Exemplo n.º 1
def manage_create_blog():
    return {
            "key": tag.id,
            "value": tag.name
        } for tag in (yield from Tags.find_all())])
Exemplo n.º 2
def api_edit_blog(request, *, id, name, description, summary, content,
                  category_id, tags):
    if not name or not name.strip():
        raise APIValueError('name', 'name can not be empty')
    if not summary or not summary.strip():
        raise APIValueError('summary', 'summary can not be empty')
    if not content or not content.strip():
        raise APIValueError('content', 'content can not be empty')
    #blog = Blog(user_id = request.__user__.id, user_name= request.__user__.name, user_image = request.__user__.image, name = name.strip(), summary = summary.strip(), content = content.strip())
    blog = yield from Blog.find(id)
    if not blog:
        raise APIValueError('id', 'request path error, id : {}'.format(id))

    category = yield from Category.find(category_id)
    if category:
        #raise APIValueError('category', 'can not find category, category_id:{}'.format(category_id))
        category_id = category.id
        category_name = category.name
        category_name = ''

    tag_ids = []
    if len(tags) > 0:
        for tag in tags:
            if tag["key"]:
                rs = yield from Tags.find(tag["key"])
                if rs:
                rs = yield from Tags.find_all("name=?", [tag["value"]])
                if len(rs) > 0:
                else:  #create new tag
                    tag = Tags(name=tag["value"])
                    rows, lastrowid = yield from tag.save()

    blog.name = name
    blog.description = description
    blog.summary = summary
    blog.content = content
    blog.category_id = category_id
    blog.category_name = category_name
    blog.tags = ",".join([str(id) for id in tag_ids])
    blog.updated_at = time.time()
    yield from blog.update()
    return blog
Exemplo n.º 3
def api_get_blog(*, id):
    blog = yield from Blog.find(id)

    tags = []
    if blog.tags:
        for tag_id in blog.tags.split(","):
            tag = yield from Tags.find(tag_id)
            if tag:
                tags.append({"key": tag.id, "value": tag.name})

    blog.tags = tags
    blog.alltags = [{
        "key": tag.id,
        "value": tag.name
    } for tag in (yield from Tags.find_all())]

    return blog