Exemplo n.º 1
    def report_malaria(self, message, ref_id, result, bednet, observed):
        case = self.find_case(ref_id)
        observed, choices = self.get_observations(observed)
        provider = message.sender.provider

        result = result.lower() == "y"
        bednet = bednet.lower() == "y"

        report = ReportMalaria(case=case, provider=provider, result=result, bednet=bednet)
        for obs in observed:

        # build up an information dictionary
        info = case.get_dictionary()

        # this could all really do with cleaning up
        # note that there is always an alert that goes out
        if not result:
            if observed: info["observed"] = ", (%s)" % info["observed"]
            msg = _("MRDT> Child +%(ref_id)s, %(last_name)s, %(first_name)s, "\
                    "%(gender)s/%(months)s (%(guardian)s), %(village)s. RDT=%(result_text)s,"\
                    " Bednet=%(bednet_text)s%(observed)s. Please refer patient IMMEDIATELY "\
                    "for clinical evaluation" % info)
            # alerts to health team
            alert = _("MRDT> Negative MRDT with Fever. +%(ref_id)s, %(last_name)s,"\
                      " %(first_name)s, %(gender)s/%(months)s %(village)s. Patient "\
                      "requires IMMEDIATE referral. Reported by CHW %(provider_name)s "\
                      "@%(provider_user)s m:%(provider_mobile)s." % info)

            # this is all for if child has tested postive
            # and is really just abut
            years, months = case.years_months()
            tabs, yage = None, None
            # just reformatted to make it look like less ugh
            if years < 1:
                if months < 2: tabs, yage = None, None
                else: tabs, yage = 1, "less than 3"
            elif years < 3: tabs, yage = 1, "less than 3"
            elif years < 9: tabs, yage = 2, years
            elif years < 15: tabs, yage = 3, years
            else: tabs, yage = 4, years

            # messages change depending upon age and dangers
            dangers = report.observed.filter(uid__in=("vomiting", "appetite", "breathing", "confusion", "fits"))
            # no tabs means too young
            if not tabs:
                info["instructions"] = "Child is too young for treatment. Please refer IMMEDIATELY to clinic"
                # old enough to take tabs, but lets format msg
                if dangers:
                    info["danger"] = " and danger signs (" + ",".join([ u.name for u in dangers ]) + ")"                        
                    info["instructions"] = "Refer to clinic immediately after %s "\
                                           "tab%s of Coartem is given" % (tabs, (tabs > 1) and "s" or "")
                    info["danger"] = ""
                    info["instructions"] = "Child is %s. Please provide %s tab%s "\
                                           "of Coartem (ACT) twice a day for 3 days" % (yage, tabs, 
                                           (tabs > 1) and "s" or "")

            # finally build out the messages
            msg = _("MRDT> Child +%(ref_id)s, %(last_name)s, %(first_name)s, "\
                    "%(gender)s/%(months)s has MALARIA%(danger)s. %(instructions)s" % info)

            alert = _("MRDT> Child +%(ref_id)s, %(last_name)s, %(first_name)s, "\
                      "%(gender)s/%(months)s (%(village)s) has MALARIA%(danger)s. "\
                      "CHW: @%(provider_user)s %(provider_mobile)s" % info)

        self.int2dom(message, msg)
        recipients = report.get_alert_recipients()
        for recipient in recipients:
            #message.forward(recipient.mobile, alert)
            self.int2dom(message, alert,recipient.mobile)

        log(case, "mrdt_taken")        
        return True