def processSection(self, file, startwith, dt):"Working on section %s. Starting with '%s'." % (file, startwith)) orbiting = [] startfound = True if startwith != "": startwith = int(startwith) startfound = False src = memcache.get("src_%s" % file).replace("\r", "").split("\n") logging.debug("Resource %s fetched from cache." % file) for i in range(0, len(src), tleutil.linecount): if len(src[i: i + tleutil.linecount]) < 3: break noradid, name, body, timestamp = tleutil.parseTLE(src[i: i + tleutil.linecount]) if startwith == "" and startfound: startwith = noradid if startwith == noradid: startfound = True continue if not startfound: continue if Object.gql("where noradid = :1 and section = :2", noradid, file).count() == 0: obj = Object(noradid=noradid, name=name, section=file, orbiting=True) obj.put() logging.debug("New object %d (%s) discovered." % (noradid, name)) memcache.set(key="name_%d" % noradid, value=name, time=24*3600) if TLE.gql("where noradid = :1 and timestamp = :2", noradid, timestamp).count() == 0: tle = TLE(noradid=noradid, section=file, body=body, timestamp=timestamp) tle.put() logging.debug("Writing new TLE for object %d." % (noradid)) memcache.set(key="tle_%d" % noradid, value=body, time=24*3600) orbiting.append(noradid) if dt + timedelta(seconds = 10) < for obj in Object.gql("where section = :1 and noradid < :2 and noradid > :3", file, noradid, startwith): if obj.noradid not in orbiting: obj.orbiting = False obj.put() logging.debug("Object %d (%s) has decayed." % (obj.noradid,"Section %s processor nearing expiration, returning at %d (%s)" % (file, noradid, name)) return str(noradid) for obj in Object.gql("where section = :1 and noradid > :2", file, startwith): if obj.noradid not in orbiting: obj.orbiting = False obj.put() logging.debug("Object %d (%s) has decayed." % (obj.noradid,"Section %s successfully processed." % file) return ""
def get(self): query = Object.gql("where orbiting = :1 order by noradid asc", True) count = 0 while True: result = query.fetch(1000) count += len(result) if len(result) < 1000: break cursor = query.cursor() query.with_cursor(cursor) memcache.set(key='count', value=str(count), time=24*3600)