Exemplo n.º 1
        def import_placemarks(placemark_list):
            feature_count = 0

            for o in placemark_list:

                # Check to make sure that the object is a Placemark, filter out folder objects
                if type(o) is Placemark:

                    table = etree.fromstring(o.description)
                    attributes = table.xpath("//text()")
                    # TODO test attributes is even length
                    attributes_dict = dict(zip(attributes[0::2], attributes[1::2]))

                    mlp_occ = Occurrence()

                    # REQUIRED FIELDS #

                    # Validate Basis of Record
                    if attributes_dict.get("Basis Of Record") in ("Fossil", "FossilSpecimen", "Collection"):
                        mlp_occ.basis_of_record = "FossilSpecimen"
                    elif attributes_dict.get("Basis Of Record") in ("Observation", "HumanObservation"):
                        mlp_occ.basis_of_record = "HumanObservation"

                    # Validate Item Type
                    item_type = attributes_dict.get("Item Type")
                    if item_type in ("Artifact", "Artifactual", "Archeology", "Archaeological"):
                        mlp_occ.item_type = "Artifactual"
                    elif item_type in ("Faunal", "Fauna"):
                        mlp_occ.item_type = "Faunal"
                    elif item_type in ("Floral", "Flora"):
                        mlp_occ.item_type = "Floral"
                    elif item_type in ("Geological", "Geology"):
                        mlp_occ.item_type = "Geological"

                    # Field Number
                        mlp_occ.field_number = datetime.strptime(attributes_dict.get("Time"), "%b %d, %Y, %I:%M %p")  # parse field nubmer
                        mlp_occ.year_collected = mlp_occ.field_number.year  # set the year collected form field number
                    except ValueError:
                        mlp_occ.field_number = datetime.now()
                        mlp_occ.problem = True
                            error_string = "Upload error, missing field number, using current date and time instead."
                            mlp_occ.problem_comment = mlp_occ.problem_comment + " " +error_string
                        except TypeError:
                            mlp_occ.problem_comment = error_string

                    #utmPoint = utm.from_latlon(o.geometry.y, o.geometry.x)

                    # Process point, comes in as well known text string
                    # Assuming point is in GCS WGS84 datum = SRID 4326
                    pnt = GEOSGeometry("POINT (" + str(o.geometry.x) + " " + str(o.geometry.y) + ")", 4326)  # WKT
                    mlp_occ.geom = pnt

                    # NON-REQUIRED FIELDS #
                    mlp_occ.barcode = attributes_dict.get("Barcode")
                    mlp_occ.item_number = mlp_occ.barcode
                    mlp_occ.catalog_number = "MLP-" + str(mlp_occ.item_number)
                    mlp_occ.remarks = attributes_dict.get("Remarks")
                    mlp_occ.item_scientific_name = attributes_dict.get("Scientific Name")
                    mlp_occ.item_description = attributes_dict.get("Description")

                    # Validate Collecting Method
                    collection_method = attributes_dict.get("Collection Method")
                    if collection_method in ("Surface Standard", "Standard"):
                        mlp_occ.collecting_method = "Surface Standard"
                    elif collection_method in ("Surface Intensive", "Intensive"):
                        mlp_occ.collecting_method = "Surface Intensive"
                    elif collection_method in ("Surface Complete", "Complete"):
                        mlp_occ.collecting_method = "Surface Complete"
                    elif collection_method in ("Exploratory Survey", "Exploratory"):
                        mlp_occ.collecting_method = "Exploratory Survey"
                    elif collection_method in ("Dry Screen 5mm", "Dry Screen 5 Mm", "Dry Screen 5 mm"):
                        mlp_occ.collecting_method = "Dry Screen 5mm"
                    elif collection_method in ("Dry Screen 2mm", "Dry Screen 2 Mm", "Dry Screen 2 mm"):
                        mlp_occ.collecting_method = "Dry Screen 2mm"
                    elif collection_method in ("Dry Screen 1mm", "Dry Screen 1 Mm", "Dry Screen 1 mm"):
                        mlp_occ.collecting_method = "Dry Screen 1mm"
                    # else:
                    #     mlp_occ.collecting_method = None
                    #     mlp_occ.problem = True
                    #     mlp_occ.problem_comment = mlp_occ.problem_comment + " problem importing collecting method"

                    mlp_occ.collecting_method = attributes_dict.get("Collection Method")
                    mlp_occ.collector = attributes_dict.get("Collector")
                    mlp_occ.individual_count = attributes_dict.get("Count")
                    #if mlp_occ:
                    #    mlp_occ.year_collected = mlp_occ.field_number.year

                    if attributes_dict.get("In Situ") in ('No', "NO", 'no'):
                        mlp_occ.in_situ = False
                    elif attributes_dict.get("In Situ") in ('Yes', "YES", 'yes'):
                        mlp_occ.in_situ = True

                    # Save Image #
                    image_file = ""
                    image_added = False
                    # Now look for images if this is a KMZ
                    if KML_file_extension.lower() == "kmz":
                        # grab image names from XML
                        image_tags = table.xpath("//img/@src")
                        # grab the name of the first image
                            image_tag = image_tags[0]
                            # grab the file info from the zip list
                            for file_info in KMZ_file.filelist:
                                if image_tag == file_info.orig_filename:
                                    # grab the image file itself
                                    image_file = KMZ_file.extract(file_info, "media/uploads/images/mlp")
                                    image_added = True
                        except IndexError:

                    # need to save record before adding image in order to obtain the DB ID
                    if image_added:
                        # strip off the file name from the path
                        image_path = image_file[:image_file.rfind(os.sep)]
                        # construct new file name
                        new_file_name = image_path + os.sep + str(mlp_occ.id) + "_" + image_tag
                        # rename extracted file with DB record ID
                        os.rename(image_file, new_file_name)
                        # need to strip off "media" folder from relative path saved to DB
                        mlp_occ.image = new_file_name[new_file_name.find(os.sep)+1:]
                    feature_count += 1

                elif type(o) is not Placemark:
                    raise IOError("KML File is badly formatted")
Exemplo n.º 2
    def create_data_csv(self, request, queryset):
        response = HttpResponse(
            content_type='text/csv')  # declare the response type
            'Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="SF_data.csv"'  # declare the file name
        writer = unicodecsv.writer(response)  # open a .csv writer
        o = Occurrence()  # create an empty instance of an occurrence object
        b = Biology()  # create an empty instance of a biology object

        occurrence_field_list = o.__dict__.keys(
        )  # fetch the fields names from the instance dictionary
        try:  # try removing the state field from the list
            occurrence_field_list.remove('_state')  # remove the _state field
        except ValueError:  # raised if _state field is not in the dictionary list
        try:  # try removing the geom field from the list
        except ValueError:  # raised if geom field is not in the dictionary list
        # Replace the geom field with two new fields
            "point_x")  # add new fields for coordinates of the geom object

        biology_field_list = b.__dict__.keys()  # get biology fields
        try:  # try removing the state field
        except ValueError:  # raised if _state field is not in the dictionary list

        # For now this method handles all occurrences and corresponding #
        # data from the biology table for faunal occurrences.           #
        writer.writerow(occurrence_field_list +
                        biology_field_list)  # write column headers

        for occurrence in queryset:  # iterate through the occurrence instances selected in the admin
            # The next line uses string comprehension to build a list of values for each field
            occurrence_dict = occurrence.__dict__
            # Check that instance has geom
                occurrence_dict['point_x'] = occurrence.geom.get_x(
                )  # translate the occurrence geom object
                occurrence_dict['point_y'] = occurrence.geom.get_y()
            except AttributeError:  # If no geom data exists write None to the dictionary
                occurrence_dict['point_x'] = None
                occurrence_dict['point_y'] = None

            # Next we use the field list to fetch the values from the dictionary.
            # Dictionaries do not have a reliable ordering. This code insures we get the values
            # in the same order as the field list.
            try:  # Try writing values for all keys listed in both the occurrence and biology tables
                    occurrence.__dict__.get(k) for k in occurrence_field_list
                ] + [
                    for k in biology_field_list
            except ObjectDoesNotExist:  # Django specific exception
                    occurrence.__dict__.get(k) for k in occurrence_field_list
            except AttributeError:  # Django specific exception
                    occurrence.__dict__.get(k) for k in occurrence_field_list

        return response