def classify_m_ids(m_ids, m_id2chebi_id, chebi_classes=(CHEBI_AMINO_ACID, CHEBI_LIPID, CHEBI_SALT, CHEBI_HEME, CHEBI_VITAMIN), chebi=None): if not chebi: chebi = parse(CHEBI) terms = set() chebi_id2m_ids = defaultdict(set) for m_id in m_ids: if m_id in m_id2chebi_id: term = chebi.get_term(m_id2chebi_id[m_id]) if term: terms.add(term) chebi_id2m_ids[m_id2chebi_id[m_id]].add(m_id) t2chebi_ids = {t: {it.get_id() for it in chebi.get_sub_tree(t, relationships=EQUIVALENT_RELATIONSHIPS) & terms} for t in (chebi.get_term(t_id) for t_id in chebi_classes)} return {t.get_name(): reduce(lambda s1, s2: s1 | s2, (chebi_id2m_ids[ch_id] for ch_id in ch_ids), set()) for (t, ch_ids) in t2chebi_ids.items() if ch_ids}
def multimodel_pipeline(sbml2parameters, res_dir, treeefm_path, max_efm_number=1000, rewrite=True, org=None): create_dirs(res_dir, rewrite) get_f_path = lambda f: os.path.join('..', os.path.relpath(f, res_dir)) if f else None tab2html = {} model_id2sbml, model_id2S, model_id2efm_id2pws = {}, {}, {} name2pw = get_name2pw() pts = parse_simple(get_pts()) root_ids = {t.get_id() for t in pts.get_roots()} chebi = parse(CHEBI) ub_ch_ids = get_ubiquitous_chebi_ids(add_common=True, add_cofactors=True, chebi=chebi) efm_id2pws = {} model_id2cofactors = {} modeld_id2m_id2chebi_id = {} for sbml, (r_id2rev, r_id2rev_banned) in sbml2parameters.items(): doc = libsbml.SBMLReader().readSBML(sbml) model = doc.getModel() model_name = get_model_name(model=model) short_model_name = model_name if len(model_name) > 12: short_model_name = model_name[:10].strip('-_ ') if len(short_model_name) == 10: short_model_name += '...' safe_m_name = ''.join(ch for ch in short_model_name.replace(' ', '_') if ch.isalnum() or '_' == ch)'Analysing %s...' % model_name) # create directories to store results"Preparing directories...") m_dir = os.path.join(res_dir, safe_m_name) create_dirs(m_dir, rewrite) # exchange_rs = get_exchange_reactions(model) # csv = '%s/%s.exchanges.csv' % (m_dir, safe_m_name) # df2csv(reactions2df(model, exchange_rs), csv) cofactors = select_metabolite_ids_by_term_ids(model, ub_ch_ids) if r_id2rev: constraint_exchange_reactions(model, forsed_r_id2rev=r_id2rev, prohibited_r_id2rev=r_id2rev_banned, cofactors=cofactors if not r_id2rev_banned else None)"Annotating the model...") annotate(model, org=org, reactions=False, pathways=False, chebi=chebi) m_id2ch_id = get_species_id2chebi_id(model) # copy our model in the result directory sbml = os.path.join(m_dir, '%s.constrained.xml' % safe_m_name) libsbml.SBMLWriter().writeSBMLToFile(doc, sbml) description = model_serializer.serialize(sbml, model, model_name, r_id2rev, m_dir, get_f_path) pw2rs = get_pathways(model, pts, name2pw, root_ids)"Performing EFMA...") efma_dir = os.path.join(m_dir, 'efma') create_dirs(efma_dir, rewrite) S, efm_id2pws = analyse_model_efm(model, efma_dir, r_id2rev, tree_efm_path=treeefm_path, max_efm_number=max_efm_number, rewrite=rewrite, pw2rs=pw2rs) for serializer in (efm_serializer.serialize, coupled_reaction_group_serializer.serialize): description += \ serializer(model=model, path=efma_dir, get_f_path=get_f_path, S=S, model_name=model_name) if S.gr_id2r_id2c: sbml = os.path.join(efma_dir, '%s.folded.xml' % safe_m_name) create_folded_model(S, model) libsbml.SBMLWriter().writeSBMLToFile(doc, sbml) if not S or not S.efm_id2i: description += describe('nothing_found.html') model_id2sbml[safe_m_name] = sbml model_id2S[safe_m_name] = S model_id2efm_id2pws[safe_m_name] = efm_id2pws model_id2cofactors[safe_m_name] = cofactors modeld_id2m_id2chebi_id[safe_m_name] = m_id2ch_id tab2html['Analysis of %s' % short_model_name] = description, None cofactors = set() m_id2ch_id = {} if len(model_id2sbml) > 1: mm_dir = os.path.join(res_dir, 'merged_model') create_dirs(mm_dir) sbml, S, model_id2id2id, common_ids, model_id2dfs, mappings = combine_models(model_id2sbml, model_id2S, mm_dir) for model_id in model_id2sbml.keys(): efm_id2pws.update({model_id2id2id[model_id][efm_id]: pws for (efm_id, pws) in model_id2efm_id2pws[model_id].items() if efm_id in model_id2id2id[model_id]}) cofactors |= {model_id2id2id[model_id][m_id] for m_id in model_id2cofactors[model_id] if m_id in model_id2id2id[model_id]} m_id2ch_id.update({model_id2id2id[model_id][m_id]: ch_id for (m_id, ch_id) in modeld_id2m_id2chebi_id[model_id].items() if m_id in model_id2id2id[model_id]}) tab2html['Model comparison'] = mapping_serializer.serialize(model_id2dfs, *mappings, mm_dir, get_f_path), None title = 'Combined model analysis' else: model_id, sbml = next(model_id2sbml.items()) efm_id2pws = model_id2efm_id2pws[model_id] cofactors = model_id2cofactors[model_id] m_id2ch_id = modeld_id2m_id2chebi_id[model_id] S = model_id2S[model_id].get_main_S() info, title, id2color = '', 'Model analysis', None # Communities"Analysing communities...") comm_dir = os.path.join(res_dir, 'communities') create_dirs(comm_dir, rewrite) # id2cluster = detect_communities_by_inputs_of_type(S, 'AMINO ACID', m_id2ch_id, chebi) id2cluster = detect_communities_by_boundary_metabolites(S, cofactors=cofactors, threshold=50) if id2cluster: doc = libsbml.SBMLReader().readSBML(sbml) model = doc.getModel() description = \ community_serializer.serialize(model, S, id2cluster, comm_dir, get_f_path, m_id2ch_id, chebi) if len(model_id2sbml) > 1: tab2html['Model comparison'] = tab2html['Model comparison'][0] + description, None else: tab2html['EFM communities'] = description, None serialize(res_dir, tab2html, title)