Exemplo n.º 1
def shopping_cart():
    """TODO: Display the contents of the shopping cart. The shopping cart is a
    list held in the session that contains all the melons to be added. Check
    accompanying screenshots for details."""

    if 'cart' in session:
        id_list = session['cart']
        flash ('Your cart is empty')
        session['cart'] = []
        id_list = session['cart']

    melon_dict = {}
    total = 0

    for i in id_list:

        melon_name = model.get_melon_by_id(i).common_name
        melon_price = float(model.get_melon_by_id(i).price)
        if i not in melon_dict:
            melon_quantity = 1
            melon_quantity += 1

        melon_subtotal = (melon_price * melon_quantity) 
        melon_dict[i] = {'name': melon_name, 'price': melon_price, 'quantity': melon_quantity, 'subtotal': melon_subtotal}

        total += melon_dict[i]['price']
    return render_template("cart.html", current_list= melon_dict, total= total)
Exemplo n.º 2
def shopping_cart():
    """TODO: Display the contents of the shopping cart. The shopping cart is a
    list held in the session that contains all the melons to be added. Check
    accompanying screenshots for details."""
    if session.get('cart') == None:
        session['cart'] = {}
        current_cart = []
        total = 0.00
        return render_template("cart.html",
        current_cart = []
        melon_ids = session['cart'].keys()
        for melon_id in melon_ids:
            temp_melon = model.get_melon_by_id(melon_id)
            temp_quantity = session['cart'][melon_id]
            temp_melon_total = temp_melon.price * temp_quantity
            temp_melon_total = "$%.2f" % temp_melon_total
            current_cart.append((temp_melon, temp_quantity, temp_melon_total))

            print current_cart
        total = 0
        for tup in current_cart:
            total = total + tup[0].price * float(tup[1])
        total = float(total)
        pretty_total = "$%.2f" % total
        return render_template("cart.html",
Exemplo n.º 3
def shopping_cart():
    """TODO: Display the contents of the shopping cart. The shopping cart is a
    list held in the session that contains all the melons to be added. Check
    accompanying screenshots for details."""

    melon_dict = {}
    cart_list = session.get("cart", [])

    if not cart_list:
        flash("Your cart is empty")

    # create a dictionary where key = melon_id and value = dictionary with key=quantity, key=total
    for melon_id in cart_list:
        melon_dict.setdefault(melon_id, {})
        melon_dict[melon_id]["quantity"] = melon_dict[melon_id].get("quantity", 0) + 1
    melon_info_list = [model.get_melon_by_id(melon_id) for melon_id in melon_dict] 

    cart_total = 0 
    for melon in melon_info_list:
        quantity = melon_dict[melon.id]["quantity"]
        total = melon.price * quantity
        cart_total += total
        melon_dict[melon.id]["total"] = total
        melon_dict[melon.id]["formatted_price"] = "$%.2f" % melon.price
        melon_dict[melon.id]["formatted_total_price"] = "$%.2f" % total

    cart_total_string = "Total: $%.2f" % cart_total

    return render_template("cart.html", melon_list = melon_info_list, quantotals = melon_dict, 
        cart_total = cart_total_string)
Exemplo n.º 4
def shopping_cart():
    """TODO: Display the contents of the shopping cart. The shopping cart is a
    list held in the session that contains all the melons to be added. Check
    accompanying screenshots for details."""
    if 'cart' in session:
        if 'cart' != {}:
            cart_items = session['cart']   

            melon_details = []

            for id, quantity in cart_items.iteritems():
                melon = model.get_melon_by_id(id)
                melon_dict = {
                    "name": melon.common_name,
                    "price": melon.price,
                    "quantity": quantity,
                    "total": melon.price * quantity

            order_total = 0
            for melon in melon_details:
                order_total += melon['total']

            return render_template("cart.html", melons = melon_details, 
                                                order_total = order_total)
        return render_template("cart.html", melons = None, order_total = 0)
Exemplo n.º 5
def shopping_cart():
    """TODO: Display the contents of the shopping cart. The shopping cart is a
    list held in the session that contains all the melons to be added. Check
    accompanying screenshots for details."""

    if "cart" not in session:
        session["cart"] = {}

    new_qty = request.args.get('quantity', None)

    if new_qty:
        session["cart"][request.args.get("id")] = int(new_qty)

    melon_list = []
    for id, qty in session["cart"].items():
        melon = model.get_melon_by_id(id)
        melon_list.append((id, melon, qty))

    sum = 0
    for id, melon, qty in melon_list:
        sub_total = melon.price * qty
        sum = (sum + sub_total)
    sum = "%.2f" % sum

    sub_total_dictionary = {}
    for id, melon, qty in melon_list:
        sub_total = melon.price * qty
        sub_total = "%.2f" % sub_total
        sub_total_dictionary[melon.common_name] = sub_total

    return render_template("cart.html",
Exemplo n.º 6
def shopping_cart():
    """Shopping cart page: displays the contents of the shopping cart with a list of melons, quantities, prices, and total prices held in this session."""
    list_of_melons = session.get('ourcart', [])
    # for melon_id in list_of_melons: 
    #     melon = model.get_melon_by_id(melon_id)
    #     melon_name_list.append(melon.common_name)
    #     melon_price_list.append(melon.price) 
    melon_qty = {}
    for melon_id in list_of_melons:
        if melon_qty.get(melon_id):
            melon_qty[melon_id] += 1
            melon_qty[melon_id] = 1
    print melon_qty

    melon_objects = {}
    for melon_id, qty in melon_qty.items():
        melon_obj = model.get_melon_by_id(melon_id)
        melon_objects[melon_obj] = qty

    cart_total = 0;
    for melon, qty in melon_objects.items(): 
        cart_total += melon.price * qty

    print melon_objects

    return render_template("cart.html",
            melons = melon_objects,
            total = cart_total)
Exemplo n.º 7
def add_to_cart(id):
    """TODO: Finish shopping cart functionality using session variables to hold
    cart list.

    Intended behavior: when a melon is added to a cart, redirect them to the
    shopping cart page, while displaying the message
    "Successfully added to cart" """


    if 'cart' in session:

        # if temp_id in session['cart']:
        #     session['cart'][temp_id] += 1

        # else:
        #     session['cart'][temp_id] = 1
        session['cart'][temp_id] = session['cart'].get(temp_id, 0) + 1

        print "initializing cart in session"
        session['cart'] = {temp_id: 1}
    display_melon = model.get_melon_by_id(id)

    flash("You successfully added one " + display_melon.common_name +" to your cart!")
    return redirect('/cart')
Exemplo n.º 8
def shopping_cart():
    """TODO: Display the contents of the shopping cart. The shopping cart is a
    list held in the session that contains all the melons to be added. Check
    accompanying screenshots for details."""
    melons = [ (model.get_melon_by_id(int(id)), count) for id, count in session.setdefault("cart", {}).items() ]
    total = sum([melon[0].price * melon[1] for melon in melons])
    return render_template("cart.html", melons = melons, total=total)
Exemplo n.º 9
def show_melon(id):
    """This page shows the details of a given melon, as well as giving an
    option to buy the melon."""
    melon = model.get_melon_by_id(id)
    print melon
    return render_template("melon_details.html",
                  display_melon = melon)
Exemplo n.º 10
def shopping_cart():
    """TODO: Display the contents of the shopping cart. The shopping cart is a
    list held in the session that contains all the melons to be added. Check
    accompanying screenshots for details."""
    if "cart" not in session:
        flash("There is nothing in your cart.")
        return render_template("cart.html", display_cart={}, total=0)
        items = session["cart"]
        dict_of_melons = {}

        total_price = 0
        for item in items:
            melon = model.get_melon_by_id(item)
            total_price += melon.price
            if melon.id in dict_of_melons:
                dict_of_melons[melon.id]["qty"] += 1
                dict_of_melons[melon.id] = {
                    "qty": 1,
                    "name": melon.common_name,
                    "price": melon.price

        return render_template("cart.html",
Exemplo n.º 11
def show_melon(id):
    """This page shows the details of a given melon, as well as giving an
    option to buy the melon."""

    melon = model.get_melon_by_id(id)
    return render_template("melon_details.html",
                  display_melon = melon)
Exemplo n.º 12
def shopping_cart():
    """TODO: Display the contents of the shopping cart. The shopping cart is a
    list held in the session that contains all the melons to be added. Check
    accompanying screenshots for details."""
    #assigning the variable cart_items to the 'cart' value, which as indicated is a dictionary itself, with ids as keys and qty as values.
    cart_items = session['cart']  

    #we initialize an empty list b/c in our for loop, we are creating a list of dictionaries, with keys name, price, qty and values name, price, qty based on ids.
    melon_details = []

    #this for loop interates over each id:qty in cart_items
    for id, quantity in cart_items.iteritems():
        #call the get_melon_by_id() function so we can obtain all info for each melon.  we will use this info below to create yet another dictionary
        melon = model.get_melon_by_id(id)
        #referencing attributes of melon and assigning as values to the melon_dict.
        melon_dict = {
            "name": melon.common_name,
            "price": melon.price,
            "quantity": quantity
        #appending to the melon_details list initiated above the for loop

    #the list melon_details is then passed to the html document, which iterates over this list to create the items in the cart.
    return render_template("cart.html", melons = melon_details)
Exemplo n.º 13
def add_to_cart(id):
    """TODO: Finish shopping cart functionality using session variables to hold
    cart list.

    Intended behavior: when a melon is added to a cart, redirect them to the
    shopping cart page, while displaying the message
    "Successfully added to cart" """

    melon = model.get_melon_by_id(id)
    melon_name = melon.common_name
    melon_price = melon.price

    if 'cart' not in session:
        session['cart'] = []

    for a_melon_list in session['cart']:
        if a_melon_list[0] == melon_name:
            a_melon_list[1] = a_melon_list[1] + 1
            flash('You just incremented the quantity of %s in your cart.' %
            return render_template("cart.html",

    session['cart'].append([melon_name, 1, melon_price])
    flash('You just added %s to your cart.' % melon_name)
    return render_template("cart.html",
Exemplo n.º 14
def shopping_cart():
    """TODO: Display the contents of the shopping cart. The shopping cart is a
    list held in the session that contains all the melons to be added. Check
    accompanying screenshots for details."""

    # this is where we add the logic to get the qty from the "session cart"
    #   that was "built" the "add_to_cart" function.
    # then use the melon ids in the "cart" create a list of melons.  
    # The melon details can be retrieved using the "model.get_melon_by_id".
    # get_melon_by_id returns id, melon_type, common_name, price, imgurl,
    #    flesh_color, rind_color, seedless
    # Before passing the "melons" remember to calculate the "total price"
    # and add it to the retrieved list of attributes.
    if "cart" in session:
        melons = []
        running_total = 0
        for key in session["cart"]:

            melon =  model.get_melon_by_id(key)

            total_price = melon.price * session["cart"][key]
            print total_price

            melons = melons + [[melon.common_name, session["cart"][key], 
                               melon.price, total_price]]
            print "melons =",
            print melons
            running_total = running_total + total_price
            print "Order total = ", running_total

        session["order total"] = running_total
        print "session = ", session
    return render_template("cart.html", melons = melons)
Exemplo n.º 15
def shopping_cart():
    """TODO: Display the contents of the shopping cart. The shopping cart is a
    list held in the session that contains all the melons to be added."""
    if "cart" not in session or len(session["cart"])== 0 :
        flash("There is nothing in your cart.")
        return render_template("cart.html", display_cart = {}, total = 0)
        if "user" in session and session["logged_in"] == True:
            customer = model.get_customer_by_email(str(session["user"]))
            flash("Welcome, %s %s" % (customer.givenname, customer.surname))
            flash("That is an invalid login.")

        items = session["cart"]
        dict_of_melons = {}

        total_price = 0
        for item in items:
            melon = model.get_melon_by_id(item)
            total_price += melon.price
            if melon.id in dict_of_melons:
                dict_of_melons[melon.id]["qty"] += 1
                dict_of_melons[melon.id] = {"qty":1, "name": melon.common_name, "price":melon.price}
        return render_template("cart.html", display_cart = dict_of_melons, total = total_price)  
Exemplo n.º 16
def shopping_cart():
    # """TODO: Display the contents of the shopping cart. The shopping cart is a
    # list held in the session that contains all the melons to be added. Check
    # accompanying screenshots for details."""

    if not 'cart' in session:
        flash('Your cart is empty!')
        return render_template("cart.html")

    cart_list = []

    # session['cart'] == {1: 17, 2: 10}  # melon #1 is 17, #2 is has 10
    # cart_list == [(melon obj, 17), (melon obj, 10)]
    for melon_id, qty in session['cart'].items():
        melon = model.get_melon_by_id(melon_id)
        melon_tuple = (melon, qty)

    print cart_list

    final_price = total_price(cart_list)

    return render_template("cart.html",
Exemplo n.º 17
def shopping_cart():
    # if there's nothing in the cart, redirect to melons page
    if 'cart' not in session:
        return redirect("/melons")

    # initialize empty dictionary for the melon count
    melon_count = {}

    # this block iterates through a list of melon IDs and generates a dictionary with key: melon id, value: # of occurrences
    for melon_id in session['cart']:
        if melon_count.get(melon_id):
            melon_count[melon_id] += 1
            melon_count[melon_id] = 1

    print melon_count
    melon_dict = {}
    cart_total = 0

    #for each melon id, and the quantity for that melon type, in the melon_count dict, get the melon object associated with that melon id from the db using the model. Also calculates the total cost for the cart.
    for melon_id, qty in melon_count.iteritems():
        melon = model.get_melon_by_id(melon_id)
        melon_dict[melon] = qty
        cart_total += (qty * melon.price)

    print melon_dict

    #convert the cart total price to a two-digit float string
    cart_total_float = "%0.2f" % cart_total

    #re-cast variables as variables we can pass into cart.html to use with jinja
    return render_template("cart.html", cart = melon_dict, total = cart_total_float)
Exemplo n.º 18
def add_to_cart(id):
    # checking if there is a cart key in the session dict, and if not, adding it with the id as the value

    melon = model.get_melon_by_id(int(id))
    this_melon_name = melon.common_name
    this_melon_price = melon.price

    if 'cart' not in session:
        session['cart'] = {}
        session['cart'][id] = [this_melon_name, this_melon_price, 1]
        if id not in session['cart']:
            session['cart'][id] = [this_melon_name, this_melon_price, 1]
            session['cart'][id][2] += 1

    flash(this_melon_name + " added to cart.")

    print session
    """TODO: Finish shopping cart functionality using session variables to hold
    cart list.

    Intended behavior: when a melon is added to a cart, redirect them to the
    shopping cart page, while displaying the message
    "Successfully added to cart" """
    return redirect("/melons")
Exemplo n.º 19
def shopping_cart():
    if "cart" in session:
        cart_list = session["cart"]

        melon_ids = {}
        for melon_id in cart_list:
            if melon_id in melon_ids:
                melon_ids[melon_id] += 1
                melon_ids[melon_id] = 1

        melon_dict = {}
        total = 0
        for melon_id, quantity in melon_ids.items():
            melon = model.get_melon_by_id(melon_id)
            melon_dict[melon_id] = {
                "common_name": melon.common_name,
                "qty": quantity,
                "price": melon.price,
                "subtotal": melon.price * quantity
            total += melon_dict[melon_id]['subtotal']
        basket = melon_dict.keys()
        # print "TESTING DICTIONARY", melon_ids
        print melon_dict

    return render_template("cart.html",
                  melon_dict = melon_dict, basket = basket, total = total)

    """TODO: Display the contents of the shopping cart. The shopping cart is a
    list held in the session that contains all the melons to be added. Check
    accompanying screenshots for details."""
    return render_template("cart.html")
Exemplo n.º 20
def shopping_cart():
    """TODO: Display the contents of the shopping cart. The shopping cart is a
    list held in the session that contains all the melons to be added. Check
    accompanying screenshots for details."""
    melons = {}
    if 'cart' in session:
        for melon_id in session["cart"]:
            if melons.get(melon_id) == None:
                melons[melon_id] = {}
                melons[melon_id]['qty'] += 1
            melons[melon_id]['total']= melons[melon_id]["qty"]*melons[melon_id]['melon'].price
        for melon_id in melons:
        order_total="$%.2f" % order_total

        return render_template("cart.html",
                                melon_dict = melons,
                                order_total = order_total)
        return render_template("cart.html",
                                melon_dict = {},
                                order_total = 0)
Exemplo n.º 21
def shopping_cart():
    """TODO: Display the contents of the shopping cart. The shopping cart is a
    list held in the session that contains all the melons to be added. Check
    accompanying screenshots for details."""
    melons = [(model.get_melon_by_id(int(id)), count)
              for id, count in session.setdefault("cart", {}).items()]
    total = sum([melon[0].price * melon[1] for melon in melons])
    return render_template("cart.html", melons=melons, total=total)
Exemplo n.º 22
def shopping_cart():
    """TODO: Display the contents of the shopping cart. The shopping cart is a
    list held in the session that contains all the melons to be added. Check
    accompanying screenshots for details."""

    tally = collections.Counter(session['cart'])
    purchased_melons = {m_id: model.get_melon_by_id(m_id) for m_id in tally}

    if not purchased_melons:
        flash("Buy melons!")

    return render_template("cart.html", melon_list=purchased_melons, qty=tally, total_price=session['total'])
Exemplo n.º 23
def shopping_cart():
    """TODO: Display the contents of the shopping cart. The shopping cart is a
    list held in the session that contains all the melons to be added. Check
    accompanying screenshots for details."""
    melon_types = {}
    total_price = 0.00
    if "cart" in session:
        for key, quantity in session["cart"].iteritems():
            melon = model.get_melon_by_id(int(key))
            total = melon.price * quantity
            melon_types[melon.common_name] = {'quantity': quantity, 'price': melon.price, 'total': total}
            total_price += total
    return render_template("cart.html", display_melons=melon_types, total_price = total_price)
Exemplo n.º 24
def shopping_cart():
    """TODO: Display the contents of the shopping cart. The shopping cart is a
    list held in the session that contains all the melons to be added. Check
    accompanying screenshots for details."""
    shopping_cart = []
    total = 0

    for id in session['cart']:
        melon = model.get_melon_by_id(id)
        total += (melon.price * session['cart'][id])

    return render_template("cart.html", cart=shopping_cart, total=total)
Exemplo n.º 25
def shopping_cart():
    """TODO: Display the contents of the shopping cart. The shopping cart is a
    list held in the session that contains all the melons to be added. Check
    accompanying screenshots for details."""
    melons_in_cart = []
    total = 0

    if "cart" in session:
        for id in session["cart"]:
            melon = model.get_melon_by_id(id)
            total += (melon.price * session["cart"][id])

    return render_template("cart.html", melons = melons_in_cart, total = total)
Exemplo n.º 26
def add_to_cart(id):

    session.setdefault('shopping_cart', []).append(id)
    melon = model.get_melon_by_id(id)
    """TODO: Finish shopping cart functionality using session variables to hold
    cart list.
    Intended behavior: when a melon is added to a cart, redirect them to the
    shopping cart page, while displaying the message
    "Successfully added to cart" """

    flash(Markup("Successfully added to <a href='/cart'>cart</a>"))
    # return render_template("cart.html")
    return render_template("melon_details.html", display_melon = melon)
Exemplo n.º 27
def show_melon(id):
    """This page shows the details of a given melon, as well as giving an
    option to buy the melon."""
    melon = model.get_melon_by_id(id)
    print melon
    # in session dict, have dict 'cart'  
    # values in dict cart are {id: [name,price]} 
    if 'cart' not in session:
        session['cart'] = {}
    session['cart'][melon.id]= list()
    return render_template("melon_details.html",
                  display_melon = melon)
Exemplo n.º 28
def shopping_cart():
    """TODO: Display the contents of the shopping cart. The shopping cart is a
    list held in the session that contains all the melons to be added. Check
    accompanying screenshots for details."""
    melons = []
    total = 0
    if "cart" in session.keys():
        for key in session["cart"].iterkeys():
            melon = model.get_melon_by_id(str(key))
            melon.quantity = session["cart"][str(key)]
            total += melon.quantity * melon.price

    return render_template("cart.html", cart_contents = melons, order_total = total)
Exemplo n.º 29
def add_to_cart(id):
    """TODO: Finish shopping cart functionality using session variables to hold
    cart list.
    Intended behavior: when a melon is added to a cart, redirect them to the
    shopping cart page, while displaying the message
    "Successfully added to cart" """
    session['cart'] = session.get('cart', []) + [id]
    session['total'] += model.get_melon_by_id(id).price

    print session

    flash("Successfully added to cart")
    return redirect("/cart")
def add_to_cart(id):
    """TODO: Finish shopping cart functionality using session variables to hold
    cart list.
    Intended behavior: when a melon is added to a cart, redirect them to the
    shopping cart page, while displaying the message
    "Successfully added to cart" """

    session['cart'] = session.get('cart', []) + [id]
    session['total'] += model.get_melon_by_id(id).price

    print session

    flash("Successfully added to cart")
    return redirect("/cart")
def shopping_cart():
    """TODO: Display the contents of the shopping cart. The shopping cart is a
    list held in the session that contains all the melons to be added. Check
    accompanying screenshots for details."""

    tally = collections.Counter(session['cart'])
    purchased_melons = {m_id: model.get_melon_by_id(m_id) for m_id in tally}

    if not purchased_melons:
        flash("Buy melons!")

    return render_template("cart.html",
Exemplo n.º 32
def shopping_cart():
    """TODO: Display the contents of the shopping cart. The shopping cart is a
    list held in the session that contains all the melons to be added. Check
    accompanying screenshots for details."""

    melon_dict = {}
    total = 0
    for key in session['cart']:

        melon = model.get_melon_by_id(key)
        melon_dict[key] = {"name": melon.common_name, "quantity": session['cart'][key], "price": melon.price }
        total += melon_dict[key]["price"] * melon_dict[key]["quantity"]

    return render_template("cart.html", melon_dict=melon_dict, cart_total="%0.2f" % total) 
Exemplo n.º 33
def shopping_cart():
    """TODO: Display the contents of the shopping cart. The shopping cart is a
    list held in the session that contains all the melons to be added. Check
    accompanying screenshots for details."""
    # make loop to get the id out of session
    # then get that melons deets from model.get_melon_by_id
    cart_contents = []
    total = 0
    for k, v in session["cart"].items():
        melon_object = model.get_melon_by_id(k)
        cart_contents.append([melon_object, v])
        total = total + (melon_object.price * v)

    return render_template("cart.html",
Exemplo n.º 34
def shopping_cart():
    melons = {}
    total = 0
    ids = session.get('shopping_cart')
    if ids:
        for melon_id in ids:
            melon = model.get_melon_by_id(melon_id)
            melons.setdefault(melon_id, {'melon': None, 'count': 0})
            melons[melon_id]['melon'] = melon
            melons[melon_id]['count'] += 1
            total += melon.price

    """TODO: Display the contents of the shopping cart. The shopping cart is a
    list held in the session that contains all the melons to be added. Check
    accompanying screenshots for details."""
    return render_template("cart.html", melons=melons, total=total)
Exemplo n.º 35
def create_melon_dict():
    melon_dict = {}
    if "melon_dict" not in session:
        session["melon_dict"] = {}
    cart_list = session.get("cart", [])
    if cart_list is not None:
        for id in cart_list:
            if id not in melon_dict:
                new_melon = model.get_melon_by_id(id)
                melon_info = [new_melon.common_name, float(new_melon.price), 1, new_melon.price*1.00]
                melon_dict[id] = melon_info
                melon_dict[id][2] += 1
                melon_dict[id][3] = melon_dict[id][1] * melon_dict[id][2]
    session["melon_dict"] = melon_dict
Exemplo n.º 36
def shopping_cart():
    """TODO: Display the contents of the shopping cart. The shopping cart is a
    list held in the session that contains all the melons to be added. Check
    accompanying screenshots for details."""

    melon_quantity = session.get('cart')

    melon_dict = {}
    for melon_id, quantity in melon_quantity.items():
        melon = model.get_melon_by_id(melon_id)
        print "this is melon: " , melon
        melon_dict[melon] = quantity

    print melon_dict

    return render_template("cart.html", melons = melon_dict)
Exemplo n.º 37
def shopping_cart():
    """TODO: Display the contents of the shopping cart. The shopping cart is a
    list held in the session that contains all the melons to be added. Check
    accompanying screenshots for details."""
    melons_list = []
    for key, value in session["cart"].iteritems():
        melon = model.get_melon_by_id(key)
            "name": melon.common_name,
            "price": melon.price,
            "qty": value,
            "total": (melon.price * value)

    return render_template("cart.html",
                melons_in_cart = melons_list)
Exemplo n.º 38
def shopping_cart():
    """TODO: Display the contents of the shopping cart. The shopping cart is a
    list held in the session that contains all the melons to be added. Check
    accompanying screenshots for details."""
    current_cart = {}
    total = 0
    if 'cart' in session:
        for key in session['cart']:
            melon = model.get_melon_by_id(key)
            #current_cart[key] = [melon.common_name, melon.price]
            #current_car[key] = melon so that the melon can be accessed
            current_cart[key] = {'common_name': melon.common_name, 'price': melon.price}
            total += melon.price * session['cart'][key]
        return render_template("cart.html",current_cart = current_cart, total = total)
        flash('You have nothing in your cart. Keep shopping')
        return redirect("/melons")
Exemplo n.º 39
def shopping_cart():
    """TODO: Display the contents of the shopping cart. The shopping cart is a
    list held in the session that contains all the melons to be added. Check
    accompanying screenshots for details."""
    melon_rows = []
    total = 0

    if "cart" in session:
        for melon_id in session["cart"]:
            melon = model.get_melon_by_id(melon_id)
            subtotal = melon.price * session["cart"][str(melon.id)]
            total += subtotal
        flash("Your cart is empty.")  
    return render_template("cart.html", melon_rows = melon_rows, total = total)
Exemplo n.º 40
def shopping_cart():

    if "cart" not in session:
        flash("Your cart is empty.")
        return redirect(url_for("list_melons"))

    full_cart = {}
    cart_total = 0
    """ take melon_id and qty from session and build line to send to table in list melons"""
    for item in session["cart"]:
        melon_id = item[0]
        melon = model.get_melon_by_id(melon_id)
        melon.qty = item[1]
        full_cart[melon_id] = melon
        cart_total += melon.price * melon.qty

    return render_template("cart.html", full_cart = full_cart, total="$%.2f"%cart_total)
Exemplo n.º 41
def add_to_cart(id):
    """TODO: Finish shopping cart functionality using session variables to hold
    cart list.

    Intended behavior: when a melon is added to a cart, redirect them to the
    shopping cart page, while displaying the message
    "Successfully added to cart" """
    string_id = str(id)

    if 'cart' in session:
        session['cart'][string_id] = session['cart'].get(string_id, 0) + 1

        session['cart'] = {string_id: 1}

    display_melon = model.get_melon_by_id(id)
    flash("You added a " + display_melon.common_name + " to your cart")
    return redirect("/cart")
Exemplo n.º 42
def shopping_cart():
    """TODO: Display the contents of the shopping cart. The shopping cart is a
    list held in the session that contains all the melons to be added. Check
    accompanying screenshots for details."""

    # seshlist = list(session["cart"])
    # cart = {}
    # cart["melon"] = seshlist
    full_info = []
    total_price = 0
    for info, quant in session["cart"].iteritems():
        melon = model.get_melon_by_id(info)
        cart_items = (str(melon.id), melon.common_name, float(melon.price), melon.price * quant)
        total_price = total_price + cart_items[3]
        print total_price

    return render_template("cart.html", cart = full_info, total = total_price)
Exemplo n.º 43
def shopping_cart():
    """TODO: Display the contents of the shopping cart. The shopping cart is a
    list held in the session that contains all the melons to be added. Check
    accompanying screenshots for details."""

    melon_dict = {}
    total_sum = 0

    for id in session.get("cart",{}):
        melon = model.get_melon_by_id(id)
        melon_dict[melon] = session["cart"][id]
        total_sum += melon.price*melon_dict[melon]

    melon_list = melon_dict.items()
    melon_list.sort(key=lambda melon: melon[0].common_name)
    return render_template("cart.html",
                              cart = melon_list,
                              total = "$%.2f" % total_sum)
Exemplo n.º 44
def add_to_cart(id):
    """TODO: Finish shopping cart functionality using session variables to hold
    cart list.

    Intended behavior: when a melon is added to a cart, redirect them to the
    shopping cart page, while displaying the message
    "Successfully added to cart" """
   # session.clear()
    id = str(id)
    if 'cart' in session:
        if id in session['cart']:
            session['cart'][id] += 1
            session['cart'][id] = 1
        session['cart'] = {id: 1}

    melon = model.get_melon_by_id(id)
    flash("Successfully added %s to cart!" % str(melon.common_name))
    return redirect("/cart")
Exemplo n.º 45
def add_to_cart(id):
    """TODO: Finish shopping cart functionality using session variables to hold
    cart list.
    Intended behavior: when a melon is added to a cart, redirect them to the
    shopping cart page, while displaying the message
    "Successfully added to cart" """
    if session.get('cart'): 
        session['cart'] = [id]

# could add show_cart function for lines below in order to allow all computation to be done only when /cart is viewed

    melon_dict = {}

    # get quantity counts, create dict for melon_id: [qty,] as key:value
    for i in session['cart']:
        if melon_dict.get(i):
            melon_dict[i][0] += 1
            melon_dict[i] = []

    # get melon info, append to value list for each melon_id: [qty, common_name, price, total]
    for k in melon_dict:
        result = model.get_melon_by_id(k)
        quantity = melon_dict[k][0]

    session['all_melon_dict'] = melon_dict 

    total = 0
    for item in melon_dict:
        total += melon_dict[item][3]
    session['total'] = total
    html = render_template("cart.html")
    return html
Exemplo n.º 46
def shopping_cart():
    """TODO: Display the contents of the shopping cart. The shopping cart is a
    list held in the session that contains all the melons to be added. Check
    accompanying screenshots for details."""
    dictionary = {}
    total = 0
    if not session:
        flash("Your cart is empty.")


        for key in session['cart']:
            melon = model.get_melon_by_id(key)
            dictionary[key] = {
                "name": melon.common_name,
                "quantity": session['cart'][key],
                "price": melon.price
            total = total + dictionary[key]["price"] * dictionary[key][

    return render_template("cart.html", dictionary=dictionary, totalcart=total)
Exemplo n.º 47
def add_to_cart(id):
    # id = melon id from melon_details.html
    melon = model.get_melon_by_id(id)
    cart = session.get('cart', {})

    if melon.common_name in cart:
        cart[melon.common_name]["qty"] += 1
        cart[melon.common_name] = {"qty": 1, "price": melon.price}

    flash("%s was sucessfully added to the cart!" % melon.common_name)

    total = 0
    for melon, info in cart.iteritems():
        total += (info["qty"] * info["price"])

    session['cart'] = cart
    session['total'] = total

    print cart

    return shopping_cart()
Exemplo n.º 48
def add_to_cart(melon_id):
    # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    # """TODO: Finish shopping cart functionality using session variables to hold
    # cart list.

    # Intended behavior: when a melon is added to a cart, redirect them to the
    # shopping cart page, while displaying the message
    # "Successfully added to cart" """

    if not 'cart' in session:
        session['cart'] = {}
        session['cart'][melon_id] = 1
        print "Here!"
        if session['cart'].get(melon_id) == None:
            flash('melon added!')
            session['cart'][melon_id] = 1
            session['cart'][melon_id] += 1
            flash('melon added!')

    cart_list = []

    for key in session['cart']:
        melon = model.get_melon_by_id(key)
        melon_tuple = (melon, session['cart'][key])

    print cart_list

    final_price = total_price(cart_list)

    return render_template("cart.html",
Exemplo n.º 49
def checkout():
    """TODO: Implement a payment system. For now, just return them to the main
    melon listing page."""
    flash("恭喜您! 結帳完成!!")

    items = session["cart"]
    dict_of_melons = {}

    total_price = 0
    for item in items:
        melon = model.get_melon_by_id(item)
        total_price += melon.price
        if melon.id in dict_of_melons:
            dict_of_melons[melon.id]["qty"] += 1
            dict_of_melons[melon.id] = {
                "qty": 1,
                "name": melon.common_name,
                "price": melon.price
    return render_template("checkout.html",
Exemplo n.º 50
def show_cart():

    melons = [(model.get_melon_by_id(int(id)), count)
              for id, count in session.setdefault("cart", {}).items()]
    total = sum([melon[0].price * melon[1] for melon in melons])
    return render_template("_cart_items.html", melons=melons, total=total)