class Monitor(object):
    Monitor is main class representing web change monitor. It serves
    as factory for creating MonitoredResource objects.

        >>> from rrslib.web.changemonitor import Monitor
        >>> monitor = Monitor(user_id="rrs_university")
        >>> resource = monitor.get("")
        >>> # if the page changed
        >>> if resource.check():
        >>>     print res.get_diff(start='last', end='now')
    def __init__(self, user_id, db_host="localhost", db_port=27017, db_name="webarchive", http_proxy=None):
        Create a new monitor connected to MongoDB at *db_host:db_port* using
        database db_name.

        @param user_id: identification string of user/module who uses monitor.
                        If user_id is given None, the monitor switches to
                        `global-view` mode and all requests to storage don't
                        care about >>who checked this resource<<. On the other
                        hand, if user_id is given a string, the monitor switches
                        to `user-view` mode and all operations are oriented
                        to the user. Most of the reasonable use cases are
                        using user_id, because a user/module almost everytime
                        ask about >>what changed since I have been here for the
                        last time<<, not >>what changed since somebody has been
                        here for the last time<<...
        @type user_id: str or None
        @param db_host: (optional) hostname or IP address of the instance
                        to connect to, or a mongodb URI, or a list of
                        hostnames / mongodb URIs. If db_host` is an IPv6 literal
                        it must be enclosed in '[' and ']' characters following
                        the RFC2732 URL syntax (e.g. '[::1]' for localhost)
        @param db_port: (optional) port number on which to connect
        @type db_port: int
        @param db_name: name of database which is used to store information about
                        monitored documents and their versions.
        @type db_name: str
        @param http_proxy: (FUTURE USE) proxy server where to send requests
        @type http_proxy: unknown
        if not isinstance(user_id, basestring) and user_id is not None:
            raise TypeError("User ID has to be type str or None.")
        # save user id
        self._user_id = user_id
        # for future use
        if http_proxy is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError("HTTP proxy not supported yet.")
        # initialize models
        self._init_models(db_host, db_port, db_name, user_id)

    def _init_models(self, host, port, db, uid):
        self._conn = Connection(host, port)
        self._storage = Storage(self._conn, uid, db)
        self._dbname = db
        self._dbport = port
        self._dbhost = host

    def get(self, url):
        Creates new MonitoredResource instance which represents document on
        @param url: URL of monitored resource
        @type url: str
        @returns: monitored resource object bound to URL *url*.
        @rtype: MonitoredResource
        Design pattern: factory method.
        # test the url validity
        parse_result = urlparse(url)
        if parse_result.netloc == '':
            raise ValueError("URL '%s' is not properly formatted: missing netloc." % url)
        if parse_result.scheme == '':
            raise ValueError("URL '%s' is not properly formatted: missing scheme." % url)
        # return monitored resource object
        return MonitoredResource(parse_result.geturl(), self._user_id, self._storage)

    def allow_large_documents(self):
        Allow large objects to be stored in the storage. Large document is
        defined as file larger than 4096KB. Tis constant is defined in this
        module named as LARGE_DOCUMENT_SIZE representing size of the file
        in kilobytes.
            # just delegate to storage model
        except AttributeError:
            raise RuntimeError("Models arent initialized. Something went to hell...")

    def check_uid(self):
        Check if user id given in constructor is a valid user id within
        the Monitor storage system. If the UID is occupied, returns False,
        True otherwise.

        If user_id is None, an exception UidError is raised.
        @returns: True if the UID is free
        @rtype: bool
        if self._user_id is None:
            raise UidError("Cannot check uid=None. Monitor is switched to global-view mode.")
        return self._storage.check_uid()

    def check_multi(self, urls=[]):
        Check list of urls, start new thread for each one.
        @param urls:
        @type urls: list
        @returns: list of MonitoredResource objects, each with actual data
        @rtype: list<MonitoredResource>
        # TODO: zkontrolovat, jestli vsechny prvky v urls jsou validni URL adresy
        raise NotSupportedYet()

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Monitor(conn=%s, dbname='%s', uid='%s')" % \
            (self._conn.connection, self._dbname, self._user_id)

    __str__ = __repr__
 def _init_models(self, host, port, db, uid):
     self._conn = Connection(host, port)
     self._storage = Storage(self._conn, uid, db)
     self._dbname = db
     self._dbport = port
     self._dbhost = host
Exemplo n.º 3
 def save():
     if g.user.role_id == 3:
         return 'Powerless'
     sql = ''
     para = Api.reqs('catalog_id,part,id,sn,username,location,state,description,'
         # 不填默认今天
         'purchase_date': request.form.get('purchase_date') or'%Y-%m-%d'),
         # 不填默认0元
         'price': request.form.get('price') or 0,
         # 不填默认今天
         'register_date': request.form.get('register_date') or'%Y-%m-%d'),
         'engname': g.user.username})
     # 批量返还
     ids = request.form.getlist('ids')
     if len(ids):
         for i in ids:
             para['id'] = i
             sql = u"call history_p(:id, '仓库', '仓库', '0', :register_date, :engname);"
             db.session.execute(sql, para)
         return u'批量返还ok'
     if para['type'] == 'update':
         sql = '''
             UPDATE st
                 SET st.state=:state,
         '''.format('st.username=:username,st.location=:location,' if g.user.role_id == 1 else '')
     elif para['type'] == 'insert':
         checkid = Storage.query.filter_by(id=para['id']).all()
         if len(checkid):
             return 'exist'
         # 笔记本&主机类型
         if para['attr1'] or para['attr2']:
             power = Catalog.query.filter_by(catalog=u'电源适配器').first().id
             mouse = Catalog.query.filter_by(catalog=u'鼠标').first().id
             keyboard = Catalog.query.filter_by(catalog=u'键盘').first().id
             special_ct = Catalog.query.filter_by(id=para['catalog_id']).first().catalog
             if special_ct in [u'笔记本电脑', u'主机']:
                 obj = [
                     Storage(id=para['id'], username=u'仓库', state=para['state'], sn=para['sn'],
                             price=para['price'], part=para['part'],
                             description=para['description'], catalog_id=para['catalog_id'], remark=para['remark'],
                             purchase_date=para['purchase_date'], location=u'仓库',
                     Storage(id=para['id'] + '-01', username=u'仓库', state=para['state'], sn=para['sn'],
                             part=para['part'] + (u'-电源适配器' if special_ct == u'笔记本电脑' else u'-鼠标'),
                             catalog_id=power if special_ct == u'笔记本电脑' else mouse,
                             remark=para['remark'], price=0, description=para['description'],
                             purchase_date=para['purchase_date'], location=u'仓库',
                             create_user=para['engname']) if para['attr1'] else None,
                     Storage(id=para['id'] + '-02', username=u'仓库', state=para['state'], sn=para['sn'],
                             part=para['part'] + (u'-鼠标' if special_ct == u'笔记本电脑' else u'-键盘'),
                             catalog_id=mouse if special_ct == u'笔记本电脑' else keyboard,
                             remark=para['remark'], description=para['description'], price=0,
                             purchase_date=para['purchase_date'], location=u'仓库',
                             create_user=para['engname'] if para['attr2'] else None)
                 db.session.add_all([i for i in obj if i])
                 return 'ok'
             sql = u'''
             INSERT INTO (id,username,state,sn,price,description,catalog_id,remark,part,purchase_date,location,create_user,create_date)
             VALUE (:id,'仓库',:state,:sn,:price,:description,:catalog_id,:remark,:part,:purchase_date,'仓库',:engname,now())
     elif para['type'] == 'history':
         if para['location'] == u'仓库' and para['exit'] == '1':
             return 'inactive'
         sql = u'call history_p(:id, :username, :location, :exit, :register_date,:engname);'
     db.session.execute(sql, para)
     return 'ok'