Exemplo n.º 1
    def post(self):
        stationid = self.request.get("stationid")
        threshold = self.request.get("threshold")
        twittername = self.request.get("twittername")

        logging.info("added alert on %s for %s to @%s", stationid, threshold, twittername)

        if stationid and threshold and twittername:
            t = TwitterAlert(stationid=stationid, amount=int(threshold), twittername=twittername)

        self.redirect("/station/%s/?flash=Alarm toegevoegd!" % stationid)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get(self):
        logging.info("scanning twitter alerts")

        q = ParticulateData.all()
        q.filter("date", date.today())
        results = q.fetch(1000)

        for result in results:
            # Check if there are outstanding alerts

            q2 = TwitterAlert.all()
            q2.filter("stationid", result.stationid)
            alerts = q2.fetch(1000)

            for alert in alerts:
                logging.info("result value %d alert on %d", result.value, alert.amount)

                if result.value > alert.amount:
                    # Send Tweet
                    targetuser = alert.twittername

                    logging.info("tweet to %s", targetuser)

                    updateString = (
                        "@%s De waarde voor station %s is morgen te hoog, nl: %d, zie: http://www.vervuilingsalarm.nl/station/%s/"
                        % (targetuser, result.stationid, result.value, result.stationid)

                    twitterQueue = taskqueue.Queue("twitterqueue")
                    twitterTask = taskqueue.Task(url="/sendtweets/worker/", params={"update": updateString})