Exemplo n.º 1
def test_modify_group_name(app, db, check_ui):
    with allure.step('Check group'):
        if len(db.get_group_list()) == 0:
    with allure.step('Given a group list and group to modify'):
        old_groups = db.get_group_list()
        index = randrange(len(old_groups))
        group = Group(name="New group")
        group.id = old_groups[index].id
    with allure.step('When I change a group info to %s' % group):
        app.group.modify_group_by_id(group, group.id)
    with allure.step(
            'Then the new group list is equal to the old list with new group info'
        new_groups = db.get_group_list()
        assert len(old_groups) == len(new_groups)
        old_groups[index] = group
        assert old_groups == new_groups
        if check_ui:
            assert sorted(new_groups, key=Group.id_or_max) == sorted(
                app.group.get_group_list(), key=Group.id_or_max)

# def test_modify_group_header(app):
#    if app.group.count() == 0:
#    app.group.creation(Group(header="test"))
#    old_groups = app.group.get_group_list()
#    app.group.modify_first_group(Group(header="New group"))
#    new_groups = app.group.get_group_list()
#    assert len(old_groups) == len(new_groups)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_edit_name_group_by_index(app, db, check_ui):
    if len(db.get_group_list()) == 0:
        app.group.create(Group(name="NSKjcndk", header="dfde", footer="dddfe"))

    old_groups = db.get_group_list()

    group_by_edit = random.choice(old_groups)
    group = Group(name="new")
    group.id = group_by_edit.id

    app.group.edit_by_id(group_by_edit.id, group)
    new_groups = db.get_group_list()

    assert len(old_groups) == len(new_groups)

    for element in old_groups:
        if element == group_by_edit:
            element.name = group.name

    assert sorted(old_groups,
                  key=Group.id_or_max) == sorted(new_groups,
    if check_ui:
        assert sorted(old_groups, key=Group.id_or_max) == sorted(
            app.group.get_group_list(), key=Group.id_or_max)
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():


    # f = open("quotes.json", "r")
    # quotes = f.read()
    # quotes = json.loads(quotes)
    # for quote in quotes.values():
    #     logger.info(quote)
    #     dao.insert_quote(quote)

    # f = open("bakchods.json", "r")
    # quotes = f.read()
    # quotes = json.loads(quotes)
    # for quote in quotes:
    #     logger.info(quote)
    #     bakchod = Bakchod(quote["id"], None, None)
    #     bakchod.username = quote.get("username")
    #     bakchod.first_name = quote.get("first_name")
    #     bakchod.lastseen = quote.get("lastseen")
    #     bakchod.rokda = quote.get("rokda")
    #     bakchod.censored = quote.get("censored")
    #     bakchod.history = quote.get("history")
    #     dao.insert_bakchod(bakchod)

    f = open("groups.json", "r")
    quotes = f.read()
    quotes = json.loads(quotes)
    for quote in quotes:
        group = Group(None, None)
        group.id = quote.get("id")
        group.title = quote.get("title")
        group.members = quote.get("members")
def test_edit_random_group(app, db, check_ui):
    with pytest.allure.step('Given a non-empty group list'):
        if len(db.get_group_list()) == 0:
        old_groups = db.get_group_list()
    with pytest.allure.step('Given a group data'):
        data_for_edit = Group(name="Edited name",
                              header="Edited header",
                              footer="Edited footer")
    with pytest.allure.step('Given a random group from the list'):
        group_for_edit = random.choice(old_groups)
        data_for_edit.id = group_for_edit.id
    with pytest.allure.step('When I replace the data in selected group'):
    with pytest.allure.step(
            ' Then the new group list is equal to the old group list with selected group replaced by a new group'
        new_groups = db.get_group_list()
        assert sorted(old_groups, key=Group.group_id_or_max) == sorted(
            new_groups, key=Group.group_id_or_max)
        if check_ui:
            assert sorted(new_groups, key=Group.group_id_or_max) == \
                   sorted(app.group.get_group_list(), key=Group.group_id_or_max)
def test_modify_some_group(app):
    # Get list og existing groups
    old_groups_list = app.group_page.get_list()
    group_to_modify = Group(name="! test")
    # Check if there is any group exist in list
    if len(old_groups_list) == 0:
        app.group_page.create(Group(name="! test"))

    # Generate index to modify
    index = randrange(len(old_groups_list))
    # Find certain group in list
    group_to_modify.id = old_groups_list[index].id
    # Determinate fields to modify
    # group_modified = Group(name="Modified Group", footer="Modified footer", header="Modified header")
    group_modified = Group(name="Modified Group", _id=group_to_modify.id)  # at least name
    # Modify group in WEB
    app.group_page.modify_by_index(index, group_modified)

    # Assert result
    assert len(old_groups_list) == app.group_page.count()  # additional assert for list length in case of exception
    # Get updated group list
    new_groups_list = app.group_page.get_list()
    # Change modified group in old list
    old_groups_list[index] = group_modified
    assert sorted(old_groups_list, key=Group.id_or_max) == sorted(new_groups_list, key=Group.id_or_max)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_method_modify_group_name(app, db, check_ui):
    if len(db.get_group_list()) == 0:
    old_groups = db.get_group_list()
    index = random.randrange(len(old_groups))
    group = Group(name="New name")
    group.id = old_groups[index].id
    app.group.modify_group_by_id(group.id, group)
    new_groups = db.get_group_list()
    assert len(old_groups) == len(new_groups)
    old_groups[index] = group
    if check_ui:
        assert sorted(old_groups,
                      key=Group.id_or_max) == sorted(new_groups,
def test_del_group(app):
    # Get list og existing groups
    groups_list = app.group_page.get_list()
    group_to_delete = Group(name="Modified Group")
    # Check if certain group exist in list
    if group_to_delete not in groups_list:
        app.group_page.create(group_to_delete)  # if not then we create new group
        groups_list = app.group_page.get_list()
    # Find certain group in list
    group_to_delete_index = groups_list.index(group_to_delete)
    group_to_delete.id = groups_list[group_to_delete_index].id
    #  Delete certain group from list

    # Assert result
    assert len(groups_list) - 1 == app.group_page.count()  # additional assert for list length in case of exception
    # Get updated group list
    groups_list = app.group_page.get_list()
    assert group_to_delete not in groups_list  # check for deleted element existed
def test_modify_group(app):
    # Get list of existing groups
    old_groups_list = app.group_page.get_list()
    group_to_modify = Group(name="test group")
    # Check if certain group exist in list
    if group_to_modify not in old_groups_list:
        app.group_page.create(group_to_modify)  # if not then we create new group
        old_groups_list = app.group_page.get_list()
    # Find certain group in list
    modified_group_index = old_groups_list.index(group_to_modify)
    group_to_modify.id = old_groups_list[modified_group_index].id
    # Determinate fields to modify
    # group_modified = Group(name="Modified Group", footer="Modified footer", header="Modified header")
    group_modified = Group(name="Modified Group", _id=group_to_modify.id)  # at least name
    # Modify group in WEB
    app.group_page.edit(group_to_modify, group_modified)

    # Assert result
    assert len(old_groups_list) == app.group_page.count()  # additional assert for list length in case of exception
    # Get updated group list
    new_groups_list = app.group_page.get_list()
    # Change modified group in old list
    old_groups_list[modified_group_index] = group_modified
    assert sorted(old_groups_list, key=Group.id_or_max) == sorted(new_groups_list, key=Group.id_or_max)