Exemplo n.º 1
 async def create_store(self, ctx, name: str):
     """ Create a store """
     store = Store.find_one({'name': name})
     if not store:
         store = Store.insert_one({'name': name})
         return await ctx.send(f'```css\nCreated store "{name}"\n```')
     await ctx.send(f'```fix\nA store already exists with that name\n```')
Exemplo n.º 2
    async def store_stock(self, ctx, store_name: str, item_name: str):
        store = Store.find_one({'name': store_name})
        if not store:
            return await ctx.send(
                f'```fix\nCould not find store "{store_name}"\n```')
        item = Item.find_one({'name': item_name})
        if not item:
            return await ctx.send(
                f'```fix\nCould not find item "{item_name}"\n```')

        store = Prodict.from_dict(store)
        item = Prodict.from_dict(item)
        if store.item_list:
            if item.id in store['item_list']:
                return await ctx.send(
                    f'```fix\nItem "{item_name}" already exists in "{store_name}"\n```'
            print('not exist')
            store.item_list = [item.id]


        await ctx.send(f'```css\nStocked "{item_name}" in "{store_name}"\n```')
Exemplo n.º 3
    async def view(self, ctx, store=None):
        """ View store """
        user = await author.get(ctx.author)
        store_list = ''
        stores = StoreModel.find()
        loaded_store = None
        if store is None:
            if not stores:
                return await ctx.send(f'```fix\nThere are no stores setup"\n```')
            if stores.count() == 1:
                loaded_store = Prodict.from_dict(stores[0])
                item_list = ''
                loaded_store.inventory = sorted(loaded_store.inventory, key=curried.get_in(['price']), reverse=False)
                for i, item in enumerate(loaded_store.inventory):
                    item = Prodict.from_dict(item)
                    if user['quote_to'] != 'USD':
                        rates = await coins.rate_convert()
                        item.price = rates[user['quote_to']] * item.price
                        item.payout = rates[user['quote_to']] * item.payout
                    formatted_price = currency.symbol(user["quote_to"]) + '{0:.2f}'.format(item.price)
                    formatted_payout = "{0:.2f}".format(item.payout)
                    item_list += f'{i + 1}. {item.name}{" " * (15 - len(item.name))}{formatted_price}{" " * (10 - len(formatted_price))}{item.about.format(payout=formatted_payout, rate=str(item.rate) + " minutes")}\n'
                return await ctx.send(
                    f'```py\n{user.quote_to}\nStore name: {loaded_store.name}\n\nItem{" " * (18 - len("item"))}Price{" " * (10 - len("price"))}Description\n\n{item_list}\n\nQoins represent a USD value by default, the prices will convert depending upon what quote currency you have set on your account.  Use the "{self.config.prefix[0]}sq <currency symbol>" command to change it```')
            for i, _store in enumerate(stores):
                _store = Prodict.from_dict(_store)
                item_count = len(_store.inventory)
                store_list += f'\n{i + 1}. {_store.name}{" " * (12 - len("Name"))}{item_count}{" " * (10 - len(str(item_count)))}{_store.about}'
            store_list_head = f'\nName{" " * (15 - len("Name"))}Item Count{" " * (10 - len("item"))}Description'

            await ctx.send(f'```diff\nStore list:\n{store_list_head}{store_list}\n```')
            return await ctx.send_help('view')

        store_list = []
        for i, _store in enumerate(stores):
        if store.isnumeric():
            if int(store) - 1 in range(len(store_list)):
                loaded_store = store_list[int(store) - 1]
            loaded_store = StoreModel.find_one({'name': store})

        if not loaded_store:
            return await ctx.send(f'```fix\nCould not find store "{store}"\n```')

        loaded_store = Prodict.from_dict(loaded_store)
        item_list = ''
        for i, item in enumerate(loaded_store.inventory):
            item = Prodict.from_dict(item)
            if user['quote_to'] != 'USD':
                rates = await coins.rate_convert()
                item.price = rates[user['quote_to']] * item.price
                item.payout = rates[user['quote_to']] * item.payout
            formatted_price = currency.symbol(user["quote_to"]) + '{0:.2f}'.format(item.price)
            formatted_payout = "{0:.2f}".format(item.payout)

            item_list += f'{i + 1}. {item.name}{" " * (18 - len(item.name))}{formatted_price}{" " * (10 - len(formatted_price))}{item.about.format(payout=formatted_payout)}\n'
        await ctx.send(
            f'```py\n{user.quote_to}\n{loaded_store.name}\n\nItem{" " * (21 - len("item"))}Price{" " * (10 - len("price"))}Description\n\n{item_list}```')