Exemplo n.º 1
def save(user):
    if user.anonymous:
    buid = ObjectId(user.sysid)
    user_doc = { '_id': buid, 'name': user.name, 'chances': user.chances }
    database = connection()
Exemplo n.º 2
def log():
    user = users.current()
    if user.anonymous:
    query = { 'user.id': ObjectId(user.sysid) }
    database = connection();
    videos = database.screening.find(query)
    history_flat = []
    for video in videos:
            title = video['video']['title'],
            datetime = video['_id'].generation_time,
            date = video['_id'].generation_time.strftime('%B %d'),
            time = video['_id'].generation_time.strftime('%H:%M'),
            type = 'video'

    query = { 'author.id': ObjectId(user.sysid) }
    comments = database.comments.find(query)
    for comment in comments:
            title = comment['text'],
            datetime = comment['_id'].generation_time,
            date = comment['_id'].generation_time.strftime('%B %d'),
            time = comment['_id'].generation_time.strftime('%H:%M'),
            type = 'comment'

    history = OrderedDict()
    orderkey = lambda item: item['datetime']
    for item in sorted(history_flat, key=orderkey, reverse=True):
        history.setdefault(item['date'], []).append(item)

    g.profile_menu['active'] = 'log'
    return render_template('devel/log.html', history=history)
 def setUp(self):
     comment = {
         'author': {
             'id': ObjectId('5105246814867019544b45e7'),
             'name': 'vadim'
         'text': 'I feel free!',
         'review': 'unknown',
         'video': {
             'id': ObjectId('5129e49971eeccbbcaf90805'),
             'title': 'Snapple "Lighter Fruit"'
         'likes': [
         'time': 28.823
     user = {
         'name': 'test user: {0}'.format(repr(self)),
         'chances': 123
     video = {
         'duration' : 22,
         'random' : 0.31461311114729994,
         'vimeoid' : 24879869,
         'description' : 'The story of a cartoon character', 
         'title' : 'Overcast'
     self.database = connection()
     self.comment_id = str(self.database.comments.insert(comment))
     self.user_id = str(self.database.accounts.insert(user))
     self.video_id = str(self.database.videos.insert(video))
Exemplo n.º 4
def unlike(comment, user):
    database = connection()
    comment._likes -= 1
    comment.liked = False
    comment_id = ObjectId(comment.sysid)
    user_id = ObjectId(user.sysid)
    database.comments.update({'_id': comment_id},
                             {'$pop': {'likes': user_id}})
Exemplo n.º 5
def random():
    '''Get one random video resource from storage.'''
    database = connection()
    rand = rndm.random()
    found = database.videos.find_one({'random': {'$gte': rand}})
    if not found:
        found = database.videos.find_one({'random': {'$lt': rand}})
    return _video_from_dict(found)
 def setUp(self):
     username = '******'.format(repr(self))
     test_user = dict(name=username, chances=222)
     self.database = connection()
     self.user_id = str(self.database.accounts.insert(test_user))
     class TestConf(AppConfig):
         TESTING = True
     self.app = create_app(TestConf)
Exemplo n.º 7
def like(comment, user):
    database = connection()
    comment._likes += 1
    comment.liked = True
    comment_id = ObjectId(comment.sysid)
    user_id = ObjectId(user.sysid)
    database.comments.update({'_id': comment_id},
                             {'$addToSet': {'likes': user_id}})
Exemplo n.º 8
def find(resource_id):
    '''Find the video resource in the storage by it's identifier.'''
    resource_id = ObjectId(resource_id)
    database = connection()
    found = database.videos.find_one(resource_id)
    if not found:
        return None
    return _video_from_dict(found)
Exemplo n.º 9
def find(user_id):
    user_id = ObjectId(user_id)
    database = connection()
    user_doc = database.accounts.find_one(user_id)
    if not user_doc:
        return None
    sysid = str(user_doc['_id'])
    username = user_doc['name']
    chances = user_doc.get('chances', 0)
    return User(sysid, username, chances)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def setUp(self):
     '''Store sample video for tests'''
     data = {
         'duration' : 22,
         'random' : 0.31461311114729994,
         'vimeoid' : 24879869,
         'description' : 'The story of a cartoon character', 
         'title' : 'Overcast'
     self.database = connection()
     self.video_id = str(self.database.videos.insert(data))
Exemplo n.º 11
def screening_log(user, video):
    if user.anonymous:
        return None
    buid = ObjectId(user.sysid)
    rec = {
        'user': { 'id': buid, 'name': user.display_name },
        'video': { 'id': video.sysid, 'title': video.title }
    database = connection()
    screening_id = database.screening.insert(rec)
    database.accounts.update({ '_id': buid }, { '$inc': { 'chances': 1 } })
    return str(screening_id)
 def setUp(self):
     test = self
     class TestWebClient(object):
         def receive_tokens(self, code):
             return dict(access_token='test_access_token')
         def user_info(self, access_token):
             return dict(id=test.user_id, username=test.username)
     self.webclient_mock = TestWebClient()
     self.database = connection()
     self.service = AuthService('some_auth_code')
     class TestConf(AppConfig):
         TESTING = True
     self.app = create_app(TestConf)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def setUp(self):
     self.test_user_name = 'test user: {0}'.format(repr(self))
     test_user = {'name': self.test_user_name, 'chances': 222}
     self.database = connection()
     uid = self.database.accounts.save(test_user)
     self.test_user_id = str(uid)
     video = {
         'duration' : 22,
         'random' : 0.31461311114729994,
         'vimeoid' : 24879869,
         'description' : 'The story of a cartoon character', 
         'title' : 'Overcast'
     self.video_id = str(self.database.videos.insert(video))
 def setUp(self):
     test = self
     username = '******'.format(repr(self))
     test_user = dict(name=username, chances=222)
     self.database = connection()
     self.user_id = str(self.database.accounts.insert(test_user))
     class TestWebClient(object):
         def receive_tokens(self, code):
             return dict(access_token='test_access_token')
         def user_info(self, access_token):
             return dict(id=test.user_id, username=username)
     self.webclient_mock = TestWebClient()
     class TestConf(AppConfig):
         TESTING = True
     self.app = create_app(TestConf).test_client()
 def setUp(self):
     self.database = connection()
     user = {
         'name': 'test user: {0}'.format(repr(self)),
         'chances': 123
     video = {
         'duration' : 65,
         'random' : 0.31461311114729994,
         'vimeoid' : 24879869,
         'description' : 'The story of a cartoon character', 
         'title' : 'Overcast'
     user_id = str(self.database.accounts.insert(user))
     video_id = str(self.database.videos.insert(video))
     self.video = videos.find(video_id)
     self.user = users.find(user_id)
Exemplo n.º 16
def new_comment(video, user, text, time):
    comment = {
        'author': {
            'id': ObjectId(user.sysid),
            'name': user.display_name
        'text': text,
        'review': 'approved',
        'video': {
            'id': ObjectId(video.sysid),
            'title': video.title
        'time': time
    database = connection()
    comment['_id'] = database.comments.insert(comment)
    return _construct(comment)
 def setUp(self):
     video_data = {
         'duration' : 22,
         'random' : 0.31461311114729994,
         'vimeoid' : 24879869,
         'description' : 'The story of a cartoon character', 
         'title' : 'Overcast'
     self.database = connection()
     self.video_id = str(self.database.videos.insert(video_data))
     test_user_name = 'test user: {0}'.format(repr(self))
     test_user = dict(name=test_user_name, chances=222)
     uid = self.database.accounts.save(test_user)
     self.test_user_id = str(uid)
     redis_url = os.environ.get('REDISTOGO_URL')
     url = urlparse(redis_url)
     self.redis = StrictRedis(host=url.hostname, port=url.port, 
     self.prefix = 'watch-transaction:'
Exemplo n.º 18
def videos():
    database = connection();
    videos = list(database.videos.find())
    # found = set()
    # for video in videos:
    #     if video['title'] in found:
    #         database.videos.remove(video['_id'])
    #     else:
    #         found.add(video['title'])

    # videos = list(database.videos.find())
    for video in videos:
        query = { 'video.id': video['_id'] }
        comments = list(database.comments.find(query))
        video['comments'] = len(comments)
        video['likes'] = 0;
        for comment in comments:
            video['likes'] += len(comment.get('likes', []))
    g.profile_menu['active'] = 'videos'
    return render_template('devel/videos.html', videos=videos)
Exemplo n.º 19
def raffle():
    database = connection();
    allusers = list(database.accounts.find())
    tokens = []
    for user in allusers:
        tokens.extend([user['_id']] * user.get('chances', 0))
    total_tokens = len(tokens)
    target_tokens = int(round(total_tokens * 0.1))
    wons = defaultdict(int)
    for _ in range(target_tokens):
        token = random.choice(tokens)
        wons[token] += 1
    curr_user = users.current()
    total_sum = random.randint(20000, 30000)
    token_sum = float(total_sum) / target_tokens
    for user in allusers:
        user['wons'] = wons[user['_id']]
        user['sum'] = int(round(user['wons'] * token_sum))
        if (curr_user.sysid == str(user['_id'])):
            user['curr'] = True
    g.profile_menu['active'] = 'raffle'
    return render_template('devel/raffle.html', users=allusers, 
Exemplo n.º 20
def for_screening(video, user):
    database = connection()
    query = {'video.id': ObjectId(video.sysid), 'review': 'approved'}
    fields = {'time': 1}
    frame_length = 5 # seconds
    start_offset = 3 # seconds
    comids = list(database.comments.find(query, fields))
    marks = _create_time_marks(video.duration, frame_length, start_offset)
    comids = {com['_id']: com for com in _get_random_comments(comids, marks)}
    selcoms_query = {'_id': {'$in': list(iter(comids))}}
    selcoms = list(database.comments.find(selcoms_query))
    usid = user.sysid
    if not user.anonymous:
        usid = ObjectId(user.sysid)
    for com in selcoms:
        liked = 'likes' in com and usid in com['likes']
        comids[com['_id']]['liked'] = liked
    selcoms = [_construct(comment) for comment in selcoms]
    selcoms = sorted(selcoms, key=lambda com: com.sysid)
    for com in selcoms:
        commid = ObjectId(com.sysid)
        com.start = comids[commid]['start']
        com.liked = comids[commid]['liked']
    selcoms = sorted(selcoms, key=lambda com: com.start)
    start_message = 'Feel free to comment, please!'
    start_message = _system_comment(start_message, video)
    start_message.start = 0;
    selcoms.insert(0, start_message)
    selcoms_len = len(selcoms)
    if selcoms_len > 1 and selcoms_len <= len(marks):
        end_message = 'There is no more comments for this video. ' \
                      'You can write the brief about.'
        end_message = _system_comment(end_message, video)
        end_message.start = selcoms[-1].start + frame_length
    return selcoms
Exemplo n.º 21
def spam(comment):
    database = connection()
    comment._review = 'forbidden'
    comment_id = ObjectId(comment.sysid)
    database.comments.update({'_id': comment_id},
                             {'$set': {'review': comment._review}})
Exemplo n.º 22
def find(comment_id):
    database = connection()
    dbdata = database.comments.find_one(ObjectId(comment_id))
    if not dbdata:
        return None
    return _construct(dbdata)
Exemplo n.º 23
def approve(comment):
    database = connection()
    comment._review = 'approved'
    comment_id = ObjectId(comment.sysid)
    database.comments.update({'_id': comment_id}, 
                             {'$set': {'review': comment._review}})