def process_sms(self):
        self.from_phone_number = self.from_phone_number[2:]
        self.to_phone_number = self.to_phone_number[2:]
        db_session = DB_Session_Factory.get_db_session()
        interviewer = Interviewer.get_interviewer_by_phone_number(self.from_phone_number)
        interview = None
        response_msg = "Thanks for your feedback"
        if interviewer is None:
            response_msg = "I don't know who you are or what you want from me."
            interview = interviewer.get_most_recently_completed_interview(self.to_phone_number, for_update = True)
            if interview is None:
                response_msg = "You haven't done an interview recently so we have nothing to talk about."

        if interview is not None and interview.technical_score is None and not interview.is_coffee_break():
            # The user should be trying to send in the technical score.
            score = Handle_Score_SMS_HTTP_Response_Builder.parse_score(self.sms_body)
            if score is None:
                response_msg = "Invalid technical score. Valid input is 1, 2, 3, 4 or '-' if you don't have a score to give. You can use +/- for scores. Please try again."
                interview.technical_score = score
                response_msg = "What's the cultural score?"
        elif interview is not None and interview.cultural_score is None:
            # The user should be trying to send in the cultural score.
            score = Handle_Score_SMS_HTTP_Response_Builder.parse_score(self.sms_body)
            if score is None:
                response_msg = "Invalid cultural score. Valid input is 1, 2, 3, 4 or '-' if you don't have a score to give. You can use +/- for scores. Please try again."
                interview.cultural_score = score
                response_msg = "Would you recommend hiring this person?"
        elif interview is not None and interview.hire == -1:
            # The user should be trying to send in the hiring recommendation
            hiring_recommendation = Handle_Score_SMS_HTTP_Response_Builder.parse_hiring_recommendation(self.sms_body)
            if hiring_recommendation is None:
                response_msg = "Invalid hiring recommendation. Valid input is yes, no or '-' if you don't have a recommendation to give."
                interview.hire = hiring_recommendation
                response_msg = "Thanks. Feel free to send in any notes you have about " + interview.candidate_name + " in subsequent texts."
        elif interview is not None:
            # The user should be trying to send in notes for the interview.
            if interview.notes is None:
                interview.notes = ""
            interview.notes = interview.notes + self.sms_body
            if interview.notes_ts is None or - interview.notes_ts >= timedelta(seconds=3):
                response_msg = "Thanks. Your feedback was added to " + interview.candidate_name + "'s file."
                response_msg = None
        return response_msg
 def process_sms(self):
     opt_in_data = Handle_Opt_In_SMS_HTTP_Response_Builder.parse_opt_in(self.sms_body)
     response_msg = None
     if opt_in_data is None:
         response_msg = "Your message is formatted incorrectly. The format is: <name>:<box_email>"
         self.from_phone_number = self.from_phone_number[2:]
         db_session = DB_Session_Factory.get_db_session()
         opt_in = Interviewer.get_interviewer_by_phone_number(self.from_phone_number)
         if opt_in is None:
             opt_in = Interviewer(opt_in_data['email'], opt_in_data['name'], self.from_phone_number)
             response_msg = "Thank you for registering your information with Onsite Inflight."
    = opt_in_data['email']
    = opt_in_data['name']
             response_msg = "I've updated your information as you requested. Thanks."
     return response_msg