def buildObjectCancel(self, oldobj, user): """Cancel a partially built object do it being destroyed or maually cancelled during construction""" u = User.all().filter('FacebookID =', user.FacebookID).get() # Proximity fetch milesToMeters = 1609.4 distance = Constants.getBaseDistance() * Constants.latToMiles() * milesToMeters # Find the build object cls = oldobj.getClass() query = cls.all().filter('isComplete =', False).filter('user =', u) obj = cls.proximity_fetch(query, oldobj.getPosition()[0], max_results = 1, max_distance = distance) if obj is None: logging.error("Unknown objects" + str(oldobj) + ":" + str(user)) return if len(obj) == 0: for val in query.fetch(1000): logging.error(val.toXML()) logging.error(val.location) logging.error(val.location_geocells) # Find out where the error is logging.error(str(distance)) pt = oldobj.getPosition() pos = pt[0] logging.error(pt) logging.error(pos) return obj = obj[0] # Get the first value of the fetch # Delete the built object obj.delete()
def check_save(): if not os.path.isfile(SAVE_FILE): logger.warning( "Provided save file does not exist. Creating a new one.") db.create_tables(ALL_MODELS) Constants.create( save_version=SAVE_VERSION, secret_token=secrets.token_bytes(32), api_token=secrets.token_hex(32), ) else: try: save_version = get_save_version() except: logger.error( "Database does not conform to expected format. Failed to start." ) sys.exit(2) if save_version != SAVE_VERSION: logger.warning( f"Save format {save_version} does not match the required version {SAVE_VERSION}!" ) logger.warning("Attempting upgrade") updated = False while save_version != SAVE_VERSION: updated = True save_backups = Path("save_backups") if not save_backups.is_dir(): save_backups.mkdir() backup_path = (save_backups.resolve() / f"{Path(SAVE_FILE).name}.{save_version}") logger.warning(f"Backing up old save as {backup_path}") shutil.copyfile(SAVE_FILE, backup_path) logger.warning(f"Starting upgrade to {save_version + 1}") try: upgrade(save_version) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) logger.error("ERROR: Could not start server") sys.exit(2) break else: logger.warning(f"Upgrade to {save_version + 1} done.") save_version = get_save_version() else: if updated: logger.warning("Upgrade process completed successfully.")
def logoutUser(self, user): """Logout the user and broadcast to all other users""" # Get the state and id channelId = self.channelId jsonState = self.state level = Constants.levelFromExperience(user) del jsonState.state[user.alias] # The key value pair addMessage = {"LOGOUT": {'alias' : user.alias, 'level' : level }} # Login in the user on all of the channels for alias, _ in jsonState.state.iteritems(): # Everyone except the user logging in if user.alias != alias: channel.send_message(channelId + alias, simplejson.dumps(addMessage)) # Save the object self.state.put() # Cache client = memcache.Client() if not client.replace("users", self.state): if not client.set("users", self.state): logging.error("Memcache failed in UserManager")
def loginUser(self, user): """Add a user to the user list""" # Get the state and id channelId = self.channelId level = Constants.levelFromExperience(user) jsonState = self.state jsonState.state[user.alias] = level # The key value pair addMessage = {"LOGIN": {'alias' : user.alias, 'level' : level }} # Login in the user on all of the channels for alias, _ in jsonState.state.iteritems(): # Everyone except the user logging in if user.alias != alias: channel.send_message(channelId + alias, simplejson.dumps(addMessage)) # Send the current state to the addMessage allState = {'LOGIN' : [{'alias': alias, 'level':level} for alias, level in jsonState.state.iteritems()]} message = simplejson.dumps(allState) channel.send_message(channelId + user.alias,message) # Save the object self.state.put() # Cache client = memcache.Client() if not client.replace("users", self.state): if not client.set("users", self.state): logging.error("Memcache failed in UserManager")
def check_save(): if not os.path.isfile(SAVE_FILE): logger.warning("Provided save file does not exist. Creating a new one.") db.create_tables(ALL_MODELS) Constants.create( save_version=SAVE_VERSION, secret_token=secrets.token_bytes(32) ) else: constants = Constants.get_or_none() if constants is None: logger.error( "Database does not conform to expected format. Failed to start." ) sys.exit(2) if constants.save_version != SAVE_VERSION: logger.warning( f"Save format {constants.save_version} does not match the required version {SAVE_VERSION}!" ) logger.warning("Attempting upgrade") updated = False while constants.save_version != SAVE_VERSION: updated = True logger.warning( f"Backing up old save as {SAVE_FILE}.{constants.save_version}" ) shutil.copyfile(SAVE_FILE, f"{SAVE_FILE}.{constants.save_version}") logger.warning(f"Starting upgrade to {constants.save_version + 1}") try: upgrade(constants.save_version) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) logger.error("ERROR: Could not start server") sys.exit(2) break else: logger.warning(f"Upgrade to {constants.save_version + 1} done.") constants = Constants.get() else: if updated: logger.warning("Upgrade process completed successfully.")
def upgrade(version): if version == 3: from models import GridLayer db.execute_sql( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _grid_layer AS SELECT * FROM grid_layer") db.drop_tables([GridLayer]) db.create_tables([GridLayer]) db.execute_sql("INSERT INTO grid_layer SELECT * FROM _grid_layer") Constants.update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 4: from models import Location db.foreign_keys = False db.execute_sql( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _location AS SELECT * FROM location") db.execute_sql("DROP TABLE location") db.create_tables([Location]) db.execute_sql("INSERT INTO location SELECT * FROM _location") db.foreign_keys = True Constants.update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() else: raise Exception( f"No upgrade code for save format {version} was found.")
def check_save(): if not os.path.isfile(SAVE_FILE): logger.warning( "Provided save file does not exist. Creating a new one.") db.create_tables(ALL_MODELS) Constants.create(save_version=SAVE_VERSION, secret_token=secrets.token_bytes(32)) else: constants = Constants.get_or_none() if constants is None: logger.error( "Database does not conform to expected format. Failed to start." ) sys.exit(2) if constants.save_version != SAVE_VERSION: logger.warning( f"Save version {constants.save_version} does not match expected {SAVE_VERSION}!" ) "Conversion scripts can potentially be applied to upgrade. For more information see the docs." ) sys.exit(2)
def satisfiesMinimumDistance(self, latlng): """If the tower satisfies the minimum distance from other towers, then it is true""" pt = db.GeoPt(latlng['latitude'], latlng['longitude']) # Find if their is a tower distance away from the pt. If there is even one object, this # function will return a value, and make satisfiesMinimumDistance false. for level in Tower.getTowerLevelRange(): filter = Tower.all().filter('Level =', level) box = Constants.getBoundingBoxPerLevel(level, pt) value = Tower.bounding_box_fetch(filter, box, max_results = 1) logging.error(len(value)) if len(value) != 0: return False return True
def upgrade(version): if version < 13: raise Exception( f"Upgrade code for this version is >1 year old and is no longer in the active codebase to reduce clutter. You can still find this code on github, contact me for more info." ) elif version == 13: from models import LocationUserOption, MultiLine, Polygon db.foreign_keys = False migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) migrate(migrator.drop_column("location_user_option", "active_filters")) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 14: db.foreign_keys = False migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) from models import GridLayer, Layer db.execute_sql( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "base_rect" ("shape_id" TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "width" REAL NOT NULL, "height" REAL NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("shape_id") REFERENCES "shape" ("uuid") ON DELETE CASCADE)' ) db.execute_sql( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "shape_type" ("shape_id" TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY ("shape_id") REFERENCES "shape" ("uuid") ON DELETE CASCADE)' ) shape_types = [ "asset_rect", "circle", "circular_token", "line", "multi_line", "polygon", "rect", "text", ] with db.atomic(): for table in shape_types: db.execute_sql( f"CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _{table} AS SELECT * FROM {table}" ) db.execute_sql(f"DROP TABLE {table}") for query in [ 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "asset_rect" ("shape_id" TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "width" REAL NOT NULL, "height" REAL NOT NULL, "src" TEXT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("shape_id") REFERENCES "shape" ("uuid") ON DELETE CASCADE)', 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "circle" ("shape_id" TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "radius" REAL NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("shape_id") REFERENCES "shape" ("uuid") ON DELETE CASCADE)', 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "circular_token" ("shape_id" TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "radius" REAL NOT NULL, "text" TEXT NOT NULL, "font" TEXT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("shape_id") REFERENCES "shape" ("uuid") ON DELETE CASCADE)', 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "line" ("shape_id" TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "x2" REAL NOT NULL, "y2" REAL NOT NULL, "line_width" INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("shape_id") REFERENCES "shape" ("uuid") ON DELETE CASCADE)', 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "multi_line" ("shape_id" TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "line_width" INTEGER NOT NULL, "points" TEXT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("shape_id") REFERENCES "shape" ("uuid") ON DELETE CASCADE)', 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "polygon" ("shape_id" TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "vertices" TEXT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("shape_id") REFERENCES "shape" ("uuid") ON DELETE CASCADE)', 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "rect" ("shape_id" TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "width" REAL NOT NULL, "height" REAL NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("shape_id") REFERENCES "shape" ("uuid") ON DELETE CASCADE)', 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "text" ("shape_id" TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "text" TEXT NOT NULL, "font" TEXT NOT NULL, "angle" REAL NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("shape_id") REFERENCES "shape" ("uuid") ON DELETE CASCADE)', ]: db.execute_sql(query) for table in shape_types: db.execute_sql( f"INSERT INTO {table} SELECT _{table}.* FROM _{table} INNER JOIN shape ON shape.uuid = _{table}.uuid" ) field = ForeignKeyField(Layer,, null=True) with db.atomic(): migrate(migrator.add_column("grid_layer", "layer_id", field)) for gl in l = Layer.get_or_none( if l: gl.layer = l else: gl.delete_instance() migrate(migrator.add_not_null("grid_layer", "layer_id")) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 15: migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): migrate( migrator.add_column("room", "is_locked", BooleanField(default=False)) ) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 16: migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): migrate( migrator.add_column( "location", "unit_size_unit", TextField(default="ft") ) ) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 17: migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): migrate( migrator.add_column( "polygon", "open_polygon", BooleanField(default=False) ), migrator.add_column("polygon", "line_width", IntegerField(default=2)), ) db.execute_sql( "INSERT INTO polygon (shape_id, line_width, vertices, open_polygon) SELECT shape_id, line_width, points, 1 FROM multi_line" ) db.execute_sql("DROP TABLE multi_line") db.execute_sql( "UPDATE shape SET type_ = 'polygon' WHERE type_ = 'multiline'" ) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 18: migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): migrate(migrator.add_column("user", "email", TextField(null=True))) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 19: db.foreign_keys = False migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) db.execute_sql( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "floor" ("id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "location_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "name" TEXT, "index" INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("location_id") REFERENCES "location" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE)' ) db.execute_sql( 'INSERT INTO floor (location_id, name, "index") SELECT id, "ground", 0 FROM location' ) with db.atomic(): db.execute_sql("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _layer AS SELECT * FROM layer") db.execute_sql("DROP TABLE layer") db.execute_sql( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "layer" ("id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "floor_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "name" TEXT NOT NULL, "type_" TEXT NOT NULL, "player_visible" INTEGER NOT NULL, "player_editable" INTEGER NOT NULL, "selectable" INTEGER NOT NULL, "index" INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("floor_id") REFERENCES "floor" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE)' ) db.execute_sql( 'INSERT INTO layer (id, floor_id, name, type_, player_visible, player_editable, selectable, "index") SELECT,,, type_, player_visible, player_editable, selectable, _layer."index" FROM _layer INNER JOIN floor ON floor.location_id = _layer.location_id' ) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 20: migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): migrate( migrator.add_column("shape", "badge", IntegerField(default=1)), migrator.add_column("shape", "show_badge", BooleanField(default=False)), ) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 21: migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): migrate( migrator.add_column("user", "invert_alt", BooleanField(default=False)) ) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 22: migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): db.execute_sql( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "marker" ("id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "shape_id" TEXT NOT NULL, "user_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "location_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("shape_id") REFERENCES "shape"("uuid") ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY ("location_id") REFERENCES "location" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "user"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE)' ) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 23: migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): migrate( migrator.add_column( "shape_owner", "edit_access", BooleanField(default=True) ), migrator.add_column( "shape_owner", "vision_access", BooleanField(default=True) ), migrator.add_column( "shape", "default_edit_access", BooleanField(default=False) ), migrator.add_column( "shape", "default_vision_access", BooleanField(default=False) ), ) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 24: migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): db.execute_sql( 'DELETE FROM "player_room" WHERE id IN (SELECT FROM "player_room" pr INNER JOIN "room" r ON = pr.room_id WHERE r.creator_id = pr.player_id )' ) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 25: # Move Room.dm_location and Room.player_location to PlayerRoom.active_location # Add PlayerRoom.role # Add order index on location from models import Location migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): migrate( migrator.add_column( "player_room", "active_location_id", ForeignKeyField( Location,, backref="players", on_delete="CASCADE", null=True, ), ), migrator.add_column("player_room", "role", IntegerField(default=0)), migrator.add_column("location", "index", IntegerField(default=0)), ) db.execute_sql( "UPDATE player_room SET active_location_id = (SELECT FROM room INNER JOIN location ON = location.room_id WHERE = room.player_location AND = player_room.room_id)" ) db.execute_sql( "INSERT INTO player_room (role, player_id, room_id, active_location_id) SELECT 1,,, FROM room r INNER JOIN user u ON = r.creator_id INNER JOIN location l ON = r.dm_location AND l.room_id =" ) db.execute_sql( "UPDATE location SET 'index' = (SELECT COUNT(*) + 1 FROM location l INNER JOIN room r WHERE location.room_id = AND l.room_id = AND l.'index' != 0) " ) migrate( migrator.drop_column("room", "player_location"), migrator.drop_column("room", "dm_location"), migrator.add_not_null("player_room", "active_location_id"), ) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 26: # Move Location settings to a separate LocationSettings table # Add a default_settings field to Room that refers to such a LocationSettings row from models import LocationOptions migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): db.execute_sql( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "location_options" ("id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "unit_size" REAL DEFAULT 5, "unit_size_unit" TEXT DEFAULT "ft", "use_grid" INTEGER DEFAULT 1, "full_fow" INTEGER DEFAULT 0, "fow_opacity" REAL DEFAULT 0.3, "fow_los" INTEGER DEFAULT 0, "vision_mode" TEXT DEFAULT "triangle", "vision_min_range" REAL DEFAULT 1640, "vision_max_range" REAL DEFAULT 3281, "grid_size" INTEGER DEFAULT 50)' ) migrate( migrator.add_column( "location", "options_id", ForeignKeyField( LocationOptions,, on_delete="CASCADE", null=True, ), ), migrator.add_column( "room", "default_options_id", ForeignKeyField( LocationOptions,, on_delete="CASCADE", null=True, ), ), ) data = db.execute_sql( """SELECT,, l.unit_size, l.unit_size_unit, l.use_grid, l.full_fow, l.fow_opacity, l.fow_los, l.vision_mode, l.vision_min_range, l.vision_max_range, g.size AS grid_size FROM location l INNER JOIN room r INNER JOIN floor f ON = (SELECT id FROM floor f2 WHERE f2.location_id = LIMIT 1) INNER JOIN layer la INNER JOIN grid_layer g WHERE = l.room_id AND la.floor_id = AND = 'grid' AND g.layer_id =""" ) room_options = {} descr = data.description mapping = { "unit_size": 0, "unit_size_unit": 1, "use_grid": 2, "full_fow": 3, "fow_opacity": 4, "fow_los": 5, "vision_mode": 6, "vision_min_range": 7, "vision_max_range": 8, "grid_size": 9, } default_row = [5, "ft", True, False, 0.3, False, "triangle", 1640, 3281, 50] for row in data.fetchall(): new_row = [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None] if row[1] not in room_options: room_options[row[1]] = db.execute_sql( "INSERT INTO location_options (unit_size, unit_size_unit, use_grid, full_fow, fow_opacity, fow_los, vision_mode, vision_min_range, vision_max_range, grid_size) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", default_row, ).lastrowid db.execute_sql( f"UPDATE room SET default_options_id = {room_options[row[1]]} WHERE id = {row[1]}" ) for col, val in zip(descr, row): if col[0] in ["id", "room_id"]: continue idx = mapping[col[0]] if val != default_row[idx]: new_row[idx] = val loc_id = db.execute_sql( "INSERT INTO location_options (unit_size, unit_size_unit, use_grid, full_fow, fow_opacity, fow_los, vision_mode, vision_min_range, vision_max_range, grid_size) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", new_row, ).lastrowid db.execute_sql( f"UPDATE location SET options_id = {loc_id} WHERE id = {row[0]}" ) migrate( migrator.add_not_null("room", "default_options_id"), migrator.drop_column("location", "unit_size"), migrator.drop_column("location", "unit_size_unit"), migrator.drop_column("location", "use_grid"), migrator.drop_column("location", "full_fow"), migrator.drop_column("location", "fow_opacity"), migrator.drop_column("location", "fow_los"), migrator.drop_column("location", "vision_mode"), migrator.drop_column("location", "vision_min_range"), migrator.drop_column("location", "vision_max_range"), migrator.drop_index("location", "location_room_id_name"), ) db.execute_sql("DROP TABLE 'grid_layer'") db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() else: raise Exception(f"No upgrade code for save format {version} was found.")
def upgrade(version): if version == 3: from models import GridLayer db.execute_sql( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _grid_layer AS SELECT * FROM grid_layer") db.drop_tables([GridLayer]) db.create_tables([GridLayer]) db.execute_sql("INSERT INTO grid_layer SELECT * FROM _grid_layer") Constants.update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 4: from models import Location db.foreign_keys = False db.execute_sql( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _location AS SELECT * FROM location") db.execute_sql("DROP TABLE location") db.create_tables([Location]) db.execute_sql("INSERT INTO location SELECT * FROM _location") db.foreign_keys = True Constants.update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 5: from models import Layer migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) field = ForeignKeyField(Layer,, backref="active_users", null=True) with db.atomic(): migrate( migrator.add_column("location_user_option", "active_layer_id", field)) from models import LocationUserOption LocationUserOption._meta.add_field("active_layer", field) for luo in luo.active_layer = == "tokens")[0] migrate( migrator.add_not_null("location_user_option", "active_layer_id")) Constants.update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 6: migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) migrate( migrator.drop_not_null("location_user_option", "active_layer_id")) Constants.update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 7: # Remove shape index unique constraint from models import Shape db.foreign_keys = False db.execute_sql("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _shape AS SELECT * FROM shape") db.execute_sql("DROP TABLE shape") db.create_tables([Shape]) db.execute_sql("INSERT INTO shape SELECT * FROM _shape") db.foreign_keys = True # Check all indices and reset to 0 index"Validating all shape indices") from models import Layer with db.atomic(): for layer in shapes = layer.shapes.order_by(fn.ABS(Shape.index)) for i, shape in enumerate(shapes): shape.index = i Constants.update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 8: from models import Polygon db.create_tables([Polygon]) Constants.update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 9: from models import Location db.foreign_keys = False migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) with db.atomic(): migrate( migrator.add_column("location", "vision_mode", Location.vision_mode), migrator.add_column("location", "vision_min_range", Location.vision_min_range), migrator.add_column("location", "vision_max_range", Location.vision_max_range), ) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() else: raise Exception( f"No upgrade code for save format {version} was found.")
def get_secret_token(): return Constants.get().secret_token
def getAllActiveUsers(self): """Return all active users""" return ArrayCollection([{'alias': u.alias, 'level' : Constants.levelFromExperience(u)} for u in User.all().filter('isLoggedIn =', True).fetch(1000)])
def buildObjectComplete(self, oldobj, user, broadcast): """Finish the object building""" logging.error("buildObjectComplete") u = User.all().filter('FacebookID =', user.FacebookID).get() # Proximity fetch milesToMeters = 1609.4 distance = Constants.getBaseDistance() * Constants.latToMiles() * milesToMeters # Find the build object cls = oldobj.getClass() query = cls.all().filter('isComplete =', False).filter('user ='******'user !=', u) for key in u.neighbors: neighbor = db.get(key) whichObject.filter('user !=', neighbor) for pos in obj.getPosition(): valueList = gameObject.proximity_fetch(whichObject, pos, max_results = 1000, max_distance = distance) if valueList is not None: # Iterate over the results for obj in valueList: otherUser = obj.user if not otherUser in u.neighbors: # Add to both neighbors u.neighbors.append(otherUser.key()) otherUser.neighbors.append(u.key()) otherUser.put() # Put the current user u.put() # Instantiate the game manager, and build the object if broadcast: manager = GameManager(u) return None
def upgrade(version): if version == 3: from models import GridLayer db.execute_sql("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _grid_layer AS SELECT * FROM grid_layer") db.drop_tables([GridLayer]) db.create_tables([GridLayer]) db.execute_sql("INSERT INTO grid_layer SELECT * FROM _grid_layer") Constants.update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 4: from models import Location db.foreign_keys = False db.execute_sql("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _location AS SELECT * FROM location") db.execute_sql("DROP TABLE location") db.create_tables([Location]) db.execute_sql("INSERT INTO location SELECT * FROM _location") db.foreign_keys = True Constants.update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 5: from models import Layer migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) field = ForeignKeyField(Layer,, backref="active_users", null=True) with db.atomic(): migrate( migrator.add_column("location_user_option", "active_layer_id", field) ) from models import LocationUserOption LocationUserOption._meta.add_field("active_layer", field) for luo in luo.active_layer = == "tokens" )[0] migrate(migrator.add_not_null("location_user_option", "active_layer_id")) Constants.update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 6: migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) migrate(migrator.drop_not_null("location_user_option", "active_layer_id")) Constants.update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 7: # Remove shape index unique constraint from models import Shape db.foreign_keys = False db.execute_sql("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _shape AS SELECT * FROM shape") db.execute_sql("DROP TABLE shape") db.create_tables([Shape]) db.execute_sql("INSERT INTO shape SELECT * FROM _shape") db.foreign_keys = True # Check all indices and reset to 0 index"Validating all shape indices") from models import Layer with db.atomic(): for layer in shapes = layer.shapes.order_by(fn.ABS(Shape.index)) for i, shape in enumerate(shapes): shape.index = i Constants.update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 8: from models import Polygon db.create_tables([Polygon]) Constants.update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 9: from models import Location db.foreign_keys = False migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) with db.atomic(): migrate( migrator.add_column("location", "vision_mode", Location.vision_mode), migrator.add_column( "location", "vision_min_range", Location.vision_min_range ), migrator.add_column( "location", "vision_max_range", Location.vision_max_range ), ) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 10: from models import Shape db.foreign_keys = False migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) with db.atomic(): migrate(migrator.add_column("shape", "name_visible", Shape.name_visible)) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 11: from models import Label, LocationUserOption, ShapeLabel db.foreign_keys = False migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) with db.atomic(): db.create_tables([Label, ShapeLabel]) migrate( migrator.add_column( "location_user_option", "active_filters", LocationUserOption.active_filters, ) ) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 12: from models import Label, LabelSelection db.foreign_keys = False migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) with db.atomic(): try: migrate(migrator.add_column("label", "category", Label.category)) except OperationalError as e: if e.args[0] != "duplicate column name: category": raise e db.create_tables([LabelSelection]) with db.atomic(): for label in Label: if ":" not in continue cat, *name =":") label.category = cat = ":".join(name) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 13: from models import LocationUserOption, MultiLine, Polygon db.foreign_keys = False migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) migrate(migrator.drop_column("location_user_option", "active_filters")) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 14: db.foreign_keys = False migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) from models import GridLayer, Layer db.execute_sql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "base_rect" ("shape_id" TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "width" REAL NOT NULL, "height" REAL NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("shape_id") REFERENCES "shape" ("uuid") ON DELETE CASCADE)') db.execute_sql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "shape_type" ("shape_id" TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY ("shape_id") REFERENCES "shape" ("uuid") ON DELETE CASCADE)') shape_types = [ "asset_rect", "circle", "circular_token", "line", "multi_line", "polygon", "rect", "text", ] with db.atomic(): for table in shape_types: db.execute_sql( f"CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _{table} AS SELECT * FROM {table}" ) db.execute_sql(f"DROP TABLE {table}") for query in [ 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "asset_rect" ("shape_id" TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "width" REAL NOT NULL, "height" REAL NOT NULL, "src" TEXT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("shape_id") REFERENCES "shape" ("uuid") ON DELETE CASCADE)', 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "circle" ("shape_id" TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "radius" REAL NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("shape_id") REFERENCES "shape" ("uuid") ON DELETE CASCADE)', 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "circular_token" ("shape_id" TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "radius" REAL NOT NULL, "text" TEXT NOT NULL, "font" TEXT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("shape_id") REFERENCES "shape" ("uuid") ON DELETE CASCADE)', 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "line" ("shape_id" TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "x2" REAL NOT NULL, "y2" REAL NOT NULL, "line_width" INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("shape_id") REFERENCES "shape" ("uuid") ON DELETE CASCADE)', 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "multi_line" ("shape_id" TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "line_width" INTEGER NOT NULL, "points" TEXT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("shape_id") REFERENCES "shape" ("uuid") ON DELETE CASCADE)', 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "polygon" ("shape_id" TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "vertices" TEXT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("shape_id") REFERENCES "shape" ("uuid") ON DELETE CASCADE)', 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "rect" ("shape_id" TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "width" REAL NOT NULL, "height" REAL NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("shape_id") REFERENCES "shape" ("uuid") ON DELETE CASCADE)', 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "text" ("shape_id" TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "text" TEXT NOT NULL, "font" TEXT NOT NULL, "angle" REAL NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("shape_id") REFERENCES "shape" ("uuid") ON DELETE CASCADE)', ]: db.execute_sql(query) for table in shape_types: db.execute_sql( f"INSERT INTO {table} SELECT _{table}.* FROM _{table} INNER JOIN shape ON shape.uuid = _{table}.uuid" ) field = ForeignKeyField(Layer,, null=True) with db.atomic(): migrate(migrator.add_column("grid_layer", "layer_id", field)) for gl in l = Layer.get_or_none( if l: gl.layer = l else: gl.delete_instance() migrate(migrator.add_not_null("grid_layer", "layer_id")) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 15: from peewee import BooleanField migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): migrate( migrator.add_column("room", "is_locked", BooleanField(default=False)) ) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() else: raise Exception(f"No upgrade code for save format {version} was found.")
def get_api_token(): return Constants.get().api_token
def upgrade(version): if version < 16: raise OldVersionException( f"Upgrade code for this version is >1 year old and is no longer in the active codebase to reduce clutter. You can still find this code on github, contact me for more info." ) elif version == 16: migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): migrate( migrator.add_column("location", "unit_size_unit", TextField(default="ft"))) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 17: migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): migrate( migrator.add_column("polygon", "open_polygon", BooleanField(default=False)), migrator.add_column("polygon", "line_width", IntegerField(default=2)), ) db.execute_sql( "INSERT INTO polygon (shape_id, line_width, vertices, open_polygon) SELECT shape_id, line_width, points, 1 FROM multi_line" ) db.execute_sql("DROP TABLE multi_line") db.execute_sql( "UPDATE shape SET type_ = 'polygon' WHERE type_ = 'multiline'") db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 18: migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): migrate(migrator.add_column("user", "email", TextField(null=True))) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 19: db.foreign_keys = False db.execute_sql( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "floor" ("id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "location_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "name" TEXT, "index" INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("location_id") REFERENCES "location" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE)' ) db.execute_sql( 'INSERT INTO floor (location_id, name, "index") SELECT id, "ground", 0 FROM location' ) with db.atomic(): db.execute_sql( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _layer AS SELECT * FROM layer") db.execute_sql("DROP TABLE layer") db.execute_sql( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "layer" ("id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "floor_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "name" TEXT NOT NULL, "type_" TEXT NOT NULL, "player_visible" INTEGER NOT NULL, "player_editable" INTEGER NOT NULL, "selectable" INTEGER NOT NULL, "index" INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("floor_id") REFERENCES "floor" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE)' ) db.execute_sql( 'INSERT INTO layer (id, floor_id, name, type_, player_visible, player_editable, selectable, "index") SELECT,,, type_, player_visible, player_editable, selectable, _layer."index" FROM _layer INNER JOIN floor ON floor.location_id = _layer.location_id' ) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 20: migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): migrate( migrator.add_column("shape", "badge", IntegerField(default=1)), migrator.add_column("shape", "show_badge", BooleanField(default=False)), ) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 21: migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): migrate( migrator.add_column("user", "invert_alt", BooleanField(default=False))) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 22: db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): db.execute_sql( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "marker" ("id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "shape_id" TEXT NOT NULL, "user_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "location_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("shape_id") REFERENCES "shape"("uuid") ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY ("location_id") REFERENCES "location" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "user"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE)' ) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 23: migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): migrate( migrator.add_column("shape_owner", "edit_access", BooleanField(default=True)), migrator.add_column("shape_owner", "vision_access", BooleanField(default=True)), migrator.add_column("shape", "default_edit_access", BooleanField(default=False)), migrator.add_column("shape", "default_vision_access", BooleanField(default=False)), ) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 24: db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): db.execute_sql( 'DELETE FROM "player_room" WHERE id IN (SELECT FROM "player_room" pr INNER JOIN "room" r ON = pr.room_id WHERE r.creator_id = pr.player_id )' ) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 25: # Move Room.dm_location and Room.player_location to PlayerRoom.active_location # Add PlayerRoom.role # Add order index on location from models import Location migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): migrate( migrator.add_column( "player_room", "active_location_id", ForeignKeyField( Location,, backref="players", on_delete="CASCADE", null=True, ), ), migrator.add_column("player_room", "role", IntegerField(default=0)), migrator.add_column("location", "index", IntegerField(default=0)), ) db.execute_sql( "UPDATE player_room SET active_location_id = (SELECT FROM room INNER JOIN location ON = location.room_id WHERE = room.player_location AND = player_room.room_id)" ) db.execute_sql( "INSERT INTO player_room (role, player_id, room_id, active_location_id) SELECT 1,,, FROM room r INNER JOIN user u ON = r.creator_id INNER JOIN location l ON = r.dm_location AND l.room_id =" ) db.execute_sql( "UPDATE location SET 'index' = (SELECT COUNT(*) + 1 FROM location l INNER JOIN room r WHERE location.room_id = AND l.room_id = AND l.'index' != 0) " ) migrate( migrator.drop_column("room", "player_location"), migrator.drop_column("room", "dm_location"), migrator.add_not_null("player_room", "active_location_id"), ) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 26: # Move Location settings to a separate LocationSettings table # Add a default_settings field to Room that refers to such a LocationSettings row from models import LocationOptions migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): db.execute_sql( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "location_options" ("id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "unit_size" REAL DEFAULT 5, "unit_size_unit" TEXT DEFAULT "ft", "use_grid" INTEGER DEFAULT 1, "full_fow" INTEGER DEFAULT 0, "fow_opacity" REAL DEFAULT 0.3, "fow_los" INTEGER DEFAULT 0, "vision_mode" TEXT DEFAULT "triangle", "vision_min_range" REAL DEFAULT 1640, "vision_max_range" REAL DEFAULT 3281, "grid_size" INTEGER DEFAULT 50)' ) migrate( migrator.add_column( "location", "options_id", ForeignKeyField( LocationOptions,, on_delete="CASCADE", null=True, ), ), migrator.add_column( "room", "default_options_id", ForeignKeyField( LocationOptions,, on_delete="CASCADE", null=True, ), ), ) data = db.execute_sql( """SELECT,, l.unit_size, l.unit_size_unit, l.use_grid, l.full_fow, l.fow_opacity, l.fow_los, l.vision_mode, l.vision_min_range, l.vision_max_range, g.size AS grid_size FROM location l INNER JOIN room r INNER JOIN floor f ON = (SELECT id FROM floor f2 WHERE f2.location_id = LIMIT 1) INNER JOIN layer la INNER JOIN grid_layer g WHERE = l.room_id AND la.floor_id = AND = 'grid' AND g.layer_id =""" ) room_options = {} descr = data.description mapping = { "unit_size": 0, "unit_size_unit": 1, "use_grid": 2, "full_fow": 3, "fow_opacity": 4, "fow_los": 5, "vision_mode": 6, "vision_min_range": 7, "vision_max_range": 8, "grid_size": 9, } default_row = [ 5, "ft", True, False, 0.3, False, "triangle", 1640, 3281, 50 ] for row in data.fetchall(): new_row = [ None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None ] if row[1] not in room_options: room_options[row[1]] = db.execute_sql( "INSERT INTO location_options (unit_size, unit_size_unit, use_grid, full_fow, fow_opacity, fow_los, vision_mode, vision_min_range, vision_max_range, grid_size) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", default_row, ).lastrowid db.execute_sql( f"UPDATE room SET default_options_id = {room_options[row[1]]} WHERE id = {row[1]}" ) for col, val in zip(descr, row): if col[0] in ["id", "room_id"]: continue idx = mapping[col[0]] if val != default_row[idx]: new_row[idx] = val loc_id = db.execute_sql( "INSERT INTO location_options (unit_size, unit_size_unit, use_grid, full_fow, fow_opacity, fow_los, vision_mode, vision_min_range, vision_max_range, grid_size) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", new_row, ).lastrowid db.execute_sql( f"UPDATE location SET options_id = {loc_id} WHERE id = {row[0]}" ) migrate( migrator.add_not_null("room", "default_options_id"), migrator.drop_column("location", "unit_size"), migrator.drop_column("location", "unit_size_unit"), migrator.drop_column("location", "use_grid"), migrator.drop_column("location", "full_fow"), migrator.drop_column("location", "fow_opacity"), migrator.drop_column("location", "fow_los"), migrator.drop_column("location", "vision_mode"), migrator.drop_column("location", "vision_min_range"), migrator.drop_column("location", "vision_max_range"), migrator.drop_index("location", "location_room_id_name"), ) db.execute_sql("DROP TABLE 'grid_layer'") db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 27: # Fix broken schemas from older save upgrades db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): db.execute_sql( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _floor AS SELECT * FROM floor") db.execute_sql("DROP TABLE floor") db.execute_sql( 'CREATE TABLE "floor" ("id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "location_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "index" INTEGER NOT NULL, "name" TEXT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("location_id") REFERENCES "location" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE)' ) db.execute_sql( 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "floor_location_id" ON "floor" ("location_id")' ) db.execute_sql( 'INSERT INTO floor (id, location_id, "index", name) SELECT id, location_id, "index", name FROM _floor' ) db.execute_sql( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _label AS SELECT * FROM label") db.execute_sql("DROP TABLE label") db.execute_sql( 'CREATE TABLE "label" ("uuid" TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "user_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "category" TEXT, "name" TEXT NOT NULL, "visible" INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "user" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE)' ) db.execute_sql( 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "label_user_id" ON "label" ("user_id")' ) db.execute_sql( "INSERT INTO label (uuid, user_id, category, name, visible) SELECT uuid, user_id, category, name, visible FROM _label" ) db.execute_sql( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _layer AS SELECT * FROM layer") db.execute_sql("DROP TABLE layer") db.execute_sql( 'CREATE TABLE "layer" ("id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "floor_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "name" TEXT NOT NULL, "type_" TEXT NOT NULL, "player_visible" INTEGER NOT NULL, "player_editable" INTEGER NOT NULL, "selectable" INTEGER NOT NULL, "index" INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("floor_id") REFERENCES "floor" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE)' ) db.execute_sql( 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "layer_floor_id" ON "layer" ("floor_id")' ) db.execute_sql( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "layer_floor_id_index" ON "layer" ("floor_id", "index")' ) db.execute_sql( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "layer_floor_id_name" ON "layer" ("floor_id", "name")' ) db.execute_sql( 'INSERT INTO layer (id, floor_id, name, type_, player_visible, player_editable, selectable, "index") SELECT id, floor_id, name, type_, player_visible, player_editable, selectable, "index" FROM _layer' ) db.execute_sql( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _location AS SELECT * FROM location") db.execute_sql("DROP TABLE location") db.execute_sql( 'CREATE TABLE "location" ("id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "room_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "name" TEXT NOT NULL, "options_id" INTEGER, "index" INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("room_id") REFERENCES "room" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY ("options_id") REFERENCES "location_options" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE)' ) db.execute_sql( 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "location_room_id" ON "location" ("room_id")' ) db.execute_sql( 'INSERT INTO location (id, room_id, name, options_id, "index") SELECT id, room_id, name, options_id, "index" FROM _location' ) db.execute_sql( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _location_options AS SELECT * FROM location_options" ) db.execute_sql("DROP TABLE location_options") db.execute_sql( 'CREATE TABLE "location_options" ("id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "unit_size" REAL, "unit_size_unit" TEXT, "use_grid" INTEGER, "full_fow" INTEGER, "fow_opacity" REAL, "fow_los" INTEGER, "vision_mode" TEXT, "grid_size" INTEGER, "vision_min_range" REAL, "vision_max_range" REAL)' ) db.execute_sql( 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "location_options_id" ON "location" ("options_id")' ) db.execute_sql( "INSERT INTO location_options (id, unit_size, unit_size_unit, use_grid, full_fow, fow_opacity, fow_los, vision_mode, grid_size, vision_min_range, vision_max_range) SELECT id, unit_size, unit_size_unit, use_grid, full_fow, fow_opacity, fow_los, vision_mode, grid_size, vision_min_range, vision_max_range FROM _location_options" ) db.execute_sql( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _location_user_option AS SELECT * FROM location_user_option" ) db.execute_sql("DROP TABLE location_user_option") db.execute_sql( 'CREATE TABLE "location_user_option" ("id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "location_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "user_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "pan_x" INTEGER NOT NULL, "pan_y" INTEGER NOT NULL, "zoom_factor" REAL NOT NULL, "active_layer_id" INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY ("location_id") REFERENCES "location" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "user" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY ("active_layer_id") REFERENCES "layer" ("id"))' ) db.execute_sql( 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "location_user_option_location_id" ON "location_user_option" ("location_id")' ) db.execute_sql( 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "location_user_option_active_layer_id" ON "location_user_option" ("active_layer_id")' ) db.execute_sql( 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "location_user_option_user_id" ON "location_user_option" ("user_id")' ) db.execute_sql( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "location_user_option_location_id_user_id" ON "location_user_option" ("location_id", "user_id")' ) db.execute_sql( "INSERT INTO location_user_option (id, location_id, user_id, pan_x, pan_y, zoom_factor, active_layer_id) SELECT id, location_id, user_id, pan_x, pan_y, zoom_factor, active_layer_id FROM _location_user_option" ) db.execute_sql( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _marker AS SELECT * FROM marker") db.execute_sql("DROP TABLE marker") db.execute_sql( 'CREATE TABLE "marker" ("id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "shape_id" TEXT NOT NULL, "user_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "location_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("shape_id") REFERENCES "shape" ("uuid") ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "user" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY ("location_id") REFERENCES "location" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE)' ) db.execute_sql( 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "marker_location_id" ON "marker" ("location_id")' ) db.execute_sql( 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "marker_shape_id" ON "marker" ("shape_id")' ) db.execute_sql( 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "marker_user_id" ON "marker" ("user_id")' ) db.execute_sql( 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "marker_location_id" ON "marker" ("location_id")' ) db.execute_sql( "INSERT INTO marker (id, shape_id, user_id, location_id) SELECT id, shape_id, user_id, location_id FROM _marker" ) db.execute_sql( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _player_room AS SELECT * FROM player_room" ) db.execute_sql("DROP TABLE player_room") db.execute_sql( 'CREATE TABLE "player_room" ("id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "role" INTEGER NOT NULL, "player_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "room_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "active_location_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("player_id") REFERENCES "user" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY ("room_id") REFERENCES "room" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY ("active_location_id") REFERENCES "location" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE)' ) db.execute_sql( 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "player_room_active_location_id" ON "player_room" ("active_location_id")' ) db.execute_sql( 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "player_room_player_id" ON "player_room" ("player_id")' ) db.execute_sql( 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "player_room_room_id" ON "player_room" ("room_id")' ) db.execute_sql( "INSERT INTO player_room (id, role, player_id, room_id, active_location_id) SELECT id, role, player_id, room_id, active_location_id FROM _player_room" ) db.execute_sql( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _polygon AS SELECT * FROM polygon") db.execute_sql("DROP TABLE polygon") db.execute_sql( 'CREATE TABLE "polygon" ("shape_id" TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "vertices" TEXT NOT NULL, "line_width" INTEGER NOT NULL, "open_polygon" INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("shape_id") REFERENCES "shape" ("uuid") ON DELETE CASCADE)' ) db.execute_sql( "INSERT INTO polygon (shape_id,vertices, line_width, open_polygon) SELECT shape_id,vertices, line_width, open_polygon FROM _polygon" ) db.execute_sql( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _room AS SELECT * FROM room") db.execute_sql("DROP TABLE room") db.execute_sql( 'CREATE TABLE "room" ("id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "name" TEXT NOT NULL, "creator_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "invitation_code" TEXT NOT NULL, "is_locked" INTEGER NOT NULL, "default_options_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("creator_id") REFERENCES "user" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY ("default_options_id") REFERENCES "location_options" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE)' ) db.execute_sql( 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "room_creator_id" ON "room" ("creator_id")' ) db.execute_sql( 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "room_default_options_id" ON "room" ("default_options_id")' ) db.execute_sql( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "room_invitation_code" ON "room" ("invitation_code")' ) db.execute_sql( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "room_name_creator_id" ON "room" ("name", "creator_id")' ) db.execute_sql( "INSERT INTO room (id, name, creator_id, invitation_code, is_locked, default_options_id) SELECT id, name, creator_id, invitation_code, is_locked, default_options_id FROM _room" ) db.execute_sql( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _shape AS SELECT * FROM shape") db.execute_sql("DROP TABLE shape") db.execute_sql( 'CREATE TABLE "shape" ("uuid" TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "layer_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "type_" TEXT NOT NULL, "x" REAL NOT NULL, "y" REAL NOT NULL, "name" TEXT, "name_visible" INTEGER NOT NULL, "fill_colour" TEXT NOT NULL, "stroke_colour" TEXT NOT NULL, "vision_obstruction" INTEGER NOT NULL, "movement_obstruction" INTEGER NOT NULL, "is_token" INTEGER NOT NULL, "annotation" TEXT NOT NULL, "draw_operator" TEXT NOT NULL, "index" INTEGER NOT NULL, "options" TEXT, "badge" INTEGER NOT NULL, "show_badge" INTEGER NOT NULL, "default_edit_access" INTEGER NOT NULL, "default_vision_access" INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("layer_id") REFERENCES "layer" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE)' ) db.execute_sql( 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "shape_layer_id" ON "shape" ("layer_id")' ) db.execute_sql( 'INSERT INTO shape (uuid, layer_id, type_, x, y, name, name_visible, fill_colour, stroke_colour, vision_obstruction, movement_obstruction, is_token, annotation, draw_operator, "index", options, badge, show_badge, default_edit_access, default_vision_access) SELECT uuid, layer_id, type_, x, y, name, name_visible, fill_colour, stroke_colour, vision_obstruction, movement_obstruction, is_token, annotation, draw_operator, "index", options, badge, show_badge, default_edit_access, default_vision_access FROM _shape' ) db.execute_sql( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _user AS SELECT * FROM user") db.execute_sql("DROP TABLE user") db.execute_sql( 'CREATE TABLE "user" ("id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "name" TEXT NOT NULL, "email" TEXT, "password_hash" TEXT NOT NULL, "fow_colour" TEXT NOT NULL, "grid_colour" TEXT NOT NULL, "ruler_colour" TEXT NOT NULL, "invert_alt" INTEGER NOT NULL)' ) db.execute_sql( "INSERT INTO user (id, name, email, password_hash, fow_colour, grid_colour, ruler_colour, invert_alt) SELECT id, name, email, password_hash, fow_colour, grid_colour, ruler_colour, invert_alt FROM _user" ) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 28: # Add invisibility toggle to shapes db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): db.execute_sql( "ALTER TABLE shape ADD COLUMN is_invisible INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0" ) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 29: # Add movement access permission migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): db.execute_sql( "ALTER TABLE shape ADD COLUMN default_movement_access INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0" ) db.execute_sql( "ALTER TABLE shape_owner ADD COLUMN movement_access INTEGER") db.execute_sql( "UPDATE shape_owner SET movement_access = CASE WHEN edit_access = 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END" ) migrate(migrator.add_not_null("shape_owner", "movement_access"), ) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 30: # Add spawn locations db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): db.execute_sql( 'ALTER TABLE location_options ADD COLUMN spawn_locations TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT "[]"' ) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 31: # Add shape movement lock db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): db.execute_sql( "ALTER TABLE shape ADD COLUMN is_locked INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0" ) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 32: # Add Shape.angle and Shape.stroke_width db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): db.execute_sql( "ALTER TABLE shape ADD COLUMN angle INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0" ) db.execute_sql( "ALTER TABLE shape ADD COLUMN stroke_width INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 2" ) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 33: # Add Floor.player_visible db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): db.execute_sql( "ALTER TABLE floor ADD COLUMN player_visible INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1" ) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 34: # Fix Floor.index db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): data = db.execute_sql("SELECT id FROM location") for location_id in data.fetchall(): db.execute_sql( f"UPDATE floor SET 'index' = (SELECT COUNT(*)-1 FROM floor f WHERE f.location_id = {location_id[0]} AND <= ) WHERE location_id = {location_id[0]}" ) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 35: # Move grid size to client options db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): db.execute_sql( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _location_options AS SELECT * FROM location_options" ) db.execute_sql("DROP TABLE location_options") db.execute_sql( 'CREATE TABLE "location_options" ("id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "unit_size" REAL, "unit_size_unit" TEXT, "use_grid" INTEGER, "full_fow" INTEGER, "fow_opacity" REAL, "fow_los" INTEGER, "vision_mode" TEXT, "vision_min_range" REAL, "vision_max_range" REAL, "spawn_locations" TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT "[]")' ) db.execute_sql( 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "location_options_id" ON "location" ("options_id")' ) db.execute_sql( "INSERT INTO location_options (id, unit_size, unit_size_unit, use_grid, full_fow, fow_opacity, fow_los, vision_mode, vision_min_range, vision_max_range, spawn_locations) SELECT id, unit_size, unit_size_unit, use_grid, full_fow, fow_opacity, fow_los, vision_mode, vision_min_range, vision_max_range, spawn_locations FROM _location_options" ) db.execute_sql( "ALTER TABLE user ADD COLUMN grid_size INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 50" ) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 36: # Change polygon vertices format from { x: number, y: number } to number[] db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): data = db.execute_sql("SELECT shape_id, vertices FROM polygon") for row in data.fetchall(): try: vertices = json.loads(row[1]) if len(vertices) == 0 or isinstance(vertices[0], list): continue vertices = json.dumps([[v["x"], v["y"]] for v in vertices]) db.execute_sql( f"UPDATE 'polygon' SET 'vertices' = '{vertices}' WHERE 'shape_id' = '{row[0]}'" ) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: print(f"Failed to update polygon vertices! {row}") db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 37: # Change shape.angle from integer field to float field db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): db.execute_sql( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _shape AS SELECT * FROM shape") db.execute_sql("DROP TABLE shape") db.execute_sql( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "shape" ("uuid" TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "layer_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "type_" TEXT NOT NULL, "x" REAL NOT NULL, "y" REAL NOT NULL, "name" TEXT, "name_visible" INTEGER NOT NULL, "fill_colour" TEXT NOT NULL, "stroke_colour" TEXT NOT NULL, "vision_obstruction" INTEGER NOT NULL, "movement_obstruction" INTEGER NOT NULL, "is_token" INTEGER NOT NULL, "annotation" TEXT NOT NULL, "draw_operator" TEXT NOT NULL, "index" INTEGER NOT NULL, "options" TEXT, "badge" INTEGER NOT NULL, "show_badge" INTEGER NOT NULL, "default_edit_access" INTEGER NOT NULL, "default_vision_access" INTEGER NOT NULL, is_invisible INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, default_movement_access INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, is_locked INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, angle REAL NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, stroke_width INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 2, FOREIGN KEY ("layer_id") REFERENCES "layer" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE)' ) db.execute_sql( 'CREATE INDEX "shape_layer_id" ON "shape" ("layer_id")') db.execute_sql( "INSERT INTO shape (uuid, layer_id, type_, x, y, name, name_visible, fill_colour, stroke_colour, vision_obstruction, movement_obstruction, is_token, annotation, draw_operator, 'index', options, badge, show_badge, default_edit_access, default_vision_access, is_invisible, default_movement_access, is_locked, angle, stroke_width) SELECT uuid, layer_id, type_, x, y, name, name_visible, fill_colour, stroke_colour, vision_obstruction, movement_obstruction, is_token, annotation, draw_operator, 'index', options, badge, show_badge, default_edit_access, default_vision_access, is_invisible, default_movement_access, is_locked, angle, stroke_width FROM _shape" ) db.execute_sql( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _text AS SELECT * FROM text") db.execute_sql("DROP TABLE text") db.execute_sql( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "text" ("shape_id" TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "text" TEXT NOT NULL, "font" TEXT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("shape_id") REFERENCES "shape" ("uuid") ON DELETE CASCADE);' ) db.execute_sql( "INSERT INTO text (shape_id, text, font) SELECT shape_id, text, font FROM _text" ) db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 38: # Change polygon vertices format from { x: number, y: number } to number[] db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): data = db.execute_sql("SELECT shape_id, vertices FROM polygon") for row in data.fetchall(): try: vertices = json.loads(row[1]) if len(vertices) == 0 or isinstance(vertices[0], list): continue vertices = json.dumps([[v["x"], v["y"]] for v in vertices]) db.execute_sql( f"UPDATE polygon SET vertices = '{vertices}' WHERE shape_id = '{row[0]}'" ) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: print(f"Failed to update polygon vertices! {row}") db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() elif version == 39: # Fix Shape.index being set to 'index' from models import Layer db.foreign_keys = False with db.atomic(): with db.atomic(): for layer in shapes = for i, shape in enumerate(shapes): shape.index = i db.foreign_keys = True Constants.get().update(save_version=Constants.save_version + 1).execute() else: raise UnknownVersionException( f"No upgrade code for save format {version} was found.")