Exemplo n.º 1
def get_dictionaries():
    """ function to load all the dictionaries into the memory"""
    queries = unicode(open('assets/csv/clean_query.txt').read(),
    dictionary_fw = []
    total_bigram = []
    dictionary_name = 'dictionary'
    fw_dictionary_name = 'fw_dictionary'
    bigram_dictionary_name = 'bigram_dictionary'

    dictionary = model.load_dictionary(dictionary_name)
    fw_dictionary = model.load_dictionary(fw_dictionary_name)
    bigram_dictionary = model.load_dictionary(bigram_dictionary_name)

    if not (dictionary and fw_dictionary and bigram_dictionary):

        for query in queries:
            tokens = tokenize(query)
            query_bigram = list(nltk.bigrams(tokens)) + list(
                nltk.bigrams(remove_stop_words(tokens))) + list(
                    nltk.bigrams(lemmatize_tokens(tokens))) + list(
            for bigram in query_bigram:
                total_bigram.append(' '.join(bigram))

        all_tokens = tokenize(' '.join(queries))
        dictionary = Counter(all_tokens) + Counter(
        fw_dictionary = Counter(dictionary_fw)
        bigram_dictionary = Counter(total_bigram)

        for key in dictionary.keys():
            if dictionary[key] < 5:
                del dictionary[key]
        for key in bigram_dictionary.keys():
            if bigram_dictionary[key] < 2:
                del bigram_dictionary[key]

        model.save_dictionary(dictionary_name, dictionary)
        model.save_dictionary(fw_dictionary_name, fw_dictionary)
        model.save_dictionary(bigram_dictionary_name, bigram_dictionary)
    return dictionary, fw_dictionary, bigram_dictionary
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_misspelled_synonyms():

    SYNONYMS_DICTIONARY = 'synonyms'
    synonyms_dic = model.load_dictionary(SYNONYMS_DICTIONARY)

    if not synonyms_dic:
        text = open('assets/csv/synonym.txt').read()
        synonyms_dic = {}
        rows = text.split('\n')
        for row in rows:
            row = row.split('=>')
            if len(row) > 1:
                word = row[1].strip()
                synonyms = row[0].split(',')
                for synonym in synonyms:
                    synonyms_dic[synonym.strip()] = word
        model.save_dictionary(SYNONYMS_DICTIONARY, synonyms_dic)

    return synonyms_dic
Exemplo n.º 3
from fastapi import FastAPI
from pydantic import BaseModel
from utils import normalize_text
from model import load_model, load_dictionary
from read_config import read_env_var

app = FastAPI()
language = read_env_var("language")
model = load_model(language)
dictionary = load_dictionary(language)
print(f"Loading model with language {language}")

class Sentiment(BaseModel):
    phrase: str

class Result(BaseModel):
    phrase: str
    language: str
    positive: float
    negative: float

@app.put("/api/analize", response_model=Result)
def get_users(sentiment: Sentiment):
    result = model.predict([normalize_text(dictionary, sentiment.phrase)])
    return Result(phrase=sentiment.phrase, positive=result[0][1], negative=result[0][0], language=language)
Exemplo n.º 4
        padding = (int((im.shape[0] - im.shape[1]) / 2), 0)
        padding = (0, int((im.shape[1] - im.shape[0]) / 2))

    data_transforms = transforms.Compose([
        transforms.Pad(padding, fill=0),
    pim = data_transforms(im)
    return (pim)

densenet = DenseNet121(14)
# densenet = addDropout(densenet, p=0)
saved_model_path = "../Models/model.pth.tar"
densenet.load_state_dict(load_dictionary(saved_model_path, map_location='cpu'))
if torch.cuda.is_available():
    densenet = densenet.cuda()

name = "Exp_64_512_0.00001_RandomLabel_4.0"
#Path to the experiment (it would be the github)
ExpDir = "/media/vince/MILA/ChestXrays/ALI/model/" + name
ExpDir = "/network/home/frappivi/ChestXrays/ALI/model/" + name

isize = 64
LS = 512  #Latent Space Size
ColorsNumber = 1  #Number of color (always 1 for x-ray)
isize = 64
#Load model
CP = -2  #Checkpoint to load (-2 for latest one, -1 for last epoch)
DisX, DisZ, DisXZ, GenZ, GenX, CP, DiscriminatorLoss, AllAUCs = GenModel(