def eval(model, data_loader, args=args): model.eval() for _, (data, label, lab_sub1, lab_sub2, lab_sub4) in enumerate(data_loader): _, _, logit = model(data) pred = torch.argmax(logit, dim=1).int() miou = mean_iou(pred, lab_sub1, args.num_classes)
def val_one_step(model, X, Y, total_iou): ''' compute valitation datasets loss and accuracy. Parameters ---------- model : psenet + fpn X : images Y : labels Returns loss, accuracy ------- ''' X = tf.cast(X, tf.float32) Y = tf.cast(Y, tf.float32) y_pred = model(X) loss = build_loss(y_true=Y,y_pred=y_pred) loss = tf.reduce_mean(loss) accuracy, total_iou = mean_iou(y_true=Y, y_pred=y_pred, total_iou=total_iou) return loss, accuracy
def train(model, optimizer, dataloader_train, device, args=args): model.train() step = 0 mIoU_cache = 0.5 mIou = 0.5 lr = args.learning_rate writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir=args.log_dir) for epoch in range(args.num_epochs): now = lr = poly_lr_scheduler(optimizer, args.learning_rate, iter=epoch, max_iter=args.num_epochs) # epoch = epoch + args.epoch_start_i # epoch = epoch + 1 model.train() loss_record = [] for _, (data, label, lab_sub1, lab_sub2, lab_sub4) in enumerate(dataloader_train): data, label =, lab_sub1, lab_sub2, lab_sub4 =, device), #print("label",label.shape) #print("label_sub1",lab_sub1.shape) #print(lab_sub1) #print("labe2_sub1",lab_sub2.shape) #print(lab_sub2) #print("labe4_sub1",lab_sub4.shape) #print("lab_sub4",lab_sub4) sub4_out, sub24_out, sub124_out = model(data) # print("sub4_out", sub4_out.shape) # print("sub24_out", sub24_out.shape) # print("sub124_out", sub124_out) loss_sub4 = loss(sub4_out, lab_sub4, args.num_classes) loss_sub24 = loss(sub24_out, lab_sub2, args.num_classes) loss_sub124 = loss(sub124_out, lab_sub1, args.num_classes) # reduced_loss = LAMBDA1 * loss_sub4 + LAMBDA2 * loss_sub24 + LAMBDA3 * loss_sub124 optimizer.zero_grad() # 梯度清零 reduced_loss.backward() # 计算梯度 optimizer.step() step += 1 loss_record.append(reduced_loss.item()) # mIou = mean_iou(pred=sub124_out, label=lab_sub1, num_classes=args.num_classes) # print("MIOU:", mIou) # print("time:", loss_tm = np.mean(loss_record) print("epoch:", epoch, "loss:", loss_tm) writer.add_scalar("train_loss", loss_tm, epoch) if (epoch + 1) % 5 == 0 and epoch != 0:, args.checkpoints(epoch + 1)) if (epoch + 1) % 5 == 0 and epoch != 0: # mIou=val(model,dataloader_train,args.csv_dir,epoch,loss_tm,writer,args) # print("MIOU:",mIou) mIou = mean_iou(pred=sub124_out, label=lab_sub1, num_classes=args.num_classes) print("MIOU:", mIou) if mIou > mIoU_cache:, args.checkpoints(mIou)) mIoU_cache = mIou print("time:", - now), args.checkpoints("last")) writer.close()
def __getitem__(self, index): if index >= self.__len__(): raise IndexError() image, bbox = pickle.load(open(self.file_list.file[index], 'rb')) image = image.astype(np.float) image = image.transpose((2, 0, 1)) / 255 image = image.astype(np.float32) nchannel, nrow, ncol = image.shape arow, acol = nrow // self.ratio, ncol // self.ratio archor_reg = np.zeros((self.n_archer, 2, arow, acol), np.float32) arc_to_bbox_map = np.zeros((self.n_archer, 1, arow, acol), - 1 center_rows = [self.ratio // 2 + i * self.ratio for i in range(arow)] center_cols = [self.ratio // 2 + i * self.ratio for i in range(acol)] iou_map = np.zeros((len(bbox), self.n_archer, 1, arow, acol)) # mean_iou_map has shape of n_bbox, n_archer, 1, row, col for bbox_idx, label_box in enumerate(bbox): if label_box[-1] != 0: continue # iou_map = np.zeros((self.n_archer, 1, arow, acol), np.float) for irow, icol, iarc in product( range(arow), range(acol), range(self.n_archer)): abox = ( center_rows[irow], center_cols[icol], *self.archers[iarc] ) iou_map[bbox_idx, iarc, 0, irow, icol] = mean_iou( abox, label_box) # TODO deal with the f*****g mean_iou thing if debug and len(bbox) > 0: show_img = np.max(iou_map, axis=1, keepdims=True) show_img = make_grid(torch.Tensor(iou_map[:, 0, :, :, :])) logWriter.add_image('iou_map', show_img, index) plt.figure() plt.imshow(show_img) if len(bbox) == 0: positive = np.zeros(iou_map.shape[1:]) negative = np.zeros(iou_map.shape[1:]) else: # iou_map = np.max(iou_map, axis=0) positive = iou_map > 0.5 positive = positive.astype(np.float32) negative = iou_map < 0.2 negative = negative.astype(np.float32) loss_area = ((positive) + (negative)) > 0 n_postive = np.sum(positive) mask = positive > 0 random_sample = np.random.rand(*mask.shape) * loss_area mask += random_sample >= min(self.thresh, np.max(random_sample) * 0.98) mask = mask > 0 mask = mask.astype(np.float32) n_psample = np.sum((mask * positive) > 0) n_nsample = np.sum((mask * negative) > 0) self.thresh -= n_psample / self.smooth_factor self.thresh += n_nsample / self.smooth_factor #'{n_psample:6d} {n_nsample:6d} {self.thresh:.6f}') archor_cls = np.concatenate( (negative.astype(, positive.astype(, axis=1) #'{arow}, {acol}, {self.n_archer}, {len(bbox)}') for irow, icol, iarc in product( range(arow), range(acol), range(self.n_archer)): if positive[iarc, 0, irow, icol] == 0: continue current_bbox = bbox[arc_to_bbox_map[iarc, 0, irow, icol]] t_row = (current_bbox[0] - center_rows[irow])\ / self.archers[iarc][0] t_col = (current_bbox[1] - center_cols[icol])\ / self.archers[iarc][1] archor_reg[iarc, :, irow, icol] = ( t_row, t_col) archor_cls = archor_cls.astype(np.float32) return image, (archor_cls, archor_reg, mask)
def __getitem__(self, index): if index >= self.__len__(): raise IndexError() image, bbox = pickle.load(open(self.file_list.file[index], 'rb')) image = image.astype(np.float) image = image.transpose((2, 0, 1)) / 255 image = image.astype(np.float32) nchannel, nrow, ncol = image.shape arow, acol = nrow // self.ratio, ncol // self.ratio archor_reg = np.zeros((self.n_archer, 2, arow, acol), np.float32) arc_to_bbox_map = np.zeros((self.n_archer, 1, arow, acol), - 1 center_rows = [self.ratio // 2 + i * self.ratio for i in range(arow)] center_cols = [self.ratio // 2 + i * self.ratio for i in range(acol)] iou_map = np.zeros((len(bbox), self.n_archer, 1, arow, acol)) # mean_iou_map has shape of n_bbox, n_archer, 1, row, col for bbox_idx, label_box in enumerate(bbox): if label_box[-1] != 0: continue for irow, icol, iarc in product( range(arow), range(acol), range(self.n_archer)): abox = ( center_rows[irow], center_cols[icol], *self.archers[iarc] ) iou_map[bbox_idx, iarc, 0, irow, icol] = mean_iou( abox, label_box) if len(bbox) == 0: positive = np.zeros(iou_map.shape[1:]) negative = np.zeros(iou_map.shape[1:]) + 1 else: # TODO deal with the f*****g mean_iou thing box_map = np.argmax( np.concatenate((np.zeros((1, *iou_map.shape[1:])), iou_map)), axis=0) max_iou = np.max(iou_map, axis=0) positive = max_iou > 0.1 positive = positive.astype(np.float32) negative = max_iou == 0 negative = negative.astype(np.float32) box_map *= positive.astype(np.int64) if debug: plt.figure() plt.imshow(max_iou[0, 0, :, :]) plt.colorbar() plt.figure() plt.imshow(box_map[0, 0, :, :]) plt.colorbar() plt.figure() draw_box = image.transpose(1, 2, 0) for sb in bbox: if sb[-1] != 0: continue draw_box = draw_bounding_box( draw_box, *sb[:4], ) plt.imshow(draw_box) plt.colorbar() # n_postive = np.sum(positive) random_sample = np.random.rand(*negative.shape) * negative neg_sample = random_sample >= min( self.thresh, np.max(random_sample) * 0.999) mask = (positive + neg_sample) > 0 mask = mask.astype(np.float32) n_psample = np.sum(positive > 0) n_nsample = np.sum(neg_sample > 0) self.thresh -= n_psample / self.smooth_factor self.thresh += n_nsample / self.smooth_factor #'{n_psample:6d} {n_nsample:6d} {self.thresh:.6f}') archor_cls = np.concatenate( (negative.astype(, positive.astype(, axis=1) if debug: plt.figure() plt.imshow(archor_cls[0, 0, :, :]) plt.colorbar() plt.figure() plt.imshow(archor_cls[0, 1, :, :]) plt.colorbar() plt.figure() plt.imshow(mask[0, 0, :, :]) plt.colorbar() #'{arow}, {acol}, {self.n_archer}, {len(bbox)}') for irow, icol, iarc in product( range(arow), range(acol), range(self.n_archer)): if positive[iarc, 0, irow, icol] == 0: continue current_bbox = bbox[arc_to_bbox_map[iarc, 0, irow, icol]] t_row = (current_bbox[0] - center_rows[irow])\ / self.archers[iarc][0] t_col = (current_bbox[1] - center_cols[icol])\ / self.archers[iarc][1] archor_reg[iarc, :, irow, icol] = ( t_row, t_col) archor_cls = archor_cls.astype(np.float32) return image, (archor_cls, archor_reg, mask)