def clean_points(self): points = [] if not self.cleaned_data.get('points'): return points try: json_points = json.loads(self.cleaned_data.get('points')) if not json_points: return points for p in json_points: _id = p.get('properties').get('id') if _id: point = models.Point.objects.get(id=_id) else: point = models.Point() point.coords = Point(p.get('coordinates')) point.address = p.get('properties').get('address') points.append(point) return points except ValueError: pass return points
def test_basic_u(self): np.random.seed(401) z_ref = -1 width = 10 length = 10 # planes x_planes = [] x_offsets = np.cumsum(np.random.randint(1, 3, 6)) - width / 2 for x in x_offsets: x_planes.append(models.Plane.from_axis_distance(axis=np.array([1, 0, 0]), distance=x)) y_planes = [] y_offsets = np.cumsum(np.random.randint(1, 3, 5)) - length / 2 for y in y_offsets: y_planes.append(models.Plane.from_axis_distance(axis=np.array([0, 1, 0]), distance=y)) # boundaries boundaries = [simulator.rectangle(x_planes[4], x=np.mean([y_offsets[3], y_offsets[2]]), y=0, w=y_offsets[3]-y_offsets[2]-0.3, h=2), simulator.rectangle(x_planes[5], x=np.mean([y_offsets[4], y_offsets[1]]), y=0, w=y_offsets[4]-y_offsets[1]-0.5, h=2), simulator.rectangle(y_planes[1], x=-np.mean([x_offsets[5], x_offsets[1]]), y=0, w=x_offsets[5]-x_offsets[1]-0.4, h=2), simulator.rectangle(y_planes[2], x=-np.mean([x_offsets[4], x_offsets[1]]), y=0, w=x_offsets[4]-x_offsets[1]-0.2, h=2), simulator.rectangle(y_planes[3], x=-np.mean([x_offsets[4], x_offsets[1]]), y=0, w=x_offsets[4]-x_offsets[1]-0.25, h=2), simulator.rectangle(y_planes[4], x=-np.mean([x_offsets[5], x_offsets[1]]), y=0, w=x_offsets[5]-x_offsets[1]-0.1, h=2) ] # evidence evidence_index = [((2, 2), (1, 1)), ((4, 2), (2, 1)), ((5, 2), (4, 1)), ((5, 4), (4, 2)), ((4, 4), (3, 3)), ((3, 4), (2, 3)), ((2, 4), (1, 3)), ((3, 1), (2, 0))] evidence = [models.Point(np.array([-2, 3, 0]))] for ev in evidence_index: tr_corner = np.array([x_offsets[ev[0][0]], y_offsets[ev[0][1]]]) bl_corner = np.array([x_offsets[ev[1][0]], y_offsets[ev[1][1]]]) diff = tr_corner - bl_corner center = np.mean(np.array([tr_corner, bl_corner]), axis=0) ellipse = simulator.ellipse(float(diff[0]) / 2, float(diff[1]) / 2, 3).rigid(np.eye(2), center) evidence.append(ellipse) # construct cell_complex = models.CellComplex2D(z_ref=z_ref, width=width, length=length, evidence=evidence) # cell_complex = models.CellComplex2D(z_ref=z_ref, width=width, length=length) for p in x_planes + y_planes: cell_complex.insert_partition(p) for b in boundaries: cell_complex.insert_boundary(b) speculator = estimators.FloorPlanSpeculator(cell_complex, horizon=1) scene_graph = speculator.floorplan() # scene_graph = cell_complex.cell_graph() cell_complex.draw(scene_graph)
def insert_Points_into_DB(): point_1 = models.Point( score=5, question= 'Из какого мультфильма строчки песни: Взгляни вокруг, оглянись назад, духи с тобой связаться хотят', wrong_answer='Скуби-Ду;Гравити Фолз;Рик и Морти', right_answer='Шаман Кинг', reaction= 'Неверно, это начало опенинга к аниме Шаман Кинг;Верно, а у тебя хорошее детство было :Р' ) point_2 = models.Point( score=5, question= 'Из какого фильма строчка песни: Со мною вот что происходит, ко мне мой лучший друг не ходит', wrong_answer='Двенадцать стульев;Полосатый рейс;Кавказская пленница', right_answer='Ирония судьбы', reaction= 'Неверно, это начальная песня советского фильма Ирония Судьбы;Верно!') point_3 = models.Point( score=10, question= 'Из какого мультфильма строчка песни: But the meteor men beg to differ', wrong_answer='Холодное сердце;Ледниковый период;Би муви', right_answer='Шрек', reaction= 'Неверно, это же All stars из Шрека;Верно, да ты фанат Шрека!!!') point_4 = models.Point( score=10, question= 'Из какого фильма строчка песни: And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night', wrong_answer='Телохранитель;Бойцовский клуб;Терминатор', right_answer='Рокки', reaction= 'Неверно, это Eye of the tiger, знаменитая песня из Рокки;Верно!')
def save_points(self): geo_json = self.cleaned_data.get('geo_json') points = [] for p in geo_json.get('points', []): point = models.Point() point.helprequest = self.instance point.user = self.instance.requester point.coords = Point(p.get('coordinates')) point.address = p.get('properties').get('address') points.append(point) self.instance.point_set.bulk_create(points) return points def iterateClusters(vectors, clusters, old=[]): new = assignCluster(vectors, clusters) iterateClusters(vectors, new, clusters) if __name__ == "__main__": vectors = [] clusters = [] k = 7 # Number of clusters data = helpers.readData('data_1024.csv', '\t') for coord in zip(data['Distance_Feature'], data['Speeding_Feature']): vector = models.Point(coord, None) vectors.append(vector) clusters = generateClusters(vectors, k) coordList = [ ] # Used for detecting duplicates, once a duplicate is shown the loop will break. while True: clusters = assignCluster(vectors, clusters) for y in clusters: coordList.append(y.coordinates) print(str(y.coordinates) + '\n -------') if len(helpers.listDuplicates(coordList)) != 0:
def get(self): template = JINJA_ENVIRONMENT.get_template('game.html') team_one_name = self.request.get('one') team_two_name = self.request.get('two') hypeTable = models.HypeTable.query( ndb.OR(models.HypeTable.teamOneName == team_one_name, models.HypeTable.teamOneName == team_two_name)).fetch()[0] team_one_coordinates = models.GeoData.query( models.GeoData.teamName == hypeTable.teamOneName).fetch()[0].coordinates.split('|') team_two_coordinates = models.GeoData.query( models.GeoData.teamName == hypeTable.teamTwoName).fetch()[0].coordinates.split('|') team_one_points = [ models.Point(point) for point in team_one_coordinates ] team_two_points = [ models.Point(point) for point in team_two_coordinates ] team_one_top_list = models.TopTweet.query( team_one_name == models.TopTweet.teamName).fetch() team_two_top_list = models.TopTweet.query( team_two_name == models.TopTweet.teamName).fetch() team_one_top = team_one_top_list[0] if len( team_one_top_list) > 0 else {} team_two_top = team_two_top_list[0] if len( team_two_top_list) > 0 else {} latest_tweets = models.LatestTweets.query( ndb.OR(models.LatestTweets.teamName == team_one_name, models.LatestTweets.teamName == team_two_name)).fetch() random.shuffle(latest_tweets) template_values = { 'game_title': hypeTable.gameTitle, 'game_time': hypeTable.gameTime, 'game_location': hypeTable.gameLocation, 'team_one_color': hypeTable.teamOneColor, 'team_two_color': hypeTable.teamTwoColor, 'team_one_name': hypeTable.teamOneName, 'team_two_name': hypeTable.teamTwoName, 'team_one_total': hypeTable.teamOneTweetTotal, 'team_two_total': hypeTable.teamTwoTweetTotal, 'team_one_hype': hypeTable.teamOneHype, 'team_two_hype': hypeTable.teamTwoHype, 'team_one_image': hypeTable.teamOneImage, 'team_two_image': hypeTable.teamTwoImage, 'team_one_hashtags': hypeTable.teamOneHashTags.split(','), 'team_two_hashtags': hypeTable.teamTwoHashTags.split(','), 'team_one_tweets': team_one_points, 'team_two_tweets': team_two_points, 'team_one_top': team_one_top, 'team_two_top': team_two_top, 'latest_tweets': latest_tweets, 'hype_history': hypeTable.gameHypeHistory, 'time_history': hypeTable.gameTimeHistory } self.response.write(template.render(template_values))
def print(*args, **kwargs): """ custom print function, adding functionality for Points """ new_args = [] for arg in args: if builtins.isinstance(arg, models.Point): new_args.append("({0}, {1})".format(arg.x, arg.y)) else: new_args.append(arg) builtins.print(*new_args, **kwargs) p = 2**256 - 2**32 - 2**9 - 2**8 - 2**7 - 2**6 - 2**4 - 1 curve = models.Curve(a=0, b=7, p=p) G_x = int("79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798", 16) G_y = int("483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8", 16) G = models.Point(G_x, G_y, curve) priv_key0 = 17 # should pick a huge number for priv_key pub_key0 = G * priv_key0 priv_key1 = 23 pub_key1 = G * priv_key1 print(pub_key0, pub_key1) print(pub_key0 * priv_key1 == pub_key1 * priv_key0) # should print True