Exemplo n.º 1
    def debug_check_bond_direction(self, when = ""):
        Verify our bond direction is set correctly (if possible),
        and assertfail and/or print a debug warning if not.
        ## assert self.strandQ
        assert self.baseatoms, "%r has no baseatoms" % self
        if not self.strandQ:
        assert self._bond_direction
        assert not self._bond_direction_error
        if self.bond_direction_is_arbitrary():
            return # no way to check it

        # verify it by comparing it to actual bonds

        if when:
            when = " (%s)" % when
        # STUB: only works fully for PAM3
        atom1 = self.baseatoms[0]
        atom2 = self.baseatoms[1]
        bond = find_bond(atom1, atom2)
        errormsg = "" # might be set to an error string
        actual_direction = 0 # might be set to a bond direction
        if bond:
            actual_direction = bond.bond_direction_from(atom1)
        elif atom1.Pl_neighbors() or atom2.Pl_neighbors():
            # look for atom1-Pl-atom2 (2 bonds, same direction)
            bond1, bond2 = find_Pl_bonds(atom1, atom2) # might be None, None
            if not bond1:
                errormsg = "no Pl5 between adjacent baseatoms %r and %r" % (atom1, atom2)
                dir1 = bond1.bond_direction_from(atom1)
                dir2 = - bond2.bond_direction_from(atom2)
                if dir1 == dir2:
                    actual_direction = dir1 # might be 0
                    errormsg = "Pl5 between %r and %r has inconsistent or unset bond directions" % (atom1, atom2)
            errormsg = "no bond between adjacent baseatoms %r and %r" % (atom1, atom2)
        if not errormsg:
            # check actual_direction
            ## not needed: assert actual_direction
            recorded_direction = self._bond_direction
            assert recorded_direction # redundant with earlier assert
            if actual_direction != recorded_direction:
                # error
                errormsg = "bond direction from %r to %r: recorded %r, actual %r" % \
                      (atom1, atom2, recorded_direction, actual_direction)
        # now errormsg tells whether there is an error.
        if errormsg:
            prefix = "debug_check_bond_direction%s in %r" % (when, self)
            msg = "%s: ERROR: %s" % (prefix, errormsg)
            print "\n*** %s ***\n" % msg
            summary_format = "DNA updater: bug: [N] failure(s) of debug_check_bond_direction, see console prints"
            env.history.deferred_summary_message( redmsg(summary_format))
Exemplo n.º 2
def find_Pl_between(s1, s2): #bruce 080409
    Assume s1 and s2 are Ss3 and/or Ss5 atoms which
    might be directly bonded or might have a Pl5 between them.
    If they are directly bonded, return None.
    If they have a Pl between them, return it.
    If neither is true, raise an exception.
    # optimize for the Pl being found
    bond1, bond2 = find_Pl_bonds(s1, s2)
    if bond1:
        return bond1.other(s1)
        assert find_bond(s1, s2)
        return None
Exemplo n.º 3
def find_Pl_between(s1, s2):  #bruce 080409
    Assume s1 and s2 are Ss3 and/or Ss5 atoms which
    might be directly bonded or might have a Pl5 between them.
    If they are directly bonded, return None.
    If they have a Pl between them, return it.
    If neither is true, raise an exception.
    # optimize for the Pl being found
    bond1, bond2 = find_Pl_bonds(s1, s2)
    if bond1:
        return bond1.other(s1)
        assert find_bond(s1, s2)
        return None