Exemplo n.º 1
def test_StartGame_CreatesChannelAndInvitesMafia():
    repo = GameStateRepo()
    game = Game()
    testpId = 'test'
    testMafiaChannelId = 'testChannel'
    game.players = [createMafia(id=testpId)]
    game.state = States.NIGHT
    game.meta = {'channel_id': 'channel'}
    with patch('mafiaManageSlack.WebClient') as slackClientConstructor:
        with patch(
                'mafiaManageSlack.get_state_change_message') as messageBuilder:
            with patch('data_access.dataRepos.boto3'):
                with patch('mafiaManageSlack.boto3'):
                    slackClient = slackClientConstructor.return_value
                    slackClient.conversations_create.return_value = {
                        'channel': {
                            'id': testMafiaChannelId
                            'state': repo._serializeGame(game),
                            'action': Actions.START_GAME,
                            'source': 'initiator',
                            'target': None
                        }), None)
                        name='mafia-secrets', is_private=True)
                        channel=testMafiaChannelId, users=testpId)
                        'You are members of the local mafia. Rabble-rousers in the village have decided to make a stand against you. It is time you taught them a lesson...\nKill one of them using the command: /mafia kill @who-to-kill\nIf there is more than one member of the mafia you must all /mafia kill the same villager before they will be killed.'
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_MultipleMafiaMembers_MustAgreeOnWhoToKill():
    player1 = createVillager('test1')
    player2 = createVillager('test2')
    mafia1 = createMafia('mafia1')
    mafia2 = createMafia('mafia2')
    state = Game()
    state.state = GameStates.NIGHT
    state.players = [player1, player2, createVillager(), createVillager(), mafia1, mafia2]
    systemUnderTest = getInstance(state)
    #mafia 1 wants to kill player 1
    systemUnderTest.transition(Actions.MURDER, player1.id, mafia1.id)

    assert state.state == GameStates.NIGHT
    assert player1.state == PlayerStates.ALIVE

    #mafia 2 wants to kill player 2
    systemUnderTest.transition(Actions.MURDER, player2.id, mafia2.id)

    assert state.state == GameStates.NIGHT
    assert player1.state == PlayerStates.ALIVE
    assert player2.state == PlayerStates.ALIVE

    #mafia 1 decides to agree and kill player2 instead
    systemUnderTest.transition(Actions.MURDER, player2.id, mafia1.id)

    assert state.state == GameStates.DAY
    assert player2.state == PlayerStates.DEAD
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_removePlayerFailure_GameStarted():
    game = Game()
    game.state = States.NIGHT
    message = get_state_change_message(game, False, Actions.REMOVE_PLAYER,

    assert message == f"The game has started. You can't leave now!"
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_GameStateMarshalling_AddPlayerAction_PlayerAdded():
    state = Game()
    p_id = 'test'
    state.state = GameStates.MARSHALLING
    systemUnderTest = getInstance(state)

    success = systemUnderTest.transition(Actions.ADD_PLAYER, executor=p_id)

    assert p_id in [p.id for p in state.players]
    assert success
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_GameStateMarshallingWithEnoughPlayers_GameStartAction_StateIsNight():
    state = Game()
    state.state = GameStates.MARSHALLING
    state.players = [Player(), Player(), Player(), Player()]
    systemUnderTest = getInstance(state)

    success = systemUnderTest.transition(Actions.START_GAME)

    assert state.state == GameStates.NIGHT
    assert success
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_GameStateMarshalling_AddPlayerWithDupeId_PlayerNotAdded():
    state = Game()
    p_id = 'test'
    state.state = GameStates.MARSHALLING
    systemUnderTest = getInstance(state)

    systemUnderTest.transition(Actions.ADD_PLAYER, p_id)
    success = systemUnderTest.transition(Actions.ADD_PLAYER, p_id)

    assert len(state.players) == 1
    assert not success
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_GameStateMarshalling_RemovePlayerAction_PlayerRemoved():
    state = Game()
    state.state = GameStates.MARSHALLING
    systemUnderTest = getInstance(state)
    player = createVillager('test')
    state.players = [player]

    success = systemUnderTest.transition(Actions.REMOVE_PLAYER,

    assert player not in state.players
    assert success
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_GameStateNight_MurderAction_StateIsDayPlayerDead():
    player = createVillager('test')
    mafia = createMafia('mafia')
    state = Game()
    state.state = GameStates.NIGHT
    state.players = [player, createVillager(), createVillager(), mafia]
    systemUnderTest = getInstance(state)

    systemUnderTest.transition(Actions.MURDER, player.id, mafia.id)

    assert state.state == GameStates.DAY
    assert player.state == PlayerStates.DEAD
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_GameStateNight_MurderResultsInVillagerCountEqualingMafia_StateIsGameOver():
    player = createVillager('test')
    mafia = createMafia('mafia')
    state = Game()
    state.state = GameStates.NIGHT
    state.players = [player, createVillager(), mafia]
    systemUnderTest = getInstance(state)

    systemUnderTest.transition(Actions.MURDER, player.id, mafia.id)

    assert state.state == GameStates.GAME_OVER
    assert player.state == PlayerStates.DEAD
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_CanNotCastVoteIfOnTrial():
    state = Game()
    state.state = GameStates.TRIAL
    systemUnderTest = getInstance(state)
    mafia = createMafia('test')
    villager1 = createVillager('v1')
    villager2 = createVillager('v2')
    mafia.state = PlayerStates.ON_TRIAL
    state.players = [mafia, villager1, villager2]

    systemUnderTest.transition(Actions.GUILTY, executor=mafia.id)
    assert mafia.vote == None
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_VillagerCanNotMurder():
    player1 = createVillager('test1')
    player2 = createVillager('test1')
    mafia = createMafia('mafia')
    state = Game()
    state.state = GameStates.NIGHT
    state.players = [player1, player2, mafia]
    systemUnderTest = getInstance(state)

    systemUnderTest.transition(Actions.MURDER, player2.id, player1.id)

    assert state.state == GameStates.NIGHT
    assert player2.state == PlayerStates.ALIVE
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_GameStateDay_OneAccuseAction_StateIsStillDay():
    state = Game()
    state.state = GameStates.DAY
    systemUnderTest = getInstance(state)
    accused = createVillager('test')
    p1 = createVillager('p1')
    p2 = createVillager('p2')
    state.players = [accused, p1, p2]

    systemUnderTest.transition(Actions.ACCUSE, accused.id, p1.id)

    assert state.state == GameStates.DAY
    assert accused.state == PlayerStates.ALIVE
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_DeadManCanNotAccuse():
    state = Game()
    state.state = GameStates.DAY
    systemUnderTest = getInstance(state)
    dead_player = createVillager('test')
    live_player = createVillager('v1')
    state.players = [dead_player, live_player]

    result = systemUnderTest.transition(Actions.ACCUSE, live_player.id, dead_player.id)

    assert state.state == GameStates.DAY
    assert result == False
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_GameStateDay_TwoAccuseActions_StateIsTrialPlayerIsOnTrial():
    state = Game()
    state.state = GameStates.DAY
    systemUnderTest = getInstance(state)
    accused = createVillager('test')
    p1 = createVillager('p1')
    p2 = createVillager('p2')
    state.players = [accused, p1, p2]

    systemUnderTest.transition(Actions.ACCUSE, accused.id, p1.id)
    systemUnderTest.transition(Actions.ACCUSE, accused.id, p2.id)

    assert state.state == GameStates.TRIAL
    assert accused.state == PlayerStates.ON_TRIAL
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_RecordReceived_GenerateMessageAndBroadcastToChannel():
    repo = GameStateRepo()
    game = Game()
    testExecutorId = 'source'
    testTargetId = 'target'
    testMainChannelId = 'testChannel'
    game.meta = {'channel_id' : testMainChannelId}
    with patch('mafiaManageSlack.WebClient') as slackClientConstructor:
        with patch('mafiaManageSlack.get_state_change_message') as messageBuilder:
            with patch('mafiaManageSlack.boto3'):
                slackClient = slackClientConstructor.return_value
                mafiaManageSlack.lambda_handler(createSqsEvent({'state':repo._serializeGame(game), 'action':'ACTION', 'source': testExecutorId, 'target':testTargetId}), None)
                slackClient.chat_postMessage.assert_called_with(channel=testMainChannelId, text=messageBuilder.return_value)
                messageBuilder.assert_called_with(ANY, True, 'ACTION', testExecutorId, testTargetId)
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_GameStateTrial_LastMafiaMemberFoundGuilty_StateIsGameOver():
    state = Game()
    state.state = GameStates.TRIAL
    systemUnderTest = getInstance(state)
    mafia = createMafia('test')
    villager1 = createVillager('v1')
    villager2 = createVillager('v2')
    mafia.state = PlayerStates.ON_TRIAL
    state.players = [mafia, villager1, villager2]

    systemUnderTest.transition(Actions.GUILTY, executor='v1')
    systemUnderTest.transition(Actions.GUILTY, executor='v2')

    assert state.state == GameStates.GAME_OVER
    assert mafia.state == PlayerStates.DEAD
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_addPlayerFailure_AlreadyJoined():
    p_id = "test"
    game = Game()
    message = get_state_change_message(game, False, Actions.ADD_PLAYER, p_id)

    assert message == f"You can't join if you're already in."
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_GameStateMarshallingWithEnoughPlayers_GameStartAction_PlayersAssignedRoles(
    num_players = random.randint(4, 10)
    expected_mafia = num_players // 3
    expected_villagers = num_players - expected_mafia
    state = Game()
    state.state = GameStates.MARSHALLING
    state.players = [Player() for x in range(num_players)]
    systemUnderTest = getInstance(state)


    assert len([p for p in state.players
                if p.role == Roles.MAFIA]) == expected_mafia
    assert len([p for p in state.players
                if p.role == Roles.VILLAGER]) == expected_villagers
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_GameStateTrial_FoundGuiltyAction_StateIsNightPlayerOnTrialIsDead():
    state = Game()
    state.state = GameStates.TRIAL
    systemUnderTest = getInstance(state)
    player = createVillager('test')
    villager1 = createVillager('v1')
    villager2 = createVillager('v2')
    mafia = createMafia('m')
    player.state = PlayerStates.ON_TRIAL
    state.players = [player, villager2, villager1, mafia]

    systemUnderTest.transition(Actions.NOT_GUILTY, executor='v1')
    systemUnderTest.transition(Actions.GUILTY, executor='v2')
    systemUnderTest.transition(Actions.GUILTY, executor='m')

    assert state.state == GameStates.NIGHT
    assert player.state == PlayerStates.DEAD
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_FullGame_VillageWins():
    game = Game()
    manager = getInstance(game)
    print('game marshalling no players yet.')

    manager.transition(Actions.ADD_PLAYER, executor='1')
    manager.transition(Actions.ADD_PLAYER, executor='2')
    manager.transition(Actions.ADD_PLAYER, executor='3')
    manager.transition(Actions.ADD_PLAYER, executor='4')
    print('enough players have joined to start')

    manager = getInstance(game)
    print('game begins')

    mafia = [p for p in manager.gameState.players if p.role == Roles.MAFIA][0]
    to_kill = [
        p for p in manager.gameState.players
        if p.role == Roles.VILLAGER and p.state == PlayerStates.ALIVE
    manager.transition(Actions.MURDER, to_kill.id, mafia.id)
    manager = getInstance(game)
    print('the mafia has killed a villager')

    to_accuse = [
        p for p in manager.gameState.players
        if p.role == Roles.MAFIA and p.state == PlayerStates.ALIVE
    living_villagers = [
        p for p in manager.gameState.players
        if p.role == Roles.VILLAGER and p.state == PlayerStates.ALIVE
    accuser1, accuser2 = living_villagers[0], living_villagers[1]
    manager.transition(Actions.ACCUSE, to_accuse.id, accuser1.id)
    manager.transition(Actions.ACCUSE, to_accuse.id, accuser2.id)
    manager = getInstance(game)
    print('the villagers accuse a member of the mafia')

    manager.transition(Actions.GUILTY, executor='1')
    manager.transition(Actions.GUILTY, executor='2')
    manager.transition(Actions.GUILTY, executor='3')
    manager.transition(Actions.GUILTY, executor='4')
    print('the murderer has been executed')
        'game over village wins. organized crime has been purged from the town'

    assert game.state == GameStates.GAME_OVER
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_GameStateTrial_FoundNotGuiltyAction_StateIsDayPlayerOnTrialIsAlive():
    state = Game()
    state.state = GameStates.TRIAL
    systemUnderTest = getInstance(state)
    player = createVillager('test')
    villager1 = createVillager('v1')
    villager2 = createVillager('v2')
    villager3 = createVillager('v3')
    villager3.state = PlayerStates.DEAD
    mafia = createMafia('m')
    player.state = PlayerStates.ON_TRIAL
    state.players = [player, villager2, villager1, mafia, villager3]

    systemUnderTest.transition(Actions.GUILTY, executor='m')
    assert state.state == GameStates.TRIAL
    systemUnderTest.transition(Actions.NOT_GUILTY, executor='v1')
    assert state.state == GameStates.TRIAL
    systemUnderTest.transition(Actions.NOT_GUILTY, executor='v2')

    assert state.state == GameStates.DAY
    assert player.state == PlayerStates.ALIVE
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_FullGame_MafiaWins():
    game = Game()
    manager = getInstance(game)
    print('game marshalling no players yet.')

    manager.transition(Actions.ADD_PLAYER, executor='1')
    manager.transition(Actions.ADD_PLAYER, executor='2')
    manager.transition(Actions.ADD_PLAYER, executor='3')
    manager.transition(Actions.ADD_PLAYER, executor='4')
    print('enough players have joined to start')

    print('game begins')
    manager = getInstance(game)

    mafia = [p for p in manager.gameState.players if p.role == Roles.MAFIA][0]
    to_kill = [
        p for p in manager.gameState.players
        if p.role == Roles.VILLAGER and p.state == PlayerStates.ALIVE
    manager.transition(Actions.MURDER, to_kill.id, mafia.id)
    print('the mafia has killed a villager')
    manager = getInstance(game)

    villagers = [
        p for p in manager.gameState.players
        if p.role == Roles.VILLAGER and p.state == PlayerStates.ALIVE
    to_accuse = villagers[0]
    accuser = villagers[1]
    manager.transition(Actions.ACCUSE, to_accuse.id, accuser.id)
    manager.transition(Actions.ACCUSE, to_accuse.id, mafia.id)
    print('the villagers accuse one of their own')
    manager = getInstance(game)

    manager.transition(Actions.GUILTY, executor='1')
    manager.transition(Actions.GUILTY, executor='2')
    manager.transition(Actions.GUILTY, executor='3')
    manager.transition(Actions.GUILTY, executor='4')
    print('an innocent man has died')
    print('game over mafia wins. they control the town')

    assert game.state == GameStates.GAME_OVER
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_playerMurderedSuccess():
    game = Game()
    game.state = States.DAY
    p_id = "test"
    message = get_state_change_message(game, True, Actions.MURDER, target=p_id)
    assert message == f"Another beautiful morning! One that <@{p_id}> won't get to experience, for they are dead! Murdered in the night! One among you is the culprit!\n{build_how_to_accuse_message()}"
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_startGameSuccess():
    message = get_state_change_message(Game(), True, Actions.START_GAME, None)
    assert message == f"The game is starting now! If you are in the mafia you will be notified...\n\nNight falls on the village. It is peaceful here, but not for long. The mafia is up to something.\n{build_roster_message(Game())}"
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_defaultGameState():
    systemUnderTest = Game()
    assert systemUnderTest.state == States.MARSHALLING
    assert len(systemUnderTest.players) == 0
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_addPlayerFailure_GameStarted():
    game = Game()
    game.state = States.NIGHT
    message = get_state_change_message(game, False, Actions.ADD_PLAYER, None)

    assert message == f"The game has started. Maybe next time."