def mx_admin_add_yaml_quiz(): import yaml frm = MxForm() frm.add_field('quiz_yaml', 'Valid YAML is required',\ lambda x: x != None) postfail = False rqm = mx_request_method() if rqm == 'POST': y = frm.get('quiz_yaml') if frm.is_valid(): try: ymap = yaml.safe_load(y) quiz = ymap['quiz'] name = quiz['name'].strip() questions = quiz['questions'] quiz_id = model.q_i_quiz(name, len(questions)) c = 1 for q in questions: question_id = model.q_i_question(\ quiz_id, q['text'].strip(), c, q['value']) answers = q['answers'] for a in answers: model.q_i_answer(question_id, a['text'], a['correct']) c += 1 return mx_template('admin_success.tpl',\ message='Quiz added successfully!') except (KeyError, yaml.YAMLError): postfail = True else: postfail = True if postfail or rqm == 'GET': return mx_template('admin_add_yaml_quiz.tpl',\ failed=postfail, errors=frm.errors)
def mx_import_yaml(): global YAML_FILES model.G_db = sqlite3.connect("mixopterus.db") for yf in YAML_FILES: f = open(yf) y = if y != None: y = y.strip() ymap = yaml.safe_load(y) try: quiz = ymap["quiz"] name = quiz["name"].strip() questions = quiz["questions"] quiz_id = model.q_i_quiz(name, len(questions)) c = 1 for q in questions: question_id = model.q_i_question(quiz_id, q["text"].strip(), c, q["value"]) answers = q["answers"] for a in answers: model.q_i_answer(question_id, a["text"], a["correct"]) c += 1 except KeyError: print "Skipping malformed YAML file: %s" % (yf) continue f.close()
def mx_admin_add_quiz(quiz_id=None): edit = False; name = ''; length = '' frm = MxForm() rqm = mx_request_method() postfail = False frm.add_field('name', 'Name is required',\ lambda x: x != None and len(x) < 255) frm.add_field('length', 'Length is required',\ lambda x: x != None and x.isdigit() and int(x) < 100, int) if quiz_id != None: quiz_id, name, length = model.q_s_quiz(quiz_id) edit = True if rqm == 'POST': name = frm.get('name') length = frm.get('length') if frm.is_valid(): sid = mx_get_cookie('session_id') model.q_i_session_value(sid, 'quiz_id', quiz_id) model.q_i_session_value(sid, 'q_n', 1) if edit: model.q_u_quiz(quiz_id, name, length) model.q_i_session_value(sid, 'quiz_edit', 1) mx_redirect('/admin/edit_question') else: quiz_id = model.q_i_quiz(name, length) model.q_i_session_value(sid, 'quiz_edit', 0) mx_redirect('/admin/add_question') else: postfail = True if postfail or rqm == 'GET': return mx_template('admin_add_quiz_A.tpl', errors=frm.errors, name = name, length = length, quiz_id = quiz_id)