Exemplo n.º 1
def show(parameters):
    post = Post.find(Post.cxn, "posts", parameters["id"])
    template = open('./templates/posts/show.html').read()
    comment_template = open('./templates/comments/show.html').read()    
    show_post_script_tag = '<script src="/show_post.js"></script>'
    comments = post.comments(globals())
    if comments:
        rendered_comments = "<h3>Comments</h3>" + "".join([TemplateEngine(comment_template, comment.attributes).render_partial() for comment in comments])
        rendered_comments = '<p id="no_comments">No comments yet.</p>'
    new_comment_link_html = '<a id="new_comment_link" href="#">Make a new comment!</a>'
    parameters.update({"rendered_comments": rendered_comments, "new_comment_link": new_comment_link_html, "show_post_script_tag": show_post_script_tag})
    return TemplateEngine(template, definitions(post, parameters)).render()
Exemplo n.º 2
class UserModel(Model):

    def __init__(self, db, collection, obj):
        super(UserModel, self).__init__(db, collection, obj)
        self.username = obj['username']
        self.password = obj['password']
        self.voted = obj['voted']
        self.posts = Post()
        self.comments = Comment()

    # Change password with authentication--username auth to be done 
    # in middleware
    def change_password(self, oldpass, newpass):
        if oldpass == self.password:
            self.password = newpass
            self.collection.update({'_id': self.get_id()}, password=newpass)
            return True
        return False

    # Vote a post up, cannot do this more than once for any given post
    def vote_up(self, post_id):
        if not post_id in self.voted:
            p = self.posts.find_one(_id=post_id)
            self.collection.update({'_id': self.get_id()}, voted=self.voted)

    # Adds a post under the users page
    def add_post(self, **kwargs):
        return self.posts.insert(user=self.username, **kwargs)

    # Get blog posts made by this user, and with other arguments
    def get_posts(self, **kwargs):
        return self.posts.find(user=self.username, **kwargs)

    # Get comments made by the user, with other parameters
    def get_comments(self, **kwargs):
        return self.comments.find(user=self.username, **kwargs)