Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: q1.py Projeto: wiwa/qc
def GRAPE(T, n, N, rho_0, rho_f, tau_c, eta_0, stepsize, amps, epsilon=0.01):
    pulses = buildGrapePulses(amps, T)
    ts = np.linspace(0., T, n+1)
    Us_k = [] # Every U_k is actually a list of U_m
    new_amps = []
    def gen_Um(pulse, t0, te):
        js = generateJumpTimes((te - t0), tau_c)
        js = [j + t0 for j in js]
        return generateU_k(pulse, generateEta(js, eta_0, t0, te), stepsize=stepsize, t0=t0, te=te)
    def genUs_m(m):
        t0 = ts[m]
        te = ts[m+1]
        pulse = pulses[m]
        t_avg = (t0 + te) / 2.
        U_m = gen_Um(pulse, t0, te)(te)
        return U_m
    for k in range(N):
        # if not profiling and parallel:
        #     Us_m = pool.map(genUs_m, range(n))
        # else:
        Us_m = map(genUs_m, range(n))
        # if k == 3:
        #     Um = reduce(np.dot, Us_m)
        #     Uk = ezGenerateU_k(a_pi, T, tau_c, eta_0)
        #     A = np.dot(Um, rho_0)
        #     B = np.dot(Uk(T), rho_0)
        #     print(A)
        #     print(B)
        #     print(B - A)
        #     sys.exit()
    grads = []
    def makeNewAmps(m):
        a_m = amps[m]
        d_phi_d_am = np.real(grad_phi_am(T, N, m, Us_k, rho_0, rho_f))
        # Eq. 13
        new_amp = a_m + epsilon*a_max*d_phi_d_am
        if new_amp <= -a_max:
            new_amp = .95 * -a_max
        if new_amp >= a_max:
            new_amp = .95 * a_max
        # new_amp = max(new_amp, -a_max)
        # new_amp = min(new_amp, a_max)
        return new_amp
    new_amps = map(makeNewAmps, range(n))
    # print(grads)
    # for m in range(n):
    #     a_m = amps[m]
    #     d_phi_d_am = grad_phi_am(T, N, m, Us_k, rho_0, rho_f)
    #     # Eq. 13
    #     new_amp = a_m + epsilon*a_max*d_phi_d_am
    #     new_amp = max(new_amp, -a_max)
    #     new_amp = min(new_amp, a_max)
    #     new_amps.append(new_amp)
    return new_amps
Exemplo n.º 2
def plotShape(pulsef, name, end=14*pi/3):
    shape = plt.figure()
    pulse_time = np.linspace(0, end, 5000)
    plt.plot(pulse_time, [pulsef(t) for t in pulse_time], "b-", label=name)
    plt.ylabel(r"Amplitude in $a_{max}$")
    plt.xlabel(r"t in $\hbar/a_{max}$")
    filename = base + name.replace(" ", "_") + "-shape.png"
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: q1.py Projeto: wiwa/qc
def buildGrapePulses(amps, T):
    n = len(amps)
    ts = np.linspace(0, T, n + 1)
    pulses = []
    for m in range(1, len(ts)):
        t0 = ts[m-1]
        te = ts[m]
        amp = amps[m-1]
        pulse = pulseMaker(t0, te, amp)
    return pulses
Exemplo n.º 4
def csamplef(f, s, e, sections):
    bins = np.linspace(s, e, sections)
    dbin = bins[1] - bins[0]
    fsections = [f(t) for t in bins]
    def g(t):
        if t < 0:
            return 0
        if t >= e:
            return 0
        bin_num = int((t+dbin/2.) / dbin)
        return fsections[bin_num]
    return g
Exemplo n.º 5
    def at(self, t):
        start = time.time()

        steps = self.steps
        ts = np.linspace(0., t, steps)
        dt = ts[1] - ts[0]
        Ss = [self.G(t) for t in ts]
        C = reduce(BCH, Ss)
        # U_count[0] += 1
        # end = time.time()
        # delts = str(end - start)
        # sys.stdout.write("\rU++: " + str(U_count[0]) + "; " + delts)
        # sys.stdout.flush()
        # u_time[0] += (end - start)
        return linmax.powerexp(C)
Exemplo n.º 6
        def U_k(t):
            start = time.time()
            eta = self.etaProvider.get().at
            def G(t_):
                return np.array(-(1.j/hbar) * H_t(self.pulse(t_), eta(t_)))
            steps = 420
            ts = np.linspace(0., t, steps)
            dt = ts[1] - ts[0]
            Ss = [G(t) for t in ts]
            C = reduce(BCH, Ss)
            U_count[0] += 1

            end = time.time()
            delts = str(end - start)
            sys.stdout.write("\rU++: " + str(U_count[0]) + "; " + delts)

            return expm(C)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def U_k(t):
        if t < t0:
            return identity
        if te is not None \
            and te < t:
            return identity

        start = time.time()

        steps = int(np.ceil(t / stepsize))
        # steps = 700
        ts = np.linspace(t0, t, steps)
        dt = ts[1] - ts[0]
        cvec = np.array(dt * -(1j), np.complex128)

        def G(t_):
            if profiling:
                start = time.time()
                hp = H_p(a, eta_k, t_)
                teatime = time.time()
                th_time[0] += teatime - start
                res = np.dot(cvec, hp)
                g_time[0] += time.time() - teatime
                return res
            return np.dot(cvec, H_t2(a(t_), eta_k(t_)))

        C = G(ts[0])
        for i in range(1, len(ts)):
            # G_avg = 0.5 * (G(ts[i-1]) + G(ts[i]))
            C = BCH(C, G(ts[i]), order=5)

        # C = sum(Ss)
        # U_count[0] += 1

        end = time.time()
        delts = str(end - start)
        # sys.stdout.write("\rU++: " + str(U_count[0]) + "; " + delts)
        # sys.stdout.flush()
        # return linmax.powerexp(C)
        return expm(C)
Exemplo n.º 8
def minmax(f, s, e):
    ts = np.linspace(s, e, 3000)
    fs = [(f(t)) for t in ts]
    ma = max(fs)
    mi = min(fs)
    return ma, mi
Exemplo n.º 9
def ezmap(f, xs):
    if parallel:
        return pool.map(f, xs)
    return map(f, xs)

p_t = []

pulseshape = donorm(x2p(2., periods=_periods),
                    2 * _periods,
# pulseshape = X_factory(pi, 2, True, 1, normproc="full")
tis = np.linspace(0, 6, 1000)
pulseshape_data = [pulseshape(ti) for ti in tis]
pshape = plt.figure()
plt.plot(tis, pulseshape_data, 'b-')
# plt.show()

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.suptitle(wave + ":" + ptitle)

p1, = plt.plot(p_t, sym1, 'b--', label="t=1")
p3, = plt.plot(p_t, sym3, 'r-', label="t=3")
p15, = plt.plot(p_t, sym12, 'g--', label="t=12")

plt.xlabel(r"width in $\hbar / a_max$")
plt.ylabel(r"$\phi(\rho_f, \rho_0)$")
Exemplo n.º 10
def maximize(f, s, e):
    ts = np.linspace(s, e, 3000)
    m = max([abs(f(t)) for t in ts])
    return m
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: q1.py Projeto: wiwa/qc
    pool = Pool(processes=cpus)

tau_c = tau_c_0
tau_cs = [tau_c]
while tau_c < tau_c_f:
    tau_c += dtau_c

# tau_cs = [0.3, 3.0, 29.] # sanity check

checkGrape = False
# checkGrape = True
if checkGrape:
    pulses = buildGrapePulses([1.,0.5,0.25,0.75,1.],3)
    ts = np.linspace(0, 3, 1000)
    az = []
    for t in ts:
        dt = 3. / len(pulses)
        t_bin = int(np.floor((t / dt)))
        t_bin = min(t_bin, len(pulses) - 1)
    # print(pulses[0](0.))
    # print(pulses[0](0))
    # print(az)
    plt.plot(ts, az, 'r-')

# T_G = 5. * hoa # sousa figure 2
T_G = T_SC # can just make them the same
Exemplo n.º 12
#     return {
#         ampf: ampf,
#         time: time,
#         fids: []
#     }
# pulse_infos = {
#     pi: mkInfo(a_pi, T_pi),
#     corpse: mkInfo(a_C, T_C),
#     scorpse: mkInfo(a_SC, T_SC),
#     sym: mkInfo(sym_pi, tau)
#     }

p_t = []

shapefig = plt.figure()
chi_time = np.linspace(0 - 1, mytau + 1, 1000)
if do_sym:
    plt.plot(chi_time, [sym_pi(t) for t in chi_time],
             label="Symmetric Pulse shape")
if do_asym:
    plt.plot(chi_time, [asym_pi(t) for t in chi_time],
             label="Antisymmetric Pulse shape")

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

pulse_plots = []
if do_pi:
Exemplo n.º 13
    pool = Pool(processes=cpus)

tau_c = tau_c_0
tau_cs = [tau_c]
while tau_c < tau_c_f:
    tau_c += dtau_c

# tau_cs = [0.3, 3.0, 29.] # sanity check

checkGrape = False
# checkGrape = True
if checkGrape:
    pulses = buildGrapePulses([1., 0.5, 0.25, 0.75, 1.], 3)
    ts = np.linspace(0, 3, 1000)
    az = []
    for t in ts:
        dt = 3. / len(pulses)
        t_bin = int(np.floor((t / dt)))
        t_bin = min(t_bin, len(pulses) - 1)
    # print(pulses[0](0.))
    # print(pulses[0](0))
    # print(az)
    plt.plot(ts, az, 'r-')

T_G = 7 * pi / 3. * hoa  # sousa figure 2
n = 7  # number of different pulse amplitudes