Exemplo n.º 1
def preSave(doc, usr):
    response   = {}
    modelClass = getattr(models, doc['_c'])
    # collNam    = modelClass.meta['collection']
    # collNamTmp = collNam + '_tmp'
    # collTmp    = db[collNamTmp]
    # coll       = db[collNam]

    # validate
    errors     = validate_partial(modelClass, doc)

    if errors:
        response['errors'] = errors['errors']
        response['total_errors'] = errors['count']
        return {'response': response, 'status': 400}
    # init model instance
    model      = modelClass(**doc)
    # if there is a vNam class property 
    if hasattr(model, 'vNam') and 'dNam' in model._fields:
        model.dNam = model.vNam
        if hasattr(model, 'vNamS') and 'dNamS' in model._fields:
            model.dNamS = model.vNamS
        doc        = doc_remove_empty_keys(to_python(model, allow_none=True))
    # logit update
    doc = logit(usr, doc)
    response['doc'] = doc
    return {'response': response, 'status': 200}
Exemplo n.º 2
    def put(self, **kwargs):
        """Update a doc"""
        db = self.db
        # TODO: accomodate where clause to put changes to more than one doc.
        usrOID     = self.usr['OID']
        data       = kwargs['data']
        _c         = data['_c']
        modelClass = getattr(models, _c)
        #attrNam    = doc['attrNam'] if 'attrNam' in doc_keys else None
        #attr_c     = doc['attr_c'] if attrNam else None
        #attrEid    = doc['attrEid'] if attrNam else None
        #attrVal    = doc['attrVal'] if attrNam else None
        collNam    = modelClass.meta['collection']
        collNamTmp = collNam + '_tmp'
        collTmp    = db[collNamTmp]
        coll       = db[collNam]
        response   = {}
        docs       = []
        status     = 200
        where      = data['where']
        patch      = data['patch']
        eId        = data['eId'] if 'eId' in data else None
        if eId and len(patch.keys()) > 1:
            # TODO Handle error

        # if element eId was passed, expect to put/patch change to one element in a ListType attribute/field
        if eId and len(patch) == 1:
            elem    = patch.popitem()
            attrNam = elem[0]

            # enhance to support putting/updating multiple list elements
            attrVal = elem[1][0]
            resp    = preSave(attrVal, self.usr)
            if not resp['status'] == 200:
                return {'response': resp, 'status': 400}
            attrVal = resp['response']['doc']
            # http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/applications/update/
            # patch update in tmp collection
            attrEl = attrNam + '.$'
            doc = collTmp.find_and_modify(
                query = where,
                update = { "$set": { attrEl: attrVal }},
                new = True
            response['collection'] = collNamTmp
            response['total_invalid'] = 0
            response['id'] = id.__str__()
            # remove this, not needed
            response['doc'] = doc

            return {'response': response, 'status': 200}
            # validate patch
            # init modelClass for this doc
            patch_errors = validate_partial(modelClass, patch)
            if patch_errors:
                response['errors'] = patch_errors['errors']
                response['total_errors'] = patch_errors['count']
                status = 400
                return prep_response(response, status = status)
            # logit update
            patch = logit(self.usr, patch)
            # patch update in tmp collection
            doc = collTmp.find_and_modify(
                query = where,
                update = {"$set": patch},
                new = True

        # init model instance
        model      = modelClass(**doc)
        # if there is a vNam class property 
        if hasattr(model, 'vNam') and 'dNam' in model._fields:
            doc        = collTmp.find_one(where)
            _id        = doc['_id']
            model.dNam = model.vNam
            if hasattr(model, 'vNamS') and 'dNamS' in model._fields:
                model.dNamS = model.vNamS
            doc        = doc_remove_empty_keys(to_python(model, allow_none=True))
            collTmp.update(where, doc)
            # gotta put the _id back
            doc['_id'] = _id

        response['collection'] = collNamTmp
        response['total_invalid'] = 0
        response['id'] = id.__str__()

        # remove this, not needed
        response['doc'] = doc

        return {'response': response, 'status': status}