Exemplo n.º 1
    def post(cls):
        Expect a token and a list of item ids from the request body.
        Construct an order and talk to the Strip API to make a charge.
        data = request.get_json(
        )  # token + list of item ids  [1, 2, 3, 5, 5, 5]
        items = []
        item_id_quantities = Counter(data["item_ids"])
        #  [(5, 3), (3, 1), (2, 1)]
        for _id, count in item_id_quantities.most_common(
        ):  #most common give u how many items in the order they happen
            item = ItemModel.find_by_id(_id)
            if not item:
                return {
                }, 404

            # items.append(item)
            items.append(ItemsInOrder(item_id=_id, quantity=count))

        order = OrderModel(items=items, status="pending")
        order.save_to_db()  #THIS DOES NOT SUBMIT TO STRIPE

            "failed")  # assume the order would fail until it's completed
        order.set_status("complete")  # charge succeeded

        return order_schema.dump(order), 200
Exemplo n.º 2
    def post(cls):
        Expect a token and a list of item ids from the request body.
        Construct an order and talk to the Strip API to make a charge.
        data = request.get_json(
        )  # token + list of item ids  [1, 2, 4, 4, 5, 2, 1, 1, 4]
        items = []
        item_id_quantities = Counter(data["item_ids"])

        # Iterate over items and retrieve them from the database
        for _id, count in item_id_quantities.most_common(
        ):  # [(1,3),(2,2),(4,3),(5,1)]
            item = ItemModel.find_by_id(_id)
            if not item:
                return {"message": "Item {} Not Found.".format(_id)}, 404

            items.append(ItemsInOrder(item_id=_id, quantity=count))

        order = OrderModel(items=items, status="pending")
        order.save_database()  # this does not submit to Stripe

                "failed")  # assume the order would fail until it's completed
            order.set_status("complete")  # charge succeeded
        except stripe.error.CardError as e:
            # Since it's a decline, stripe.error.CardError will be caught
            print('Status is: %s' % e.http_status)
            print('Type is: %s' % e.error.type)
            print('Code is: %s' % e.error.code)
            # param is '' in this case
            print('Param is: %s' % e.error.param)
            print('Message is: %s' % e.error.message)
            return {"message": e.error.message}, e.http_status

        except stripe.error.RateLimitError as e:
            # Too many requests made to the API too quickly
            return {"message": e.error.message}, e.http_status

        except stripe.error.InvalidRequestError as e:
            # Invalid parameters were supplied to Stripe's API
            return {"message": e.error.message}, e.http_status
        except stripe.error.AuthenticationError as e:
            # Authentication with Stripe's API failed
            # (maybe you changed API keys recently)
            return {"message": e.error.message}, e.http_status
        except stripe.error.APIConnectionError as e:
            # Network communication with Stripe failed
            return {"message": e.error.message}, e.http_status
        except stripe.error.StripeError as e:
            # Display a very generic error to the user, and maybe send
            # yourself an email
            return {"message": e.error.message}, e.http_status
        except Exception as e:
            # Something else happened, completely unrelated to Stripe
            return {"message": e.error.message}, e.http_status

        return order_schema.dump(order), 200
Exemplo n.º 3
    def post(cls):
        data = request.get_json()
        items = []
        item_id_quantities = Counter(data["item_ids"])

        customer_id = get_jwt_identity()

        if OrderModel.find_customer_pending_order(customer_id):
            return {"message": HAS_ONE_ORDER_ALREADY}, 400

        for _id, count in item_id_quantities.most_common():
            item = ItemModel.find_by_id(_id)
            if not item:
                return {"message": ITEM_ID_NOT_FOUND.format(_id)}, 404
            items.append(ItemsInOrder(item_id=_id, quantity=count))

        message = data['message']
        order = OrderModel(items=items,

        return order_schema.dump(order)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def post(cls):
        """Expect a token and a list of item ids from the request body.
        Construct an order and talk to the Strip API to make a charge."""
        data = request.get_json()  # token ,item_ids [1, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5]
        items = []
        item_id_quantities = Counter(data["item_ids"])

        for _id, count in item_id_quantities.most_common(
        ):  # [(5,3),(3,2),(1,1)]
            item = ItemModel.find_by_id(_id)
            if not item:
                return {
                }, 404
            """ItemsInOrder get item_id and quantity, however
            order_id will be set later on,
            when items is passed into OrderModel, because back_populates="order"
            it goes over to order column of ItemsInOrder table,
            and set order_id for each of those item in OrderModel
            to be the order to which you have added those items"""
            items.append(ItemsInOrder(item_id=_id, quantity=count))

        # items is a list of ItemsInOrder obj
        order = OrderModel(items=items,
                           status="pending")  # pending until send to Stripe
        order.save_to_db()  # this does not submit to Stripe

                "failed")  # assume the order would fail until it's completed
            order.set_status("complete")  # charge succeeded
            return order_schema.dump(order), 200
        # the following error handling is advised by Stripe, although the handling implementations are identical,
        # we choose to specify them separately just to give the students a better idea what we can expect
        except error.CardError as e:
            # Since it's a decline, stripe.error.CardError will be caught
            return e.json_body, e.http_status
        except error.RateLimitError as e:
            # Too many requests made to the API too quickly
            return e.json_body, e.http_status
        except error.InvalidRequestError as e:
            # Invalid parameters were supplied to Stripe's API
            return e.json_body, e.http_status
        except error.AuthenticationError as e:
            # Authentication with Stripe's API failed
            # (maybe you changed API keys recently)
            return e.json_body, e.http_status
        except error.APIConnectionError as e:
            # Network communication with Stripe failed
            return e.json_body, e.http_status
        except error.StripeError as e:
            # Display a very generic error to the user, and maybe send
            # yourself an email
            return e.json_body, e.http_status
        except Exception as e:
            # Something else happened, completely unrelated to Stripe
            return {"message": gettext("order_error")}, 500
Exemplo n.º 5
    def post(cls):
        Expect a token and a list of item ids from the request body
        Construct an order and talk to the Stripe API to make a charge
        data = request.get_json()  # token + list of item ids
        items = []
        item_id_quantities = Counter(data["item_idss"])

        for _id, count in item_id_quantities.most_common():
            item = ItemModel.find_by_id(_id)
            if not item:
                return {
                }, 404

            items.append(ItemsInOrder(item_id=_id, quantity=count))

        order = OrderModel(items=items, status="pending")

        return order_schema.dump(order)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def post(cls):
        Expect a token and a list of item ids from the request body.
        Construct an order and talk to the Strip API to make a charge.
        data = request.get_json(
        )  # token + list of item ids  [1, 2, 3, 5, 5, 5]
        items = []
        item_id_quantities = Counter(data["item_ids"])

        # Iterate over items and retrieve them from the database
        for _id, count in item_id_quantities.most_common(
        ):  # -> [(5,3), (3,1), (2,1), (1,1)]
            item = ItemModel.find_by_id(_id)
            if not item:
                return {
                }, 404

            items.append(ItemsInOrder(item_id=_id, quantity=count))

        order = OrderModel(items=items, status="pending")
        order.save_to_db()  # this does not submit to Stripe

        return order_schema.dump(order)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def post(cls):
        Expect a token and a list of item ids from the request body.
        Construct an order and talk to the Strip API to make a charge.
        data = request.get_json() # token + list of item ids
        items = []
        item_id_quantities = Counter(data["item_ids"])

        #iterate over items and retrieve them from the database
        for _id, count in item_id_quantities.most_common():
            item = ItemModel.find_by_id(_id)
            if not item:
                return {"message": gettext("order_item_by_id_not_found").format(_id)}, 404

            items.append(ItemsInOrder(item_id=_id, quantity=count))

        order = OrderModel(items=items, status="pending")
        order.save_to_db()  # this does not submit to Stripe

            return order_schema.dump(order), 200
        except(error.CardError, error.RateLimitError, error.InvalidRequestError, error.AuthenticationError,
               error.APIConnectionError, error.StripeError) as e:
            return e.json_body, e.http_status
        except Exception as e:
            return {"message": gettext("order_error")}, 500
Exemplo n.º 8
    def post(cls):
        Expect a token and a list of item ids from the request body.
        Construct an order an talk to the Stripe API to make a charge.
        data = request.get_json()  # token + list of item ids
        items = []
        item_id_quantities = Counter(
        )  # you pass a list to the Counter and it will count for you

        # Iterate over items and retrieve them from the db
        for _id, count in item_id_quantities.most_common():
            item = ItemModel.find_by_id(_id)
            if not item:
                return {
                }, 404

            items.append(ItemsInOrder(item_id=_id, quantity=count))

        order = OrderModel(items=items, status='pending')

        # submit to Stripe
                "failed")  # assume the order would fail until it's completed
            order.set_status("complete")  # charge succeeded
            return order_schema.dump(order), 200
        # the following error handling is advised by Stripe, although the handling implementations are identical,
        # we choose to specify them separately just to give the students a better idea what we can expect
        except error.CardError as e:
            # Since it's a decline, stripe.error.CardError will be caught
            return e.json_body, e.http_status
        except error.RateLimitError as e:
            # Too many requests made to the API too quickly
            return e.json_body, e.http_status
        except error.InvalidRequestError as e:
            # Invalid parameters were supplied to Stripe's API
            return e.json_body, e.http_status
        except error.AuthenticationError as e:
            # Authentication with Stripe's API failed
            # (maybe you changed API keys recently)
            return e.json_body, e.http_status
        except error.APIConnectionError as e:
            # Network communication with Stripe failed
            return e.json_body, e.http_status
        except error.StripeError as e:
            # Display a very generic error to the user, and maybe send
            # yourself an email
            return e.json_body, e.http_status
        except Exception as e:
            # Something else happened, completely unrelated to Stripe
            return {"message": gettext("order_error")}, 500
Exemplo n.º 9
    def post(cls):
        Expects a token and a list of item ids from the request body.
        Constructs an order and talks to the Stripe API to make a charge.
        data = request.get_json()
        items = []
        item_id_quantities = Counter(data["items_id"])

        for _id, count in item_id_quantities.most_common():
            item = ItemModel.find_by_id(_id)

            if not item:
                return {"message": f"Item {_id} Not Found."}, 404

            items.append(ItemsInOrder(item_id=_id, quantity=count))

        order = OrderModel(items=items, status="pending")

            order.set_status("payment failed")
            order.set_status("payment completed")
            return orderSchema.dump(order)
        # the following error handling is advised by Stripe, although the handling implementations are identical,
        # we choose to specify them separately just to give the students a better idea what we can expect
        except error.CardError as e:
            # Since it's a decline, stripe.error.CardError will be caught
            return e.json_body, e.http_status
        except error.RateLimitError as e:
            # Too many requests made to the API too quickly
            return e.json_body, e.http_status
        except error.InvalidRequestError as e:
            # Invalid parameters were supplied to Stripe's API
            return e.json_body, e.http_status
        except error.AuthenticationError as e:
            # Authentication with Stripe's API failed
            # (maybe you changed API keys recently)
            return e.json_body, e.http_status
        except error.APIConnectionError as e:
            # Network communication with Stripe failed
            return e.json_body, e.http_status
        except error.StripeError as e:
            # Display a very generic error to the user, and maybe send
            # yourself an email
            return e.json_body, e.http_status
        except Exception as e:
            # Something else happened, completely unrelated to Stripe
            return {"message": "Order Error"}, 500
Exemplo n.º 10
    def post(cls):
        - Expect a token
        - list of item IDs from the request body

        #eg: {'token':'zxc', 'item_ids': [1, 2, 3, 3, 5, 5]}

        - Construct an order, connect to Stripe, make a charge
        data = request.get_json()
        items = []

        item_id_quantities = Counter(data['item_ids'])

        # item_id_quantities.most_common(), returns list items_ids with no of occurences
        # = [(1,1), (2, 1), (3, 2), (5,2)]

        for _id, count in item_id_quantities.most_common():
            item = ItemModel.find_by_id(_id)
            if not item:
                return {'message': ITEM_NOT_FOUND.format(_id)}, 404
            items.append(ItemsInOrder(item_id=_id, quantity=count))

        order = OrderModel(items=items, status='pending')

        # stripe
            order.set_status('completed')  # charge succeeded
            return order_schema.dump(order), 200
        except error.CardError as e:
            return e.json_body, e.http_status
        except error.RateLimitError as e:
            return e.json_body, e.http_status
        except error.InvalidRequestError as e:
            return e.json_body, e.http_status
        except error.AuthenticationError as e:
            return e.json_body, e.http_status
        except error.APIConnectionError as e:
            return e.json_body, e.http_status
        except error.StripeError as e:
            return e.json_body, e.http_status
        except Exception as e:
            return {"message": ORDER_ERROR}, 500
Exemplo n.º 11
    def post(cls):
        Expect a token and a list of item ids from the request body.
        Construct a order to talk with Strip API to make a charge.
        data = request.get_json()  # token + list of item ids
        items = []
        item_id_quantities = Counter(data["item_ids"])

        #   iterate from list of items and retrieve from the database
        for _id, count in item_id_quantities.most_common():
            item = ItemModel.find_by_id(_id)
            if not item:
                return {
                    "message": gettext("order_by_id+not_found").format(_id)
                }, 404

            items.append(ItemsInOrder(item_id=_id, quantity=count))

        order = OrderModel(items=items, status="pending")
        order.save_to_db()  # this doesn't submit to Stripe

            return order_schema.dump(order)
        except error.CardError as e:
            # Since it is a decline, stripe.error.CardError will be caught
            return e.json_body, e.http_status
        # vezi in document restul de errori
        except error.StripeError as e:
            # Display a very generic error to the user, and maybe send yourself
            # an email
            return e.json_body, e.http_status
        except Exception as e:
            return {"message": gettext("order_error")}, 500
Exemplo n.º 12
    def post(cls):
        Expect a token and a list of items from the request body
        Construct an order and talk to the Stripe API to make charge
        data = request.get_json()
        order = OrderModel.find_pending_order_by_user_id(data["user_id"])
        if order:
            items = []
            item_id_quantities = Counter(data["item_ids"])
            # [3,3,4,1,6,6,6]
            for _id, count in item_id_quantities.most_common():  # [6,3],[1,1],[4,1],3,2] most common
                item = ItemModel.find_by_id(_id)
                if not item:
                    return {"message": "Order Item by id not found"}, 404
                itemsInOrder = ItemsInOrder.is_item_available(_id, order.id)
                if itemsInOrder:

                    orderItems = ItemsInOrder(item_id=_id, quantity=count, order_id=order.id)

            return {"message": "Order saved to Items in Order"}, 200

        items = []
        item_id_quantities = Counter(data["item_ids"])
        # [3,3,4,1,6,6,6]
        for _id, count in item_id_quantities.most_common():  # [6,3],[1,1],[4,1],3,2] most common
            item = ItemModel.find_by_id(_id)
            if not item:
                return {"message": "Order Item by id not found"}, 404
            items.append(ItemsInOrder(item_id=_id, quantity=count))

        order = OrderModel(items=items, status="pending", user_id=data["user_id"])
        return order_schema.dump(order), 200
Exemplo n.º 13
 def get(cls, order_id: int):
     return {"items_in_order":items_in_order_schema.dump(ItemsInOrder.get_items_for_order(order_id), many=True)}, 200