Exemplo n.º 1
def installModConfigs(mod, modEdits):
    pendingEdits = []

    # read default configs
    editingConfigs = {}
    for sourcePath, targetPath in getConfigFiles(mod):
        data = file(sourcePath).read()
        editingConfigs[targetPath] = data

    # apply edits
    alreadyEditedLines = {}
    for mod, kind, oldId, newId in modEdits:
        success = False
        for targetPath, data in editingConfigs.iteritems():
            data, thisFailed, editedLineText = applyConfigEdit(mod, data, kind, oldId, newId, excludeLineTexts=alreadyEditedLines.get(targetPath, set()))

            editingConfigs[targetPath] = data
            if not thisFailed: 
                success = True

                # record this line as 'we edited it', so we don't edit it again
                if not alreadyEditedLines.has_key(targetPath):
                    alreadyEditedLines[targetPath] = set()


        if not success:
            #print "MANUAL EDIT",mod,kind,oldId,newId
            pendingEdits.append((mod, kind, oldId, newId))

    # write files
    needsMerge = False
    for targetPath, data in editingConfigs.iteritems():
        print "Installing %s [%s]" % (targetPath, len(modEdits))

        if os.path.exists(targetPath):
            print "NOTICE: Mod reuses config: installing configs for %s from %s but %s already exists - needs merge" % (mod, sourcePath, targetPath)
            readme = "\n" + ("#" * 70) + "\n# TODO: Merge from " + modanalyzer.getModName(mod) + "\n" + ("#" * 70) + "\n"
            data = readme + data

            needsMerge = True
            pendingEdits += modEdits # probably everything, to be safe
            # TODO: try to merge automatically?

        file(targetPath, "a").write(data)

    return pendingEdits
Exemplo n.º 2
def getModGirth(contents, mod):
    key = modanalyzer.getModName(mod) + ".csv"
    if not contents.has_key(key):
        print "No mod analysis found for %s, please analyze" % (mod,)

    content = contents[key]

    blocks = content.get("block", [])

    girth = len(blocks) * 1000 + len(content) 
    # TODO: more in-depth analysis, weights for different content types? (blocks > item?)
    # TODO: also factor in id 'immobility', higher priority if can't move?

    return girth
Exemplo n.º 3
 def getPriority(m):
     if m.startswith("Minecraft"): return -1
     return sortedMods.index(modanalyzer.getModName(m.replace(".csv", "")))