def test_raw_rating_instantiation_success():
    Verifies that RawRating has correct data types
    new_rating = RawRating('', 0.005)
    assert isinstance(new_rating.src_address, str)
    assert isinstance(new_rating.total_score, float)
    def prioritize_only_today_ips(self,
        Prioritizes only today IP flows

        :param flows: list of flows
        :param data_newest_time: datetime object

        :return: list of RawRating objects
        original_weight = Weights.ORIGINAL.value
        total_events_weight = original_weight.total_events
        average_events_weight = original_weight.average_events
        total_duration_weight = original_weight.total_duration
        average_duration_weight = original_weight.average_duration
        total_bytes_weight = original_weight.total_bytes
        average_bytes_weight = original_weight.average_bytes
        total_packets_weight = original_weight.total_packets
        average_packets_weight = original_weight.average_packets

        # Rating section
        raw_ratings = []

        for flow in flows:
            events =
            duration = flow.duration
            average_duration = flow.avg_duration
            bytes = flow.bytes
            average_bytes = flow.avg_bytes
            packets = flow.packets
            average_packets = flow.avg_packets
            average_events = flow.avg_events

            # Calculate the scores
            events_score = (events * total_events_weight)
            avg_events_score = (average_events * average_events_weight)
            duration_score = (duration * total_duration_weight)
            avg_duration_score = (average_duration * average_duration_weight)
            bytes_score = (bytes * total_bytes_weight)
            avg_bytes_score = (average_bytes * average_bytes_weight)
            packets_score = (packets * total_packets_weight)
            avg_packets_score = (average_packets * average_packets_weight)

            all_scores = sum(events_score, avg_events_score, duration_score,
                            avg_duration_score, bytes_score, avg_bytes_score,
                            packets_score, avg_packets_score)
            total_score = math.sqrt(all_scores)
            raw_ratings.append([RawRating(flow.src_address, total_score)])"Raw ratings for OTF: {raw_ratings}")

        return raw_ratings
def test_raw_rating_instantiation_failure_without_params():
    Verifies that RawRating instantiation fails without params
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as e:
        return RawRating()
    def prioritize_consistent_normalized_ips(self,
        Prioritizes normalized consistent IP flows

        :param flows: list of flows
        :param data_newest_time: datetime object
        :param path_to_aging_file: path of aging file

        :return: list of RawRating objects
        aging_file_data = self.open_and_read_aging_file(path_to_aging_file)

        normalized_weight = Weights.NORMALIZED.value
        total_events_weight = normalized_weight.total_events
        average_events_weight = normalized_weight.average_events
        total_duration_weight = normalized_weight.total_duration
        average_duration_weight = normalized_weight.average_duration
        total_bytes_weight = normalized_weight.total_bytes
        average_bytes_weight = normalized_weight.average_bytes
        total_packets_weight = normalized_weight.total_packets
        average_packets_weight = normalized_weight.average_packets

        # List of Mins and Max's each of the data types.
        min_event = Defaults.POS_INFINITY.value
        max_event = Defaults.NEG_INFINITY.value
        min_dur = Defaults.POS_INFINITY.value
        max_dur = Defaults.NEG_INFINITY.value
        min_av_dur = Defaults.POS_INFINITY.value
        max_av_dur = Defaults.NEG_INFINITY.value
        min_byte = Defaults.POS_INFINITY.value
        max_byte = Defaults.NEG_INFINITY.value
        min_av_byte = Defaults.POS_INFINITY.value
        max_av_byte = Defaults.NEG_INFINITY.value
        min_packet = Defaults.POS_INFINITY.value
        max_packet = Defaults.NEG_INFINITY.value
        min_av_packet = Defaults.POS_INFINITY.value
        max_av_packet = Defaults.NEG_INFINITY.value
        min_av_event = Defaults.POS_INFINITY.value
        max_av_event = Defaults.NEG_INFINITY.value

        # Rating section
        raw_ratings = []

        for flow in flows:
            if > max_event:
                max_event =
            if < min_event:
                min_event =
            if flow.duration > max_dur:
                max_dur = flow.duration
            if flow.duration < min_dur:
                min_dur = flow.duration
            if flow.avg_duration > max_av_dur:
                max_av_dur = flow.avg_duration
            if flow.avg_duration < min_av_dur:
                min_av_dur = flow.avg_duration
            if flow.bytes > max_byte:
                max_byte = flow.bytes
            if flow.bytes < min_byte:
                min_byte = flow.bytes
            if flow.avg_bytes > max_av_byte:
                max_av_byte = flow.avg_bytes
            if flow.avg_bytes < min_av_byte:
                min_av_byte = flow.avg_bytes
            if flow.packets > max_packet:
                max_packet = flow.packets
            if flow.packets < min_packet:
                min_packet = flow.packets
            if flow.avg_packets > max_av_packet:
                max_av_packet = flow.avg_packets
            if flow.avg_packets < min_av_packet:
                min_av_packet = flow.avg_packets
            if flow.avg_events > max_av_event:
                max_av_event = flow.avg_events
            if flow.avg_events < min_av_event:
                min_av_event = flow.avg_events
            events =
            duration = flow.duration
            average_duration = flow.avg_duration
            bytes = flow.bytes
            average_bytes = flow.avg_bytes
            packets = flow.packets
            average_packets = flow.avg_packets
            first_event = flow.first_event
            last_event = flow.last_event
            average_events = flow.avg_events

            # Deltas
            dh_event = max_event - min_event
            dh_avg_event = max_av_event - min_av_event
            dh_duration = max_dur - min_dur
            dh_avg_duration = max_av_dur - min_av_dur
            dh_bytes = max_byte - min_byte
            dh_avg_bytes = max_av_byte - min_av_byte
            dh_packets = max_packet - min_packet
            dh_avg_packets = max_av_packet - min_av_packet

            # Differentials
            diff_event = events - min_event
            diff_avg_event = average_events - min_av_event
            diff_duration = duration - min_dur
            diff_avg_duration = average_duration - min_av_dur
            diff_bytes = bytes - min_byte
            diff_avg_bytes = average_bytes - min_av_byte
            diff_packets = packets - min_packet
            diff_avg_packets = average_packets - min_av_packet

            # Scores
            events_score = (diff_event / dh_event) * total_events_weight
            avg_events_score = (diff_avg_event / dh_avg_event) * average_events_weight
            duration_score = (diff_duration / dh_duration) * total_duration_weight
            avg_duration_score = (diff_avg_duration / dh_avg_duration) * average_duration_weight
            bytes_score = (diff_bytes / dh_bytes) * total_bytes_weight
            avg_bytes_score = (diff_avg_bytes / dh_avg_bytes) * average_bytes_weight
            packets_score = (diff_packets / dh_packets) * total_packets_weight
            avg_packets_score = (diff_avg_packets / dh_avg_packets) * average_packets_weight

            # This is the time modifier section. The longer an IP does not have events,
            # the lower its score will be. An IP will lose .01 of its score per day of
            # inactivity, thus taking 100 days to score zero (0).
            all_scores = sum(events_score, avg_events_score, duration_score,
                            avg_duration_score, bytes_score, avg_bytes_score,
                            packets_score, avg_packets_score)

            time_delta = data_newest_time - last_event
            if time_delta < Defaults.MINUTES_A_DAY.value:
                if flow.src_address in aging_file_data:
                    aged_score = float(aging_file_data[flow.src_address])
                    aged_score = 0
                total_time_attacking = last_event - first_event
                percentage_drop = time_delta / (time_delta + total_time_attacking)
                aged_score = all_scores * (1 - percentage_drop)
                aging_file_data.update({flow.src_address: aged_score})

            total_score = aged_score
            raw_ratings.append([RawRating(flow.src_address, total_score)])

        self.write_to_aging_file(path_to_aging_file, aging_file_data)"Raw ratings for PNCF: {raw_ratings}")

        return raw_ratings
    def prioritize_only_normalized_today_ips(self,
        Prioritizes only normalized today IP flows

        :param flows: list of flows
        :param data_newest_time: datetime object
        :param path_to_aging_file: path of aging file

        :return: list of RawRating objects
        normalized_weight = Weights.NORMALIZED.value
        total_events_weight = normalized_weight.total_events
        average_events_weight = normalized_weight.average_events
        total_duration_weight = normalized_weight.total_duration
        average_duration_weight = normalized_weight.average_duration
        total_bytes_weight = normalized_weight.total_bytes
        average_bytes_weight = normalized_weight.average_bytes
        total_packets_weight = normalized_weight.total_packets
        average_packets_weight = normalized_weight.average_packets

        # List of Mins and Max's each of the data types.
        min_event = Defaults.POS_INFINITY.value
        max_event = Defaults.NEG_INFINITY.value
        min_dur = Defaults.POS_INFINITY.value
        max_dur = Defaults.NEG_INFINITY.value
        min_av_dur = Defaults.POS_INFINITY.value
        max_av_dur = Defaults.NEG_INFINITY.value
        min_byte = Defaults.POS_INFINITY.value
        max_byte = Defaults.NEG_INFINITY.value
        min_av_byte = Defaults.POS_INFINITY.value
        max_av_byte = Defaults.NEG_INFINITY.value
        min_packet = Defaults.POS_INFINITY.value
        max_packet = Defaults.NEG_INFINITY.value
        min_av_packet = Defaults.POS_INFINITY.value
        max_av_packet = Defaults.NEG_INFINITY.value
        min_av_event = Defaults.POS_INFINITY.value
        max_av_event = Defaults.NEG_INFINITY.value

        # The actual rating section
        raw_ratings = []

        for flow in flows:
            if > max_event:
                max_event =
            if < min_event:
                min_event =
            if flow.duration > max_dur:
                max_dur = flow.duration
            if flow.duration < min_dur:
                min_dur = flow.duration
            if flow.avg_duration > max_av_dur:
                max_av_dur = flow.avg_duration
            if flow.avg_duration < min_av_dur:
                min_av_dur = flow.avg_duration
            if flow.bytes > max_byte:
                max_byte = flow.bytes
            if flow.bytes < min_byte:
                min_byte = flow.bytes
            if flow.avg_bytes > max_av_byte:
                max_av_byte = flow.avg_bytes
            if flow.avg_bytes < min_av_byte:
                min_av_byte = flow.avg_bytes
            if flow.packets > max_packet:
                max_packet = flow.packets
            if flow.packets < min_packet:
                min_packet = flow.packets
            if flow.avg_packets > max_av_packet:
                max_av_packet = flow.avg_packets
            if flow.avg_packets < min_av_packet:
                min_av_packet = flow.avg_packets
            if flow.avg_events > max_av_event:
                max_av_event = flow.avg_events
            if flow.avg_events < min_av_event:
                min_av_event = flow.avg_events

            events =
            duration = flow.duration
            average_duration = flow.avg_duration
            bytes = flow.bytes
            average_bytes = flow.avg_bytes
            packets = flow.packets
            average_packets = flow.avg_packets
            average_events = flow.avg_events

            # Deltas
            dh_event = max_event - min_event
            dh_avg_event = max_av_event - min_av_event
            dh_duration = max_dur - min_dur
            dh_avg_duration = max_av_dur - min_av_dur
            dh_bytes = max_byte - min_byte
            dh_avg_bytes = max_av_byte - min_av_byte
            dh_packets = max_packet - min_packet
            dh_avg_packets = max_av_packet - min_av_packet

            # Differentials
            diff_event = events - min_event
            diff_avg_event = average_events - min_av_event
            diff_duration = duration - min_dur
            diff_avg_duration = average_duration - min_av_dur
            diff_bytes = bytes - min_byte
            diff_avg_bytes = average_bytes - min_av_byte
            diff_packets = packets - min_packet
            diff_avg_packets = average_packets - min_av_packet

            # Scores
            events_score = (diff_event / dh_event) * total_events_weight
            avg_events_score = (diff_avg_event / dh_avg_event) * average_events_weight
            duration_score = (diff_duration / dh_duration) * total_duration_weight
            avg_duration_score = (diff_avg_duration / dh_avg_duration) * average_duration_weight
            bytes_score = (diff_bytes / dh_bytes) * total_bytes_weight
            avg_bytes_score = (diff_avg_bytes / dh_avg_bytes) * average_bytes_weight
            packets_score = (diff_packets / dh_packets) * total_packets_weight
            avg_packets_score = (diff_avg_packets / dh_avg_packets) * average_packets_weight

            calculated_score = sum(events_score, avg_events_score, duration_score,
                                avg_duration_score, bytes_score, avg_bytes_score,
                                packets_score, avg_packets_score)
            total_score = math.sqrt(calculated_score)
            raw_ratings.append([RawRating(flow.src_address, total_score)])
       "Raw ratings for OTNF: {raw_ratings}")

        return raw_ratings
    def prioritize_new_original_ips(self,
        Prioritizes new original IP flows

        :param flows: list of flows
        :param data_newest_time: datetime object

        :return: list of RawRating objects
        original_weight = Weights.ORIGINAL.value
        total_events_weight = original_weight.total_events
        average_events_weight = original_weight.average_events
        total_duration_weight = original_weight.total_duration
        average_duration_weight = original_weight.average_duration
        total_bytes_weight = original_weight.total_bytes
        average_bytes_weight = original_weight.average_bytes
        total_packets_weight = original_weight.total_packets
        average_packets_weight = original_weight.average_packets

        # Rating section
        raw_ratings = []

        for flow in flows:
            events =
            duration = flow.duration
            average_duration = flow.avg_duration
            bytes = flow.bytes
            avg_bytes = flow.avg_bytes
            packets = flow.packets
            avg_packets = flow.avg_packets
            last_event = flow.last_event
            avg_events = flow.avg_events

            # Calculate the scores
            events_score = (events * total_events_weight)
            avg_events_score = (avg_events * average_events_weight)
            duration_score = (duration * total_duration_weight)
            avg_duration_score = (average_duration * average_duration_weight)
            bytes_score = (bytes * total_bytes_weight)
            avg_bytes_score = (avg_bytes * average_bytes_weight)
            packets_score = (packets * total_packets_weight)
            avg_packets_score = (avg_packets * average_packets_weight)

            # This is the time modifier section. The longer an IP does not have events,
            # the lower its score will be. An IP will lose .01 of its score per day of
            # inactivity, thus taking 100 days to score zero (0).
            time_delta = data_newest_time - last_event
            if time_delta < Defaults.MINUTES_A_DAY.value:
                time_modifier = 1
                time_modifier_factor = time_delta // Defaults.MINUTES_A_DAY.value
                # I am using the general function y = x/(x + 10), where x is the
                # number of days an IP is not seen. Hence, the amount by which a
                # score will decrease will increase to about 50% in about 30 days,
                # and will infinities approach 100% after that.
                unseen_days = Defaults.UNSEEN_DAYS.value
                time_modifier = unseen_days / (time_modifier_factor + unseen_days)

            all_scores = sum(events_score, avg_events_score, duration_score,
                                avg_duration_score, bytes_score, avg_bytes_score,
                                packets_score, avg_packets_score)
            total_score = math.sqrt(all_scores * time_modifier)
            raw_ratings.append([RawRating(flow.src_address, total_score)])"Raw ratings for PNF: {raw_ratings}")
        return raw_ratings
    def prioritize_new_normalized_ips(self,
        Prioritizes normalized new IP flows

        :param flows: list of flows
        :param data_newest_time: datetime object
        :param path_to_aging_file: path of aging file

        :return: list of RawRating objects
        aging_file_data = self.open_and_read_aging_file(path_to_aging_file)
        normalized_weight = Weights.NORMALIZED.value
        total_events_weight = normalized_weight.total_events
        average_events_weight = normalized_weight.average_events
        total_duration_weight = normalized_weight.total_duration
        average_duration_weight = normalized_weight.average_duration
        total_bytes_weight = normalized_weight.total_bytes
        average_bytes_weight = normalized_weight.average_bytes
        total_packets_weight = normalized_weight.total_packets
        average_packets_weight = normalized_weight.average_packets

        # List of Mins and Max's each of the data types.
        min_event = Defaults.POS_INFINITY.value
        max_event = Defaults.NEG_INFINITY.value
        min_dur = Defaults.POS_INFINITY.value
        max_dur = Defaults.NEG_INFINITY.value
        min_av_dur = Defaults.POS_INFINITY.value
        max_av_dur = Defaults.NEG_INFINITY.value
        min_byte = Defaults.POS_INFINITY.value
        max_byte = Defaults.NEG_INFINITY.value
        min_av_byte = Defaults.POS_INFINITY.value
        max_av_byte = Defaults.NEG_INFINITY.value
        min_packet = Defaults.POS_INFINITY.value
        max_packet = Defaults.NEG_INFINITY.value
        min_av_packet = Defaults.POS_INFINITY.value
        max_av_packet = Defaults.NEG_INFINITY.value
        min_av_event = Defaults.POS_INFINITY.value
        max_av_event = Defaults.NEG_INFINITY.value

        # Rating section
        raw_ratings = []

        for flow in flows:        
            if > max_event:
                max_event =
            if < min_event:
                min_event =
            if flow.duration > max_dur:
                max_dur = flow.duration
            if flow.duration < min_dur:
                min_dur = flow.duration
            if flow.avg_duration > max_av_dur:
                max_av_dur = flow.avg_duration
            if flow.avg_duration < min_av_dur:
                min_av_dur = flow.avg_duration
            if flow.bytes > max_byte:
                max_byte = flow.bytes
            if flow.bytes < min_byte:
                min_byte = flow.bytes
            if flow.avg_bytes > max_av_byte:
                max_av_byte = flow.avg_bytes
            if flow.avg_bytes < min_av_byte:
                min_av_byte = flow.avg_bytes
            if flow.packets > max_packet:
                max_packet = flow.packets
            if flow.packets < min_packet:
                min_packet = flow.packets
            if flow.avg_packets > max_av_packet:
                max_av_packet = flow.avg_packets
            if flow.avg_packets < min_av_packet:
                min_av_packet = flow.avg_packets
            if flow.avg_events > max_av_event:
                max_av_event = flow.avg_events
            if flow.avg_events < min_av_event:
                min_av_event = flow.avg_events

            events =
            duration = flow.duration
            average_duration = flow.avg_duration
            bytes = flow.bytes
            average_bytes = flow.avg_bytes
            packets = flow.packets
            average_packets = flow.avg_packets
            last_event = flow.last_event
            average_events = flow.avg_events

            # Deltas
            dh_event = max_event - min_event
            dh_avg_event = max_av_event - min_av_event
            dh_duration = max_dur - min_dur
            dh_avg_duration = max_av_dur - min_av_dur
            dh_bytes = max_byte - min_byte
            dh_avg_bytes = max_av_byte - min_av_byte
            dh_packets = max_packet - min_packet
            dh_avg_packets = max_av_packet - min_av_packet

            # Differentials
            diff_event = events - min_event
            diff_avg_event = average_events - min_av_event
            diff_duration = duration - min_dur
            diff_avg_duration = average_duration - min_av_dur
            diff_bytes = bytes - min_byte
            diff_avg_bytes = average_bytes - min_av_byte
            diff_packets = packets - min_packet
            diff_avg_packets = average_packets - min_av_packet

            # Scores
            events_score = (diff_event / dh_event) * total_events_weight
            avg_events_score = (diff_avg_event / dh_avg_event) * average_events_weight
            duration_score = (diff_duration / dh_duration) * total_duration_weight
            avg_duration_score = (diff_avg_duration / dh_avg_duration) * average_duration_weight
            bytes_score = (diff_bytes / dh_bytes) * total_bytes_weight
            avg_bytes_score = (diff_avg_bytes / dh_avg_bytes) * average_bytes_weight
            packets_score = (diff_packets / dh_packets) * total_packets_weight
            avg_packets_score = (diff_avg_packets / dh_avg_packets) * average_packets_weight

            all_scores = sum(events_score, avg_events_score, duration_score,
                            avg_duration_score, bytes_score, avg_bytes_score,
                            packets_score, avg_packets_score)

            time_delta = (data_newest_time - last_event)
            if time_delta < Defaults.MINUTES_A_DAY.value:
                if flow.src_address in aging_file_data:
                    aged_score = float(aging_file_data[flow.src_address])
                    aged_score = 0
                time_modifier_factor = time_delta // Defaults.MINUTES_A_DAY.value
                aged_score = all_scores * (2 / (time_modifier_factor + 2))
                aging_file_data.update({flow.src_address: aged_score})

            total_score = aged_score
            raw_ratings.append([RawRating(flow.src_address, total_score)])

        self.write_to_aging_file(path_to_aging_file, aging_file_data)"Raw ratings for PNNF: {raw_ratings}")

        return raw_ratings