Exemplo n.º 1
    def post(self):
            if Site.find_by_sitename(request.json["site_name"]):
                return {
                    'Site {} already exists'.format(request.json["username"])

            new_site = Site(site_name=request.json['site_name'],


            return {
                'message': 'Site {} was created'.format(new_site.site_name)

            return {'message': 'Something went wrong'}, 500
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_expects_separated_reports(self, webmock):
        # Assume
        test_dir = pathjoin(AUDITS_DIR, "sub-domain-com")

        # Arrange
        domain = 'sub.domain.com'
        webmock.get(requests_mock.ANY, text='ok')
        site = Site(domain)
        test_cases = [
            # audit_type, expected_report_designator
            ("design", "design"),
            ("code", "code"),
            (None, "all")

        for audit_type, expected_report_designator in test_cases:
            site.audit_type = audit_type
            audit = AxeSiteAudit(site)

            # Act
            csv_path = audit.write_violations_to_csv()

            # Assert
            filename_template = "sub-domain-com-site-{}-violations.csv"
            expected_filename = filename_template.format(expected_report_designator)
            expected_path = pathjoin(test_dir, expected_filename)
            self.assertEqual(expected_path, csv_path)
Exemplo n.º 3
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    logger.info('got event{}'.format(event))

    site = deserialize_site(event)
    if site is None:
        return respond(
            '{ "errorCode": "400", "errorMessage":"Bad Request: No valid Site data sent in the body."}'

    # Check to see if there are any items already existing with that slug
    existing_site_check = Site.find(site.slug)
    if existing_site_check is not None:
        return respond(
            '{ "errorCode": "400", "errorMessage":"Bad Request: Duplicate slug value specified. This must be a unique value for each site."}'

    # Actually create the record now
    if not site.save():
        return respond(
            '{ "errorCode": "400", "errorMessage":"Bad Request: Unable to create record due to failed validation checks."}'
        response_body = Site.find(site.slug).to_json(
        )  # Reload the object from the database to ensure that any on-save hooks are accounted for
        return respond('200', response_body)
Exemplo n.º 4
def home(language='es'):
    site = Site(language, splitByLanguage('Inicio | Home', language))
    site.blowUp = True

    collection = Collection(site)
    items = collection.asItems()

    return render_template('home.html', site=site, items=items)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_site_validation(self):
        site = Site()
            'Default site values should not validate due to empty name and slug'

        site.name = "Valid Site Name"
        site.slug = 'valid-site-name'
                        'These hand-coded values should be valid')

        # Test some known-bad slugs
        bad_slugs = [
            'valid site name',  # no whitespace
            'valid--site--name',  # no repeated hyphens
            'Valid-Site-Name',  # No capital letters
            'chris\'-awesome-site',  # No apostrophes
        for bad_slug in bad_slugs:
            site.name = 'Valid Site Name'
            site.slug = bad_slug
                'This slug should have been invalid: \'%(slug)\'' % site.slug)
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: test.py Projeto: CMGS/ymir
def cleanup():
    from models.site import Site, Block
    from utils.cache import local_cache
    for k, v in local_cache.iteritems():
        if not v:
    from utils.cache import rds
    keys = rds.keys('c:*')
    if keys:
Exemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self, handler):
     site = cache.get("site")
     if site:
       self.site = site
       site = Site.all().get()
       cache.add("site", site)
       self.site = site
     site = Site.all().get();
     cache.add("site", site)
     self.site = site
   self.handler = handler
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_expects_to_validate_internal_urls(self, webmock):
        # Arrange
        webmock.get(requests_mock.ANY, text='ok')
        domain = 'sub.domain.com'
        site = Site.from_domain_or_url(domain)

        test_cases = [
            # url,                                                  is_valid
            ['https://sub.domain.com/',                             True],
            ['https://sub.domain.com/foo',                          True],
            ['https://sub.domain.com/foo?q=foo',                    True],
            ['https://domain.com/',                                 False],
            ['foo/bar',                                             False],
            ['https://google.com',                                  False],
            ['https://google.com/',                                 False],
            ['https://sub.domain.com/mailto:[email protected]',       False],
            ['https://sub.domain.com/tel:555-555-5555',             False],
            ['https://sub.domain.com/fax:555-555-5555',             False],
            ['https://sub.domain.com/foo#header',                   False],
            ['https://sub.domain.com/javascript: openMarker(1)',    False],
            ['https://sub.domain.com/foo.jpg',                      False],
            ['https://sub.domain.com/foo.mp3',                      False],
            ['https://sub.domain.com/foo.mov',                      False],
            ['https://sub.domain.com/foo.pdf',                      False]

        # Act / Assert
        for url, expected in test_cases:
            is_valid = site.is_valid_internal_url(url)
            self.assertEqual(expected, is_valid, url)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test_get_one(self):
     site = Site.find('test_site_1')
     self.assertEqual("123 Fake Street", site.address)
     self.assertEqual('test_site_1', site.name)
     self.assertEqual('Yellow', site.availability_status)
     self.assertEqual(False, site.is_open)
     self.assertEqual('8-4', site.hours)
Exemplo n.º 10
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    logger.info('got event{}'.format(event))
    #get the site name from the url
    if 'pathParameters' not in event:
        return respond(
            '{ "errorCode": "400", "errorMessage":"Bad Request: No Site Slug specified in the path"}'
    if 'sitename' not in event['pathParameters']:
        return respond(
            '{ "errorCode": "400", "errorMessage":"Bad Request: No Site Slug found in the path parameters"}'
#    site_name = urllib.parse.unquote(event['pathParameters']['sitename'])
# TODO: implement url decoding, or do pattern validation on the sitename
    site_name = event['pathParameters']['sitename']

    if len(site_name) == 0:
        return respond(
            '{ "errorCode": "400", "errorMessage":"Bad Request: Empty sitename"}'

    site = Site.find(site_name)
    if site is None:
        return respond(
            '{ "errorCode": "404", "errorMessage":"Not Found: no Site found with that slug"}'

    #actually delete the site
    return respond('200', '')
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: test.py Projeto: CMGS/ymir
def setup():
    import tests
    import config
    for k in dir(config):
        value = getattr(tests, k, None)
        if not value:
        setattr(config, k, value)

    from models.site import Site, Block
    from query.site import create
    global site
    from tests.base import TEST_TOKEN
    site = create(TEST_TOKEN, 'test')
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_expects_to_filter_by_audit_type(self):
        # Arrange
        domain = 'sub.domain.com'
        site = Site.from_domain_or_url(domain)
        page = Page(site)
        test_axe_report_path = helper.fixture_file_path(

        with open(test_axe_report_path, "r") as f:
            data = json.loads(f.read())

        axe_errors = data["violations"]

        test_cases = [
            # audit_type   expected_violations_length
            ("design", 2),
            ("code", 3),
            (None, 5)

        for audit_type, expected_violations_length in test_cases:
            audit = AxePageAudit(page, audit_type)
            sorted_violations = []

            # Act
            for error in axe_errors:
                sorted_violations += Violation.s_from_audit_axe_error(
                    audit, error)

            # Assert
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_expect_successful_page_audit(self, webmock):
        # Arrange
        domain = 'httpbin.org'
        test_axe_report_path = helper.fixture_file_path('httpbin-org-page-all-violations.json')
        webmock.get(requests_mock.ANY, text='ok')
        site = Site.from_domain_or_url(domain)
        page = Page(site)
        audit_type = None

        # Assume

        # Act
        # Mock the AxeAudit generate_report method to return our test fixture file
        # path when page.axe_audit called.
        with patch.object(AxePageAudit, 'generate_report') as mocked_method:
            mocked_method.return_value = test_axe_report_path

        # Assert
        self.assertEqual(page.site, site)
        self.assertIn(domain, page.url)
        self.assertEqual(5, len(page.audit.violations))
        self.assertEqual(5, len(page.audit.errors))
        self.assertEqual(0, len(page.audit.warnings))
Exemplo n.º 14
 def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
   email = self.request.get("email")
   code = self.request.get("code")
   password = self.request.get("password")
   site = Site.all().get()
   if email and not code:
     if User.send_recovery_email(email, site.title):
       self.response.out.write("The email has been sent. Please check your email to reset your password.")
       return True
       self.response.out.write("The email was not sent. Please try again.")
       return False
   elif email and code and password:
     user = User.get_by_email(email)
     if user:
       if user.set_password(password, site.secret):
         login = User.login(email, password, site)
         self.session["user"] = login
         return True
         self.response.out.write("An Error Occurred Resetting Password, Please try again.")
         return False
       self.response.out.write("Cannot Reset Password For This User")
       return False
   return False
Exemplo n.º 15
    def test_expects_violations_in_csv(self, webmock):
        # Arrange
        test_dir = pathjoin(AUDITS_DIR, "sub-domain-com")
        violations_csv_path = pathjoin(test_dir, "sub-domain-com.csv")
        webmock.get(requests_mock.ANY, text='ok')
        domain = 'sub.domain.com'
        site = Site(domain)
        page = Page(site)
        audit = AxeSiteAudit(site)
        source = 'test'
        identifier = 'test-error'
        severity = 'low'
        violation = Violation(
        violation.kind = "error"
        violation.help = "Error must be fixed"
        violation.help_url = "https://help.com"
        violation.html = "<p>Test</p>"
        violation.failure = "This is incorrect"

        # Act
        audit.write_to_violation_csv(violations_csv_path, [violation])
        with open(violations_csv_path, 'r') as file:
            csv_rows = list(csv.reader(file))
            row_count = len(csv_rows)

        # Assert
            self.assertEqual(row_count, 2)
            self.assertEqual(csv_rows[0][0], "page_url")
            self.assertEqual(csv_rows[1][8], violation.failure)
Exemplo n.º 16
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    #get the site name from the url
    if 'pathParameters' not in event:
        return respond(
            '{ "errorCode": "400", "errorMessage":"Bad Request: No Site Slug specified in the path"}'
    if 'sitename' not in event['pathParameters']:
        return respond(
            '{ "errorCode": "400", "errorMessage":"Bad Request: No Site Slug found in the path parameters"}'
    site_name = urllib.parse.unquote(event['pathParameters']['sitename'])

    if len(site_name) == 0:
        return respond(
            '{ "errorCode": "400", "errorMessage":"Bad Request: Empty sitename"}'

    site = Site.find(site_name)

    if site is None:
        return respond(
            '404', '{ "errorCode": "404", "errorMessage":"Invalid site name"}')

    return respond('200', site.to_json())
Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_create_site_nodata(self):
        # Make note of the starting site count
        starting_sites = Site.all()

        event = {
            'httpMethod': 'PUT',
            'path': '/site',
            'resource': '/site',
            'pathParameters': None,
            'body': None,

        response = LambdaApiHandler.site_apis(event)
        self.assertEqual('400', response['statusCode'])
        # Cleanup validation
        self.assertEqual(len(starting_sites), len(Site.all()),
                         "Failed to clean up the site we created!")
Exemplo n.º 18
def deserialize_site(event):
    """ Extract a Site object from the Event body """
    if event['body'] is None:
        return None

    json_body = json.loads(event['body'])
    site = Site.from_dict(json_body)
    return site
Exemplo n.º 19
def deserialize_site(event):
    """ Extract a Site object from the Event body """
    if event['body'] is None:
        return None

    json_body = json.loads(event['body'])
    site = Site.from_dict(json_body)
    return site
Exemplo n.º 20
Arquivo: site.py Projeto: CMGS/ymir
def create(token, name):
    site = Site.create(token=token, name=name)
    node = get_node(site.id)
    site.node = node
    comment_table = generate(site.id, token, node)
    local_cache[token] = site
    return site
Exemplo n.º 21
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    logger.info('got event{}'.format(event))

    site = deserialize_site(event)
    if site is None:
        return respond('400', '{ "errorCode": "400", "errorMessage":"Bad Request: No valid Site data sent in the body."}')

    # Check to see if there are any items already existing with that slug
    existing_site_check = Site.find(site.slug)
    if existing_site_check is not None:
        return respond('400', '{ "errorCode": "400", "errorMessage":"Bad Request: Duplicate slug value specified. This must be a unique value for each site."}')

    # Actually create the record now
    if not site.save():
        return respond('400', '{ "errorCode": "400", "errorMessage":"Bad Request: Unable to create record due to failed validation checks."}')
        response_body = Site.find(site.slug).to_json() # Reload the object from the database to ensure that any on-save hooks are accounted for
        return respond('200', response_body)
Exemplo n.º 22
 def test_auction_results(self):
     """Test auction bids result calculation"""
     bids = [
         Bid(Bidder('BRANDON', -0.001), 'banner', 50),
         Bid(Bidder('ASEMA', -0.0432), 'banner', 51)
     site = Site('test.com', [bids[0].bidder, bids[1].bidder], 40)
     auction = Auction(site, [AdUnit.banner], bids)
     actual = auction.get_max_bids()
     self.assertEqual(actual['banner'].bid, 50, 'Invalid Auction')
Exemplo n.º 23
    def test_create_site(self):
        event = {
                "Site": {
                    "name": "tc_lambda_sites_test_create_site",
                    "address": "1234 Fake Street",
                    "hours": "8-3",
                    "is_open": False,
                    "availability_status": "Red"
        # Make note of the starting site count
        starting_sites = Site.all()

        response = LambdaApiHandler.site_apis(event)
        self.assertEqual('200', response['statusCode'])
        self.assertEqual(len(starting_sites) + 1, len(Site.all()))

        # Fetch the site separately and validate the content
        site = Site.find('tc_lambda_sites_test_create_site')
        self.assertEqual('tc_lambda_sites_test_create_site', site.name)
        self.assertEqual("1234 Fake Street", site.address)
        self.assertEqual('Red', site.availability_status)
        self.assertEqual(False, site.is_open)
        self.assertEqual('8-3', site.hours)

        # Cleanup.
        if site != None:
        # Cleanup validation
        self.assertEqual(len(starting_sites), len(Site.all()),
                         "Failed to clean up the site we created!")
Exemplo n.º 24
 def post(self):
   site = Site.all().get()
   save_items = {'site.title':'','site.admin':'','site.password':''}
   form_items = ['site.title','site.admin','site.password']
   for item in form_items:
     if item in self.request.arguments():
       if self.request.get(item) != "":
         save_items[item] = self.request.get(item)
         self.json_out({"success":False,"message":"%s is not entered" % item})
         return False
       self.json_out({"success":False,"message":"%s is not in the form" % item})
       return False
   user = self.ws.users.get_current_user(self)
   site = Site.create(save_items['site.admin'],save_items['site.password'],save_items['site.title'],user)
Exemplo n.º 25
    def test_expects_new_site_from_url(self):
        # Arrange
        url = 'http://sub.domain.com/path?q=foo'

        # Act
        site = Site(url)

        # Assert
        self.assertEqual(url, site.url)
        self.assertEqual('http', site.scheme)
        self.assertEqual('http://sub.domain.com', site.base_url)
Exemplo n.º 26
    def respond(self):

        site_id = str(uuid.uuid4())[:8]
        site_key = uuid.uuid4()

        new_site = Site(site_id, site_key)

        response = {'site_id': site_id, 'site_key': site_key}
        return render_template('template_signup.html', context=response)
Exemplo n.º 27
    def test_expects_page_instance(self):
        # Arrange
        domain = 'sub.domain.com'
        site = Site.from_domain_or_url(domain)

        # Act
        page = Page(site)

        # Assert
        self.assertIsInstance(page, Page)
        self.assertEqual(page.site, site)
        self.assertIn(domain, page.url)
Exemplo n.º 28
    def test_get_all(self):
        starting_sites = Site.all()

        sites = Site.all()
        self.assertTrue( len(sites) > 0, 'No sites found with Site.all()')
        site = sites[0]
        self.assertEqual('Chris\' Awesome Test Site #2', site.name)
        self.assertEqual('chris-awesome-test-site-2', site.slug)
        self.assertEqual("1234 Fake Street", site.xstreet)
        self.assertEqual('Universal City', site.xcity)
        self.assertEqual('78005', site.xzip)
        # self.assertEqual(Decimal('175.1'), site.latitude)
        # self.assertEqual(Decimal('176.0'), site.longitude)
        self.assertEqual('175.1', site.latitude)
        self.assertEqual('176.0', site.longitude)
        self.assertEqual('10am', site.opentime)
        self.assertEqual('6pm', site.closetime)
        self.assertEqual('M-T', site.days)
        self.assertEqual(None, site.sitecoordinator)
        self.assertEqual(True, site.is_open)

        self.assertEqual(len(starting_sites), len(Site.all()), 'Site.all() somehow altered the record count')
Exemplo n.º 29
 def test_auction_results_performance(self):
     """Evaluate response time for auction results"""
     bids = [
         Bid(Bidder('BRANDON', -0.001), 'banner', 50),
         Bid(Bidder('ASEMA', -0.0432), 'banner', 51)
     site = Site('test.com', [bids[0].bidder, bids[1].bidder], 40)
     auction = Auction(site, [AdUnit.banner], bids)
     time_start = time.time()
     time_end = time.time()
     time_span = time_end - time_start
     self.assertLess(time_span, 1, 'Results Method Performance Inadequate')
Exemplo n.º 30
    def test_expects_new_axe_page_audit(self):
        # Arrange
        url = 'https://sub.domain.com'
        site = Site(url)
        page = Page(site)

        # Act
        page_audit = AxePageAudit(page)

        # Assert
        self.assertIsInstance(page_audit, AxePageAudit)
        self.assertEqual(url, page_audit.url)
        self.assertListEqual([], page_audit.violations)
Exemplo n.º 31
    def test_expects_new_axe_site_audit(self, webmock):
        # Arrange
        webmock.get(requests_mock.ANY, text='ok')
        domain = 'sub.domain.com'
        site = Site(domain)

        # Act
        site_audit = AxeSiteAudit(site)

        # Assert
        self.assertIsInstance(site_audit, AxeSiteAudit)
        self.assertEqual(site, site_audit.site)
        self.assertListEqual([], site_audit.violations)
Exemplo n.º 32
    def test_expects_spider_instance(self, webmock):
        # Arrange
        domain = 'sub.domain.com'
        site = Site.from_domain_or_url(domain)
        webmock.get(requests_mock.ANY, text='ok')

        # Act
        spider = SitemapSpider(site)

        # Assert
        self.assertIsInstance(spider, SitemapSpider)
        self.assertEqual(site, spider.site)
        self.assertIn(site.base_url, spider.base_url)
Exemplo n.º 33
    def test_get_all(self):
        starting_sites = Site.all()

        sites = Site.all()
        self.assertTrue(len(sites) > 0, 'No sites found with Site.all()')
        site = sites[0]
        self.assertEqual('Chris\' Awesome Test Site #2', site.name)
        self.assertEqual('chris-awesome-test-site-2', site.slug)
        self.assertEqual("1234 Fake Street", site.xstreet)
        self.assertEqual('Universal City', site.xcity)
        self.assertEqual('78005', site.xzip)
        # self.assertEqual(Decimal('175.1'), site.latitude)
        # self.assertEqual(Decimal('176.0'), site.longitude)
        self.assertEqual('175.1', site.latitude)
        self.assertEqual('176.0', site.longitude)
        self.assertEqual('10am', site.opentime)
        self.assertEqual('6pm', site.closetime)
        self.assertEqual('M-T', site.days)
        self.assertEqual(None, site.sitecoordinator)
        self.assertEqual(True, site.is_open)

        self.assertEqual(len(starting_sites), len(Site.all()),
                         'Site.all() somehow altered the record count')
Exemplo n.º 34
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    sites = Site.all()
    if sites == None:
        return respond('500', '{"errorCode":"500","errorMessage":"Unable to fetch a list of sites"}')
    sites_json = []
    for site in sites:
    j = ','.join(sites_json)
    response_body = "[ " + j + " ]"

    return respond('200', response_body)
Exemplo n.º 35
 def save_site_info(self):
     inputs = self.get_input()
     if web.ctx.method == "POST":
         username = inputs.get('username', '').strip()
         position = inputs.get('position', '').strip()
         case_number = inputs.get('case_number', '').strip()
         copy_right = inputs.get("copyright", '').strip()
                         copyright=copy_right). \
                 where(Site.id == 1).execute()
             self.private_data["update_success"] = True
             return web.seeother(self.make_url('home'))
         except Exception as e:
             log.error('create album failed%s' % traceback.format_exc())
             self.private_data["update_success"] = False
             self.private_data["update_message"] = u"更新失败"
             return web.seeother(self.make_url('save_site_info'))
     if web.ctx.method == "GET":
         site = Site.get_or_none(Site.id == 1)
         self.private_data["site"] = site
         return self.display("admin/site_info")
    def test_as_item_returns_expected_results(self):
        data = googleData()

        site = Site('es', '')
        collection = Collection(site)
        collection.googleData = data

        # Assert data is turned right into a list of Items.
        assert collection.asItems()[1].name() == 'Nombre del objeto'

        # Assert data is skipped if all the fields are empty.
        assert collection.asItems()[0].name() == 'Nombre del objeto 2'

        # Assert empty list is returned when there's no data.
        collection.googleData = []
        assert collection.asItems() == []
Exemplo n.º 37
 def test_get_site_details(self):
     event = {
         'httpMethod': 'GET',
         'path': '/site/the-alamo',
         'resource': '/site/{sitename}',
         'pathParameters': {
             'sitename': 'the-alamo'
         'body': None,
     response = lambda_handler(event, None)
     self.assertEqual('200', response['statusCode'], 'Maybe the data hasn\'t been created yet? This is a manual process until we get fixtures installed')
     site = Site.from_dict(json.loads(response['body']))
     self.assertEqual('the-alamo', site.slug)
     self.assertEqual('The Alamo', site.name)
Exemplo n.º 38
    def test_expects_new_site_from_domain(self, webmock):
        # Arrange
        domain = 'sub.domain.com'
        webmock.get(requests_mock.ANY, text='ok')

        # Act
        site = Site(domain)

        # Assert
        self.assertIsInstance(site, Site)
        self.assertEqual('https', site.scheme)
        self.assertEqual('sub', site.subdomain)
        self.assertEqual('domain', site.domain)
        self.assertEqual('com', site.tld)
        self.assertEqual('sub.domain.com', site.fqdn)
        self.assertEqual('https://sub.domain.com', site.url)
Exemplo n.º 39
 def test_get_site_details(self):
     event = {
         'httpMethod': 'GET',
         'path': '/site/the-alamo',
         'resource': '/site/{sitename}',
         'pathParameters': {
             'sitename': 'the-alamo'
         'body': None,
     response = GetSiteDetails.lambda_handler(event, None)
     self.assertEqual('200', response['statusCode'])
     site = Site.from_dict(json.loads(response['body']))
     self.assertEqual('the-alamo', site.slug)
     self.assertEqual('The Alamo', site.name)
Exemplo n.º 40
    def test_expects_site_for_a_localhost_url(self):
        # Arrange
        url = 'http://localhost:3000/'

        # Act
        site = Site.from_domain_or_url(url)

        # Assert
        self.assertIsInstance(site, Site)
        self.assertEqual('http', site.scheme)
        self.assertEqual('', site.subdomain)
        self.assertEqual('localhost', site.domain)
        self.assertEqual('', site.tld)
        self.assertEqual('localhost', site.fqdn)
        self.assertEqual('http://localhost:3000/', site.url)
        self.assertEqual('http://localhost:3000', site.base_url)
Exemplo n.º 41
 def test_get_site_details(self):
     event = {
         'httpMethod': 'GET',
         'path': '/site/the-alamo',
         'resource': '/site/{sitename}',
         'pathParameters': {
             'sitename': 'the-alamo'
         'body': None,
     response = GetSiteDetails.lambda_handler(event, None)
     self.assertEqual('200', response['statusCode'])
     site = Site.from_dict(json.loads(response['body']))
     self.assertEqual('the-alamo', site.slug)
     self.assertEqual('The Alamo', site.name)
Exemplo n.º 42
 def test_get_site_details(self):
     event = {
         'httpMethod': 'GET',
         'path': '/site/the-alamo',
         'resource': '/site/{sitename}',
         'pathParameters': {
             'sitename': 'the-alamo'
         'body': None,
     response = lambda_handler(event, None)
     self.assertEqual('200', response['statusCode'], 'Maybe the data hasn\'t been created yet? This is a manual process until we get fixtures installed')
     site = Site.from_dict(json.loads(response['body']))
     self.assertEqual('the-alamo', site.slug)
     self.assertEqual('The Alamo', site.name)
Exemplo n.º 43
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    #get the site name from the url
    if 'pathParameters' not in event:
        return respond('400', '{ "errorCode": "400", "errorMessage":"Bad Request: No Site Slug specified in the path"}')
    if 'sitename' not in event['pathParameters']:
        return respond('400', '{ "errorCode": "400", "errorMessage":"Bad Request: No Site Slug found in the path parameters"}')
    site_name = urllib.parse.unquote(event['pathParameters']['sitename'])

    if len(site_name) == 0: 
        return respond('400', '{ "errorCode": "400", "errorMessage":"Bad Request: Empty sitename"}')
    site = Site.find(site_name)

    if site is None:
        return respond('404', '{ "errorCode": "404", "errorMessage":"Invalid site name"}')

    return respond('200', site.to_json())
Exemplo n.º 44
 def test_get_one(self):
     site = Site.find('chris-awesome-test-site-2')
     self.assertIsNotNone(site, 'Default site not found. This probably needs to be created manually')
     self.assertEqual('Chris\' Awesome Test Site #2', site.name)
     self.assertEqual('chris-awesome-test-site-2', site.slug)
     self.assertEqual("1234 Fake Street", site.xstreet)
     self.assertEqual('Universal City', site.xcity)
     self.assertEqual('78005', site.xzip)
     # self.assertEqual(Decimal('175.1'), site.latitude)
     # self.assertEqual(Decimal('176.0'), site.longitude)
     self.assertEqual('175.1', site.latitude)
     self.assertEqual('176.0', site.longitude)
     self.assertEqual('10am', site.opentime)
     self.assertEqual('6pm', site.closetime)
     self.assertEqual('M-T', site.days)
     self.assertEqual(None, site.sitecoordinator)
     self.assertEqual(True, site.is_open)
Exemplo n.º 45
    def test_site_validation(self):
        site = Site()
        self.assertFalse(site.is_valid(), 'Default site values should not validate due to empty name and slug')

        site.name = "Valid Site Name"
        site.slug = 'valid-site-name'
        self.assertTrue(site.is_valid(), 'These hand-coded values should be valid')

        # Test some known-bad slugs
        bad_slugs = [
            'valid site name', # no whitespace
            'valid--site--name', # no repeated hyphens
            'Valid-Site-Name', # No capital letters
            'chris\'-awesome-site', # No apostrophes
        for bad_slug in bad_slugs:
            site.name = 'Valid Site Name'
            site.slug = bad_slug
            self.assertFalse(site.is_valid(), 'This slug should have been invalid: \'%(slug)\'' % site.slug)
Exemplo n.º 46
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    logger.info('got event{}'.format(event))
#get the site name from the url
    if 'pathParameters' not in event:
        return respond('400', '{ "errorCode": "400", "errorMessage":"Bad Request: No Site Slug specified in the path"}')
    if 'sitename' not in event['pathParameters']:
        return respond('400', '{ "errorCode": "400", "errorMessage":"Bad Request: No Site Slug found in the path parameters"}')
#    site_name = urllib.parse.unquote(event['pathParameters']['sitename'])
    # TODO: implement url decoding, or do pattern validation on the sitename
    site_name = event['pathParameters']['sitename']

    if len(site_name) == 0: 
        return respond('400', '{ "errorCode": "400", "errorMessage":"Bad Request: Empty sitename"}')
    site = Site.find(site_name)
    if site is None: 
        return respond('404', '{ "errorCode": "404", "errorMessage":"Not Found: no Site found with that slug"}')
    #actually delete the site
    return respond('200', '')
Exemplo n.º 47
	def read(self, file):
		result = {
			"errors" : [],
			"data" : [],
			"dialect" : None
		csvio = StringIO.StringIO(file)
		dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(file)
		csvreader = csv.DictReader(csvio, dialect = dialect)
		for row in csvreader:
			Here we need to render each user account
			store it and get ready to start sending emails etc.
			if not row.get('             E-MAIL  ADDRESS', None):
					"message" : "Could not retrieve field             E-MAIL  ADDRESS",
					"row" : row
			new_user = User.get_by_email(row.get('             E-MAIL  ADDRESS', 'CANCEL'))
			if not new_user:
				site = Site.all().get()
				new_user = User.create_user(row.get('             E-MAIL  ADDRESS', 'NONE'), 'NONE', site.secret)
			new_user.firstname = row.get('FIRST NAME', None)
			new_user.lastname = row.get('LAST NAME', None)
			new_user.spouse = row.get('SPOUSE', None)
			new_user.address = row.get('ADDRESS LINE 1', None) + '\n' + row.get('ADDRESS LINE 2', None) + '\n' + row.get('CITY', None) + '\n' + row.get('STATE', None) + ',' + row.get('ZIP', None) + '\n' + row.get('COUNTRY', None)
			if row.get('PHONE NUMBER', None):
				new_user.phone = row.get('PHONE NUMBER', None)
			if row.get('FAX NUMBER', None):
				new_user.fax = row.get('FAX NUMBER', None)
		#clear the user cache
		return result
Exemplo n.º 48
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    print("Recompiling All Sites static JSON")

    print("Uploading to S3")
Exemplo n.º 49
    def test_create_new(self):
        # Keep track of the initial set, so that we can discern which changes were caused by this test
        starting_sites = Site.all()

        site = Site()
        site.name = 'Chris\' Awesome Test Site #1'
        site.slug = 'chris-awesome-test-site-1'
        site.xstreet = '1234 Fake Street'
        site.xcity = 'Universal City'
        site.xzip = '78005'
        # site.latitude = Decimal('175.1')
        # site.longitude = Decimal('176.0')
        site.latitude = '175.1'
        site.longitude = '176.0'
        site.opentime = '10am'
        site.closetime = '6pm'
        site.days = 'M-T'
        site.sitecoordinator = None # TODO: test variations of this too
        site.sitetype = 'Tax Preparation'

        site.is_open = True

        result = site.save()
        self.assertEqual(200, result, 'Failed to save the new site')
        # Validate that the record was indeed written out to the DB
        self.assertEqual(len(starting_sites)+1, len(Site.all()), 'No Site record was actually written')

        # # Now fetch the site data back out
        site2 = Site.find('chris-awesome-test-site-1')
        self.assertEqual('Chris\' Awesome Test Site #1', site2.name)
        self.assertEqual('chris-awesome-test-site-1', site2.slug)
        self.assertEqual("1234 Fake Street", site2.xstreet)
        self.assertEqual('Universal City', site2.xcity)
        self.assertEqual('78005', site2.xzip)
        # self.assertEqual(Decimal('175.1'), site2.latitude)
        # self.assertEqual(Decimal('176.0'), site2.longitude)
        self.assertEqual('175.1', site2.latitude)
        self.assertEqual('176.0', site2.longitude)
        self.assertEqual('10am', site2.opentime)
        self.assertEqual('6pm', site2.closetime)
        self.assertEqual('M-T', site2.days)
        self.assertEqual(None, site2.sitecoordinator)
        self.assertEqual(True, site2.is_open)
        # Delete the newly created site
        self.assertEqual(200, site2.delete())
        self.assertEqual(len(starting_sites), len(Site.all()), 'The site creation test failed to clean up after itself')
Exemplo n.º 50
Arquivo: site.py Projeto: CMGS/ymir
def get_site_by_token(token):
    site = local_cache.get(token, None)
    if not site:
        site = Site.select().where(Site.token == token).first()
        local_cache[token] = site
    return site
Exemplo n.º 51
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    logger.info('got event{}'.format(event))
    # Extract the ID from the path parameters
    if 'pathParameters' not in event:
        return respond('400', '{ "errorCode": "400", "errorMessage":"Bad Request: No Site Slug specified in the path"}')
    if 'sitename' not in event['pathParameters']:
        return respond('400', '{ "errorCode": "400", "errorMessage":"Bad Request: No Site Slug found in the path parameters"}')
    if 'body' not in event:
        return respond('400', '{ "errorCode": "400", "errorMessage":"Bad Request: No Site data attached in the request body."}')
    if event['body'] is None:
        return respond('400', '{ "errorCode": "400", "errorMessage":"Bad Request: No valid Site data attached in the request body."}')

    #site_name = urllib.parse.unquote(event['pathParameters']['sitename'])
    # TODO: either validate that the sitename is a properly-formatted slug, or run it through url decoding first
    site_name = event['pathParameters']['sitename']

    # Fetch from the DB and validate that a record WAS found
    site = Site.find(site_name)
    update_count = 0
    if site is None:
        return respond('404', '{ "errorCode": "404", "errorMessage":"Invalid site name"}')

    # Check for fields being updated
    site_data = json.loads(event['body'])
    if 'name' in site_data:
        site.name = site_data['name']
        update_count += 1
    if 'xstreet' in site_data:
        site.xstreet = site_data['xstreet']
        update_count += 1
    if 'xcity' in site_data:
        site.xcity = site_data['xcity']
        update_count += 1
    if 'xzip' in site_data:
        site.xzip = site_data['xzip']
        update_count += 1
    if 'latitude' in site_data:
        site.latitude = site_data['latitude']
        update_count += 1
    if 'longitude' in site_data:
        site.longitude = site_data['longitude']
        update_count += 1
    if 'opentime' in site_data:
        site.opentime = site_data['opentime']
        update_count += 1
    if 'closetime' in site_data:
        site.closetime = site_data['closetime']
        update_count += 1
    if 'days' in site_data:
        site.days = site_data['days']
        update_count += 1
    if 'sitecoordinator' in site_data:
        site.sitecoordinator = site_data['sitecoordinator']
        update_count += 1
    if 'sitetype' in site_data:
        site.sitetype = site_data['sitetype']
        update_count += 1

    if update_count == 0:
        # return respond('400', '{ "errorCode": "400", "errorMessage":"Bad Request: No (valid) fields updated in the request body."}')
        # On second thought, let's let this operation succeed. Why not?
        # As far as the requester is concerned, the updates they requested have already been applied.
        # Also, this will even be faster than submitting a PutItem request with no purpose.
        logger.debug("No actual updates to run, so just return the site object as-is")
        return respond('200', site.to_json())

    results = site.save()
    if results is None:
        return respond('500', '{ "errorCode": "500", "errorMessage":"Server error: failed to save"}')

    # Reload the object from the database to ensure that any on-save hooks are accounted for
    response_body = Site.find(site.slug).to_json()
    return respond('200', response_body)
Exemplo n.º 52
 def get(self):
   site = Site.all().get()
Exemplo n.º 53
 def get(self, args):
   array_args = args.split("/")
   key = array_args[1]
Exemplo n.º 54
    def site_apis(event):
        """ Handle all of the Site Management API endpoints """
        response_body = ''
        response_code = '200'

        site_name = None if event['pathParameters'] == None else event['pathParameters']['sitename']
        site_data = LambdaApiHandler.deserialize_site(event) # This will simply return None if there is no (correctly formatted) data in the request body
        if event['httpMethod'] == 'GET':
            if site_name == None:
                # Fetch all sites
                print("Fetching all sites")
                sites = Site.all()
                sites_json = []
                for site in sites:
                j = ','.join(sites_json)
                response_body = "[ " + j + " ]"
                response_code = '200'
                print("Compiled response: " + response_code + " : " + response_body)
                # Fetch single site
                print("Querying a single site: " + site_name)
                site = Site.find(site_name)
                response_body = site.to_json()
                response_code = '200'
        elif event['httpMethod'] == 'PUT':
            # Create a new site
            if site_data == None:
                response_body = '{"error":"Invalid Site data in request body"}'
                response_code = '400'
                if site_data.save():
                    response_body = Site.find(site_data.name).to_json() # Reload the object from the database to ensure that any on-save hooks are accounted for
                    response_code = '200'
                    response_body = '{"error":"failed to create site"}'
                    response_code = '500'
        elif event['httpMethod'] == 'POST':
            # Update an existing site status
            if site_name == None:
                response_body = '{"error":"bad request. Please specify the sitename path parameter"}'
                response_code = '400'
            elif site_data == None:
                response_body = '{"error":"Invalid Site data in request body"}'
                response_code = '400'
                if site_data.save():
                    response_body = ''
                    response_code = '200'
                    response_body = '{"error":"failed to update site"}'
                    response_code = '500'
        elif event['httpMethod'] == 'DELETE':
            # Destroy an existing Site
            if site_name == None:
                response_body = '{"error":"bad request. Please specify the sitename path parameter"}'
                response_code = '400'
                site = Site.find(site_name)
                if site == None:
                    response_body = '{"error":"Invalid site_name"}'
                    response_code = '400'
                elif site.delete():
                    response_body = ''
                    response_code = '200'
                    response_body = '{"error":"failed to delete site"}'
                    response_code = '400'
            response_body = '{"error":"bad request"}'
            response_code = '400'
        #utilities.respond(response_code, response_body) # TODO: test this method before implementing
        return {
            'statusCode': response_code,
            'body': response_body,
            'headers': {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json'
Exemplo n.º 55
Arquivo: init.py Projeto: CMGS/ymir

import logging
from models.site import Site, Block

logger = logging.getLogger('peewee')
