Exemplo n.º 1
	def loadRooms(self):
		import copy

		rooms = self.db.rooms.find()
		for i in range(0, rooms.count()):   # default is zero
			newRoom = Room(self, rooms[i])
			print newRoom
			print rooms[i]
			newRoom.id = rooms[i]['id']
			if 'items' in rooms[i]:
				for item in rooms[i]['items']:#

			if 'npcs' in rooms[i]:
				for mobile in rooms[i]['npcs']:
					m = Mobile(self.mobile_list[mobile]['name'], self, self.mobile_list[mobile])
					m.room = newRoom


		# have to load all the rooms BEFORE loading the exits
		for i in range(0, rooms.count()):
			exits = rooms[i]['exits']
			for e in exits:
				exit = exits[e]
				target_room = next(room for room in self.rooms if room.id == exit['target'])
				direction = exit['direction']
				self.rooms[i].exits.append(Exit(direction.lower(), target_room))
Exemplo n.º 2
	def registerPlayer(self, client, playerData):
		playerId = playerData['_id']

		# See if playerId is in game.
		candidatePlayer = self.getPlayerById(playerId)

		if candidatePlayer:
			# If candidate is linkdead, reconnect
			if candidatePlayer.isLinkdead():
				print '{name} has reconnected.'.format(name=candidatePlayer.name)
				candidatePlayer.client = client
				candidatePlayer.linkdead = 0

				for mobile in [mobile for mobile in self.mobiles if mobile is not candidatePlayer]:
					mobile.sendToClient('@g{name} has reconnected.@x'.format(name=candidatePlayer.getName(mobile)))

				# And return candidatePlayer to attach to the browser
				return candidatePlayer
				return False
			# Make a new mobile
			name = playerData['name'].capitalize()
			stats = playerData['stats'] if 'stats' in playerData else {}

			newMobile = Mobile(name, self, {'stats': stats})
			newMobile.client = client
			newMobile.is_player = True

			newMobile.id = playerId

			if 'room' in playerData:
				newMobile.room = self.rooms[playerData['room']]
				newMobile.room = self.rooms[0]
			if 'stats' in playerData:
				for stat in playerData['stats']:
					newMobile.stats[stat] = playerData['stats'][stat]

			newMobile.sendToClient('@uWelcome to Redemption, {name}@x.'.format(name=newMobile.name))

			for mobile in [mobile for mobile in self.mobiles if mobile is not newMobile]:
				mobile.sendToClient('@g{name} has connected.@x'.format(name=newMobile.getName(mobile)))

			return newMobile
Exemplo n.º 3
	def registerPlayer(self, client, playerData):
		playerId = playerData['_id']

		# See if playerId is in game.
		candidatePlayer = self.getPlayerById(playerId)

		if candidatePlayer:
			# If candidate is linkdead, reconnect
			if candidatePlayer.isLinkdead():
				print 'Reconnecting to player {name}'.format(name=candidatePlayer.name)
				candidatePlayer.client = client
				candidatePlayer.linkdead = 0

				# And return candidatePlayer to attach to the browser
				return candidatePlayer
				return False
			# Make a new mobile
			name = playerData['name']

			newMobile = Mobile(name, self, {'charClass': 'warrior'})
			newMobile.client = client

			newMobile.id = playerId

			if 'room' in playerData:
				newMobile.room = self.rooms[playerData['room']]
				newMobile.room = self.rooms[0]
			if 'stats' in playerData:
				for stat in playerData['stats']:
					newMobile.stats[stat] = playerData['stats'][stat]

			newMobile.sendToClient('@uWelcome to Redemption, {name}@x.'.format(name=newMobile.name))
			return newMobile
Exemplo n.º 4
	def loadRooms(self):
		rooms = self.db.rooms.find()
		for i in range(0, rooms.count()):   # default is zero
			exists = [r for r in self.rooms if r.id == rooms[i]['id']]
			if len(exists) > 0:
				newRoom = exists[0]
				newRoom.bg = rooms[i]['bg'] if 'bg' in rooms[i] else newRoom.bg
				newRoom.desc = rooms[i]['description'] if 'description' in rooms[i] else newRoom.desc
				newRoom = Room(self, rooms[i])
				newRoom.id = rooms[i]['id']

			if newRoom.bg:
				print "Has a background!", newRoom.bg

			newRoom.items = []
			newRoom.exits = []
			if 'items' in rooms[i]:
				for item in rooms[i]['items']:#

			if 'npcs' in rooms[i]:
				# only respawn if there is NO combat going on in the room to avoid insane duplications! FIX ME
				currentMobiles = [mobile for mobile in self.mobiles if mobile.room == newRoom and mobile.combat and not mobile.is_player]
				if not len(currentMobiles) > 0:
					for mobile in rooms[i]['npcs']:
						m = Mobile(self.mobile_list[mobile]['name'], self, self.mobile_list[mobile])
						m.room = newRoom

			if len(exists) <= 0:

		# have to load all the rooms BEFORE loading the exits
		for i in range(0, rooms.count()):
			exits = rooms[i]['exits']
			for e in exits:
				exit = exits[e]
				target_room = next(room for room in self.rooms if room.id == exit['target'])
				direction = exit['direction']
				self.rooms[i].exits.append(Exit(direction.lower(), target_room))