check %s/config" % cdir)
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: job.py Projeto: AshleyLu/Moa
 def loadBackend(self):
     load the backend
     backendName = self.template.backend.value
     l.debug("attempt to load backend %s" % backendName)
         _moduleName = 'moa.backend.%s' % backendName
         _module =  __import__( _moduleName, globals(),
                                locals(), [_moduleName], -1)            
         l.debug("Successfully Loaded module %s" % _moduleName)
     except ImportError, e:
         if str(e) == "No module named %s" % _moduleName:
             l.critical("Backend %s does not exists" % backendName)
         l.critical("Error loading backend %s" % backendName)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def loadBackend(self):
     load the backend
     backendName = self.template.backend.value
     l.debug("attempt to load backend %s" % backendName)
         _moduleName = 'moa.backend.%s' % backendName
         _module = __import__(_moduleName, globals(), locals(),
                              [_moduleName], -1)
         l.debug("Successfully Loaded module %s" % _moduleName)
     except ImportError, e:
         if str(e) == "No module named %s" % _moduleName:
             l.critical("Backend %s does not exists" % backendName)
         l.critical("Error loading backend %s" % backendName)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def refresh(self):
        refresh / initialize this moajob object
        self._makefile = os.path.join(self.wd, 'Makefile')
        if not os.path.exists(self._makefile):
            self.isMoa = False
        with open(self._makefile) as F:
            self._makefileText = F.read()

        reft = self._reFindTemplate.search(self._makefileText)
        if not reft:
            l.critical("Invalidly formatted Makefile - exitting")
        self.isMoa = True
        self.template = reft.groups()[0]
Exemplo n.º 12
def testPlugins(args=[]):
    global pluginFailures
    global pluginTests

    #new style plugin tests
    plugins = moa.plugins.Plugins()
    for plugin, testCode in plugins.getAttr('TESTSCRIPT'):

        #if asking for a single plugin, test only that plugin
        if args and plugin not in args: continue
        l.info("Starting new style test of %s" % plugin)
        testDir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        testScript = os.path.join(testDir, 'test.sh')
        with open(testScript, 'w') as F:
        l.debug("executing test.sh in %s" % testScript)
        p = subprocess.Popen('bash %s' % testScript,
                             cwd = testDir,
        out, err = p.communicate()
        rc = p.returncode
        if rc != 0:
            l.critical("Errors in plugin test %s (rc %d)" % (plugin, rc))
            if out: l.critical("Stdout:\n" + out)
            if err: l.critical("Stderr:\n" + err)
            pluginFailures += 1
            if out: l.debug("Stdout:\n" + out)
            if err: l.info("Stderr:\n" + err)
        l.info("Success testing %s (%d lines)" % (
            plugin, len(testCode.strip().split("\n"))))
        pluginTests += 1
Exemplo n.º 13
def templateConvert(data):
    args = data['newargs']
    if len(args) < 1:
        l.critical("need to specify a target directory")
    newTemplateDir = args[0]
    convert_only = args[1:]

    if not os.path.exists(newTemplateDir):
        l.warning("creating directory %s" % newTemplateDir)

    for job in moa.job.list():
        if convert_only and not job in convert_only: continue
        newTemplateConf = os.path.join(newTemplateDir, '%s.moa' % job)
        newTemplateFile = os.path.join(newTemplateDir, '%s.mk' % job)

        l.info("start conversion of %s" % job)

        wd = moa.job.newTestJob(template=job, title='for conversion')

        inf = moa.info.info(wd)

        moaId = inf['moa_id']

        inf['backend'] = 'gnumake'
        del inf['parameter_categories']
        inf['commands'] = inf['moa_targets']
        del inf['moa_targets']
        del inf['all_help']
        if inf.has_key('title'): del inf['title']
        del inf['moa_files']
        if not inf['description'] and \
            inf['description'] = inf['template_description']

        del inf['template_file']
        for k in inf.keys():
            if 'template_' in k:
                v = inf[k]
                del inf[k]

                inf[k.replace('template_', '')] = v
        inf['help'] = inf.get('help', {})
        for c in inf['commands']:
            inf['help'][c] = inf['%s_help' % c]
            del inf['%s_help' % c]
        inf['gnumake_makefile'] = newTemplateFile
        #del inf['template_file']
        for p in inf.get('parameters', []):
            par = inf['parameters'][p]
            del inf['parameters'][p]
            newParName = p.replace('%s_' % moaId, '')
            if par.has_key('value'): del par['value']
            if par.has_key('cardinality'): del par['cardinality']
            par['optional'] = True
            if par.has_key('mandatory'):
                par['optional'] = not par['mandatory']
                del par['mandatory']

            #print p, newParName
            #for k in par:
            #    print ' -', k, par[k]
            inf['parameters'][newParName] = par

        #convert gnumake file
        oldTemplateFile = os.path.join(MOABASE, 'template', '%s.mk' % job)
        with open(oldTemplateFile) as F:
            lines = F.readlines()
        #first parse on a line by line basis
        for lineNo, line in enumerate(lines):

            for m in MAKEFILE_CONVERT_LINES:
                if line.find(m[0]) == 0:
                    lines[lineNo] = m[1]

        text = "".join(lines)

        #print text
        #see if there are 'input filesets'
        #$(call moa_fileset_define_opt,$(moa_id)_input,,Input files for $(moa_id))
        rere = re.compile(r'\$\(call moa_fileset_define(.*),(.+),(.*),(.*)\)')
        for x in rere.finditer(text):
            fsid = x.groups()[1]
            fsext = x.groups()[2]
            fsid = fsid.replace('$(moa_id)', moaId).replace(moaId + '_', '')
            fsdesc = x.groups()[3].replace('$(moa_id)', moaId)
            l.info("found fileset for %s" % fsid)
            if x.groups()[0] == '_opt':
                fsopt = True
                fsopt = False
            fs = {
                'type': 'input',
                'category': 'input',
                'help': fsdesc,
                'extension': fsext,
                'optional': fsopt
            if not inf.has_key('filesets'):
                inf['filesets'] = {}
            inf['filesets'][fsid] = fs

            #and now remove all related parameters from the configuration
            for x in ['_extension', '_glob', '_limit', '_sort', '_dir']:
                ky = fsid + x
                if inf['parameters'].has_key(ky):
                    del inf['parameters'][ky]

        text = rere.sub('', text)

        # see if there are 'remap' filesets
        rere = re.compile(r'\$\(call moa_fileset_remap(.*),(.+),(.*),(.*)\)')
        for x in rere.finditer(text):
            fsid = x.groups()[2].replace('$(moa_id)',
                                         moaId).replace(moaId + '_', '')
            fssrc = x.groups()[1].replace('$(moa_id)',
                                          moaId).replace(moaId + '_', '')
            fs_target_extension = x.groups()[3]
            l.info("found a remap fileset: %s to %s" % (fssrc, fsid))
            if x.groups()[0] == '_nodir':
                fs_target_dir = '.'
                fs_target_dir = os.path.join('.', fs_target_extension)
            fs = {
                'type': 'map',
                'category': 'output',
                'source': fssrc,
                'dir': fs_target_dir,
                'extension': fs_target_extension
            if not inf.has_key('filesets'):
                inf['filesets'] = {}
            inf['filesets'][fsid] = fs

        text = rere.sub('', text)
        #rere = re.compile(r'(\$\(call.*)')
        #for x in rere.finditer(text):
        #    l.warning("found $call")
        #    l.warning(x.groups()[0])

        for suffix in [
                'title', 'help', 'type', 'define', 'description',
                'prerequisites', 'default', 'allowed', 'set', 'simple'
            rere = re.compile(r'\S+' + suffix + r' ?\+?=.*?(?<!\\)\n', re.S)
            text = rere.sub('', text)

        rere = re.compile(r'([\t ]*\n){2,}', re.S)
        text = rere.sub("\n\n", text)

        #save & store the new files
        thisTargetDir = os.path.dirname(newTemplateConf)
        if not os.path.exists(thisTargetDir):

        with open(newTemplateConf, 'w') as F:
            yaml.dump(inf, F)

        with open(newTemplateFile, 'w') as G:
Exemplo n.º 14
def createAdhoc(data):
    Create an adhoc job

    wd = data['cwd']
    options = data['options']
    args = data['newargs']

    command = " ".join(args).strip()
    if not command:
        command=moa.utils.askUser('adhoc_command:\n>', '')

    l.info('Parsing command: %s' % command)
    params = []
    mode = None
    searchGlobs = True
    if options.mode:
        mode = options.mode
        if options.mode == 'simple': searchGlobs = False
        if not options.mode in ['seq', 'par', 'all', 'simple']:
            l.critical("Unknown adhoc mode: %s" % options.mode)
    elif '$<' in command:
        mode = 'seq'
        searchGlobs = False
    elif ('$^' in command) or ('$?' in command):
        mode = 'all'
        searchGlobs = False
        l.warning("Observed '$^' or '$?', setting mode to 'all'")
        l.warning("Processing all files in one go")

    #see if we have to look for file globs
    if not searchGlobs:
        l.info("No recognizable globs found")
        #it appears to make sense to see if there is a glob in the command
        refindGlob = re.compile(
            r"([^ *]+" \
            + os.sep \
            + ")?([^ *]*\*[^ *]*?)((?:\.[^ .*]+)?)")
        globs = []
        for g in refindGlob.finditer(command):

        if globs:
            globReplace = '$<', '$t'                                
            mode = 'seq'
            if len(globs) > 2:
                raise Exception("Too many globs ??  I not understand :(")
            if len(globs) == 2:
                st1 = _sourceOrTarget(globs[0])
                st2 = _sourceOrTarget(globs[1])
                if st1 == st2:
                    l.warn("Unsure wich is the source &  target glob, assuming:")
                    inGlob,outGlob = globs
                if st1 == 'source': inGlob,outGlob = globs
                    outGlob,inGlob = globs
                    globReplace = '$t', '$<'
                l.info("Input glob: %s" % inGlob.group())
                l.info("Output glob: %s" % outGlob.group())
                l.info("Input glob: %s" % globs[0].group())
                inGlob, outGlob = globs[0], None

            inD, inG, inE = inGlob.groups()
            if not inD: inD = ""
            if not inE: inE = ""
            l.info(" - set input dir        : %s" % inD)
            l.info(" - set input glob       : %s" % inG)
            l.info(" - set input extension  : %s" % inE[1:])

            params += ['adhoc_input_dir=%s' % inD]
            params += ['adhoc_input_glob=%s' % inG]
            params += ['adhoc_input_extension=%s' % inE[1:]]

            if outGlob:
                ouD, ouG, ouE = outGlob.groups()
                if not ouD: ouD = ""
                if not ouE: ouE = ""
                ogg = outGlob.groups()

                ouG1, ouG2 = ouG.split('*')
                sed = r"s^\(.*\)%s^%s%s\1%s%s^g" % (
                    inE.replace('.', '\.'),
                    ouD.replace('/', '/'),
                l.info(" - set name_sed         : %s " % sed)
                l.info(" - set output dir       : %s " % ouD)
                params += ['adhoc_output_dir=%s' % ouD]
                params += ['adhoc_name_sed=%s' % sed]

            #hack the commandline
            for i in range(len(globs)-1, -1, -1):
                g = globs[i]
                command = command[:g.start()] + globReplace[i] + command[g.end():]

    if not mode:
        mode = 'simple'

    if command:
        l.info(" - set command          : %s" % command)
        params.append('adhoc_process=%s' % command)

    params.append('adhoc_mode=%s' % mode)
    l.info(" - set mode             : %s" % mode)

    if mode == 'seq':
        l.warning("Note: adhoc is running in sequential ('seq') mode. If ")
        l.warning("you are confident that the individual jobs do not interfere, you might ")
        l.warning("consider setting adhoc to parallel operation:")
        l.warning("$ moa set adhoc_mode=par")
    l.debug('setting parameters %s' % params)

    job = moa.job.newJob(wd,
                         title = options.title,
                         force = options.force,
Exemplo n.º 15
 def _func(*args, **kargs):
     start = time.time()
     res = func(*args, **kargs)
     l.critical("executed %s %s" % (func, time.time() - start))
     return res
Exemplo n.º 16
 def depfunc(*args, **kwargs):
     l.critical('Calling deprecated function %s' % func.__name__)
     l.critical("\n" + "\n".join(traceback.format_stack()))
     func(*args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 17
def templateConvert(data):
    args = data['newargs']
    if len(args) < 1:
        l.critical("need to specify a target directory")
    newTemplateDir = args[0]
    convert_only = args[1:]
    if not os.path.exists(newTemplateDir):
        l.warning("creating directory %s" % newTemplateDir)
    for job in moa.job.list():
        if convert_only and not job in convert_only: continue
        newTemplateConf = os.path.join(newTemplateDir, '%s.moa' % job)
        newTemplateFile = os.path.join(newTemplateDir, '%s.mk' % job)
        l.info("start conversion of %s" % job)
        wd = moa.job.newTestJob(template=job, title='for conversion')

        inf = moa.info.info(wd)
        moaId = inf['moa_id']
        inf['backend'] = 'gnumake'
        del inf['parameter_categories']
        inf['commands'] = inf['moa_targets']
        del inf['moa_targets']
        del inf['all_help']
        if inf.has_key('title'): del inf['title']
        del inf['moa_files']
        if not inf['description'] and \
            inf['description'] = inf['template_description']

        del inf['template_file']
        for k in inf.keys():
            if 'template_' in k:
                v = inf[k]
                del inf[k]
                inf[k.replace('template_', '')] = v
        inf['help'] = inf.get('help', {})
        for c in inf['commands']:
            inf['help'][c] = inf['%s_help' % c]
            del inf['%s_help' % c]
        inf['gnumake_makefile'] = newTemplateFile
        #del inf['template_file']
        for p in inf.get('parameters', []):
            par = inf['parameters'][p]
            del inf['parameters'][p]
            newParName = p.replace('%s_' % moaId, '')
            if par.has_key('value'): del par['value']
            if par.has_key('cardinality'): del par['cardinality']
            par['optional'] = True
            if par.has_key('mandatory'):
                par['optional'] = not par['mandatory']
                del par['mandatory']

            #print p, newParName
            #for k in par:
            #    print ' -', k, par[k]
            inf['parameters'][newParName]= par

        #convert gnumake file
        oldTemplateFile = os.path.join(MOABASE, 'template', '%s.mk' % job)
        with open(oldTemplateFile) as F:
            lines = F.readlines()
        #first parse on a line by line basis
        for lineNo, line  in enumerate(lines):
            for m in MAKEFILE_CONVERT_LINES:
                if line.find(m[0]) == 0:
                    lines[lineNo] = m[1]

        text = "".join(lines)

        #print text
        #see if there are 'input filesets'
        #$(call moa_fileset_define_opt,$(moa_id)_input,,Input files for $(moa_id))
        rere = re.compile(r'\$\(call moa_fileset_define(.*),(.+),(.*),(.*)\)')
        for x in rere.finditer(text):
            fsid = x.groups()[1]
            fsext = x.groups()[2]
            fsid = fsid.replace('$(moa_id)', moaId).replace(moaId + '_','')
            fsdesc = x.groups()[3].replace('$(moa_id)', moaId)
            l.info("found fileset for %s" % fsid)
            if x.groups()[0] == '_opt':
                fsopt = True
                fsopt = False
            fs = { 'type' : 'input',
                   'category' : 'input',
                   'help' : fsdesc,
                   'extension' : fsext,
                   'optional' : fsopt
            if not inf.has_key('filesets'):
                inf['filesets'] = {}
            inf['filesets'][fsid] = fs

            #and now remove all related parameters from the configuration
            for x in ['_extension', '_glob', '_limit', '_sort', '_dir']:
                ky = fsid + x
                if inf['parameters'].has_key(ky):
                    del inf['parameters'][ky]

        text = rere.sub('', text)

        # see if there are 'remap' filesets
        rere = re.compile(r'\$\(call moa_fileset_remap(.*),(.+),(.*),(.*)\)')
        for x in rere.finditer(text):
            fsid = x.groups()[2].replace('$(moa_id)', moaId).replace(moaId + '_','')
            fssrc = x.groups()[1].replace('$(moa_id)', moaId).replace(moaId + '_','')
            fs_target_extension = x.groups()[3]
            l.info("found a remap fileset: %s to %s" % (fssrc, fsid))
            if x.groups()[0] == '_nodir':
                fs_target_dir = '.'
                fs_target_dir = os.path.join('.', fs_target_extension)
            fs = {'type' : 'map',
                  'category' : 'output',
                  'source' : fssrc,
                  'dir' : fs_target_dir,
                  'extension' : fs_target_extension
            if not inf.has_key('filesets'):
                inf['filesets'] = {}
            inf['filesets'][fsid] = fs

        text = rere.sub('', text)
        #rere = re.compile(r'(\$\(call.*)')
        #for x in rere.finditer(text):
        #    l.warning("found $call")
        #    l.warning(x.groups()[0])

        for suffix in ['title', 'help', 'type', 'define', 'description',
                       'prerequisites', 'default', 'allowed', 'set', 'simple']:
            rere = re.compile(r'\S+'+suffix+r' ?\+?=.*?(?<!\\)\n', re.S)
            text = rere.sub('', text)

        rere = re.compile(r'([\t ]*\n){2,}', re.S)
        text = rere.sub("\n\n", text)

        #save & store the new files
        thisTargetDir = os.path.dirname(newTemplateConf)
        if not os.path.exists(thisTargetDir):

        with open(newTemplateConf, 'w') as F:
            yaml.dump(inf, F)

        with open(newTemplateFile, 'w') as G:
Exemplo n.º 18
 def _func(*args, **kargs):
     start = time.time()
     res = func(*args, **kargs)
     l.critical("executed %s %s" % (func, time.time() - start))
     return res
Exemplo n.º 19
 def depfunc(*args, **kwargs):
     l.critical('Calling deprecated function %s' % func.__name__)
     l.critical("\n" + "\n".join(traceback.format_stack()))
     func(*args, **kwargs)