Exemplo n.º 1
def choose_question(initial_questions, objects_values, asked_questions, how_many=10):
    '''Returns a question with the lowest entropy.'''
    if initial_questions:
        question = initial_questions.pop(0)
        sorted_objects_values = sorted_objects_values = sort_objects_values(objects_values)
        if len(sorted_objects_values) <= how_many: ### possibly some proportion of the objects in the database
            max = len(sorted_objects_values)
            max = how_many
        most_likely_objects = sorted_objects_values[:max]
        objects = [object[1] for object in most_likely_objects]
        questions = model.get_questions()
        best_question_entropy = abs(float('inf'))
        best_question = None
        for question in questions: # loop through all the questions
            if not(question.id in asked_questions): # if we have not already asked it, condider it
                question_entropy = entropy(objects, question)
                if question_entropy <= best_question_entropy:
                    best_question_entropy = question_entropy
                    best_question = question
        question = best_question
    return question
Exemplo n.º 2
 def GET(self, object_id):
     '''Renders a page with all of the questions and values for a specified
        object_id so that it can be retrained manually.'''
     object = model.get_object_by_id(object_id)
     questions = model.get_questions()
     data = model.get_data_dictionary()
     if object:
         return render.retrain(object, list(questions), data)
         raise web.seeother('/') # returns to admin page
Exemplo n.º 3
 def GET(self, object_id):
     '''Renders a page with all of the questions and values for a specified
        object_id so that it can be retrained manually.'''
     object = model.get_object_by_id(object_id)
     questions = model.get_questions()
     data = model.get_data_dictionary()
     if object:
         return render.retrain(object, list(questions), data)
         raise web.seeother('/')  # returns to admin page
Exemplo n.º 4
def load_initial_questions():
    '''Loads questions we always want to ask as well as some random ones so that we can learn more
       about the objects.'''
    initial_questions = []
    initial_questions.append(model.get_question_by_id(1)) # is character real
    questions = list(model.get_questions()) # converts from webpy's IterBetter to a list
    for i in range(2): # up to 2 initial random questions
        q = random.choice(questions)
        if not(q in initial_questions) and not(q.id in [1,6]): # real/man
    initial_questions.append(model.get_question_by_id(6)) # is the character a man
    return initial_questions
Exemplo n.º 5
def choose_question (objects_values, asked_questions):
    bestCanidates = get_nearby_objects(objects_values, 2)
    object1 = bestCanidates[0].id
    object2 = bestCanidates[1].id
    questions = model.get_questions()
    biggest_difference = [0, 0] #[Question id, difference]

    for question in questions:
        if not(question.id in asked_questions):
            objectOneAnswer = model.get_value(object1, question.id)
            objectTwoAnswer = model.get_value(object2, question.id)

            difference = abs(objectOneAnswer-objectTwoAnswer)

            if difference > biggest_difference[1]:
                biggest_difference = [question.id, difference]
    return model.get_question_by_id(biggest_difference[0])
Exemplo n.º 6
 def GET(self):
     '''Lists all of the questions so that selected questions can be deleted.'''
     questions = model.get_questions()
     return render.delete_question(questions)
Exemplo n.º 7
            new_object_id = model.add_object(name) ### adds to database and trains
            learn(asked_questions, new_object_id)
            return new_object_id
def learn(asked_questions, object_id):
    '''Updates the data for the correct object based on information in asked_questions.
       Also updates times played for the object and stores the playlog.'''
    for question in asked_questions:
        current_weight = model.get_value(object_id, question)
        if not(current_weight): current_weight = 0
        new_weight = current_weight + asked_questions[question]
        model.update_data(object_id, question, new_weight)
    model.record_playlog(object_id, asked_questions, True)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ##### Tests entropy! #####
    objects = model.get_objects()
    objects = [object.id for object in objects]
    objects = tuple(objects)
    questions = model.get_questions()
    for question in questions:
        print question.id
        print 'DAN:', simple_entropy(objects, question)
        print 'ANDY:', entropy(objects, question)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def GET(self):
     '''Lists all of the questions so that selected questions can be deleted.'''
     questions = model.get_questions()
     return render.delete_question(questions)