Exemplo n.º 1
class Net(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, encoder, decoder, start_iter):
        super(Net, self).__init__()
        vgg = encoder
        # self.enc_0 = nn.Sequential(*list(vgg.children())[:1])
        # enc_layers = list(encoder.children())
        self.enc_1 = nn.Sequential(*list(vgg.children())[:4])  # input -> relu1_1
        self.enc_2 = nn.Sequential(*list(vgg.children())[4:11])  # relu1_1 -> relu2_1
        self.enc_3 = nn.Sequential(*list(vgg.children())[11:18])  # relu2_1 -> relu3_1
        self.enc_4 = nn.Sequential(*list(vgg.children())[18:31])  # relu3_1 -> relu4_1
        self.enc_5 = nn.Sequential(*list(vgg.children())[31:44])  # relu4_1 -> relu5_1
        # transform
        self.transform = Transform(in_planes=512)
        self.decoder = decoder
        if (start_iter > 0):
            self.transform.load_state_dict(torch.load('weight/transformer_iter_' + str(start_iter) + '.pth'))
            self.decoder.load_state_dict(torch.load('weight/decoder_iter_' + str(start_iter) + '.pth'))
        self.mse_loss = nn.MSELoss()
        self.variation_loss = nn.L1Loss()
        # fix the encoder
        for name in ['enc_1', 'enc_2', 'enc_3', 'enc_4', 'enc_5']:
            for param in getattr(self, name).parameters():
                param.requires_grad = False

        self.dx_bias = np.zeros([256, 256])
        self.dy_bias = np.zeros([256, 256])
        for i in range(256):
            self.dx_bias[:, i] = i
            self.dx_bias[i, :] = i

    # extract relu1_1, relu2_1, relu3_1, relu4_1, relu5_1 from input image
    def encode_with_intermediate(self, input):
        results = [input]
        for i in range(5):
            func = getattr(self, 'enc_{:d}'.format(i+1))
        return results[1:]

    def calc_content_loss(self, input, target, norm=False):
        if (norm == False):
            return self.mse_loss(input, target)
            return self.mse_loss(mean_variance_norm(input), mean_variance_norm(target))

    def calc_style_loss(self, input, target):
        input_mean, input_std = calc_mean_std(input)
        target_mean, target_std = calc_mean_std(target)
        return self.mse_loss(input_mean, target_mean) + \
               self.mse_loss(input_std, target_std)

    def calc_temporal_loss(self,  x1, x2):
        h = x1.shape[2]
        w = x1.shape[3]
        D = h*w
        return self.mse_loss(x1, x2)

    def compute_total_variation_loss_l1(self, inputs):
        h = inputs.shape[2]
        w = inputs.shape[3]
        h1 = inputs[:, :, 0:h-1, :]
        h2 = inputs[:, :, 1:h, :]
        w1 = inputs[:, :, :, 0:w-1]
        w2 = inputs[:, :, :, 1:w]
        return self.variation_loss(h1, h2)+self.variation_loss(w1, w2)

    def forward(self, content, style, content2=None, video=False):
        style_feats = self.encode_with_intermediate(style)
        content_feats = self.encode_with_intermediate(content)
        stylized = self.transform(content_feats[3], style_feats[3], content_feats[4], style_feats[4])
        g_t = self.decoder(stylized)
        loss_v = self.compute_total_variation_loss_l1(g_t)
        g_t_feats = self.encode_with_intermediate(g_t)
        loss_c = self.calc_content_loss(g_t_feats[3], content_feats[3], norm=True) + self.calc_content_loss(
            g_t_feats[4], content_feats[4], norm=True)
        loss_s = self.calc_style_loss(g_t_feats[0], style_feats[0])
        for i in range(1, 5):
            loss_s += self.calc_style_loss(g_t_feats[i], style_feats[i])
        """IDENTITY LOSSES"""
        Icc = self.decoder(self.transform(content_feats[3], content_feats[3], content_feats[4], content_feats[4]))
        Iss = self.decoder(self.transform(style_feats[3], style_feats[3], style_feats[4], style_feats[4]))
        l_identity1 = self.calc_content_loss(Icc, content) + self.calc_content_loss(Iss, style)
        Fcc = self.encode_with_intermediate(Icc)
        Fss = self.encode_with_intermediate(Iss)
        l_identity2 = self.calc_content_loss(Fcc[0], content_feats[0]) + self.calc_content_loss(Fss[0], style_feats[0])
        for i in range(1, 5):
            l_identity2 += self.calc_content_loss(Fcc[i], content_feats[i]) + self.calc_content_loss(Fss[i],
        if video==False:
            return loss_c, loss_s, l_identity1, l_identity2, loss_v
            content_feats2 = self.encode_with_intermediate(content2)
            stylized2 = self.transform(content_feats2[3], style_feats[3], content_feats2[4], style_feats[4])
            g_t2 = self.decoder(stylized2)
            g_t2_feats = self.encode_with_intermediate(g_t2)

            temporal_loss = self.calc_temporal_loss(g_t_feats[0], g_t2_feats[0])

            return loss_c, loss_s, l_identity1, l_identity2, temporal_loss, loss_v
Exemplo n.º 2
# Advanced options
args = parser.parse_args('')
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
if not os.path.exists(args.output):
decoder = Decoder('Decoder')
transform = Transform(in_planes=512)
vgg = VGG('VGG19')


# decoder.features.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.decoder))

enc_1 = nn.Sequential(*list(vgg.features.children())[:4])  # input -> relu1_1
enc_2 = nn.Sequential(*list(vgg.features.children())[4:11])  # relu1_1 -> relu2_1
enc_3 = nn.Sequential(*list(vgg.features.children())[11:18])  # relu2_1 -> relu3_1
enc_4 = nn.Sequential(*list(vgg.features.children())[18:31])  # relu3_1 -> relu4_1
enc_5 = nn.Sequential(*list(vgg.features.children())[31:44])  # relu4_1 -> relu5_1

Exemplo n.º 3
class Net(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, encoder, decoder, start_iter):
        super(Net, self).__init__()
        vgg = encoder
        # self.enc_0 = nn.Sequential(*list(vgg.children())[:1])
        # enc_layers = list(encoder.children())
        self.enc_1 = nn.Sequential(*list(vgg.children())[:4])  # input -> relu1_1
        self.enc_2 = nn.Sequential(*list(vgg.children())[4:11])  # relu1_1 -> relu2_1
        self.enc_3 = nn.Sequential(*list(vgg.children())[11:18])  # relu2_1 -> relu3_1
        self.enc_4 = nn.Sequential(*list(vgg.children())[18:31])  # relu3_1 -> relu4_1
        self.enc_5 = nn.Sequential(*list(vgg.children())[31:44])  # relu4_1 -> relu5_1
        # transform
        self.transform = Transform(in_planes=512)
        self.GNN = CoattentionModel(all_channel=512)
        self.GNN_2 = CoattentionModel(all_channel=512)
        self.decoder = decoder
        if (start_iter > 0):
            self.transform.load_state_dict(torch.load('/home/lwq/sdb1/xiaoxin/code/SANT_weight/transformer_iter_' + str(start_iter) + '.pth'))
            self.decoder.load_state_dict(torch.load('/home/lwq/sdb1/xiaoxin/code/SANT_weight/decoder_iter_' + str(start_iter) + '.pth'))
        self.mse_loss = nn.MSELoss()
        self.variation_loss = nn.L1Loss()
        # fix the encoder
        for name in ['enc_1', 'enc_2', 'enc_3', 'enc_4', 'enc_5']:
            for param in getattr(self, name).parameters():
                param.requires_grad = False

        self.dx_bias = np.zeros([256, 256])
        self.dy_bias = np.zeros([256, 256])
        for i in range(256):
            self.dx_bias[:, i] = i
            self.dx_bias[i, :] = i

    # extract relu1_1, relu2_1, relu3_1, relu4_1, relu5_1 from input image
    def encode_with_intermediate(self, input):
        results = [input]
        for i in range(5):
            func = getattr(self, 'enc_{:d}'.format(i+1))
        return results[1:]

    def calc_content_loss(self, input, target, norm=False):
        if (norm == False):
            return self.mse_loss(input, target)
            return self.mse_loss(mean_variance_norm(input), mean_variance_norm(target))

    def calc_style_loss(self, input, target):
        input_mean, input_std = calc_mean_std(input)
        target_mean, target_std = calc_mean_std(target)
        return self.mse_loss(input_mean, target_mean) + \
               self.mse_loss(input_std, target_std)

    def calc_temporal_loss(self,  x1, x2):
        h = x1.shape[2]
        w = x1.shape[3]
        D = h*w
        return self.mse_loss(x1, x2)

    def compute_total_variation_loss_l1(self, inputs):
        h = inputs.shape[2]
        w = inputs.shape[3]
        h1 = inputs[:, :, 0:h-1, :]
        h2 = inputs[:, :, 1:h, :]
        w1 = inputs[:, :, :, 0:w-1]
        w2 = inputs[:, :, :, 1:w]
        return self.variation_loss(h1, h2)+self.variation_loss(w1, w2)

    def forward(self, content1, content2, content3, style):
        # feature extract
        style_feats = self.encode_with_intermediate(style)
        content1_feats = self.encode_with_intermediate(content1)
        content2_feats = self.encode_with_intermediate(content2)
        content3_feats = self.encode_with_intermediate(content3)
        gcontent1_feats, gcontent2_feats, gcontent3_feats = self.GNN(content1_feats[3], content2_feats[3],

        ggcontent1_feats, ggcontent2_feats, ggcontent3_feats = self.GNN_2(content1_feats[4], content2_feats[4],

        # feature fusion & propagation
        stylized_1 = self.transform(gcontent1_feats, style_feats[3], ggcontent1_feats, style_feats[4])
        stylized_2 = self.transform(gcontent2_feats, style_feats[3], ggcontent2_feats, style_feats[4])
        stylized_3 = self.transform(gcontent3_feats, style_feats[3], ggcontent3_feats, style_feats[4])

        stylized = torch.cat((stylized_1, stylized_2, stylized_3), 0)
        content_feats_l3 = torch.cat((content1_feats[3], content2_feats[3], content3_feats[3]), 0)
        content_feats_l4 = torch.cat((content1_feats[4], content2_feats[4], content3_feats[4]), 0)
        # decoder
        g_t = self.decoder(stylized)

        # compute loss
        g_t_feats = self.encode_with_intermediate(g_t)
        loss_c = self.calc_content_loss(g_t_feats[3], content_feats_l3, norm=True) + self.calc_content_loss(
            g_t_feats[4], content_feats_l4, norm=True)

        style_feats[0] = torch.cat((style_feats[0], style_feats[0], style_feats[0]), 0)
        loss_s = self.calc_style_loss(g_t_feats[0], style_feats[0])
        for i in range(1, 5):
            style_feats[i] = torch.cat((style_feats[i], style_feats[i], style_feats[i]), 0)
            loss_s += self.calc_style_loss(g_t_feats[i], style_feats[i])

        return loss_c, loss_s