def run_model(data): cidade = data["ibgeID"].iloc[0] data_fil = data[columns] data_fil = data_fil[data_fil['totalCases'] > 0] data_fil = data_fil.sort_values(by='DayNum') data_fil = filter_inconsistent_data(data_fil) if (data_fil['totalCases'].max() > min_casos) and (len(data_fil) > min_dias) and (cidade > 1e6): Ne = pops[pops['ibgeID'] == cidade][' POPULAÇÃO ESTIMADA '].to_list()[0] if len(data_fil) >= 30: nbetas = 3 else: nbetas = 2 try: model = SIR_BETAS(Ne, nproc) model.fit_lsquares(data_fil['totalCases'].to_numpy(), data_fil['DayNum'].to_numpy(), nbetas=nbetas, stand_error=True, nrand=nrand) temp = create_summary(model, nbetas, cidade) parameters = outp_par.append(temp, ignore_index = True) results_df = pd.concat([outp_data,create_output(model, data_fil, pred_days,\ cidade, Ne)], sort=False) return(results_df) except: new_temp = pd.DataFrame({"city": data_fill["city"].loc[0], "ibgeID": cidade}) global not_computed not_computed.append(new_temp)
def run_model(data): estado = data["state"].iloc[0] Ne = pops[estado] model = SIR_BETAS(Ne, nproc) model.fit_lsquares(data['totalCases'].to_numpy(), data['DayNum'].to_numpy(), nbetas=nbetas, stand_error=True, nrand=nrand) temp = create_summary(model, nbetas, estado) parameters = outp_par.append(temp, ignore_index=True) results_df = pd.concat([outp_data,create_output(model, data, pred_days,\ estado, Ne)], sort=False) tts, Y = model.predict(coefs='LS') return (results_df)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #import PA data from Painel Covida (26/06/20) data = pd.read_csv('chart.csv', sep=';', decimal=',') dday = 'DateTime' data[dday] = pd.to_datetime(data[dday], yearfirst=True) data['DayNum'] = data[dday].dt.dayofyear #Remove the predict only days data = data.dropna() nbeta_max = 4 #PARA population N = 8.074e6 models = list() for nbetas in range(1, nbeta_max + 1): print(nbetas) model = SIR_BETAS(N, 16) model.fit_lsquares(data["PA"].to_numpy(), t=data['DayNum'].to_numpy(), nbetas=nbetas, stand_error=True, nrand=16) model.fit_ML(data["PA"].to_numpy(), t=data['DayNum'].to_numpy(), nbetas=nbetas, init=model.pos_ls)["PA"].to_numpy(), t=data['DayNum'].to_numpy(), nbetas=2) models.append(model) #tt, Yo = model.predict() #%%
'totalCasesPred': [], 'residuo_quadratico': [], 'res_quad_padronizado': [], 'suscetivel': [], 'infectado': [], 'recuperado': [] }) #%% #the main loop for i, estado in enumerate(estados): print(estado) Ne = pops[estado] data_fil = data[data['state'] == estado][columns] data_fil = data_fil.sort_values(by='DayNum') model = SIR_BETAS(Ne, nproc) model.fit_lsquares(data_fil['totalCases'].to_numpy(), data_fil['DayNum'].to_numpy(), nbetas=nbetas, stand_error=True, nrand=nrand) temp = create_summary(model, nbetas, estado) outp_par = outp_par.append(temp, ignore_index=True) outp_data = pd.concat([outp_data,create_output(model, data_fil, pred_days,\ estado)], sort=False) tts, Y = model.predict(coefs='LS') if gen_plots: if i % 12 == 0: plt.figure() plt.subplot(3, 4, (i % 12) + 1) plt.plot(model.t, model.Y, label='Data')