Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: q1.py Projeto: wiwa/qc
def fid14(Uf, N, Uks):
    c = np.array(1./(12*N))
    sigs = [sigmaX, sigmaY, sigmaZ]
    UfH = Uf.conj().T
    def term_func(Uk):
        UkH = Uk.conj().T
        res = 0.
        for sig in sigs:
            red = reduce(np.dot, [Uf, sig, UfH, Uk, sig, UkH])
            res += np.trace(red)
        return res
    terms = map(term_func, Uks)
    res = np.array(1/2.) + c * sum(terms)
    return res
Exemplo n.º 2
 def U_k(t):
     a_, err1 = integrate.quad(a, 0, t)
     eta_k_, err2 = integrate.quad(eta_k, 0, t)
     H_ = -(1.j / hbar) * H_t(a_, eta_k_)
     # print("U_K")
     # print(np.array(H_))
     return expm(np.array(H_))
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: q1.py Projeto: wiwa/qc
def grad_phi_am(T, N, m, Us_mk, rho_0, rho_f):
    delta_t = T / n
    c = np.array((-1.j/2) * delta_t / N)

    terms = []
    res = 0
    def makeTerm(k):
        # U_k = Us_mk[k]
        # Us_nm_k = U_k[m:(n-1)]
        # # Us_nm_k.reverse()
        # Us_m1_k = U_k[0:(m-1)]
        # # Us_m1_k.reverse()
        # U_nm_k = reduce(np.dot, reversed(Us_nm_k),identity)
        # U_nm_kH = U_nm_k.conj().T
        # U_m1_k = reduce(np.dot, reversed(Us_m1_k),identity)
        # U_m1_kH = U_m1_k.conj().T
        # lambda_mk = reduce(np.dot, [U_nm_kH, rho_f, U_nm_k])
        # lambda_H = lambda_mk.conj().T
        # rho_mk = reduce(np.dot, [U_m1_k, rho_0, U_m1_kH])
        U_k = Us_mk[k]
        lambda_mk = makeLambda_mk(U_k, m, rho_f)
        lambda_H = lambda_mk.conj().T
        rho_mk = makeRho_mk(U_k, m, rho_0)
        term = np.trace(np.dot(lambda_H, comm(sigmaX, rho_mk)))
        return term
    # if parallel:
    #     terms = pool.map(makeTerm, range(N))
    # else:
    terms = map(makeTerm, range(N))
    res = sum(terms)
    res = c * res
    return res
Exemplo n.º 4
def fidSingleTxFull(rho_0, rho_f, T, N, Us):
    U_k_ts = [np.array(U_k(T), np.complex128) for U_k in Us]
    mats = [
        np.dot(np.dot(rho_f.conj().T, U_k_t), np.dot(rho_0,
        for U_k_t in U_k_ts
    terms = [np.trace(mat) for mat in mats]
    return (1. / N) * sum(terms)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def U_k(t):
        if t < t0:
            return identity
        if te is not None \
            and te < t:
            return identity

        start = time.time()

        steps = int(np.ceil(t / stepsize))
        # steps = 700
        ts = np.linspace(t0, t, steps)
        dt = ts[1] - ts[0]
        cvec = np.array(dt * -(1j), np.complex128)

        def G(t_):
            if profiling:
                start = time.time()
                hp = H_p(a, eta_k, t_)
                teatime = time.time()
                th_time[0] += teatime - start
                res = np.dot(cvec, hp)
                g_time[0] += time.time() - teatime
                return res
            return np.dot(cvec, H_t2(a(t_), eta_k(t_)))

        C = G(ts[0])
        for i in range(1, len(ts)):
            # G_avg = 0.5 * (G(ts[i-1]) + G(ts[i]))
            C = BCH(C, G(ts[i]), order=5)

        # C = sum(Ss)
        # U_count[0] += 1

        end = time.time()
        delts = str(end - start)
        # sys.stdout.write("\rU++: " + str(U_count[0]) + "; " + delts)
        # sys.stdout.flush()
        # return linmax.powerexp(C)
        return expm(C)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def R(U_k):
     U = np.array(U_k(t))
     return np.dot(np.dot(U, rho_0), U.conj().T)
Exemplo n.º 7
def evalMat(dec_U_k):
    U_k, t = dec_U_k
    return np.array(U_k(t))
Exemplo n.º 8
bch_time = [0.]
g_time = [0.]
a_time = [0.]
eta_time = [0.]
h_time = [0.]
th_time = [0.]
# Reproduction of:
# High-fidelity one-qubit operations under random telegraph noise
# Mikko Mottonen and Rogerio de Sousa

profiling = False
parallel = (not profiling) and False

sigmaX = np.array([[0., 1.], [1., 0.]], np.complex128)

sigmaY = np.array([[0., -1.j], [1.j, 0.]], np.complex128)

sigmaZ = np.array([[1., 0.], [0., -1.]], np.complex128)

hbar = 1.
# Maximum amplitude of control field
# set to hbar so that hbar/a_max = 1
a_max = hbar

# Noise strength
# 0.125 is the factor used in the paper
Delta = 0.125 * a_max
Exemplo n.º 9
sigmaY = np.matrix([[0, -1j], [1j, 0]])

sigmaZ = np.matrix([[1, 0], [0, -1]])


# Maximum amplitude of control field
# set to hbar so that hbar/a_max = 1
a_max = hbar

# Noise strength
# 0.125 is the factor used in the paper
Delta = 0.125 * a_max

# Computational Bases
cb_0 = np.array([1, 0])
cb_1 = np.array([0, 1])

# Density Matrices
dm_0 = np.matrix([cb_0, [0, 0]]).T
dm_1 = np.matrix([[0, 0], cb_1]).T

### Pulses

# Eq. 15
# Pi pulse
def a_pi(t):
    if 0 < t and t < (pi * hbar / a_max):
        return a_max
    return 0
Exemplo n.º 10
fids_pi = np.loadtxt(base + "fids_pi.txt", dtype=ct)
fids_C = np.loadtxt(base + "fids_C.txt", dtype=ct)
fids_SC = np.loadtxt(base + "fids_SC.txt", dtype=ct)

# tx = []
# print(len(fids_C))
# tx.append(fids_C[0])
# for i in range(1,len(fids_C) - 1):
#     # if i % 2 == 0:
#     #     continue
#     avg = (fids_C[i-1] + fids_C[i] + fids_C[i+1]) / 3.
#     mx = max([fids_C[i-1], fids_C[i], fids_C[i+1]])
#     tx.append(avg)
#     # tx.append(avg)
# tx.append(fids_C[-1])
# print(len(tx))
# fids_C = np.array(tx)

tau_cs = np.array(tau_cs)
xnew = tau_cs
# xnew = np.linspace(tau_cs.min(),tau_cs.max(),400)
# fids_pi = spline(tau_cs, fids_pi, xnew)
# fids_C = spline(tau_cs, fids_C, xnew)
# fids_SC = spline(tau_cs, fids_SC, xnew)

plt.plot(xnew, fids_pi, 'b--', label="pi pulse")
plt.plot(xnew, fids_C, 'r-', lw=2, label="CORPSE pulse")
plt.plot(xnew, fids_SC, 'r--', label="SCORPSE pulse")

Exemplo n.º 11
 def G(t_):
     return np.array(-(1.j/hbar) * H_t(self.pulse(t_), eta(t_)))
Exemplo n.º 12
th_time = [0.]
# Reproduction of:
# High-fidelity one-qubit operations under random telegraph noise
# Mikko Mottonen and Rogerio de Sousa

profiling = False
parallel = (not profiling) and False
base = "pulse_plots/"
if not os.path.exists(base):
    print "Creating directory"

sigmaX = np.array([    [0., 1.]  ,
                        [1., 0.]  ], np.complex128)

sigmaY = np.array([    [0.,-1.j] ,
                        [1.j, 0.] ], np.complex128)

sigmaZ = np.array([    [1., 0.]  ,
                        [0.,-1.]  ], np.complex128)

hbar = 1.
# Maximum amplitude of control field
# set to hbar so that hbar/a_max = 1
a_max = hbar

# Noise strength