Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, wikiXml=DEFAULT_WIKI_XML, indexTableName=INDEX_TABLE, linksTableName=LINKS_TABLE):
        Initialize the database and cursor
        :param wikiXml:
        :param indexTableName:
        :param linksTableName:
        self.wikiXml = wikiXml      # The XML file containing the Wikipedia data
        self.lastId = -1            # The last wikiId that was added to the index

        # Initialize the database connection
        self.indexModel = IndexModel(indexTable=indexTableName)
        self.linksModel = LinksModel(linksTable=linksTableName)

        # Initialize article counter
        self.total_articles = 0
        self.total_links = 0
        self.linkcount_left = 0
        self.linkcount_done = 0
Exemplo n.º 2
class WikiLinkExtractor:
    Class to read a Wikipedia XML data file, extract the title/text and store in a local MySQL database.

    def __init__(self, wikiXml=DEFAULT_WIKI_XML, indexTableName=INDEX_TABLE, linksTableName=LINKS_TABLE):
        Initialize the database and cursor
        :param wikiXml:
        :param indexTableName:
        :param linksTableName:
        self.wikiXml = wikiXml      # The XML file containing the Wikipedia data
        self.lastId = -1            # The last wikiId that was added to the index

        # Initialize the database connection
        self.indexModel = IndexModel(indexTable=indexTableName)
        self.linksModel = LinksModel(linksTable=linksTableName)

        # Initialize article counter
        self.total_articles = 0
        self.total_links = 0
        self.linkcount_left = 0
        self.linkcount_done = 0

    def extractLinksFromArticle(self, wikiPage):
        Read a WikiPage, extract all the links from it, and store them
          and the article data into Linktable and IndexTable
        Argument: Receives a page_parser.WikiPage object
        Used as callback method with WikiDumpHandler
        :param wikiPage:
        # If the current WikiPage has been added already, skip it
        if int(wikiPage.id) <= self.lastId:

        # Extract links from the current article
        links = extractLinks(wikiPage=wikiPage)

        # If the article is significant enough
        if len(links) >= MIN_LINKS:
            self.linksModel.storeLinks(wikiPage.id, links)
            self.indexModel.storeWikiArticle(wikiPage, len(links), -1)

            self.total_articles += 1
            self.total_links += len(links)
            print "Inserted %s; Number of links: %d" % (wikiPage.__str__(), len(links))

    def addAllNewArticles(self):
        Determine last article ID added to DB
        Create a new XML parser
        Iterate through all articles in the XML file and create a WikiPage object from each
        Call extractLinksFromArticle(wikiPage) and links/article info into different DB tables
        # Determine last article ID added to DB
        self.lastId = self.indexModel.getMaxWikiId()
        if self.lastId > 0:
            print "Last WikiID found was %d, adding all articles past that." % self.lastId
            print "No previous articles found in indexTable %s, adding all new articles from the beginning." \
                  % self.indexModel.indexTable

        # Generate a wiki xml parser, open the file, and store each article in DB
        wikiParser = page_parser.createWikiParser(self.extractLinksFromArticle)

    def countLinksToPages(self):
        Iterate through all pages in IndexModel and count how many times they are linked to in LinksModel
        Can stop and restart by only loading pages that haven't been counted yet (IndexModel.total_to == -1)
        # Find all pages that have not yet been counted
        pages_left = self.indexModel.getUnaggregatedPages()
        self.linkcount_left = len(pages_left)
        print "Found %d articles left to count in indexTable %s." % (self.linkcount_left, self.indexModel.indexTable)
        if self.linkcount_left == 0:
            print "All article links counted."

        # Aggregate all link_to counts for all pages in LinksModel
        print "Counting the links to every page in linksTable %s..." % self.linksModel.linksTable
        link_counts = self.linksModel.getLinkToCounts()

        for (title, wiki_id) in pages_left:
            # Count how many pages in LinksModel link to a page called 'title'
            total_links_to = link_counts.get(title, 0)

            # Store this count of 'links to' in the IndexModel table
            self.indexModel.setTotalLinksTo(wiki_id, total_links_to)
            print "Id: %d Title: %s; Links to page: %d" % (wiki_id, title, total_links_to)
            self.linkcount_done += 1
            self.linkcount_left -= 1

    def exitHandler(self):
        Called when program is killed
            print "\nError closing DB tables. Probably doesn't matter."

        print ""
        print "WikiLinkExtractor closing. Parsed the following new articles:"
        if self.total_articles > 0:
            print "Total articles:  %d" % self.total_articles
            print "Total links:     %d" % self.total_links
            print "Avg links/art:   %f" % (1.0 * self.total_links / self.total_articles)
        elif self.linkcount_done > 0:
            print "Counted links to articles:   %d" % self.linkcount_done
            print "Articles left to count:      %d" % self.linkcount_left
            print "No new articles added."