Exemplo n.º 1
def test_get(client, test_local_account, test_local_assets):
    account = test_local_account

    # Find a file and image asset to get
    file_asset = Asset.one(Q.name == 'file')
    image_asset = Asset.one(Q.name == 'image')

    # Get the details for a file
    response = client.get(url_for('api.get'),
    assert response.json['status'] == 'success'

    # Check that the asset information returned is correct
    payload = response.json['payload']
    assert payload.get('created') is not None
    assert payload['ext'] == 'zip'
    assert payload['meta']['filename'] == 'file.zip'
    assert payload.get('modified') is not None
    assert payload['name'] == 'file'
    assert payload['type'] == 'file'
    assert payload.get('uid') is not None
    assert payload['store_key'] == 'file.' + payload['uid'] + '.zip'

    # Get the details for an image
    response = client.get(url_for('api.get'),
    assert response.json['status'] == 'success'

    # Check that the asset information returned is correct
    payload = response.json['payload']

    assert payload.get('created') is not None
    assert payload['ext'] == 'jpg'
    assert payload['meta']['filename'] == 'image.jpg'
    assert payload['meta']['image'] == {'size': [720, 960], 'mode': 'RGB'}
    assert payload.get('modified') is not None
    assert payload['name'] == 'image'
    assert payload['type'] == 'image'
    assert payload.get('uid') is not None
    assert payload['store_key'] == 'image.' + payload['uid'] + '.jpg'
    assert len(payload['variations']) == 1

    variation = payload['variations'][0]
    assert variation['name'] == 'test'
    assert variation['ext'] == 'webp'
    key = 'image.{uid}.test.{version}.webp'.format(
        uid=payload['uid'], version=variation['version'])
    assert variation['store_key'] == key
    assert variation.get('version') is not None
    assert variation['meta']['image'] == {'size': [75, 100], 'mode': 'RGBA'}
Exemplo n.º 2
def set_expires():
    """Set the expiry date for an asset"""

    # Validate the parameters
    form = SetExpiresForm(request.values)
    if not form.validate():
        return fail('Invalid request', issues=form.errors)
    form_data = form.data

    # Get the asset
    asset = Asset.one(And(Q.account == g.account, Q.uid == form_data['uid']))

    # Update the assets `expires` value
    if 'expires' in form_data:
        # Set `expires`
        asset.expires = form_data['expires']
        asset.update('expires', 'modified')

        # Unset `expires`
        Asset.get_collection().update({'_id': asset._id},
                                      {'$unset': {
                                          'expires': ''

    return success()
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_generate_variations(client, test_backends, test_images):
    # Define a set of variations for the image
    variations = {
        'test1': [['fit', [200, 200]], ['crop', [0, 0.5, 0.5, 0]],
                  ['rotate', 90], ['output', {
                      'format': 'jpg',
                      'quality': 50
        'test2': [['fit', [100, 100]], ['rotate', 90],
                  ['crop', [0, 0.5, 0.5, 0]], ['rotate', 180],
                  ['output', {
                      'format': 'webp',
                      'quality': 50

    # Test each backend
    for account in test_backends:
        asset = Asset.one(And(Q.account == account, Q.name == 'image'))
        response = client.post(url_for('api.generate_variations'),
        assert response.json['status'] == 'success'

        # Check the response is correct
        payload = response.json['payload']
        assert len(payload.keys()) == 2

        # Test variation 1
        assert 'test1' in payload
        assert payload['test1']['ext'] == 'jpg'
        assert payload['test1']['name'] == 'test1'
        key = 'image.{uid}.test1.{version}.jpg'.format(
            uid=asset.uid, version=payload['test1']['version'])
        assert payload['test1']['store_key'] == key
        assert payload['test1']['meta']['image'] == {
            'mode': 'RGB',
            'size': [200, 150]

        # Test variation 2
        assert 'test2' in payload
        assert payload['test2']['ext'] == 'webp'
        assert payload['test2']['name'] == 'test2'
        key = 'image.{uid}.test2.{version}.webp'.format(
            uid=asset.uid, version=payload['test2']['version'])
        assert payload['test2']['store_key'] == key
        assert payload['test2']['meta']['image'] == {
            'mode': 'RGBA',
            'size': [100, 75]
Exemplo n.º 4
def get():
    """Get the details for an asset"""

    # Validate the parameters
    form = GetForm(request.values)
    if not form.validate():
        return fail('Invalid request', issues=form.errors)
    form_data = form.data

    # Get the asset
    asset = Asset.one(And(Q.account == g.account, Q.uid == form_data['uid']))

    return success(asset.to_json_type())
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_download(client, test_local_account, test_local_assets):
    account = test_local_account

    # Find an asset to download
    file_asset = Asset.one(Q.name == 'file')

    # Download the file
    response = client.get(url_for('api.download'),
    assert response.content_type == 'application/zip'
    content_disposition = 'attachment; filename=' + file_asset.store_key
    assert response.headers['Content-Disposition'] == content_disposition
    assert len(response.data) == file_asset.meta['length']
Exemplo n.º 6
def generate_variations():
    """Generate one or more variations for of an image asset"""

    # Validate the parameters
    form = GenerateVariationsForm(request.values)
    if not form.validate():
        return fail('Invalid request', issues=form.errors)
    form_data = form.data

    # Find the asset
    asset = Asset.one(And(Q.account == g.account, Q.uid == form_data['uid']))

    # Check the asset is an image
    if asset.type != 'image':
        return fail('Variations can only be generated for images')

    # Parse the variation data
    variations = json.loads(form_data['variations'])

    # Has the user specified how they want the results delivered?
    on_delivery = form_data['on_delivery'] or 'wait'
    if on_delivery == 'wait':
        # Caller is waiting for a response so generate the variations now

        # Retrieve the original file
        backend = g.account.get_backend_instance()
        f = backend.retrieve(asset.store_key)
        im = Image.open(f)

        # Generate the variations
        new_variations = {}
        for name, ops in variations.items():
            new_variations[name] = asset.add_variation(f, im, name, ops)
            new_variations[name] = new_variations[name].to_json_type()

        # Update the assets modified timestamp

        return success(new_variations)

        # Caller doesn't want to wait for a response so generate the variations
        # in the background.
        current_app.celery.send_task('generate_variations', [
            g.account._id, asset.uid, variations, form_data['webhook'].strip()

        return success()
Exemplo n.º 7
    def generate_variations(account_id, asset_uid, variations, webhook=''):
        """Generate a set of variations for an image asset"""

        # Find the account
        account = Account.by_id(account_id)
        if not account:

        # Find the asset
        asset = Asset.one(And(Q.account == account, Q.uid == asset_uid))
        if not asset:

        # Check the asset hasn't expired
        if asset.expired:

        # Retrieve the original file
        backend = account.get_backend_instance()
        f = backend.retrieve(asset.store_key)
        im = Image.open(f)

        # Generate the variations
        new_variations = {}
        for name, ops in variations.items():
            variation = asset.add_variation(im, name, ops)
            new_variations[name] = variation.to_json_type()

        # Update the assets modified timestamp

        # If a webhook has been provide call it with details of the new
        # variations.
        if webhook:
                    'account': account.name,
                    'asset': asset.uid,
                    'variations': json.dumps(variations)
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_set_expires(client, test_local_account):
    account = test_local_account

    # Load a file to upload
    with open('tests/data/assets/uploads/file.zip', 'rb') as f:
        file_stream = io.BytesIO(f.read())

    # Create an asset
    response = client.post(url_for('api.upload'),
                                     asset=(file_stream, 'file.zip'),

    # Get the asset we uploaded
    asset = Asset.one(
        And(Q.account == account, Q.uid == response.json['payload']['uid']))

    # Set an expiry date 1 hour from now
    expires = datetime.now(timezone.utc) + timedelta(seconds=3600)
    expires = time.mktime(expires.timetuple())

    response = client.post(url_for('api.set_expires'),
    assert response.json['status'] == 'success'

    # Reload the asset and check the expires has been correctly set
    assert asset.expires == expires

    # Unset the expiry date
    response = client.post(url_for('api.set_expires'),
                           data=dict(api_key=account.api_key, uid=asset.uid))
    assert response.json['status'] == 'success'

    # Reload the asset and check the expires has been correctly set
    assert asset.expires == None
Exemplo n.º 9
def download():
    """Download an asset"""

    # Validate the parameters
    form = DownloadForm(request.values)
    if not form.validate():
        return fail('Invalid request', issues=form.errors)
    form_data = form.data

    # Get the asset
    asset = Asset.one(And(Q.account == g.account, Q.uid == form_data['uid']))

    # Retrieve the original file
    backend = g.account.get_backend_instance()
    f = backend.retrieve(asset.store_key)

    # Build the file response to return
    response = make_response(f.read())
    response.headers['Content-Type'] = asset.content_type
    response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = \
        'attachment; filename={0}'.format(asset.store_key)

    return response
Exemplo n.º 10
 def validate_uid(form, field):
     """Validate that the asset exists"""
     asset = Asset.one(And(Q.account == g.account, Q.uid == field.data))
     if not asset or asset.expired:
         raise ValidationError('Asset not found.')